
analysis World War III

Spaceship Spaceship

oldtimer Let's not leave anyone behindTop Member
I believe that President Biden was right when he said that Russia is going to Invade Ukraine.

Any intelligent person is going to come to the same conclusion knowing that Russia has already decided to pay any price imposed on it by the West through sanctions.

Short of full military confrontation by the West there is nothing that can make Russia to change its mind as they see this as a golden opportunity to resurrect the once powerful superpower that was equal to the USA.

But Russia’s ambitions are not going to stop with taking over Ukraine since it already has made plans to increase its sphere of influence to Asia, Middle East, and South America and perhaps the whole World knowing that the West is most likely not going to do anything beyond just imposing sanctions which ultimately will hurt the West itself by effecting the Global economy in an adverse way the longer that they go on.

I personally don’t like any of the old ideologies, philosophies, and doctrines of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Religious Fundamentalism and all the other “ism” that are derived from the bad human characteristics of Greed, Lust, Hate, Cruelty, Jealousy, Prejudice, and lack of Empathy and that have been infringing on our rights in one way or another throughout the history because they can only exist through supporting inequality, oppression, suppression, torture, killing, and War.

When it comes to saving the World the last thing that I want to see is the further expansion of these old systems that have all already proven to be a failure in dealing with the existential problems that are currently facing Humanity and the Environment.

We don’t want all these political, Religious, and Racial parties and groups to resurrect their past, we want something new that can propel the World into the next Era that is based on the Universal Principles and Values that have been derived through Logic and Compassion and not through Force and Violence.

By “We” I mean all the Intelligent, Righteous, and Peace loving people of the World.


Thread rules: everyone is invited to participate as long as things are kept on topic and are on the constructive, professional, and respectful side (personal attacks and demeaning of others will not be tolerated). Do not overwhelm this thread with memes and if you provide a link to an article you must give a brief explanation as to what it is about so that people know ahead of time what they are clicking on.
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Here are a few things to think about.

I was just thinking whether there could be such a person as a good Oligarch (or for that matter a good Billionaire or a good religious leader like a Cardinal or even a good Politician) who despite being super rich, but doesn’t live in a mansion and doesn’t own multiple luxury cars and yachts and who uses all his wealth and power to serve the people by building new schools, hospitals, and by providing food and shelter for the needy.

If I ever become a billionaire I believe I will be considered such a person and sometimes I wonder why it is that those who actually care about the Humanity and our Home Planet and who want to do some good in their lives are somewhat struggling and those who don’t give a darn about anyone or anything all become super rich.

On a different subject I was thinking that when it comes to Nuclear weapons we automatically think of missiles carrying Nuclear warheads, but what if a Nuclear bomb is delivered to its destination by a truck and what if there are Nuclear bombs already shipped and waiting to be detonated at certain locations in Ukraine.

For a while now I have also been worrying whether a convoy of trucks carrying Nuclear bombs could enter the US through the southern border and pass through where I live in West Texas.

I believe that in today’s World with so much uncertainty there should be better security at the borders. No vehicle of any kind should be allowed to pass through the borders without a thorough inspection.

On yet another subject I have been wondering what kind of a World are we going to live in going forward from here and if things can ever become normal.

How can we get the situation with Nuclear War, Covid, Global Warming, Automation and AI, and all the social inequalities, hostilities, and hardships under control when those whom we count on being intelligent are all acting like animals.

There is only one explanation that comes to my mind,

Whatever it is that controls us from within is not human and doesn’t give a darn about Humanity and this Planet.

I'm afraid it is inevitable (unless China jumps in with Russia) that a bio/chem/nuke weapon will be used in/against Ukraine.

Any one of those weapons, if used without doubt, would result in what will eventually be known as WW3. Someone I know that is retired from a VERY high rank has said from the start he felt a tactical nuke is the most likely scenario.

If/when this happens, may God have mercy on us all.


U.S. cannot 'take lightly' threat Russia could use nuclear weapons - CIA chief​

WASHINGTON, April 14 (Reuters) - The threat of Russia potentially using tactical or low-yield nuclear weapons in Ukraine cannot be taken lightly, but the CIA has not seen a lot of practical evidence reinforcing that concern, CIA Director William Burns said on Thursday.

Burns' most extensive public comments since Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24 underscored concerns that the biggest attack against a European state since 1945 risks escalating to the use of nuclear weapons.

Earlier on Thursday, Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council and a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, warned NATO that Moscow would deploy nuclear weapons and hypersonic missiles in Kaliningrad, a Russian enclave in the heart of Europe, if Sweden and Finland joined the Atlantic alliance. read more

Burns spoke at Georgia Tech of the "potential desperation" and setbacks dealt Putin, whose forces have suffered heavy losses and have been forced to retreat from some parts of northern Ukraine after failing to capture Kyiv.

For those reasons, "none of us can take lightly the threat posed by a potential resort to tactical nuclear weapons or low-yield nuclear weapons," Burns said. (more...)
I have to agree, Russia is known to use Chemical weapon from the past , so I think they will use some in this conflict , there will come a point in this conflict that Putin will completely have his back against the wall , rather it’s the West who engages with Ukraine or a near by country allies with Ukraine , so I do think Putin will end up firing Nukes , the only way I see Putin not firing Nukes is if China joins in the conflict with Russia , otherwise I think Putin Nukes , to what degree is more the question.

Right now , I still think Putin is sand bagging , possibly trying to make the West think Russia is much weaker than they are , possibly trying to draw the EU or the West into the conflict , that is how things appear to me right now IMO
That is the primary reason they would resort to tactical nukes.

Their 'conventional' systems of weapons have suffered significant losses and the ability to rebuild is difficult and time consuming.

The sinking of one of three of their top tier surface vessels will likely be the deciding (decided) factor in using an non-conventional weapon. It is only a matter of time now unless Ukraine submits or China jumps in with more advanced conventional weapons.
I think Putin is achieving his goal right now , I feel he wants people to believe Russia is weak military, it’s working , Putin is playing his game of Chess , and I feel right now people are playing right into the checkmate IMO
Here are a few things to think about.

I was just thinking whether there could be such a person as a good Oligarch (or for that matter a good Billionaire or a good religious leader like a Cardinal or even a good Politician) who despite being super rich, but doesn’t live in a mansion and doesn’t own multiple luxury cars and yachts and who uses all his wealth and power to serve the people by building new schools, hospitals, and by providing food and shelter for the needy.

If I ever become a billionaire I believe I will be considered such a person and sometimes I wonder why it is that those who actually care about the Humanity and our Home Planet and who want to do some good in their lives are somewhat struggling and those who don’t give a darn about anyone or anything all become super rich.

On a different subject I was thinking that when it comes to Nuclear weapons we automatically think of missiles carrying Nuclear warheads, but what if a Nuclear bomb is delivered to its destination by a truck and what if there are Nuclear bombs already shipped and waiting to be detonated at certain locations in Ukraine.

For a while now I have also been worrying whether a convoy of trucks carrying Nuclear bombs could enter the US through the southern border and pass through where I live in West Texas.

I believe that in today’s World with so much uncertainty there should be better security at the borders. No vehicle of any kind should be allowed to pass through the borders without a thorough inspection.

On yet another subject I have been wondering what kind of a World are we going to live in going forward from here and if things can ever become normal.

How can we get the situation with Nuclear War, Covid, Global Warming, Automation and AI, and all the social inequalities, hostilities, and hardships under control when those whom we count on being intelligent are all acting like animals.

There is only one explanation that comes to my mind,

Whatever it is that controls us from within is not human and doesn’t give a darn about Humanity and this Planet.

I agree with you, Nuclear weapons come in more sorts than a missile , air to ground nukes for instance are not all guided missiles , they can be used for Carpet bombing even , any explosive combined with enriched uranium that carries a decent load can do the same thing as a nuke missile , it will sweep out in all directions and flatten anything with its range path. The less the load , the less the fallout of area afterwards
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Putin is a tyrant.

The loss of the Navy flagship although puts Russia in a big disadvantage militarily, but I am sure that it will have a major effect in uniting the Russian people behind the War efforts with Ukraine and in their eyes justifies the devastation that is being brought on Cities like Mariupol.

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If Russia are as bad at nuclear war as they are at conventional war there's nothing to worry about.
They do genocide here, it is not just war with our Army.
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There is nothing sacred in russian s0ldiers and they cannot be called soldiers. They are not human! They are worse than barbarians.
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Me and my sugar ants,

Every spring an army of sugar ants invades my kitchen countertop looking for scraps of food.

I like this little sugar ants because they are harmless and it keeps me entertained observing them while they are my guests.

I leave different kinds of food morsels on the countertop for them to see what they like to eat, but for the most part they like anything that’s sweet.

If I accidentally hit something on the counter they all run and hide, but they come back again after a few minutes.

I have noticed that a drop of water can be deadly to them and when I am washing my dishes I am always very careful not to get the countertop wet, but if a drop of water splashes on one of them accidentally I immediately dry that one out with a soft paper tissue and it makes me very happy after it comes back to life again.

I go out of my way to make sure that they are not harmed. While they are here I try not to use any spray cleaners on where they are so that they won’t get poisoned and when I want to turn my stove on to cook something I always make sure to hit my hand on the countertop a few times so that they run away from that area.

My cat leaves the sugar ants alone because they are just too tiny for his curiosity and I wouldn’t let it jump on the kitchen countertop anyway.

I have a certain respect for all peaceful lifeforms, every spring I plant some flowers for the birds and the bees and I like to watch the little hummingbirds come and eat the nectar from them. Sometimes they hover within inches of my face and I like to think that they are thanking me for providing them with food.

There are some rabbits in my yard too which when chased by the neighborhood dogs they seek sanctuary in my patio and surprisingly sit right next to me and my cat.

I like to have all these animals in my yard as I think of my garden more like a mini ecosystem. Even the ones that might be somewhat dangerous I try to leave alone as long as they stay away from me and my cat.

I am even nice to dogs and have owned a few in the past, but I don’t want them to come in my yard and scare my cat and so I try to chase them away when I see them in my yard although I never hit them or throw anything at them, I just make some noise and chase after them letting them know that this is my turf.

Although the dogs are supposed to be kept on a leash, but as usual my neighbors are not very considerate and sometimes when they see me sitting outside they intentionally let their dogs loose to disturb my peace.

It seems to me that humans are the most vicious animals of all and that they are specially dangerous because they use their intelligence to find better ways to harm and kill others.

I wish that someday soon in the near future people are going to stop being so Evil and that everyone can be taught to respect other lifeforms, but for now it seems that everyone wants to pretend to be civilized while pointing fingers at others.

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The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Lyudmila Denisova informed about new cases of sexual assault by Russiab occupiers in Bucha and Irpin in Kyiv Oblast. It’s about 14 years old girl, 11 years old boy, 20 years old young woman.

Denisova mentioned about this in her Telegram-channel.


According to her, 14 years old girl was raped by five Russians in Bucha, she is pregnant now.

Besides, in the same city, 11 years old boy was raped in front of his tied to a chair woman.

Also in Irpin, three terrorists raped 20 years old woman at all possible places.

“Rape is strictly prohibited by Article 27 of the 1949 Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War” – Denisova wrote.

She appealed to the UN Commission to Investigate Human Rights Violations during Russia’s Military Invasion of Ukraine and an expert mission established by the OSCE participating States in accordance with the Moscow Mechanism to take into account these Russian war crimes in Ukraine.
What is going on in Ukraine is very disturbing and is a reflection on the Humanity as a whole.

But we can't be vocal about it only when it's happening to us, we have to put a stop to all Human Rights violations no matter where and when in the World those are taking place.


Number of civilians found dead in Kyiv region passes 900​

"More than 900 civilian bodies have been discovered in the region surrounding the Ukrainian capital after the withdrawal of Russian forces, most of them fatally shot, police have said.

Andriy Nebytov, the head of Kyiv’s regional police force, said that around Kyiv, bodies were abandoned in the street or given temporary burials. He cited police data indicating that 95% had died from gunshot wounds.

“Consequently, we understand that under the occupation, people were simply executed in the streets,” Nebytov said.

More bodies were being found every day, under rubble and in mass graves, he said. The largest number of victims were found in Bucha, where there were more than 350."

The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Lyudmila Denisova informed about new cases of sexual assault by Russiab occupiers in Bucha and Irpin in Kyiv Oblast. It’s about 14 years old girl, 11 years old boy, 20 years old young woman.

Denisova mentioned about this in her Telegram-channel.


According to her, 14 years old girl was raped by five Russians in Bucha, she is pregnant now.

Besides, in the same city, 11 years old boy was raped in front of his tied to a chair woman.

Also in Irpin, three terrorists raped 20 years old woman at all possible places.

“Rape is strictly prohibited by Article 27 of the 1949 Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War” – Denisova wrote.

She appealed to the UN Commission to Investigate Human Rights Violations during Russia’s Military Invasion of Ukraine and an expert mission established by the OSCE participating States in accordance with the Moscow Mechanism to take into account these Russian war crimes in Ukraine.
Meanwhile, this is what a russian wife tells his husband to do in Ukraine. Sickening.

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I wish that someday soon in the near future people are going to stop being so Evil and that everyone can be taught to respect other lifeforms, but for now it seems that everyone wants to pretend to be civilized while pointing fingers at others.

At present, Ukraine is the most polluted country on the planet. Besides committing attrocities and genocide, Russia has created an ecological wasteland that will take decades to clean up. What I find troubling is that apparently Putin's domestic popularity rating has risen to 80%, if that is even credible.

Russian state mouthpiece says the situation has now entered WW3 with NATO. There will be no peace until Putin is gone IMO

Mondo Kudos to Ukraine...keep up the good fight!! 🇺🇦(y)

Russian occupiers raped at least 25 girls aged 14 to 24 in Bucha​


During the occupation of Bucha, Kyiv region, the Russian occupiers raped about 25 girls and women aged 14 and 24 in the basement of a house.

This was reported by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Lyudmila Denisova in a comment to the BBC.

“About 25 girls and women aged 14 to 24 were systematically raped during the occupation in the basement of one house in Bucha. Nine of them are pregnant”, Denisova said.

She noted that Russian soldiers had told women that they were raping them to the point that they would not want to have sexual intercourse with any man in order to prevent them from having Ukrainian children.

The ombudsman said that they were receiving several calls on support helplines and also getting information through channels on the Telegram messaging app.

“A 25-year-old woman called to tell us her 16-year-old sister was raped in the street in front of her. She said they were screaming ‘This will happen to every Nazi prostitute’, as they raped her sister, Denisova said.

They shot them and then drove over them with tanks

She noted that it is currently impossible to estimate the scale of sexual crimes committed by Russian troops during the occupation.

“It’s impossible at the moment because not everyone is willing to tell us what happened to them. The majority of them are currently seeking psychological support, so we cannot record those as crimes unless they give us their testimony”, Denisova said.

Earlier, evidence of genocide of the Ukrainians was found in the settlements of Kyiv region after its liberation, including mass killings, torture and rape of civilians.
There is nothing sacred in russian s0ldiers and they cannot be called soldiers. They are not human! They are worse than barbarians.

Putin's 'soldiers', supporters, apologists, ...... - I stick them all under 'Putin's pigs'. But that term is still too good for them.

10,000 civilians dead and 120,000 remain in Mariupol​


Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, at least 10,000 civilians have died in Mariupol, about 120,000 are in dire need of food, water and medicine.

This was stated by the mayor of the besieged city Vadym Boychenko in an interview with the Associated Press.

“Corpses are carpeted through the streets”, the mayor said.

Current whereabouts of Boychenko is unknown, he remains in Ukraine but outside Mariupol.

The mayor added that there are still about 120,000 civilians who remain in Mariupol and are in dire need of food, water and medicine.

The mayor received a message that the Russians were collecting bodies and storing them in refrigerators at the shopping center. He also told about mobile crematoriums spotted in the city.

Earlier, evidence of genocide of the Ukrainians was found in the settlements of Kyiv region after its liberation, including mass killings, torture and rape of civilians.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba called on the mission of the International Criminal Court to come to Kyiv region to gather evidence of Russian war crimes.
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10,000 civilians dead and 120,000 remain in Mariupol​


Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, at least 10,000 civilians have died in Mariupol, about 120,000 are in dire need of food, water and medicine.

This was stated by the mayor of the besieged city Vadym Boychenko in an interview with the Associated Press.

“Corpses are carpeted through the streets”, the mayor said.

Current whereabouts of Boychenko is unknown, he remains in Ukraine but outside Mariupol.

The mayor added that there are still about 120,000 civilians who remain in Mariupol and are in dire need of food, water and medicine.

The mayor received a message that the Russians were collecting bodies and storing them in refrigerators at the shopping center. He also told about mobile crematoriums spotted in the city.

Earlier, evidence of genocide of the Ukrainians was found in the settlements of Kyiv region after its liberation, including mass killings, torture and rape of civilians.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba called on the mission of the International Criminal Court to come to Kyiv region to gather evidence of Russian war crimes.

These attrocities are clearly not only evidence of genocide toward Ukrainians, but the RUS army's blatant disregard for life marks these horrors as collective crimes against humanity that affect us all. :vomit:

At present, Ukraine is the most polluted country on the planet. Besides committing attrocities and genocide, Russia has created an ecological wasteland that will take decades to clean up. What I find troubling is that apparently Putin's domestic popularity rating has risen to 80%, if that is even credible.

Russian state mouthpiece says the situation has now entered WW3 with NATO. There will be no peace until Putin is gone IMO

Mondo Kudos to Ukraine...keep up the good fight!! 🇺🇦(y)
Yes this is a manmade disaster that might even get worse if Chemical or Nuclear weapons are used and are absorbed in the ecosystem, but I guess no one really is going to care about that while people are dying in the thousands.

I am specifically concerned about the Russian ship that was taken to the deep waters and then was sunk. The Nuclear leak and contamination of that area is going to cause problems for years to come.

As far as the Ukrainians fighting a good fight I guess at this point there is really no other choice since all the peace talks have collapsed, but I wish that it didn't have to come to this because now I believe that the killings are going to intensify.

At present, Ukraine is the most polluted country on the planet. Besides committing attrocities and genocide, Russia has created an ecological wasteland that will take decades to clean up.
Not to mention the massive amount of carbon emissions being produced.
Not to mention the massive amount of carbon emissions being produced.

Global Warming is currently on the backburner as even a limited regional nuclear war could trigger a Nuclear Winter and global famine. :hungry:

10,000 civilians dead and 120,000 remain in Mariupol​


Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, at least 10,000 civilians have died in Mariupol, about 120,000 are in dire need of food, water and medicine.

This was stated by the mayor of the besieged city Vadym Boychenko in an interview with the Associated Press.

“Corpses are carpeted through the streets”, the mayor said.

Current whereabouts of Boychenko is unknown, he remains in Ukraine but outside Mariupol.

The mayor added that there are still about 120,000 civilians who remain in Mariupol and are in dire need of food, water and medicine.

The mayor received a message that the Russians were collecting bodies and storing them in refrigerators at the shopping center. He also told about mobile crematoriums spotted in the city.

Earlier, evidence of genocide of the Ukrainians was found in the settlements of Kyiv region after its liberation, including mass killings, torture and rape of civilians.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba called on the mission of the International Criminal Court to come to Kyiv region to gather evidence of Russian war crimes.
Reminds me of images out of Syria, everything flattened, lives lost, suffering continues..

One thing not discussed as much simply because it's a less severe form of suffering, is refugees. It just amazes me, not in a good way, that a third of a country so far had to leave, have their lives as they know it just stop overnight. I always think about those people, I think they suffer a lot. Organized crime is probably flourishing in Europe right now, from human trafficking, to drug smuggling, to probably unspeakable things.

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