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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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I think they left that kind of thinking behind in Kindergarden. It's way past dick waving.
Adjusting to the Lincoln party videos you post?
Happy to say our so called good pal Daniel Owens which has been Missing in this forum has been recalled by the Soviet police because he failed his mission in USA
He will be sent to Siberia for reeducation ......
Happy to say our so called good pal Daniel Owens which has been Missing in this forum has been recalled by the Soviet police because he failed his mission in USA
He will be sent to Siberia for reeducation ......
He tried, he held on longer than the others:


now @Daniel Owens

Patriots came in an vanquished the MAGAs. Preview of what's coming in November.
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@JB Lions Your buddy Biden is in danger of winning popular vote by +1 but losing electoral college to Donald J. Trump. @marijuanadomain You and JB both high quality chatters.
I predict Trump will pick an Asian, Hispanic or black VP.
Trump ahead in most key states. Time to drain the swamp and elect Trump!
I predict Trump will pick an Asian, Hispanic or black VP.
You know I do see some in your party that are ready for something like that, on social media at least. Even with the RNC, it seemed many liked Scott Pressler, who is a straight up gay hippy but they gave it to Lara. I would be shocked if they gave it to a non-white because to this point there have been literally 0 non-white President or VP nominees. The reality that you guys don't want to deal with is while not every Republican is racist, most racists would vote Republican and a non-white won't play well in lots of areas. Same with those saying Vivek for VP. He's a "dark skinned Hindu", direct quote from a reply on Twitter. They're not going to let him lead MAGA/America First which is overwhelmingly white and Christian. They'll let them play and get on stage, use them for votes, but as an actual nominee, I don't see it.

VP pick should be coming soon I guess.
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@JB Lions Harris isn't that great, should Biden dump her and pick a different VP choice?
@JB Lions Harris isn't that great, should Biden dump her and pick a different VP choice?
Good enough to win, she is VP, they did beat Trump. And you know they're not going to make a switch 6 months before an election.
Good enough to win, she is VP, they did beat Trump. And you know they're not going to make a switch 6 months before an election.
Biden is closer to death so their could be some fear of her inexperience and bad senate record. She's really clueless. However, I would see it unlikely to drop her I just think it would be wise to do so.
2020 was a close election with Biden winning just 25 states, and a couple dozen electoral votes more than Trump out of the 538 available. It's shaping up to be a big Trump win in all the polls for 2024. I am banking on getting my friends out to vote especially those in MI, WI, PA.
Biden is closer to death so their could be some fear of her inexperience and bad senate record. She's really clueless. However, I would see it unlikely to drop her I just think it would be wise to do so.
She would be better than Trump, who is much closer to death than she is.
Putin is a strong leader. Putin 2030!
Pick Newsum
Biden would get smoked by Trump in a debate. As for Newsom not sure I mean he's rather liberal, the only thing is he is in charge of biggest state in America with worlds 3rd greatest economy. However, downside is high-taxes, lots of homeless, going in debt. I think Mrs. Obama as either Presidential Nominee or VP choice would be a better Democrat. However, I stand firm with Trump and want to Make America Great Again!
Biden would get smoked by Trump in a debate. As for Newsom not sure I mean he's rather liberal, the only thing is he is in charge of biggest state in America with worlds 3rd greatest economy. However, downside is high-taxes, lots of homeless, going in debt. I think Mrs. Obama as either Presidential Nominee or VP choice would be a better Democrat. However, I stand firm with Trump and want to Make America Great Again!
I love Nikki and liz chenny
Both power boaster women
Putin is a strong leader...

Smell ain't everything :stinkyfeet:

the only thing is he is in charge of biggest state in America with worlds 3rd greatest economy.

Maybe the largest population, but Alaska is 4x bigger than California.

Are you saying that California's economy is greater than that of Japan or Germany? :unsure:

Check your facts.
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Are you saying that California's economy is greater than that of Japan or Germany? :unsure:

Check your facts.

What facts are there to check when you are putting words in the mans mouth .
Smell ain't everything
Maybe the largest population, but Alaska is 4x bigger than California.
Why would you bother to make such stupid posts?
Can you really not think of something better to say?
Is that really all you have to offer?
How are you not embarrassed and ashamed?
14000 posts of unrelenting stupidity.
Maybe it is time to give up.
Why would you bother to make such stupid posts?
Can you really not think of something better to say?
Is that really all you have to offer?

Thank you for spending the time to read all of my posts. I trust you have become more enlightened in the process.
How are you not embarrassed and ashamed?

Best ask Trump that question, apparently he stinks worse than Putin. :yuck:
14000 posts of unrelenting stupidity.
Maybe it is time to give up.

14000 = Impact, not posts, many correcting false and misleading statements, though I suppose you prefer to remain ignorant.

My positive Impact is ratio 1:1.5 (but who's counting?) :unsure:

Your Impact is a negative ratio. Give it up.
Smell ain't everything :stinkyfeet:

Maybe the largest population, but Alaska is 4x bigger than California.

Are you saying that California's economy is greater than that of Japan or Germany? :unsure:

Check your facts.
On a per capita basis, California is the second largest economy in the world. The economy of the State of California is the largest in the United States, with a $3.89 trillion gross state product (GSP) as of 2023. The Golden State's GDP would rank 5th overall, just below Germany and Japan
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^ why didn't you say that in the first place ...you got @dna & @Alop panties' all in a knot. :xf.laugh:
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