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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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@JB Lions RFK JR is being exposed as we speak. Trump still winning key states with RFK JR. in. The national vote is dead even with RFK JR. or without him. We shall see what happens. A Biden re-election would be devastating for our country, I doubt Biden will win. RFK JR. is a Democrat turned independent so most GOP will not vote for him. His brain issue that effects his voice is going to turn some off. I suspect in the end Biden voters will pick RFK JR more than GOP, also it will be interesting to see how many states ballots RFK JR. is on I hear his goal is to get on Rust Belt States and a few others maybe AZ and GA.
Poll does not mean a shit
Too early to predict anything...shit can happen to these 2 old white guys...they belong in the hospice nursing homes now or maybe one in prison
Comes after their democratic Republican conventions,they things will change
Poll does not mean a shit
Too early to predict anything...shit can happen to these 2 old white guys...they belong in the hospice nursing homes now or maybe one in prison
Comes after their democratic Republican conventions,they things will change
Maybe Jimmy Carter should run he's 99 years old. Seriously, Trump Vs. Biden should be a no brainer and result in Trump win. Nikki VS Newsom would be interesting.
outrage at Kristi Noem for killing her 14-month old puppy
14 months is not a puppy. 14 months is middle age for a dog. That is old enough for Obama to eat.
Obama loves dog burgers.
14 months is not a puppy. 14 months is middle age for a dog. That is old enough for Obama to eat.
Obama loves dog burgers.
So you like drunks, drug addicts, rapists, racists, woman beaters and now puppy murderers. And this breed is considered a puppy until 18 months, varies by breed
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Maybe Jimmy Carter should run he's 99 years old. Seriously, Trump Vs. Biden should be a no brainer and result in Trump win. Nikki VS Newsom would be interesting.
Just thought of something. With Trump wanting to debate, most people are thinking just Trump vs Biden, but RFK Jr will there as well. He's going right at Trump calling him a coward basically:

"When frightened men take to social media they risk descending into vitriol, which makes them sound unhinged. President Trump's rant against me is a barely coherent barrage of wild and inaccurate claims that should best be resolved in the American tradition of presidential debate," Kennedy said. "President Trump, who has proven himself the most adept debater in modern American political history, should not be panicked to meet me on that stage."

RFK Jr. responds to Trump calling him a ‘Democrat plant’​

Just thought of something. With Trump wanting to debate, most people are thinking just Trump vs Biden, but RFK Jr will there as well. He's going right at Trump calling him a coward basically:

"When frightened men take to social media they risk descending into vitriol, which makes them sound unhinged. President Trump's rant against me is a barely coherent barrage of wild and inaccurate claims that should best be resolved in the American tradition of presidential debate," Kennedy said. "President Trump, who has proven himself the most adept debater in modern American political history, should not be panicked to meet me on that stage."

RFK Jr. responds to Trump calling him a ‘Democrat plant’​

RFK Jr. will not be at debates it is nearly impossible although it would make for some laughs and we'd just have to ignore his messed up voice, plus I doubt he'll hit the 20% in polls threshold required to be in debates nor will he meet the Individual donation requirements. That is why we seldom get independent fringe candidates in debates, last one was 1992 Ross Perot, he was conservative while RFK Jr. ran as a Democrat against Biden in primaries then knew he couldn't get the DEM nod so he ran as independent to get revenge against Biden.
Interesting company the US (and its Canadian subsidiary) find themselves with.

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Elon wants us to take Tesla out.

Let me quote Elon:

"Elon Musk has warned that artificial intelligence is ''one of the biggest threats'' to humanity."

and let's see what he says:

"Tesla is the biggest AI project on Earth"

therefore Tesla = one of the biggest threats to humanity

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Elon wants us to take Tesla out.

Let me quote Elon:

"Elon Musk has warned that artificial intelligence is ''one of the biggest threats'' to humanity."

and let's see what he says:

"Tesla is the biggest AI project on Earth"

therefore Tesla = one of the biggest threats to humanity
This means my Tesla stock i bought 17 yrs ago will be in trillions $$$

Thank you very much
This means my Tesla stock i bought 17 yrs ago will be in trillions $$$

Thank you very much
Sell now, we coming. We will fight to save humanity and destroy Tesla
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Interesting company the US (and its Canadian subsidiary) find themselves with.

Show attachment 256058

Speaking of company, look at the countries topping the list you posted. Notice anything? Afghanistan, I understand, but Lebanon & Jordan?

Especially when you consider the neighbour, Israel, which ranks 5th after the Scandinavian countries on the happiness scale. However, Israel's happiness is dependent on unwavering US military support for their AI fueled genocidal experiments on the population of Palestine. :cautious:
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Israel's happiness is dependent on unwavering US military support for their AI fueled genocidal experiments on the population of Palestine. :cautious:

To further elaborate on that point. US experimented with AI during the Afghanistan war, but their targeting systems could not distinguish between a school bus loaded with children and a military vehicle, so testing was limited. The difference in Palestine is, Israel doesn't care (or it's their objective) having killed over 20K children in the last 6 months. :dead:

Names like 'Lavender', 'The Gospel' and 'Where's Daddy?' comprise Israel's AI arsenal...

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Names like 'Lavender', 'The Gospel' and 'Where's Daddy?' comprise Israel's AI arsenal...
All killing systems operating as planned... :cautious:

Why funding Israel is in direct contravention to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty:

Somewhere down below, as close as someone can come to terra incognita, a rogue country had set off a nuclear bomb. A rogue country that was hoping not to get caught. It was the first and only time in history that a clandestine nuclear blast has taken place. And based on its analysis, US intelligence agencies concluded that the rogue country was Israel.
The VELA satellite system was designed in particular to watch for rogue tests by nuclear pariah states like Israel, one of the very few countries that had refused to sign both the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the 1975 Biological Weapons Convention, in spite of the fact that it had an illegal hidden arsenal of nuclear weapons and a secret biological weapons program.
Now, 45 years later, that explosion could play a significant role in bringing an end to Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza by using American lawfare to halt Israeli warfare—finally enforcing US laws that would cut off all aid, including the billions and billions of dollars and the tons and tons of weapons Israel now receives. For decades, these laws, enacted by Congress to halt harmful and destructive actions by rogue actors, have been deliberately ignored with regard to Israel.

Sell now, we coming. We will fight to save humanity and destroy Tesla
You are rather cool the lovely JB. so many people think Tesla is savior to mankind I don't really worship Tesla. However, Elon Musk is not just richest in world but a man of principles. Must should have run for senate in PA too late now but he would whip Bob Casey Jr.
You are rather cool the lovely JB. so many people think Tesla is savior to mankind I don't really worship Tesla. However, Elon Musk is not just richest in world but a man of principles. Must should have run for senate in PA too late now but he would whip Bob Casey Jr.
@JB Lions Would Musk make a good speaker of house (shocking but anyone can be speaker :)?
Speaking of company, look at the countries topping the list you posted. Notice anything? Afghanistan, I understand, but Lebanon & Jordan?
As you know, the happiness scale by itself is meaningless - culturally skewed toward Western concepts of happiness. But observing the change in reported happiness s fair game because we are comparing the same people to themselves 12 years earlier. Jordon and Lebanon have a lot going on that isn't covered by the world media, which tend to just view them in terms of how they fit into the Islamicist, Zionist, Palestinian mess.

Any outsider can easily see the mental illness plaguing North Americans, accelerated by social media and drug use (legal and otherwise).

I was surprised to see Bangladesh there, considering the real economic improvements they have seen in the past 10 years.
Elon Musk is not just richest in world but a man of principles.

Cue'd to 02:10...

Will he insist on killing those who target civilians, Israel included?

How about the practice of scholasticide in Gaza (intentional killing of academics, destroying universities and libraries)?

How does he plan to build prosperity in the region...export his AI technology to support the Israeli killing machine? hmmm

@Daniel Owens, why would you blindly trust the richest man in the world? :cautious:
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@Cannuck Musk & Putin both good men. I admire their goodness.
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As you know, the happiness scale by itself is meaningless - culturally skewed toward Western concepts of happiness. But observing the change in reported happiness s fair game because we are comparing the same people to themselves 12 years earlier.

There is truth to that, yet Global happiness inequality has increased by more than 20% over the past dozen years, in all regions and age groups, that differ by age and by region. In North America, older generations are much happier than the younger set which skews the results. Having a healthy social net tends to help, but the Covid lockdowns certainly didn't help.

Any outsider can easily see the mental illness plaguing North Americans, accelerated by social media and drug use (legal and otherwise).

Social media has definitely contributed to mental illness, addictive behaviour one of the symptoms.
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