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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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On a per capita basis, California is the second largest economy in the world.

To say California is 'the second largest economy in the world in terms of per capita basis', is false (again) :xf.rolleyes:.

Reports from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the US Census show California’s GDP per capita went up 8.5 percent to $100,038 in 2023 from $92,190 in 2022. In this regard, Texas recorded a GDP per capita of $110,781 last year – and yet it’s not the highest. Washington State ($103,462) and Massachusetts ($105,884) are also above the Golden State. The highest GDP per capita goes for the District of Columbia – $259,938.

United Nations reports also show many small countries have way higher GDP per capita than the US and California. Monaco leads the list with $234,317, followed by Liechtenstein ($169,260), Luxembourg ($133,745), and Bermuda ($112,653).

...all of them are situated above California.
To say California is 'the second largest economy in the world in terms of per capita basis', is false (again) :xf.rolleyes:.

Reports from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the US Census show California’s GDP per capita went up 8.5 percent to $100,038 in 2023 from $92,190 in 2022. In this regard, Texas recorded a GDP per capita of $110,781 last year – and yet it’s not the highest. Washington State ($103,462) and Massachusetts ($105,884) are also above the Golden State. The highest GDP per capita goes for the District of Columbia – $259,938.

United Nations reports also show many small countries have way higher GDP per capita than the US and California. Monaco leads the list with $234,317, followed by Liechtenstein ($169,260), Luxembourg ($133,745), and Bermuda ($112,653).

...all of them are situated above California.
California’s per capita GDP is the second largest amongst large economies.
California’s per capita GDP is the second largest amongst large economies.
@Cannuck You kind of missed the whole point of what I was talking about and the relation to vice president pick. You kind of did a strawman lol.
@JB Lions You sure love to quote "X"Twitter
@JB Lions I'll add like you I am curious who Trump picks as a VP it will be interesting to see if he picks a like 35/40 year old VP for balance, or if he only goes based on experience. I think a good chance Trump picks Hispanic or black VP choice. Probably not Noem due to controversy, that being said he can still win with her.
@JB Lions I'll add like you I am curious who Trump picks as a VP it will be interesting to see if he picks a like 35/40 year old VP for balance, or if he only goes based on experience. I think a good chance Trump picks Hispanic or black VP choice. Probably not Noem due to controversy, that being said he can still win with her.
I asked Elon if he was racist and boom, split second.....

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He keeps bumping black crime stories up, every day. Not 1 white crime story, not 1 positive story

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I guess Elon might be racist because he said he got bullied a lot when he was younger, where he lived at the time was split pretty evenly between black and white. I'm guessing he was bullied by black kids. His father even sided with one of the bullies who beat his son because Elon made fun of somebody who just lost his father due to suicide, so Elon probably earned that ass whipping.

I guess it's why he's a racist now.
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@JB Lions What's going to happen if "X" platform (twitter) bans you?
@JB Lions What's going to happen if "X" platform (twitter) bans you?
I heard Biden started an account on Truth Social to bash Trump and their has been no recourse against the DEM account.
I heard Biden started an account on Truth Social to bash Trump and their has been no recourse against the DEM account.
He’s had an account there for awhile, i linked to it before

And X can’t ban me, I have other accounts and such
I'm guessing he was bullied by black kids.
Such a racist guess. Why do you assume he was bullied by black kids? Am I hearing a dog whistle here?
Put a check on your white privilege fascist.
Such a racist guess. Why do you assume he was bullied by black kids? Am I hearing a dog whistle here?
Put a check on your white privilege fascist.
Are you a struggle reader? And missed the part of his dad siding with the kid who bullied Elon. Try reading and stop trying to defend racists all the time
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Are you a struggle reader? And missed the part of his dad siding with the kid who bullied Elon. Try reading and stop trying to defend racists all the time
Don't blame me for your racist dog whistles. Check your white privilege at the door fascist.
Don't blame me for your racist dog whistles. Check your white privilege at the door fascist.
Lol you don’t make any sense. There is no dog whistle about it. Elon is a racist, he was bullied by black kids as a youth, one putting him in the hospital. The way he acts now, it doesn’t surprise me. Stop trying to use words you don’t understand and stop making excuses for racists
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Lol you don’t make any sense. There is no dog whistle about it. Elon is a racist, he was bullied by black kids as a youth, one putting him in the hospital. The way he acts now, it doesn’t surprise me. Stop trying to use words you don’t understand and stop making excuses for racists
isn't Elon born and raised in S Africa during the height of the apartheid , and was a white privileged kid

so instead of being bullied, it is the other way around...
isn't Elon born and raised in S Africa during the height of the apartheid , and was a white privileged kid

so instead of being bullied, it is the other way around...
Those are the words he used. He grew up in an area that was pretty equally black and white. I was reading some articles trying to figure out why he was so racist. One of the articles below.

"In one incident he was beaten so badly he had to get taken to hospital and even decades later he was still getting surgery to try and fix the damage caused. "If you have never been punched in the nose, you have no idea how it affects you the rest of your life," Musk later said.

His younger brother Kimbal, who had been there at the time, recalled: "They sat on him and just kept beating the shit out of him and kicking him in the head. When they got finished, I couldn't even recognize his face. It was such a swollen ball of flesh that you could barely see his eyes."

After the brutal fight, the book recounts how Elon's dad Errol Musk sided with the boy who had beaten his son up. Errol says: "The boy had just lost his father to suicide, and Elon had called him stupid. Elon had this tendency to call people stupid. How could I possibly blame that child?"

The relationship between Elon and his dad is famously strained, made all the worst by the fact Errol has had two children with his own stepdaughter - Jana."

This is what Elon is doing in his 50's, so I imagine as a kid he was an asshole as well and probably brought on a lot of it himself. He has other tweets making fun of women, the endless racist tweets, tweets against trans even tho he has a trans kid himself etc.

@dna gets mad because the people he hero worships tend to be trash human beings. The other one he actually made a site about was a drunk, drug addict that like to beat women.
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I heard Biden started an account on Truth Social to bash Trump and their has been no recourse against the DEM account.

Trump getting nervous, new poll shows RFK Jr. actually helping Biden instead of hurting him, now Trump is flip flopping


Trump slams RFK Jr. in latest social media rant: ‘Wasted protest vote’​

In a series of post on Truth Social, Trump suggested Kennedy was put in the race to help Biden win reelection and claimed his running mate, Nichole Shanahan, is not a serious candidate.

“RFK Jr. is a Democrat ‘Plant,’ a Radical Left Liberal who’s been put in place in order to help Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the History of the United States, get Re-Elected,”

In what seems like a reversal of previous comments, he signaled that he would even take Biden over Kennedy.

His remarks come after a recent NBC News poll showed Kennedy’s campaign could actually harm Trump’s changes at returning to the White House.

Trump held 2-point lead over Biden in the head-to-head poll, released Sunday. But with third-party candidates added in, the incumbent took the lead..........
@JB Lions RFK JR is being exposed as we speak. Trump still winning key states with RFK JR. in. The national vote is dead even with RFK JR. or without him. We shall see what happens. A Biden re-election would be devastating for our country, I doubt Biden will win. RFK JR. is a Democrat turned independent so most GOP will not vote for him. His brain issue that effects his voice is going to turn some off. I suspect in the end Biden voters will pick RFK JR more than GOP, also it will be interesting to see how many states ballots RFK JR. is on I hear his goal is to get on Rust Belt States and a few others maybe AZ and GA.
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