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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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Trump puts out stuff like this. You guys go along with him attacking this country:

Trump baselessly claims the FBI and DOJ may be involved in a ploy to 'rig' the election and says the agencies have been 'missing in action' in his legal battles

We had a free and fair election, most secure ever and you Trumpers fold up and follow this nut, attacking the institutions of this country. Just because he is a big baby and can't handle losing.
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Trump puts out stuff like this. You guys go along with him attacking this country:

Trump baselessly claims the FBI and DOJ may be involved in a ploy to 'rig' the election and says the agencies have been 'missing in action' in his legal battles

We had a free and fair election, most secure ever and you Trumpers fold up and follow this nut, attacking the institutions of this country. Just because he is a big baby and can't handle losing.
The man is a sick puppy
Instead of being big babies, sellouts to your country, grow a set, like this guy

‘I’m Sick Of It’: GOP Rep. Denver Riggleman Unloads On Republican Colleagues, Trump

Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-Va.) pulled no punches against President Trump and his fellow Republicans in Congress in an interview with Forbes, accusing them of a “massive grift” in refusing to acknowledge the results of the election and claiming Trump appeals to groups that are “anti-Semitic” and “anti-American.”

Riggleman, one of just 10 GOP House members acknowledging Joe Biden’s victory, said the Republican refusal to acknowledge the result is “just money-making for the 2024 election” and “completely unethical,” saying he’s spoken to 30 or 40 GOP members of Congress who privately acknowledge the result despite public silence.
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Says the man from behind his keyboard!

I'd be happy to give you a chance to call me racist to my face.

Your lack of critical thinking skills are showing Mr-X...

That what happens when you argue with progs. Their stupid rubs off.

Just on that, how pathetic is Trump.

Going to lose Georgia 3 times. Initial vote, hand recount, then yet another recount.

Or paying $3 million for a recount, only for Biden's lead to increase. Actually, Trumpers are paying this, since they are foolishly still sending these scam artists money.

Let them take it to the SC, even more losing will be coming his way.
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Local lying dog face pony solider read something totally unexpected today </sarcasm>

Instead of being big babies, sellouts to your country, grow a set, like this guy

‘I’m Sick Of It’: GOP Rep. Denver Riggleman Unloads On Republican Colleagues, Trump

Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-Va.) pulled no punches against President Trump and his fellow Republicans in Congress in an interview with Forbes, accusing them of a “massive grift” in refusing to acknowledge the results of the election and claiming Trump appeals to groups that are “anti-Semitic” and “anti-American.”

Riggleman, one of just 10 GOP House members acknowledging Joe Biden’s victory, said the Republican refusal to acknowledge the result is “just money-making for the 2024 election” and “completely unethical,” saying he’s spoken to 30 or 40 GOP members of Congress who privately acknowledge the result despite public silence.
Local lying dog face pony solider read something totally unexpected today </sarcasm>
Cry more. Seriously, how big of a baby are you? Your boy got beat, I figured a little sadness but the Trumpers in this thread are turning out to be the biggest snowflakes I've seen.
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Quitters will never understand.

Just on that, how pathetic is Trump.

Going to lose Georgia 3 times. Initial vote, hand recount, then yet another recount.

Or paying $3 million for a recount, only for Biden's lead to increase. Actually, Trumpers are paying this, since they are foolishly still sending these scam artists money.

Let them take it to the SC, even more losing will be coming his way.
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Quitters will never understand.

Are you the kid that got tackled too hard and went home to cry to mommy saying how it wasn't fair? Or threw a tantrum when you lost a game?

Trump got beat, period. He doesn't know how to take a loss, even tho he's been losing his whole life. It's weak. He should man up and take his beating like a man. Not wuss out and cry all day like you.
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I'd be happy to give you a chance to call me racist to my face.
LOL... And if I did, whatcha going to do tough guy???

GLARE at me? ROAR at me? Threaten me with bodily harm?

Imma feared!!!...

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Instead of being big babies, sellouts to your country, grow a set, like this guy

‘I’m Sick Of It’: GOP Rep. Denver Riggleman Unloads On Republican Colleagues, Trump

Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-Va.) pulled no punches against President Trump and his fellow Republicans in Congress in an interview with Forbes, accusing them of a “massive grift” in refusing to acknowledge the results of the election and claiming Trump appeals to groups that are “anti-Semitic” and “anti-American.”

Riggleman, one of just 10 GOP House members acknowledging Joe Biden’s victory, said the Republican refusal to acknowledge the result is “just money-making for the 2024 election” and “completely unethical,” saying he’s spoken to 30 or 40 GOP members of Congress who privately acknowledge the result despite public silence.
Are you the kid that got tackled too hard and went home to cry to mommy saying how it wasn't fair? Or threw a tantrum when you lost a game?

Trump got beat, period. He doesn't know how to take a loss, even tho he's been losing his whole life. It's weak. He should man up and take his beating like a man. Not wuss out and cry all day like you.

Mr. Riggleman, who represents Virginia’s 5th Congressional District, which includes Charlottesville and parts south, lost his primary to a Republican challenger and will leave office in January.

Anyone want to guess why this guy lost an election to another republican?
Recall Liberals’ worship of “fact check”

“20,000 lies” :ROFL: :ROFL: 90% of them propaganda
Candace Owens is a hero;
See that JB? She’s a “college dropout”
whipped Zucks ***

Show attachment 175020 This woman is a fighter and one of my heros

She sued in the past because people used bad words in her direction. Another fraud, search on past posts. She's just somebody else that is milking you Trumpers. You guys are just too easy. Everybody lining up to work you.
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There are only 2 rallies that ever mattered.
And they were both held on Nov 3rd in America.

Biden's rally 80,117,141 showed up.
Trump's rally only 73,923,251 showed up.

All other rallies now don't mean shit :xf.laugh:

It means Your President Trump has international appeal and people realize that this is only an attempt to steal the election from him by the dems with the help of fraud media and big tech.

You know deep in your heart and soul that these democratic numbers don't make sense, it is only a fraudulent psyop:) The orange man cares about you more than you realize:)

Leave the dark side and the party of necromancy and other deviancy behind. You used to be such a nice boi:) What happened? Get out of him you demon:)

We will be waiting with hugs and cookies:)
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Officially suing?

She is officially taking in donations on her site.

And Won;
Facebook apologized.

Dems outraised us for hoax psuedoscandals try undo all Trump good platform what’s point?

This woman is gifted with the ability clearly and effectively articulate controversial points make you re-think Psuedoscandal of “Black guilt”

Did you hear? Every Democrat voted against 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments.
They dont care; their history is ugly;
yet “forgotton” (KKK, etc) KKK erased history; seldom a talking point; since it’s Dem creation.
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LOL... And if I did, what you going to do???

GLARE at me? ROAR at me? Threaten me with bodily harm?

Imma feared!!!...

Show attachment 175021

I made point. Slander is easy from behind a keyboard. Proving what you said is true not easy.

Also easy to act brave on the Internet. It's ok; We both know I'm not going to drive 500 miles to kick your ass and you wouldn't have the guts to slander me to my face.
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I made point. Slander is easy from behind a keyboard. Proving what you said is true not easy.

Also easy to act brave on the Internet. It's ok; We both know I'm not going to drive 500 miles to kick your ass and you wouldn't have the guts to slander me to my face.
You slander yourself all the time by spouting Trumps nonsense. :ROFL:
You slander yourself all the time by spouting Trumps nonsense. :ROFL:

when dont reply to him; he wins; not “slander” He is courageous not Intimidated by liberals
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You slander yourself all the time by spouting Trumps nonsense. :ROFL:

Sorry... You're an ignorant bigot :xf.grin::ROFL::ROFL:

I forgot smiley faces make slander OK.
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Keyboard warriors feel encouraged by Twitters bully rhetoric encouraged through Twitter as conservatives constantly under attack and if that’s not good enough; When have ground breaking news; “Disputed” label CCP move.

Democrats are more like China than yu realize

What really worries me, however, is Iran.

Can see Biden cozying up to Iran. God help us
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when dont reply to him; he wins; not “slander” He is courageous not Intimidated by libs

Progs in this forum hate Trump. Completely happy to overlook Biden's flaws, long history of plagiarism. fabulous lies, made up stories to make himself appear smart and brave.

If nothing else, I'll enjoy holding their feet to the fire for the next few months.
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