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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Laura Loomer Storms CA Governor’s Mansion Wall in Sombrero and Poncho – Is Quickly Arrested...
Laura Loomer along with other activists were arrested after jumping over the California Governor’s Mansion wall donning ponchos and sombreros.
The California police showed up to the property and handcuffed Loomer and the other activist who was wearing a fake mustache.

“Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California said everybody is welcome here and now the police and the armed guards are telling us that we are trespassing, but I thought that California was an open borders state,” Loomer said.

Loomer added, “Gavin has a fence — they have officers here. They are telling us we’re trespassing…I’m so confused!”

After the police handcuffed Loomer she said, “It’s interesting how as an American you’re not allowed to hop over Gavin Newsom’s fence or Nancy Pelosi’s fence — you get handcuffed and arrested, but if you’re an illegal alien or you’re a rapist or you kill innocent police officers or you murder and rape women here, you’re an illegal here in California you get all the free benefits, you have free welfare — free housing — free everything and you don’t get deported, right?”



VIVA Laura Loomer... What a Woman!!!!
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The NY state law changes the standard from life of the mother, to health of the mother but defines heath in a non-specific way, includes mental, emotional health. Certification by a nurse practitioner? Removed legal penalty for killing a wanted, unborn child.

This law strips the most basic human right from a living, healthy unborn baby; the right to live.

A few question for you @enlytend;

1) if there is an increase in healthy unborn babies being aborted in the 3rd trimester, would you oppose the NY law?

2) How does a parent of a murdered unborn baby get justice when it's not illegal to kill that baby? A criminal beats a woman and she miscarriages but the criminal can only be charged with felony assault in NY. They removed unborn child from the definition in the criminal code.
Democrats kill babies and vote for people that kill babies. How can one expect a Democrat to understand morals.
ABORTION BANDWAGON: Virginia Takes After New York...
Theresa May just wasting time... again! What a useless Prime Minister.

Hey Theresa, the majority voted to leave 2 years ago.. not to negotiate with those un-elected EU bureaucrats, who are NOT gonna give an inch away!!!
That times liberal hero K Harris compared ICE to the KKK.

1) if there is an increase in healthy unborn babies being aborted in the 3rd trimester, would you oppose the NY law?

Not going to happen. You think anyone’s going to make up some bogus excuse so they can spend about $20,000 (that’s what a late term abortion costs) to terminate a pregnancy that they’ve already carried for 2 trimesters, on a whim? What - they just noticed their pants were a little snug in the waist?

Health of the mother is a valid reason. They shouldn’t need a whitelist of specific conditions - that’s between the patient and her doctor.

I still haven’t seen your statistics on how many late term abortions (which are rare to begin with) are being performed NOW when not medically indicated. Still waiting...

This has nothing to do with criminal attacks and you know that. You’re clutching at straws. You’re also mixing up the NY and VA bills.

The ones here who are “devoid of humanity” are the ones who would put parents through a prolonged tragic experience and risk the life of the mother to carry full term when the baby won’t survive out of the womb and will only live for a few painful minutes or hours. You do know some of these deformities can’t be delivered normally and that a c-section has a much higher rate of maternal complications, right?

You are so focused on the fetus that you have no compassion for the parents. Almost like the mother is just a walking incubator to you.

Basking in ignorance, just as I predicted.
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This is pure gaslighting. Entitled hasn't read the NY bill or she's lying.

2) Myth: Third trimester abortions are rare

In 2015, the CDC reported that 1.3 percent of abortions were committed at 21 weeks’ gestation and later. While 1.3 percent sounds very small, this equates to nearly 8,300 preborn children killed late-term every single year.

Not going to happen. You think anyone’s going to make up some bogus excuse so they can spend about $20,000 (that’s what a late term abortion costs) to terminate a pregnancy that they’ve already carried for 2 trimesters, on a whim? What - they just noticed their pants were a little snug in the waist?

Health of the mother is a valid reason. They shouldn’t need a whitelist of specific conditions - that’s between the patient and her doctor.

I still haven’t seen your statistics on how many late term abortions (which are rare to begin with) are being performed NOW when not medically indicated. Still waiting...

This has nothing to do with criminal attacks and you know that. You’re clutching at straws. You’re also mixing up the NY and VA bills.

The ones here who are “devoid of humanity” are the ones who would put parents through a prolonged tragic experience and risk the life of the mother to carry full term when the baby won’t survive out of the womb and will only live for a few painful minutes or hours. You do know some of these deformities can’t be delivered normally and that a c-section has a much higher rate of maternal complications, right?

You are so focused on the fetus that you have no compassion for the parents. Almost like the mother is just a walking incubator to you.

Basking in ignorance, just as I predicted.

NY law removed unborn child from the legal definition of murder. I've already posted the new law and the changes.

VA bill would allow abortion up to the moment of birth, regardless of the health, viability of the baby.




I read the most common reason for 3rd trimester abortions and they have nothing to do with the health of the mother or child. When I find those stats again, I'll post them.
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Good news for Thursday; President Trump is going to flip the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals from rabid, alt-left activist to law abiding, constitution following normal judges.
Laura Loomer Storms CA Governor’s Mansion Wall in Sombrero and Poncho – Is Quickly Arrested...
Laura Loomer along with other activists were arrested after jumping over the California Governor’s Mansion wall donning ponchos and sombreros.
The California police showed up to the property and handcuffed Loomer and the other activist who was wearing a fake mustache.

“Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California said everybody is welcome here and now the police and the armed guards are telling us that we are trespassing, but I thought that California was an open borders state,” Loomer said.

Loomer added, “Gavin has a fence — they have officers here. They are telling us we’re trespassing…I’m so confused!”

After the police handcuffed Loomer she said, “It’s interesting how as an American you’re not allowed to hop over Gavin Newsom’s fence or Nancy Pelosi’s fence — you get handcuffed and arrested, but if you’re an illegal alien or you’re a rapist or you kill innocent police officers or you murder and rape women here, you’re an illegal here in California you get all the free benefits, you have free welfare — free housing — free everything and you don’t get deported, right?”



VIVA Laura Loomer... What a Woman!!!!

with all that said, you have to wonder why illegal entry, illegal immigrants that are able to reside in the US with little to no problem, be funded for housing and food, you have to wonder why none of this has been addressed for decades by authorities.
LOL... Italy's Matteo Salvini learns he is to be charged w/ kidnapping for blocking migrant ship...
English subtitles

A court in Sicily ruled on Thursday that Italy’s far-right Interior Minister Matteo Salvini can be charged with kidnapping after he prevented a boatload of African illegal aliens from disembarking from an Italian coast guard ship in August. I could face between three and 15 years in prison for having stopped illegal migrants landing in Italy. I’m speechless. Fear? Zero. I’ll continue to work to defend my country’s borders and Italians’ safety!”


Here's the rest of the myth buster for the b/s Enlytend's been peddling. From pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute:

Most women seeking later abortion fit at least one of five profiles: They were raising children alone, were depressed or using illicit substances, were in conflict with a male partner or experiencing domestic violence, had trouble deciding and then had access problems, or were young and nulliparous.

2015, almost 1.5 percent of abortions were late term.

Not going to happen. You think anyone’s going to make up some bogus excuse so they can spend about $20,000 (that’s what a late term abortion costs) to terminate a pregnancy that they’ve already carried for 2 trimesters, on a whim? What - they just noticed their pants were a little snug in the waist?

Health of the mother is a valid reason. They shouldn’t need a whitelist of specific conditions - that’s between the patient and her doctor.

I still haven’t seen your statistics on how many late term abortions (which are rare to begin with) are being performed NOW when not medically indicated. Still waiting...

This has nothing to do with criminal attacks and you know that. You’re clutching at straws. You’re also mixing up the NY and VA bills.

The ones here who are “devoid of humanity” are the ones who would put parents through a prolonged tragic experience and risk the life of the mother to carry full term when the baby won’t survive out of the womb and will only live for a few painful minutes or hours. You do know some of these deformities can’t be delivered normally and that a c-section has a much higher rate of maternal complications, right?

You are so focused on the fetus that you have no compassion for the parents. Almost like the mother is just a walking incubator to you.

Basking in ignorance, just as I predicted.
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with all that said, you have to wonder why illegal entry, illegal immigrants that are able to reside in the US with little to no problem, be funded for housing and food, you have to wonder why none of this has been addressed for decades by authorities.
The only ones addressing this issue nowadays are mostly Conservatives, but the resistance is massive, very powerful & influential, which begs the question.... Why???
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Laura Loomer Storms CA Governor’s Mansion Wall in Sombrero and Poncho – Is Quickly Arrested...
Laura Loomer along with other activists were arrested after jumping over the California Governor’s Mansion wall donning ponchos and sombreros.
The California police showed up to the property and handcuffed Loomer and the other activist who was wearing a fake mustache.

“Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California said everybody is welcome here and now the police and the armed guards are telling us that we are trespassing, but I thought that California was an open borders state,” Loomer said.

Loomer added, “Gavin has a fence — they have officers here. They are telling us we’re trespassing…I’m so confused!”

After the police handcuffed Loomer she said, “It’s interesting how as an American you’re not allowed to hop over Gavin Newsom’s fence or Nancy Pelosi’s fence — you get handcuffed and arrested, but if you’re an illegal alien or you’re a rapist or you kill innocent police officers or you murder and rape women here, you’re an illegal here in California you get all the free benefits, you have free welfare — free housing — free everything and you don’t get deported, right?”



VIVA Laura Loomer... What a Woman!!!!
Huh! Seems the illegals may be a bit more intelligent than Ms Loomer.

Color me crazy, but I believe they try to avoid "the authorities' as much as possible and generally hop/tunnel/go around/cut through/etc the fence when the Po-Po ("Boarder Guards") ain't around...

I don't follow her or her exploits, but Ms Loomer doesn't seem to be the sharpest tack in the box. This is the second time I've been made aware of her antics and both times they have been pretty immature stunts.

Well, I guess if she likes spending time in jail and paying legal costs, that's her kink and I shouldn't judge.
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The only ones addressing this issue nowadays are mostly Conservatives, but the resistance is massive, very powerful & influential, which begs the question.... Why???

That all sounds good but look at how many republican presidents we have had through the decades dating back to 1970, Nothing done.

We don't need a wall to start correcting the problem right away, I see no movement in the direction to try and correct it. nothing has changed, I can drive by the local day labor hangouts and see 100 illegal immigrants every day of the week.

So if anyone is so driven to correct the illegal immigration problem, all they have to do is start enforcing the law of land. not happening, instead, people are fighting about building the wall.

No one is doing shit. no one will ever do shit, because they are full of shit. that is a whole lot of shit.
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Huh! Seems the illegals may be a bit more intelligent than Ms Loomer.

Color me crazy, but I believe they try to avoid "the authorities' as much as possible and generally hop/tunnel/go around/cut through/etc the fence when the Po-Po ("Boarder Guards") ain't around...

I don't follow her or her exploits, but Ms Loomer doesn't seem to be the sharpest tack in the box. This is the second time I've been made aware of her antics and both times they have been pretty immature stunts.

Well, I guess if she likes spending time in jail and paying legal costs, that's her kink and I shouldn't judge.

That is the weird part of it all, the illegal immigrants aren't hiding at all. matter of fact, they can even purchase a house, yep, they can, at least in the state of Tx they can.
2015, almost 1.5 percent of abortions were late term.

You quoted demographic characteristics, not reasons.

Single parent = a demographic characteristic, not a reason.
Drug addict = demographic characteristic, not a reason
Young = a demographic characteristic, not a reason
Nulliparous = a demographic characteristic, not a reason
Can’t afford another child = a reason
Afraid abusive partner is going to kill you if they find out you’re pregnant = a reason
Don’t want to have your rapist’s baby = a reason
Mother diagnosed with cancer = a reason
Fetus is missing half of its head = a reason

“Had access problems” however is a reason for not terminating the pregnancy earlier. That appears to be what they’re addressing.

Third trimester (what we’re talking about - please try and to focus) is even a smaller part of that percentage and performed for medical reasons. Life or health of the mother, fetal abnormalities... those are the legal requirements, with some variation state to state. Do a little more reading on the site you quoted.

The N.Y. bill is not unconditional - it imposes those same restrictions. So your erroneous belief that women will waltz in and demand a 3rd trimester abortion is just your twisted fantasy.

What it doesn’t impose is a time limit, which is already the case in several other states. A time limit makes no sense under those conditions. Mother’s life can be saved if she’s 24 weeks pregnant, but if she’s 27 or 28 weeks, “sorry lady, can’t help ya - buh bye”?

This woman found out about a fatal fetal issue earlier, but this is what the women who have to terminate 3rd trimester go through. Read it and get a little compassion:

For the earlier abortions done for non medical reasons, back to what I said. Unless BOTH partners want and can afford a baby, don’t risk making a baby. Voila - no unwanted pregnancies! Preach it to your sons, grandsons, guy friends...
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Customs and Border Protection officers said Thursday they discovered 254 pounds of the drug hidden in a floor compartment of a truck loaded with cucumbers. They also found 395 pounds of methamphetamine.

Worth pointing out that this was found at a LEGAL border crossing checkpoint...Good work by those officers, especially the canine one.
Please notice none of the top "demographics" are mothers with medical conditions. That's because most serious issues with the baby or mother are identified early in the pregnancy.

VA bill and NY law were written by NARAL lawyers using vague definitions that allow wide interpretation.

All the reasons you've sited, health of the mother / baby were already legal in NY. Why the need for vague definitions and removal of protection for wanted unborn children in the law? Abortion mills want abortion on demand for any reason.

You quoted demographic characteristics, not reasons.

Single parent = a demographic characteristic, not a reason.
Drug addict = demographic characteristic, not a reason
Young = a demographic characteristic, not a reason
Nulliparous = a demographic characteristic, not a reason
Can’t afford another child = a reason
Afraid abusive partner is going to kill you if they find out you’re pregnant = a reason
Don’t want to have your rapist’s baby = a reason
Mother diagnosed with cancer = a reason
Fetus is missing half of its head = a reason

“Had access problems” however is a reason for not terminating the pregnancy earlier. That appears to be what they’re addressing.

Third trimester (what we’re talking about - please try and to focus) is even a smaller part of that percentage and performed for medical reasons. Life or health of the mother, fetal abnormalities... those are the legal requirements, with some variation state to state. Do a little more reading on the site you quoted.

The N.Y. bill is not unconditional - it imposes those same restrictions. So your erroneous belief that women will waltz in and demand a 3rd trimester abortion is just your twisted fantasy.

What it doesn’t impose is a time limit, which is already the case in several other states. A time limit makes no sense under those conditions. Mother’s life can be saved if she’s 24 weeks pregnant, but if she’s 27 or 28 weeks, “sorry lady, can’t help ya - buh bye”?

This woman found out about a fatal fetal issue earlier, but this is what the women who have to terminate 3rd trimester go through. Read it and get a little compassion:

For the earlier abortions done for non medical reasons, back to what I said. Unless BOTH partners want and can afford a baby, don’t risk making a baby. Voila - no unwanted pregnancies! Preach it to your sons, grandsons, guy friends...
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You don't read anything that doesn't come from your favorite link bait rags, you don't think for yourself. I don't think you read any more of that site than the excerpt you posted. You apparently have no capacity for empathy for parents who are in a situation like the link I posted. I'm not wasting any more of my time trying to explain it to you.

"At or after 20 weeks" isn't the same as "3rd trimester."

But stay ignorant.

State law was changed to essentially stipulate what's legal now in the event that Roe v Wade is overturned. There is no provision for 3rd trimester abortions "on demand". Third trimester abortions are done in tragic but medically-indicated circumstances under the guidance of a physician.
That is the weird part of it all, the illegal immigrants aren't hiding at all. matter of fact, they can even purchase a house, yep, they can, at least in the state of Tx they can.
Also, they can get a Drivers Licence, with which they can vote for Democrats... naturally!
You don't read anything that doesn't come from your favorite link bait rags, you don't think for yourself. I don't think you read any more of that site than the excerpt you posted. You apparently have no capacity for empathy for parents who are in a situation like the link I posted. I'm not wasting any more of my time trying to explain it to you.

"At or after 20 weeks" isn't the same as "3rd trimester."

But stay ignorant.
You've contradicted yourself and admitted why the law was written.

State law was changed to essentially stipulate what's legal now in the event that Roe v Wade is overturned. There is no provision for 3rd trimester abortions "on demand". Third trimester abortions are done in tragic but medically-indicated circumstances under the guidance of a physician.

There you have it. NY removed legal protection for unborn babies b/c NARAL, not to fix an outlier medical case.

Law allows abortions to be done by people other than a doctor.
Removed informed consent requirements
Removed 2nd opinion requirement
Changed legal definition of a hospital to exclude abortion clinics from federal regulations
Removed terminating life of a unborn child from criminal code.

If you think these changes won't hurt women and children, you need to read about the Gosnell case.

**added later
Woman who survived abortion has some thoughts on choice and human rights.

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