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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Was wondering what the flap up was about the Mississippi Senate race:

"Espy, 64, is a heavy underdog in the deep South state, which has not elected a Democrat to the Senate since 1982. But his campaign got a jolt of adrenaline when a video surfaced a week ago showing Hyde-Smith, 59, praising a supporter by saying: “If he invited me to a public hanging, I’d be on the front row.”

Very comfortable today with the racism.

Saw this trending:"Transgender Day of Remembrance"&src=tren&lang=en

Transgender Day of Remembrance

"The Transgender Day of Remembrance, also known as the International Transgender Day of Remembrance, has been observed annually on 20 November as a day to memorialize those who have been murdered as a result of transphobia. It is a day to draw attention to the continued violence endured by the transgender community."

Dow dropping again, tech stocks taking a hit. We'll probably finish the year lower than the highs in January.
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Stars and Stripes have been doing reports on this months ago, still not fixed:

Veterans haven't received GI Bill benefits for months due to ongoing IT issues at VA
"This is — to be kind — a train wreck,” said Rep. Phil Roe, R-Tenn., the chairman of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs.

Trump "may" finally visit troop after much public pressure.

"President Trump has begun telling advisers that he may visit troops in a combat zone for the first time in his presidency, as he has come under increasing scrutiny for his treatment of military affairs and failure to visit service members deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq."

I'm sure the ones at the border appreciate them missing family during the Holidays.

Ryan Zinke Blames ‘Radical Environmentalists’ For California Fires
California Gov. Jerry Brown, however, disagrees with the interior secretary and blames higher temperatures and droughts caused by climate change.
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Everything is racist or hitler. Send $5 bucks to help us beat the evil republicans.

Stars and Stripes have been doing reports on this months ago, still not fixed:

Veterans haven't received GI Bill benefits for months due to ongoing IT issues at VA
"This is — to be kind — a train wreck,” said Rep. Phil Roe, R-Tenn., the chairman of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs.

Trump "may" finally visit troop after much public pressure.

"President Trump has begun telling advisers that he may visit troops in a combat zone for the first time in his presidency, as he has come under increasing scrutiny for his treatment of military affairs and failure to visit service members deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq."

I'm sure the ones at the border appreciate them missing family during the Holidays.

Ryan Zinke Blames ‘Radical Environmentalists’ For California Fires
California Gov. Jerry Brown, however, disagrees with the interior secretary and blames higher temperatures and droughts caused by climate change.
Everything is racist

Hanging black people, especially in Mississippi with it's history, most would consider racist. Can you go 1 day without saying something stupid? Just 1.
Trump signals US won’t punish Saudi crown prince over Khashoggi killing

President Donald Trump signaled Tuesday that he will not take strong action against Saudi Arabia or its Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the death and dismemberment of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi.


This is him going against our own CIA intelligence because the Prince strongly denied it many times. We're going to get up in his taxes and we can see all his personal ventures with them.

Trump continues to question CIA conclusion that Saudi crown prince was responsible for Khashoggi’s death

Part of Official White House Statement:

“King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman vigorously deny any knowledge of the planning or execution of the murder of Mr. Khashoggi. Our intelligence agencies continue to assess all information, but it could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic event — maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!” the statement read."
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This is him going against our own CIA intelligence because the Prince strongly denied it many times. We're going to get up in his taxes and we can see all his personal ventures with them.
His time is just about up....Thank God!

Trump continues to question CIA conclusion that Saudi crown prince was responsible for Khashoggi’s death

Part of Official White House Statement:

“King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman vigorously deny any knowledge of the planning or execution of the murder of Mr. Khashoggi. Our intelligence agencies continue to assess all information, but it could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic event — maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!” the statement read."

Trump just told the world it OK the kill Journalist, even Americas Journalist, especially if you don't like them.
This is a dark day in American history and a sad day for Journalist around the world :xf.frown:
This is the moment that Putin tells the Saudi Prince not to worry, they own Trump 100% and if they own Trump they own America.

They provide a popular, free service in exchange for marketing data and an advertising platform. They definitely need to clean things up, and the video view issue was bad, but overall it’s a very inexpensive ad platform with highly effective targeting that other businesses use to grow their business. Many businesses do far better there than on other platforms. Far from “useless.”

With any free service you use, you're not the customer, you’re the product.

They’ve cracked down big time on anything remotely political - you now need to give them a crapton of personal information if you want to do it and it all needs to be verified. Even, for example, for something like a PSA type ad reminding people to vote.

ATM they're having "problems" - service down for a lot of people.

And with Google and Android, you are also the product.

I have no idea of their inexpensive advertising costs versus Google Ad words. I see they are being sued for issues with accuracy.

I got ripped off years ago with Overture pre merger one month for $6,000. All were in phony clicks I fought off, syndicated without my approval and what a mess and never trusted these PPC again. Another instant with the Indian Click farm problem I got ripped off from too when it first occured, so well aware of fake advertising spends. So, sadly this was over 14 years ago and one would expect better checks and balances and really shows how inept another newer, faster, “smarter” and competing platform remains less intelligent.

As you know, I am not a fan because of many things like they should never have allowed scandal after scandal to occur, be apolitical, and protect their users, which they have not and sold users data and really have been mismanaged. Zuckerberg is no Bezos or Gates. Sure, they copied a platform like Classmates and did it better than GeoCities and MySpace, thats all I can say.

And it isn’t free to everyone, those smart people who value their privacy don’t use it. There are a lot of us out there. I find the entire thing very low value added as a service/product other than mostly a billion person scrapbook of narcissism and photo database. The whatsapp merger created a way for them without your permission to secretly mine all your phone data even though you never had a facebook account installed, really is intrusive.

If you look at the actual business and its stock pricing and what they “create” as far as product development, there is no close comparison at all to their “peer” tech stocks with huge investments in R&D like Apple, Google, Amazon. All of the other FANG’s require much more investment in management, brain power, hardware, etc.
Dow dropping again, tech stocks taking a hit. We'll probably finish the year lower than the highs in January.

The worlds largest casino has many over valued companies. Thats why smart guys like Buffet are sitting on cash.
Hanging black people, especially in Mississippi with it's history, most would consider racist. Can you go 1 day without saying something stupid? Just 1.

She didn't say anything about hanging "black people".
Mr-X: Hey DNWon, would you like some coffee?
DNWon: Sure Mr-X, sounds good!
Mr-X: How do you take it?
DNWon: Cream, Sugar, anyway, but Black!
JB Lyins: You're such a racist!
She didn't say anything about hanging "black people".

Trump is a confirmed pussy.

"Trump has spoken privately about his fears over risks to his own life, according to a former senior White House official, who has discussed the issue with the president and spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly about Trump’s concerns.

“He’s never been interested in going,” the official said of Trump visiting troops in a combat zone, citing conversations with the president. “He’s afraid of those situations. He’s afraid people want to kill him.”

Visited troops in combat zone

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Mr-X: Hey DNWon, would you like some coffee?
DNWon: Sure Mr-X, sounds good!
Mr-X: How do you take it?
DNWon: Cream, Sugar, anyway, but Black!
JB Lyins: You're such a racist!

Trump speaks. Great decision for Billions in wages and future profits to American workers with Military contractors and Oil importers. Total BS to sanction SA over that Reporter. Maintaining sanctions on Iran and balance of power.

Anybody who believes trading $400 billion in economic trade is not pragmatic and ignorant. This is where Trump shines. Non partisan decision. Business first. Capitalism first.

Let France and Germany boycott them... oh but forgot they trade with Iran, and forgot they want to do business with Iran. Treason to NATO. Exit NATO now for USA.
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Trump has spoken privately about his fears over risks to his own life, according to a former senior White House official, who has discussed the issue with the president and spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly about Trump’s concerns.

“He’s never been interested in going,” the official said of Trump visiting troops in a combat zone, citing conversations with the president. “He’s afraid of those situations. He’s afraid people want to kill him.”

Can you blame him?

The hysteria from the left is unreal. Just read any of Lennco's post the past few days. Completely Unhinged!

It used to be that any talk of assassinating a President was followed up with an arrest and an interrogation by Secret Service. Now it happens 1,000 times a day and it's as if it was nothing. It's truly disgusting!
Can you blame him?

The hysteria from the left is unreal. Just read any of Lennco's post the past few days. Completely Unhinged!

It used to be that any talk of assassinating a President was followed up with an arrest and an interrogation by Secret Service. Now it happens 1,000 times a day and it's as if it was nothing. It's truly disgusting!

What? You can't read either? So you think the left is hanging out overseas in combat zones to get Trump? Your post makes no sense.

As if Obama never had those threats. Trump is a pussy, this is well known.

Yep, We need more idiotic liberal rights ridiculous national holidays. What about Marijuana leaf farmers day, Fake News annual celebration day, Nike shoe lace day, dumpster divers day, fast food workers day, e coli death remembrance day.

Last month was Breast Cancer month, the only valid day. Veterans and Thanksgiving. Nada mas.

I see being reported that Chuck Schumers daughter works for FaceBook. Lol.

Knew that would trigger somebody.
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Transgender Day of Remembrance

Yep, We need more idiotic liberal rights ridiculous national holidays. What about Marijuana leaf farmers day, Fake News annual celebration day, Nike shoe lace day, dumpster divers day, fast food workers day, e coli death remembrance day.

Last month was Breast Cancer month, the only valid day. Veterans and Thanksgiving. Nada mas.

I see being reported that Chuck Schumers daughter works for FaceBook. Lol.
What? You can't read either? So you think the left is hanging out overseas in combat zones to get Trump?

I don't need to read that article to agree with him. He's probably more concerned about an inside attack. And for good reason.
And if it was successful, I believe from what I read here daily , that you, Lennco, Enlytend and Kate would all lead the cheering masses through the streets. I'm afraid for him, and I don't scare easily, so I think I know how he must feel. The perpetrator would be hailed as a hero from left and I am afraid of what the right's reaction would be to a "Long Live the King" victory march sure to be run, by the left. Secret Service is fantastic but they are not infallible!
I don't need to read that article to agree with him. He's probably more concerned about an inside attack. And for good reason.
And if it was successful, I believe from what I read here daily , that you, Lennco, Enlytend and Kate would all lead the cheering masses through the streets. I'm afraid for him, and I don't scare easily, so I think I know how he must feel. The perpetrator would be hailed as a hero from left and I am afraid of what the right's reaction would be to a "Long Live the King" victory march sure to be run, by the left. Secret Service is fantastic but they are not infallible!

So we agree he's a pussy. Past Presidents have gone, this would be no different. I would say Bush would have more anger towards him from people over there, than Trump. He still went. You have to trust your Secret Service and Troops.
Obama: We have global warming because you're racist.

"We could have electricity and smartphones and all that stuff which would buy us probably another 20, 30 years for that technological breakthrough that's necessary," Obama continued. "The reason we don't do it is because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues."
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