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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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I'm not against any Americans and I understand that the majority of Trump voters/supporters have their heart in the right place and just wanted to throw a brick into the corrupt state of our political system. But you were swindled into voting for a Con Man. He's pretty good at it, as is Bannon, that's how they pulled it off, but now it's time to sharpen your perception of the reality by focusing on his actions and how different they are from his words.

You got the first part right, the brick in the window. So why do you think Trump voters should be upset now? People never thought he was the banner bearer of freedom - just that he was ready to rock boats. And that's as much as anyone could hope given the current crop of candidates.

He is the first candidate to get halfway serious about dismantling the extremely bloated federal government. Moving to eliminate the Dept of Education - great. Not appointing those 1000s of mostly unnecessary jobs - great.

Best of all, he is taking on the secret state (the CIA, etc.), which is probably the greatest threat to the nation. He will fold, but he is the first president to rattle the CIA since JFK. (Remember what happened to him?)

All this other stuff is relatively petty. And people who have taken to supporting the CIA over the elected president should be ashamed of themselves. Though I think most of them really have no idea what they are doing.
Moving to eliminate the Dept of Education - great. Not appointing those 1000s of mostly unnecessary jobs - great.

Why are those "great?" For example, Why is not having a deputy SOS "great?" What is "great" about getting rid of the dept of education? Other than putting that unqualified nitwit they appointed to head it out of a job?

And people who have taken to supporting the CIA over the elected president should be ashamed of themselves.

The president who idolizes the head of a foreign country's "secret state" and whose administration has had a lot of questionable dealings with them? Who makes accusations against his predecessor with no evidence? Who discusses state business in the open at his private pay-to-play club?

The one who launches a half -assed fiasco of an attack that gets one of our seals killed, others injured, expensive military property destroyed, civilians killed, yields no information, misses the primary target AND doesn't even have the decency to be standing by in the situation room when it's happening? That draft dodging coward who's commander in chief of our military?

"Secret State" is a figment of Jones and Hannity's tinfoil imagination, at best.
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Best of all, he is taking on the secret state (the CIA, etc.), which is probably the greatest threat to the nation. He will fold, but he is the first president to rattle the CIA since JFK. (Remember what happened to him?)
No, DT is not pro-freedom at all and will not tame the police state, his stance is well-known. He wants to push surveillance and repression to the next level.
He is at war against the intelligence community just like he is at war against judges, (non-aligned) journalists, his own administration, anybody who contradicts his alternative reality.
What is predictable though is that he will try to use State resources for his own benefit, and in a revengeful manner. He is a spoiled, angry kid who needs to be contained.

Nonetheless all candidates are in favor of mass surveillance, they are anti-privacy, anti-freedom. Some them are more ruthless than others but they are all committed to destroying what's left of your freedoms.
But you get what you voted for.

And people who have taken to supporting the CIA over the elected president should be ashamed of themselves. Though I think most of them really have no idea what they are doing.
Erdogan also claims he is the elected president, thus he should be able to act in any way he deems fit and you have no right to criticize him. That's not how democracy works. A mandate is not a blank check. What we have is an elected despot.

Have you noticed DT is always complaining about obstruction from enemies of the people, always blaming his predecessor. Very Chavez-like. It's the kind of language that paves the way for repression.
That's it, the US is heading for the abyss like Venezuela. Fasten your seatbelt and enjoy your trip.
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No, DT is not pro-freedom at all and will not tame the police state, his stance is well-known. He wants to push surveillance and repression to the next level.
He is at war against the intelligence community just like he is at war against judges, (non-aligned) journalists, his own administration, anybody who contradicts his alternative reality.

What is predictable though is that he will try to use State resources for his own benefit, and in a revengeful manner. He is a spoiled, angry kid who needs to be contained.
Kate is 100% correct.

This should scare the hell out of everyone, but too many people still have their heads buried up Trumps backside to see the truth.

More people (Trump supporters) need to open their eyes before its too late.
Once our freedoms are taken away it may take another Civil War to get them back.
DT is not pro-freedom at all and will not tame the police state, his stance is well-known.

You may be right. He lacks any real principles in that area. And yet, he is better than the other candidates who say all the right things but have long ago sold themselves on the idea of an oppressive state apparatus. To see a president call out the CIA, whatever his motivations may be, is a good thing. In my opinion, the CIA, the whole secret state and the entrenched bureaucracy are a far greater threat than Trump can be. They all have deep roots, and will be difficult to rein in. Trump has no roots at all, and will not be too hard to neutralize in the end. But in the meantime, he is stirring the pot.

Erdogan also claims he is the elected president, thus he should be able to act in any way he deems fit and you have no right to criticize him.

Erdogan essentially performed a coup after he was elected. I don't see that happening with Trump. Erdogan gets support from extremists and fundamentalists who form a strong faction in Turkey. The people supporting Trump, contrary to news stories, are mostly not extremists. If you are worried about dictatorship in America, the left is far more dangerous than the right. Their views of the CIA (in the chart above) illustrate just how unmoored and easily swayed their principles are in that regard.
Typical MSM...
Biased BBC used the word Muslim when Tanveer Hussain was denied visa but when he molested a girl he was called "Indian Athlete".


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Harry Reid told the U.S. Intelligence Community to give Trump fake intelligence briefings.
Republicans will take a hit on this if this passes.

The CBO reported already triggered Trump

President Trump‏Verified account @POTUS 29m29 minutes ago
If Obamacare is so great, why'd they spend tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to 'hype' it? BAD!

"The House Republican plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act would cause 24 million people to lose health insurance within a decade, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said on Monday."

"CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 14 million more people would be uninsured under the legislation than under current law."

14 million, thanks Republicans.

What a disaster
Obamacare: 64 year old making $26.5K would pay $1,700 in 2026. GOP plan: The same person would pay $14,600.



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How could their plan be so bad? Because ChumpCare is not actually about healthcare for Americans, it's about huge tax breaks for their wealthiest donors. That's what the repub party really thinks of the lower and middle classes. They think you are chumps and will accept whatever BS they sell you as they payback their wealthy donors to keep the gravy train rolling for themselves and their power. Unfortunately the dem's are now using the same tactics and are a closing in fast in the race to the scummy sell out bottom.
Hear, Hear. You said it all in one post. Looks like E-Promote, or should I say "BS-Promote" didn't like hearing the truth... His immediate answer was to "Dislike" you. Typical coward!
Yea, The whole point went over the head.
Not surprising BS promo thought it was about him.
Your talking like an idiot, to be expected I guess. I never said America is going to hell, the bet is asking people that are falling for this fraud to put their money where their mouth is and bet that everything he is telling us is true and will send us to new highs of prosperity. If you actually believe his BS then it should be a no brainer to take the bet, make an easy $1k. One of two specific things have to happen for me to win, I can't make it any easier.

As for leaving the US that question would apply to you more than I. I actually care if a fraudulent admin is bull sh*ting the American people, your acting like it's no big deal and we should all just sit back and let it happen, doesn't sound very American to me.
Reduced to name calling and cheap shot bets ?
America voted out incest of both political parties which is a big deal and you have a problem with that?
Really sucks that had to be explained to you.
So when you leavin?
Exactly. Despite the propaganda spouted by infowars, hannity, et al, this ceased to be about Obama or Hillary long ago. Most of us are patriots who object to seeing our government destroyed by these mendacious incompetent grifters - who are compromised by a foreign government and blatantly chipping away at the institutions that protect our constitutional rights and way of life.
You almost got it right. It isn't the new comer that was blatantly chipping away at the institutions that protect our constitutional rights and way of life. The whole reason they were voted out.
Exactly what Kate, Lennco, BS-Promote and a number of other Lefties think!...
Tyranny of the minority: How the most sinister trend of our age is a poisonous conviction taking root on the Left and among the elite that ordinary people are too stupid to be trusted with voting

Back in the 18th century, political reformer Henry Fox was advocating giving the vote to more people. But only, he insisted, to what he called ‘the better sort’. Not ‘the mob or the mere dregs of the people’. Heaven forbid!

Now, in the 21st century, such derogatory sentiments about ‘the people’ are dangerously back in fashion — ever since they dared vote for Brexit in Britain, and for Donald Trump in the United States.

Questions are being asked in high places about whether ordinary voters are fit to make decisions on major issues.

Read more:
It isn't the new comer that was blatantly chipping away at the institutions that protect our constitutional rights and way of life.
Confirmation bias much?
Reduced to name calling and cheap shot bets ?
America voted out incest of both political parties which is a big deal and you have a problem with that?
Really sucks that had to be explained to you.
So when you leavin?

>Reduced to name calling and cheap shot bets ?
Ahh yes, you must be referring to the several digs you directed at me before I responded with one line: (Your talking like an idiot, to be expected I guess).
  • ...why don't you move to anywhere else but here?
  • Your sweetheart Hillbilly...
  • How about Americans that want change force people like you out?
  • Suck it up. I'm sure Hillbilly would be happy to help you with that.
  • "Guys help me out, can't decide how much I want to piss on America today".
  • People like you and your fellow worshipers...
>America voted out incest of both political parties which is a big deal and you have a problem with that?
An actual populist President would represent the American people, not the largest republican donors like huge multi national corporations, large super pacs and the wealthiest Americans.

>Really sucks that had to be explained to you.

Hey you read my mind, but just to be sure, let me explain it to you again: An actual populist President would represent the American people, not republican donors like huge multi national corporations, large super packs and the wealthiest Americans.
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edit, just 2005

BREAKING: We've got Trump tax returns. Tonight, 9pm ET. MSNBC. (Seriously).

turned out to be not much, just 2 pages.
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edit, just 2005

BREAKING: We've got Trump tax returns. Tonight, 9pm ET. MSNBC. (Seriously).

turned out to be not much, just 2 pages.
Suspected to have been leaked by DT as a deflection.
Where is the breakdown of where the money came from? Why hide that unless there's something to hide?
Shows how he would have benefitted had there been no AMT, which coincidentally he wants to abolish.
Trumps first 100 days is a disaster so far.

  • Judge blocks his new travel ban for the second time :xf.laugh:
  • His healthcare bill is a DOA and only Ryan is still pushing it :ROFL:
  • He continues to put his twitter foot in his mouth with lies like wiretapping :-P

Oh, but now he is back peddling and says Wiretapping covers many things...:xf.laugh::ROFL:
Wiretapping has only one definition,

noun: wiretapping; noun: wire-tapping
  1. the practice of connecting a listening device to a telephone line to secretly monitor a conversation.

How in the world do people still believe in this guy? :xf.confused:

Trump = Toxic for America!
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