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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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For everyone losing their s**t about "omg the CIA can heck my phone, tv,..."
1) You think other countries can't /don't do this?
2) They're spies. This is what spies do.
3) They're not hacking YOU personally unless youre involved in something dodgy that makes you a target.
4) FYI, half of the info security staff at companies like your bank, isp, social network sites, big ecommerce sites, could hack you too, if they wanted to. (Though the pro spooks probably have cooler toys.)
5) You're more likely to be spied on by your ISP than by the CIA. All your data goes through their network. Doesn't get much easier than that,
Soooo... Could it be that the Russian Hackers the Dems and MSM have been pushing all this time are actually the CIA?

Could this be Trump's next executive order?
I love it Gil. You're on track. You bring sanity to an otherwise blood thirsty group of so called wannabe "liberal cry babies (riot drama queens)" who are so pissed off that their choice of "Bubba" or "Big Momma" isn't in office. It's totally okay. They will whine for a few months more....keep quoting from 4-5 favorite press sources without ever even bothering to look up the author and his/her affiliations and/or biases.

Then after 2-3 months, the calm will descend when they realize that their bong thoughts and screaming, yelling, ....trying to convince the 50% of Americans across all 50 states, that they made a really bad choice,... doesn't matter anymore and life is back to normal under Trump.

Give them time to get down their high. See, ...for every beer you drink, you've gotta give yourself around an hour to cool off before you decide to drive. Let's give em some time to get sober and used to Trump. Nobody likes speed limits, but people follow them or at least "try".

In a few months, ...these liberal nut cases will do just that, ...and just keep waiting and praying 4 years to elect their next President who will cater to their fantasies and be Pro-LGBT, Pro-Abortion, Pro-Islamic Terrorists, Pro-Illegal Border Crossing Ruffians and Pro Islamic refugees. But for now, let the 50% of the American people who voted for Trump enjoy his presidency. They deserved it. What say?

Well said @Varon , sooner or later they will blow a fuse from over using the word;
Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia
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Liberal P*ssies...

Time to grow some...
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Washington Wants To Destroy Donald Trump Warns Monica Crowley
@Varon If you actually believe that everything will be alright under these frauds, why not put your $ where your mouth is:

I'll bet you $1K that one of two things will happen during his first term/4 years.
1. He will be forced out of office.
2. The US stock market will crash (at least a 15-20% decline from it's highs).

Your move.
Looks like three is the charm (at least for now) for Fox:

March 9, 2017 - Fox News Channel’s parent company has reportedly fired an executive and paid more than $2.5 million to settle a sexual assault complaint made by a former network contributor.

Fox news, the network that constantly pushes "family values" is proven once again to be monumentally full of shit.
If DT is so insistent on this "wall", why is he planning to cut funding to the coast guard? Plenty of water routes to the US east and west of Mexico.
Why was the state department budget slashed by 37%?
Why is there no deputy to the head of the state department?
Why were all the experienced senior state dept members let go? These were NOT Obama appointees.
Do they really think that someone who drops insurance because they can't afford it is going to be able to pay 30% surcharge on premiums to get back in?
How is a flat $4000 tax credit going to help middle income pre retirement age folks when they're facing an estimated premium increase of $7k-$8.5k?
Why are we letting an incompetent fool who's an asset of a foreign government run our country?

Well well well - lookee who's giving wikileaks hosting space:


What a coincidence! And the IP space was added July 2016. Interesting.
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This how it works: NGO and Navy boats from various EU countries go to within 8-12 miles off the Libyan coast to pick up all the invaders and bring them to Europe, so that these lazy bums can milk the system, while locals pay for all of this.

This is a win-win situation for human traffickers. All they need to do, is buy some cheap old boats, fill them up with invaders that have paid between $2000-$3000 each and the stupid Europeans will go to their doorstep to pick them up.

Time to put Politically Incorrect right wing governments in the EU to stop this madness.
All they need to do, is buy some cheap old boats, fill them up with invaders that have paid between $2000-$3000 each

Exactly how determined illegals from Mexico are going to get to the US despite the stupid wall, especially if coast guard funding is cut. You made my case for me.
Exactly how determined illegals from Mexico are going to get to the US despite the stupid wall, especially if coast guard funding is cut. You made my case for me.
Your comparison is ridiculous and I didn't make any case for you. American troops or Navy are NOT going to the border to pick up illegals and then distributing them throughout the US, like what the pathetic European governments are doing. Human traffickers in this part of the world are actually going through a fantastically profitable time by being helped by this ridiculous and dangerous EU policy.

This is totally different to what you are trying to compare.

Besides, only 1/3 of the Southern US border is fenced and piss easy to get through. The sea route is much easier to patrol and detect as there are only two border coastal areas to patrol. You don't need to be a scientist to figure that out.

If you don't think a wall will make any difference then you are living in La La Land. You just need to look at the wall Israel built around the West Bank to see the massive difference it made in terms of preventing suicide bombers from getting into Israel.

Hungary also built a fence in it's southern border which stopped all those invaders from crossing Hungary (and creating havoc) in their quest to reach Germany, Sweden, UK etc. where the free handouts are very generous.

Build that wall Donald,,, and make it nice and tall.

Oh, BTW...
Now Mexico wants to build a border wall with Central America to keep out illegal immigrants from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala

  • Mexicans are calling for the border wall to keep out Guatemalans, Salvadorans and Hondurans fleeing violence
  • They complain 'hordes' of immigrants are flooding the country on the way to the US - who then deport them back to Mexico
  • Mexican newspaper El Mañana published article: 'Yes to the Border Wall … but in Mexico's South'
  • 'Trump's idea of a border wall is a good one but it should be on the southern border with Central America,' the El Mañana board wrote
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Migrant smuggling is now worth £5 billion to criminal gangs and is comparable to the illegal drugs market, report warns
  • Europol report said migrant smuggling is 'highly profitable' and 'widespread'
  • Researchers found demand for smuggling services had grown significantly
  • Figures suggest networks offering 'facilitation services' to either reach or move within the EU generated an estimated 4.7 billion euro to 5.7 billion euro in profit
  • Some 5,000 international organised crime groups under investigation in the EU
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Well well well - lookee who's giving wikileaks hosting space:
What a coincidence! And the IP space was added July 2016. Interesting.

Not the only coincidence. Criminals drunk on booze or hubris or both are by far my favorite. He deleted it soon after posting.

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Guys help me out, can't decide which is a better name to brand the GOP health plan: TrumpCare or ChumpCare ?
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