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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.

Here you can spout your USA political views.

1. Keep it clean
2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
@Varon If you actually believe that everything will be alright under these frauds, why not put your $ where your mouth is:

I'll bet you $1K that one of two things will happen during his first term/4 years.
1. He will be forced out of office.
2. The US stock market will crash (at least a 15-20% decline from it's highs).

Your move.

If you don't believe America will be just fine no matter who is President why don't you move to anywhere else but here?
You and your buddies that think the "other" Americans support idiots.
I must commend you for your incredibly intelligent foresight predickting such an obvious
market correction back to reality. 50/50 win.
Who was it that gave Putin control of 20% of our Uranium Deposits ?
Your sweetheart Hillbilly. Who was it that enriched themselves as a Public Servants ?
Who was it that made it possible for bankrupt companies to gain record profits while
millions of Americans were wiped out?
Who was it that gave China control of one of our nations sea ports?
Who was it that enriched the healthcare industry to the point they could offer valet
service at Hospitals while Americans cost of care doubled, tripled?
Who was it that lied to the American people about their healthcare choices then did
nothing to follow thru ?
Who was it that allowed a Soldier to go to jail for protecting fellow Americans?
Who was it that allowed foreigners to invade our social services, to vote, to break our laws repeatedly ?
Who was it that allowed invaders to remain incarcerated with full care while
poor and homeless Americans went without?
Who was it that allowed Military Police brutality to continue toward our black folks?
What kind of American would Disrespect half the nation that wanted the incest to end?
What kind of American would want the incest to continue?
How about Americans that want change force people like you out?
Who is it that committed fraud on the American people?
Who is it that spent 12 trillion dollars America didn't have?
Who is it that will live the rest of their lives in luxury while
millions of Americans only dream of the retirement they
worked hard for and lost?
Who is it that denied Veterans health care and benefits?
Who did nothing ? Who?
How about you put your money where your mouth isn't.
Suck it up. I'm sure Hillbilly would be happy to help you with that.

"Guys help me out, can't decide how much I want to piss on America today".

People like you and your fellow worshipers seriously underestimate the will of the American
people regardless of who's President.
Anyone else confused why we still haven't heard from @GILSAN about Trump's golf excursions? GILSAN, outspoken about Obama playing golf, often whining on and on about it thru other peoples memes, hasn't said a peep about the fact that Trump played golf six times during his first month in office. Now some may say, hey that's not fair singling out GILSAN like that, so here are some tweets from the guy who played golf six times during his first month in office who also didn't think Obama should be playing golf:
@168 Spare me your tired platitudes and take your HC and Obama anger out on some one else, I never supported her and I gave up on Obama after his first two years of not doing enough. Now back to the point. Are you putting your $ where your mouth is (I don't care who takes the bet) or are you just an angry congested lip flapper as well?
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How bout you and your buddies spare every American. Just suck it up already.
So when you leavin?
Your talking like an idiot, to be expected I guess. I never said America is going to hell, the bet is asking people that are falling for this fraud to put their money where their mouth is and bet that everything he is telling us is true and will send us to new highs of prosperity. If you actually believe his BS then it should be a no brainer to take the bet, make an easy $1k. One of two specific things have to happen for me to win, I can't make it any easier.

As for leaving the US that question would apply to you more than I. I actually care if a fraudulent admin is bull shiting the American people, your acting like it's no big deal and we should all just sit back and let it happen, doesn't sound very American to me.
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Your comparison is ridiculous and I didn't make any case for you. American troops or Navy are NOT going to the border to pick up illegals and then distributing them throughout the US, like what the pathetic European governments are doing.
Wait, you're telling me that the US coast guards push back people at sea and let them drown ? Interesting, but I'm sure we'd know if that was official policy. And no, as far as I know the EU doesn't pick people over the border, that's certainly not what is happening in Indomeni, quite the opposite as Fortress Europe is being built at a brisk space (actually it's also being into a prison but that's another issue).

Human traffickers in this part of the world are actually going through a fantastically profitable time by being helped by this ridiculous and dangerous EU policy.
The EU is not being generous at all. Turkey and Lebanon harbor millions of refugees from Syria. In the EU only Germany and Sweden contribute. Other countries tend to reject them quite aggressively and are being openly racist.

Human traffickers are having good business as a result of restrictive EU policy and lack of access to Europe through proper legal channels.

Besides, only 1/3 of the Southern US border is fenced and piss easy to get through. The sea route is much easier to patrol and detect as there are only two border coastal areas to patrol. You don't need to be a scientist to figure that out.
It's equally difficult to seal off European shores. And what exactly are we trying to achieve. If the US wall is going to cost 20 billion dollars (or more) frankly I don't see the value proposition. Nobody can justify that kind of expense without a tangible return. And they don't even have that money, they just keep on digging the hole of debt.

Hungary also built a fence in it's southern border which stopped all those invaders from crossing Hungary (and creating havoc) in their quest to reach Germany, Sweden, UK etc. where the free handouts are very generous.
Invader yourself. Not only are you always spreading the same lies about handouts, but your own country is a net exporter of economic migrants. Your people are not even fleeing persecution. But go ahead, continue to vote for far right leaders and soon you'll be a refugee. At the very least there is a strongly likelihood that war will return to Europe, because Europeans just aren't capable of living in peace for too long :xf.frown:

And since you mention Hungary, it has stopped being democratic and left the European orbit, now it looks more like Russia. You know, that wonderful nation that is the role model for the far-right but where nobody would want to live, because it is actually a shithole by Western standards O_o

What we know from past History is that democracies usually don't wage war against each other. When we have democracy, we have peace. The problems start when one or more countries stop being democratic. They stop behaving in a civilized manner at home first, and it's only a matter of time until they attack their neighbors for whatever reason.

I could tell you a few stories about Hungary, since we are at it:

This state-sponsored disinformation campaign of xenophobia costs Hungarian taxpayers the equivalent of over $18 million
– or approximately $13,500 per asylum seeker Hungary has been asked to
take. Imagine if this money had instead been spent on improving
conditions in reception centers and establishing integration support
programs for refugees and asylum seekers in line with Hungary’s EU
obligations and shared EU responsibility.

PS: from the top of my head the fortified barb wire at the borders has cost double.

Meanwhile, Hungary has pursued contradictory migration policies. Orbán’s
government isn’t against all immigrants, just the ones whose existence
can be used to stir up prejudice and fear. His policies favor economic
migrants looking for jobs over refugees seeking safe haven. Since 2013,
the Hungarian government has issued 3,649 residency permits to people
who purchased Hungarian bonds in the value of €250,000 (now increased to
€300,000). Most of those investors are from China, Russia or the Gulf
states. This number is three times more than the quota of asylum seekers
Hungary was requested to process as part of the EU proposal last year.

Even the most extremist Hungarians should be outraged.

Also, Malta has been openly selling passports (and access to Europe) to foreigners who can afford it. People in need of protection are unwelcome, but those who have money can come in.
Wait, you're telling me that the US coast guards push back people at sea and let them drown ?

I said that? Where the hell did I say that? Don't try to BS me, I won't allow it.

The EU is not being generous at all.

Again, stop lying. All these invaders are being fed, housed and given all kinds of social benefits that even the locals don't benefit... all for free and paid for by Europeans taxpayers.

Human traffickers are having good business as a result of restrictive EU policy and lack of access to Europe through proper legal channels.
They're having a fantastic, thriving business because the idiotic European Navy and NGO boats are going right up to 8 miles of the Libyan coast to pick them up and bring them to Europe.

God, how stupid can Liberals be that they don't fu*king understand that!

If the US wall is going to cost 20 billion dollars (or more) frankly I don't see the value proposition. Nobody can justify that kind of expense without a tangible return. And they don't even have that money, they just keep on digging the hole of debt.

Obama added 11 TRILLION dollars to the debt and you think 20 billion is impossible to raise?

Not only are you always spreading the same lies about handouts, but your own country is a net exporter of economic migrants. Your people are not even fleeing persecution.

Looks like you like to belittle my people... the Portuguese. But I don't give a crap about your opinion. We Portuguese love our British immigrants/expatriates. In fact, the more Brits, the merrier... as long as they are not from the Religion of Peace. Those are great in their original countries.

According to this article:
Two million British people emigrated to EU, figures show
British figures indicate that just as many UK citizens live in the EU as vice-versa, despite popular perceptions.

The numbers, covering 2010, were put forward last week in a government response to a parliamentary question by Matthew Oakeshott, a Liberal member of the House of Lords.

Compared to the 2.3 million EU citizens in the UK, which includes people who came after Poland and nine other states joined the Union in 2004, British consular authorities estimate that 2.2 million Britons live in the other 26 EU countries, excluding Croatia, which joined in 2013.

But go ahead, continue to vote for far right leaders and soon you'll be a refugee.

That's exactly what I intend to do. Liberals have screwed Europe forever. The only salvation is right wing policies, to Make Europe Great Again.

At the very least there is a strongly likelihood that war will return to Europe, because Europeans just aren't capable of living in peace for too long :xf.frown:

Europe was doing fine until this massive invasion of Muslims in the last 10-15 years.

And since you mention Hungary, it has stopped being democratic and left the European orbit, now it looks more like Russia. You know, that wonderful nation that is the role model for the far-right but where nobody would want to live, because it is actually a sh*thole by Western standards O_o

You don't have a fu*king clue about Hungary. The only sh*tholes in Europe are all those mostly Muslim no-go areas in France, UK, Germany Holland, Sweden etc. where even the Police are very reluctant to go to.

What we know from past History is that democracies usually don't wage war against each other. When we have democracy, we have peace. The problems start when one or more countries stop being democratic. They stop behaving in a civilized manner at home first, and it's only a matter of time until they attack their neighbors for whatever reason.

So in your opinion only lefties are democratic? It's because of hypocrites like you that think you own the truth, that I've become more conservative.

I could tell you a few stories about Hungary, since we are at it:

I don't give a crap about your biased liberal opinion on Hungary. They are doing just fine without all those invaders from the Middle East and North Africa.
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These tweets are too much fun, projection anyone?
If you don't believe America will be just fine no matter who is President why don't you move to anywhere else but here?
You and your buddies that think the "other" Americans support idiots.
I must commend you for your incredibly intelligent foresight predickting such an obvious
market correction back to reality. 50/50 win.
Who was it that gave Putin control of 20% of our Uranium Deposits ?
Your sweetheart Hillbilly. Who was it that enriched themselves as a Public Servants ?
Who was it that made it possible for bankrupt companies to gain record profits while
millions of Americans were wiped out?
Who was it that gave China control of one of our nations sea ports?
Who was it that enriched the healthcare industry to the point they could offer valet
service at Hospitals while Americans cost of care doubled, tripled?
Who was it that lied to the American people about their healthcare choices then did
nothing to follow thru ?
Who was it that allowed a Soldier to go to jail for protecting fellow Americans?
Who was it that allowed foreigners to invade our social services, to vote, to break our laws repeatedly ?
Who was it that allowed invaders to remain incarcerated with full care while
poor and homeless Americans went without?
Who was it that allowed Military Police brutality to continue toward our black folks?
What kind of American would Disrespect half the nation that wanted the incest to end?
What kind of American would want the incest to continue?
How about Americans that want change force people like you out?
Who is it that committed fraud on the American people?
Who is it that spent 12 trillion dollars America didn't have?
Who is it that will live the rest of their lives in luxury while
millions of Americans only dream of the retirement they
worked hard for and lost?
Who is it that denied Veterans health care and benefits?
Who did nothing ? Who?
How about you put your money where your mouth isn't.
Suck it up. I'm sure Hillbilly would be happy to help you with that.

"Guys help me out, can't decide how much I want to piss on America today".

People like you and your fellow worshipers seriously underestimate the will of the American
people regardless of who's President.
Hear, Hear. You said it all in one post. Looks like E-Promote, or should I say "BS-Promote" didn't like hearing the truth... His immediate answer was to "Dislike" you. Typical coward!
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When tourists visit sub-Saharan Africa, they often wonder “Why there are no historical buildings or monuments?”

The reason is simple. Europeans have destroyed most of them. We have only left drawings and descriptions by travelers who have visited the places before the destructions. In some places, ruins are still visible. Many cities have been abandoned into ruin when Europeans brought exotic diseases (smallpox and influenza) which started spreading and killing people. The ruins of those cities are still hidden.

“The town seems to be very great. When you enter into it, you go into a great broad street, not paved, which seems to be seven or eight times broader than the Warmoes street in Amsterdam…The Kings palace is a collection of buildings which occupy as much space as the town of Harlem, and which is enclosed with walls. There are numerous apartments for the Prince`s ministers and fine galleries, most of which are as big as those on the Exchange at Amsterdam. They are supported by wooden pillars encased with copper, where their victories are depicted, and which are carefully kept very clean. The town is composed of thirty main streets, very straight and 120 feet wide, apart from an infinity of small intersecting streets. The houses are close to one another, arranged in good order. These people are in no way inferior to the Dutch as regards cleanliness; they wash and scrub their houses so well that they are polished and shining like a looking glass.”

Sadly, in 1897, Benin City was destroyed by British forces under Admiral Harry Rawson. The city was looted, blown up and burnt to the ground. A collection of the famous Benin Bronzes are now in the British Museum in London. Part of the 700 stolen bronzes by the British troops were sold back to Nigeria in 1972.
I actually care if a fraudulent admin is bull sh*ting the American people, your acting like it's no big deal and we should all just sit back and let it happen, doesn't sound very American to me.
Exactly. Despite the propaganda spouted by infowars, hannity, et al, this ceased to be about Obama or Hillary long ago. Most of us are patriots who object to seeing our government destroyed by these mendacious incompetent grifters - who are compromised by a foreign government and blatantly chipping away at the institutions that protect our constitutional rights and way of life.
Cities destroyed by GILSAN's ancestors (British and Portuguese - I guess he is just attracted to that kind of Supremacist culture)
No need to go that far. Colonial wars in Africa in the 1970s for example. But all countries have a dirty past. Although some people just seem to be proud of their violent past and want to repeat it :)

Back to DT: he keeps blaming Obama and the Democrats, but since the Republicans now have control of the House and the executive branch they sure can act now.
When will he man up, take responsibility and start acting like a president ?
Tweet less and deliver.

Actually, he is so totally out of touch with reality that Americans are already tired of his lunatic, paranoid behavior, conspiracy theories, alternative facts and they have stopped listening to him. Now people are barely paying attention. No more than they would try to make sense of the rumblings from a drunkard out of a bar, it's pretty much the same.
In fact I would rather see a drunkard in office, at least the drunkard is normally sober and sane for at least a few hours a day.
How do you "extreme vet" people from countries that YOUR WESTERN COUNTRIES have destroyed?

Recent outbursts of violence in Kenya and Nigeria shocked the world, but with the influx of guns from destabilized countries, and instability, which is a direct result of Western neo-colonialism, the situation could get much worst.

Tags Natural resources, Arms, Children, Military,Religion, Africa, Libya, Egypt, Violence,Nigeria

The African continent is being ravished as it was in the darkest days of direct colonialism.

There are no exact statistics available, but at least 6 million people have died in war-ravaged DR Congo since 1995. But some say that 10 million is a much more precise figure. There, Rwanda and Uganda, two staunch allies of the West, are plundering with absolute impunity, and with total disregard for human lives. Gang rapes are routine, as are the most savage forms of mass murder… So are child soldiers… And so are religious freaks turning into militia commanders. Some of the most horrible warlords in the DRC have actually been from religious groups, including Pentecostal pastors, such as General Laurent Nkunda, who used religious fervor and gospel songs to lead his troops to kill, rape, and mutilate.

The DRC is unimaginably rich in natural resources, from Coltan, to Uranium and Diamonds. And that is its curse, its nightmare.

The weapons used in Central Africa are often imported from destabilized countries in Northern Africa and elsewhere on the continent, undermined mainly by Western geopolitical interests. These weapons are killing both humans and animals.
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No doubts who are really going to hell:

Certainly not the victims trying to find a better life (in countries that have gained so many riches from them and then flaunted/bragged about them... you jealous??)

Certainly not the activists and humanitarians trying to help the victims

Certainly those whom are complete 100% selfish supremacists whom only care about themselves and their wealth!
Oh well, I love the religious references.
For a start, it is funny (but tragic) how some rightwing nuts like to shout about our great civilization that is under attack and the need to preserve Christian values, but they never practice and uphold any of those Christian values, say for example generosity, tolerance, compassion...

Catholic Priest Attacked for Hosting Refugees Quits Bulgaria
The Catholic Church is withdrawing Fr Paolo Cortezi from the northern Bulgarian town of Belene after his decision to shelter a Syrian refugee family in his parish caused uproar
The Bulgarian Catholic Church, which numbers about 50,000 believers, on Tuesday backed the controversial cleric, saying it upheld the evangelical and human principles of charity and compassion, which encouraged it to lend a hand to those in need.

But the much larger Bulgarian Orthodox Church, the main faith group in Bulgaria, was less encouraging.

In two official statements, in 2015 and 2016, it called on the authorities to stop accepting refugees.

@sofiapartner for some local insight perhaps ?

Under attack

It is a well-known fact that the West is a peaceful bloc because the religion of peace™ is dominant there, therefore we have a God-given right to label other people barbarians, animals or terrorists (insert derogatory term here).
So the US (or another Western nation) would never attack a Muslim nation, let alone kill innocent people without an apology and call it a successful operation, it's only the terrorists who behave like that right ?
Death in al Ghayil - Women and Children in Yemeni Village Recall Horror of Trump’s “Highly Successful” SEAL Raid
If you're a US taxpayer you foot the bill of course.

Don't worry, we are the good guys always.
I will give you local insight, @Kate .

Bulgarians are maybe the most tolerant people in the world.

Some famous evidence for that are the "Rescue of the Bulgarian Jews" where the Orthodox Church played a key role. The only two countries that did that were Bulgaria and Denmark. Quoting the WaPo article:
""When Nazi Germany began murdering Europe’s Jews during World War II, the public did little to stop it. Citizens of France, Italy, Holland and Poland, for example, did not flood the streets in outrage when their neighbors were shipped to concentration camps.But 70 years ago, one nation protested: Bulgaria. The only Eastern European country that kept much of its Jewish population from the gas chambers and crematoria.""

This is not the first time we accept refugees. And one of this famous occasions is the accpeting of the Armenians after the Turrkish genocide against them. We love them as our brothers and they are highly respected in our society then and now.

"In 1894-1896, an Armenian rebellion in Asia Minor was brutally suppressed by the Ottoman authorities, and led to forced resettlement in the Balkans. About 20,000 refugees were accepted by Bulgaria.

The next big wave of Armenians arrived in Bulgaria in 1922, after the Ottoman atrocities of 1915-1922. The 22,000 new refugees doubled the size of the Armenian community."

Nowadays the Bulgarian Ethnic Model is famous for keeping our country stable and united - and you know where we are situated - the Balkans. War after war and I will give you another insight - expect another one really soon. And it will not be in Bulgaria.

There are many many examples but I don't have the time to write them all. I am doing this for one reason only. Bulgarians are not racists. Bulgarians are not xenophobic. Bulgarians are not nationalist freaks (like the Serbs for example).

So - there should be another reason why Bulgarians don't want these "refugees". Do we agree on that? Your example is just one of the many hapenning in Bulgaria right now. People all over the country don't want them.


1. We know Islam.

Bulgaria is an old country. Very Very old. The only one in the world that has the same name as when it was formed in 681. Back then it was called Bulgaria. 1300+ years later surprisingly enough it is still called Bulgaria.

Let me tell you something interesting. We have been under Ottoman (Turk, Islamic) rule for 500 years.

1396 - 1878

Can you imagine? 500 years. How many generations are that? Let me put it in this perspective. Your country is 250 years old. Right? USA declaration of independence is from 1776. And we have been under ottoman rule for 500 years. @Kate , believe me - we know islam.

And exactly for that reason - we don't want this Islam in our lands. No. Never again, @Kate. Yes - we have Muslim minority (8-10 percent) - but they are living here from hundreds of years. They are part of our society. We have the same culture. Totally different from the Saudi sponsored islamists that are invading Europe.

2. These refugees are not refugees.

It is so obvious for every rational, thinking human being that this wave is sponsored by Saudis and Qatar. The Syrians are just under 10 percent from all the Islamists coming into Europe. The others are from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Maroco, Tunisia, Phillipines, Iraq, Somalia, etc. What they have in common - of course - they are muslims.

Bulgarians are wise people. They see that. They know that this is orchestrated and directed. This is muslim invasion of Europe. And Bulgarians don't want to be part of that. And believe me - the majority of Europeans don't want this too.

Regarding your remarks about the Church. Our Church is one of our pillars and help us to preserve our identity through 500 years of Islamic torture. Our Bulgarian Church is more than 1000 years old. Who are you to judge our Church? Don't you think that this institution knows better?

We are proud. We are good. We are helping. We are smart. We are wise.

That is your local insight, @Kate.
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There are sincere religious people in the world as well as fake. You can tell the difference by examining their actions. The same holds true for politics...and as you can see our President agrees, just look at his March 8th, International Women's Day tweet:

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There are many many examples but I don't have the time to write them all. I am doing this for one reason only. Bulgarians are not racists. Bulgarians are not xenophobic. Bulgarians are not nationalist freaks (like the Serbs for example).
That doesn't surprise me. Most people are not 'racist' as long as you look like them :meh:
Maybe they are not racists but there is a saying among Syrian refugees that Bulgaria is a country to avoid for transit because of its militias that roam freely along the border, the corrupt and brutal polices forces that rob immigrants of their assets and beat them, and Bulgaria is actually more dangerous for them than Syria proper.
Bulgaria Makes Stars of Vigilante Migrant Hunters
Nice job.

2. These refugees are not refugees.
It is so obvious for every rational, thinking human being that this wave is sponsored by Saudis and Qatar. The Syrians are just under 10 percent from all the Islamists coming into Europe. The others are from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Maroco, Tunisia, Phillipines, Iraq, Somalia, etc. What they have in common - of course - they are muslims.
20 million people have been displaced in Syria alone as a result of war. Are you actually saying that none of them could be refugees ? Downplaying the number of refugees is one thing, denying the existence of refugees is another.

It's actually funny that in 2014 there were more applications for asylum to the EU from Russians than Afghans... The numbers could surprise you.
Syrians and Russians top asylum demands to EU

More stats: Asylum quarterly report

But I know of course that Bulgaria is exposed by virtue of being at the flank of Europe and could expect more solidarity from other EU members. Especially, the Visegrad (V4) countries who have committed to zero, nada, nothing. They prefer to let countries like yours deal with the problem. While you applaud their tough policies, they also make the situation on the ground more difficult for you and provide little support. The EU cannot work like that. So I think Bulgaria deserves more solidarity but must also do its part. When I preach solidarity vs selfishness it's because I believe we are stronger together and weak when disunited. Again you can see for yourself what happens when there is no solidarity.

But you don't have to worry, according to the stats Bulgaria is not exactly welcoming lots of refugees (or immigrants, huge difference between the two):

Bulgarians are wise people. They see that. They know that this is orchestrated and directed. This is muslim invasion of Europe. And Bulgarians don't want to be part of that. And believe me - the majority of Europeans don't want this too.
Excuse me but this is completely crazy and downright paranoid. To speak of invasion when people are just fleeing persecution of seeking a better life. And what do Saudis and Qatar have to do with this ? You sure wanna elaborate on that crazy theory ?

Regarding your remarks about the Church. Our Church is one of our pillars and help us to preserve our identity through 500 years of Islamic torture. Our Bulgarian Church is more than 1000 years old. Who are you to judge our Church? Don't you think that this institution knows better?
I am not a religious person. But if I were one, I know that people would judge me by my deeds, not my words. If you are going to claim a Christian identity, gotta behave like one otherwise what's the point.
When the Church itself contributes to intolerant and racist attitudes, then it's not a Church I would want to be a part of. Saying you'll only allow a limited number of refugees in is reasonable. Saying you want zero, nada is something different. It is rejection. Especially when they are Muslim.
PS: suddenly Bulgarian doesn't seem to be so confident in its own identity ? Even though the Muslims make 12% of the population apparently it's already too much ?

That is your insight, @Kate.
Thanks for that, it's more than expected. Always a pleasure.
Liberals are even worse than the followers of the Religion of Peace. They will never understand anyone that has a different point of view. There is no salvation for them.
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Ah yes, the far right, their fake Christian values and their "pro life" lies.

After all, sending young American Patriots to their untimely death in unnecessary protracted armed conflicts: Very pro life.

Killing innocent non combatant men, women and children in unnecessary wars. Very pro life.

Cutting tax aid to American children, single mothers and the disabled then giving it to their corporate and wealthy donors...Very pro life.

Not allowing desperate refugees to enter the US out of fear of a small number of terrorists that can easily be screened, you guessed it...Very pro life.
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Thought I'd make something clear, I don't have anything personally against Trump voters or anyone here, but if you come at me with BS I'm gonna knock it down, expose the ignorance behind it and serve it right back to you. I'm not against any Americans and I understand that the majority of Trump voters/supporters have their heart in the right place and just wanted to throw a brick into the corrupt state of our political system. But you were swindled into voting for a Con Man. He's pretty good at it, as is Bannon, that's how they pulled it off, but now it's time to sharpen your perception of the reality by focusing on his actions and how different they are from his words.
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I don't know which is worse:
  • Pence using his personal email for State business
  • The fact that it was an AOL account
"[email protected]?" You've Got Mail!

To be fair AOL wasn't his first choice. The word going around is that he felt more comfortable using Hot Male but his Church convinced him he would go to hell if he didn't at least pretend to change.
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