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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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Not sure what bothers me more: 1) The barbaric act
2) The crowd
3) The Left making up "reasons" why this is being done in the 21st century
Not sure what bothers me more: 1) The barbaric act
2) The crowd
3) The Left making up "reasons" why this is being done in the 21st century
1+2 is easier to understand, because it's part of their culture of death.
3 is difficult for me to comprehend, because unfortunately, the Lefties are part of our Western culture.

Now... as long as 1+2 stays in their countries I don't give a damn, but when they invade Europe with the help and consent of our Liberal Governments and bleeding heart Libs, that's where I have a big problem with.
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Not sure what bothers me more: 1) The barbaric act
2) The crowd
3) The Left making up "reasons" why this is being done in the 21st century
Have you noticed those orange suits ?
I have seen them somewhere. Have you ?
Have you noticed those orange suits ?
I have seen them somewhere. Have you ?
Yes, Guantanamo... where they didn't get their heads chopped off, where they were allowed to pray to their God, where most of them have been let free to kill and behead infidels once again.

Over a dozen of these bastards will be released by Obummer before the 20th.

That should bring a massive smile across your progressive face. Will you be taking any of them into your house?
More Liberal hatred:
‘F**k Donald Trump, F**k White People!’: 4 People In Custody After Man Kidnapped, Tortured On Facebook Live

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MSM must be highly pissed off that they will have to report this news. They love reporting white on black crime, but the opposite is really difficult for them to swallow and they do everything to downplay it.

Even more disgusting than these crimes, is the MSM avoiding talking about it, but ONLY when it's Black on White
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With more than five million Muslim jihadists now wreaking havoc on the citizens of Germany, it’s no surprise that Hitler’s infamous Mein Kampf (‘My Struggle’ or as they call it in Arabic ‘My Jihad’) would become an instant best-seller. After all, it is widely known that Hitler based a lot of his ideas about Jews and the final solution on the teachings of the Quran.

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Not sure what bothers me more: 1) The barbaric act
2) The crowd
3) The Left making up "reasons" why this is being done in the 21st century
One question I've always had was, did the US ship them desert MARPAT camouflage as a "care package" or did we just abandon a lot of it over there without burning them in the pits when we pulled out of some FOBs?
Every humvee, every tank, every vehicle, left behind for them contained beaucoup uniforms.
But I believe that once upon a time, did not isis have some clothing outfit make them uniforms?

And orange was all over Iraq and Syria, did you not see the many videos and pictures of your friends killing people who were dressed in orange?

Now Obama's building a wall! Workers put the finishing touches to a brick barrier around $5million DC mansion where Barack, Michelle and Sasha will live after leaving the White House
  • Renovations have been ongoing at the property since it was revealed the First Family will soon be moving in
  • A crew of workers was hard at work on Friday morning building a brick wall at the front edge of the property
  • The Obamas are staying in DC so 15-year-old Sasha can finish out high school at the Sidwell Friends School
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The wall is nothing to write home about.
There are walls like that surrounding a lot of houses in Des Moines.
It will not be finished in brick, but metal work put in between each brick tower.
Plus it is put up as per Secret Service to protect him and his family.
And I bet the home that Trump is renting (Obama is renting his) not far away will also have such a fence.
Florida airport attack leaves 5 people dead and several injured.
Shooter is a deranged man: "His mind was not right"
Have you noticed those shootings are never called acts of terror when they are not perpetrated by colored people, preferably Muslim type.
In my book, terrorists are deranged people.

Oh and by the way, think of all the freedoms taken away from you, and the huge amounts of money wasted in the police/military complex under the guise of fighting terrorism both home and abroad.
Funny, when you think that the US is the country where 30K people die from firearms every year. Is that right ? Firearms are killing about one thousand more people than terrorists.

At least you got your priorities right :wacky:
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Not sure what bothers me more: 1) The barbaric act
2) The crowd
3) The Left making up "reasons" why this is being done in the 21st century
A. So you know what it's like to live in countries like this?
B. Who wouldn't want to get out and find a better life?
C. You want them all to either stay in their country knowing the way that people are treated, or to drown
Florida airport attack leaves 5 people dead and several injured.
Shooter is a deranged man: "His mind was not right"
Have you noticed those shootings are never called acts of terror when they are not perpetrated by colored people, preferably Muslim type.
In my book, terrorists are deranged people.

Oh and by the way, think of all the freedoms taken away from you, and the huge amounts of money wasted in the police/military complex under the guise of fighting terrorism both home and abroad.
Funny, when you think that the US is the country where 30K people die from firearms every year. Is that right ? Firearms are killing about one thousand more people than terrorists.

At least you got your priorities right :wacky:

I think 20k of that are from suicides and 10k from homicides neither of which are good numbers, both show a problem of Mans heart that needs help
Joe T
Florida airport attack leaves 5 people dead and several injured.
Shooter is a deranged man: "His mind was not right"
Have you noticed those shootings are never called acts of terror when they are not perpetrated by colored people, preferably Muslim type.
In my book, terrorists are deranged people.

Oh and by the way, think of all the freedoms taken away from you, and the huge amounts of money wasted in the police/military complex under the guise of fighting terrorism both home and abroad.
Funny, when you think that the US is the country where 30K people die from firearms every year. Is that right ? Firearms are killing about one thousand more people than terrorists.

At least you got your priorities right :wacky:
It's the Liberal Media that doesn't want to call them terrorist acts.

This piece of garbage is NOT deranged. He knew what he was doing. When you peel all the layers off, he is a Muslim/ISIS sympathizer, or maybe a convert. Liberal Media is calling him a "White Hispanic" that hears voices in his head saying he should join ISIS, or that the Government was making him watch ISIS videos

Who is he and the Liberal Media trying to fool? Maybe Kate and her entourage of Progressives, for sure.

They will probably end up calling it "Workplace Violence" like what happened with Nadil Hasan (the Ft Hood terrorist)

This picture of Esteban Santiago has been posted by the MSM as a B&W pic, and NOT showing his finger.The MSM also forgot to mention that Santiago is wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh, a garment made famous by Palestinian terror leader Yasser Arafat. Santiago is also holding his finger in a position common to members of ISIS.

2,474 DEADLY Islamist terror attacks took place in 61 countries in 2016, taking at least 21,237 lives. All other religions accounted for 4, yes 4, similar attacks. Do you think, perhaps, that Islam is the problem?

In the meantime Obama and his Hollyweird celebrity friends had a big party in the White House.
If it had been Bush or Trump the media would have DEMANDED it be cancelled, or they would have been called insensitive and heartless.
Dozens Of Danish ISIS Fighters Received State Unemployment Benefits
It's not free. Maybe to you, but not to a productive taxpayer. And the screws are being tightened in that department in Germany, or so I have been told.
And yet that productive tax payer pays less for his healthcare than in the US. Way less. In Germany, nobody has to go bankcrupt to pay his medical bills and yet we pay less for our healthcare than you. So yeah, gotta love this system.

Also: "or so I have been told" Yeah. There is your problem m8. Or there is the problem of most of you in this thread. You just believe everything someone tells you. You value the words of someone more than the words of someone who actually lives there (me).
You hear someone talking "Yurop is full of Sharia and Rapists!" and immediatly believe it. And yet when europeans tell you its the complete opposite you do not believe them at all. And you know why this is so? Because the things the europeans tell you doesn't fit your narrative of evil muslims and socialism is bad.

EDIT: Oh btw, is it true you have a vaccine sceptist as head of your vaccine commitee? Wow, and I thought it can't become dumber.
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