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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Utterly desperate, embarrassing and only confirms how the Democrats still have NOTHING other than the race card.
Latino Victory Fund Ad Features Gillespie Voters Hunting Minority Children In The Streets
The Latino Victory Fund pulled their “sickening” ad that featured an Ed Gillespie supporter attempting to run down minority children. The Gillespie campaign decried this ad as “disgusting” and an “attack on the people of Virginia.”

Cristobal Alex, the president of the Latino Victory Fund, said in a statement to Breitbart News, “We knew our ad would ruffle feathers. We held a mirror to the Republican Party, and they don’t like what they see. We have decided to pull our ad at this time. Given recent events, we will be placing other powerful ads into rotation that highlight the reasons we need to elect progressive leaders in Virginia.”

Yeah sure... "Given recent events" You idiots got everything wrong... starting with the driver.
Yeah, I just saw that. My guess is that arrest pissed him off and further got him into today's state of mind.

They didn't say why he was arrested but it was the highway patrol

So the highway patrol can arrest you one year and you can rent a Home Depot truck the next year
So, if you get arrested in one State, how long before you can rent a car? Or does that depend on what State you live in?
Terrorists have TOLD us they are at WAR with us, so, it's NOT Islamophobic to name the Enemy!!!!
Within 5 hours we already know much more about the Islamic terrorist who arrived in the US in 2010, than we do about Stephen Paddock, who murdered 58 and wounded 500 in Las Vegas, more than a month ago, and who has lived in the US his entire life.

I wonder why?
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The bastard pledged allegiance to ISIS...
Of the 8 victims, 5 were Argentinian and 1 was Belgian.
Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share
The Cato 2017 Free Speech and Tolerance Survey, a new national poll of 2,300 U.S. adults, finds that 71% Americans believe that political correctness has silenced important discussions our society needs to have. The consequences are personal—58% of Americans believe the political climate prevents them from sharing their own political beliefs.

Democrats are unique, however, in that a slim majority (53%) do not feel the need to self-censor. Conversely, strong majorities of Republicans (73%) and independents (58%) say they keep some political beliefs to themselves.

Happy to say that I'm part of the other %. The ones that don't give a crap about PC
This is as close to Kim Jun idiot plan to get. A friend working in Korea took this after he drove out to this deadend- other side is the North Korea.

You should have said:

"Not all Muslims are extremists or terrorists, but virtually all terrorists are Muslim."

In the US many of the worst terrorist attacks have been by white US citizens not Muslims. Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, Oklahoma City, Aurora, Edmonton..

Extremists and zealots of ANY religion are dangerous and always have been. Lunatics will do crazy things in the name of their god.

9/11 was the largest terrorist attack on US soil and yes, they were islamic extremists, mostly from Saudi Arabia - Which brings up the question, why is Saudi Arabia conspicuously missing from the banned country list?

I'm NOT saying, as you seem to think, that everyone claiming to be Muslim is a "good" person, but not all of them are "bad" people either. Most, like the rest of us, are just folks with families trying to live their life.

The ability to be a piece of human garbage crosses all lines of race, religion and ethnicity.
You sick Hollywood degenerates... you want them in, but you won't take them into your fabulous houses
So, if you get arrested in one State, how long before you can rent a car? Or does that depend on what State you live in?

Some rentals will check driving record, I don't know if any check criminal record. You need a valid driver's license. In states with REAL id licenses, I think rental companies may require additional ID if you're from a state which doesn't issue them.
In the US many of the worst terrorist attacks have been by white US citizens not Muslims. Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, Oklahoma City, Aurora, Edmonton..

Extremists and zealots of ANY religion are dangerous and always have been. Lunatics will do crazy things in the name of their god.

9/11 was the largest terrorist attack on US soil and yes, they were islamic extremists, mostly from Saudi Arabia - Which brings up the question, why is Saudi Arabia conspicuously missing from the banned country list?

I'm NOT saying, as you seem to think, that everyone claiming to be Muslim is a "good" person, but not all of them are "bad" people either. Most, like the rest of us, are just folks with families trying to live their life.

The ability to be a piece of human garbage crosses all lines of race, religion and ethnicity.
The difference between you and a Muslim is that you will criticize terrorism where only whites are involved in, while Muslims keep quiet about the terrorist attacks commited in the name of Allah. On the contrary, yesterday there were many parts of the Muslim world celebrating the Manhattan massacre. But then of course you probably wouldn't know about this, if you only read and watch Liberal Media.

Have you ever heard any of the assassins in Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, Oklahoma City, Aurora, Edmonton, scream "Thank God" while gunning down innocent people?

Western countries already have enough loonies in their societies. Why open the borders and get flooded with more fanatics that hate America or Europe or infidels?

Then you keep on equating Muslim terrorism with Christian terrorism. There is absolutely no comparison possible.

Same with equating human garbage. Some garbage smells a lot worse than others and is a lot more toxic.
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What a stupid idiot. What does he want... more open borders? More Muslim radicals?
Cuomo claims president's tweets 'play into the hands of the terrorists' by demanding extreme vetting
On the contrary, yesterday there were many parts of the Muslim world celebrating the Manhattan massacre.

You ever stop to think those incidents get undue exposure in the right wing press? There's presentational bias on both sides.

We have Muslim families around here. Didn't see anyone dancing in the streets. That rumor about them celebrating in NJ after 9/11 is untrue also. I live here. Didn't happen.
In the US many of the worst terrorist attacks have been by white US citizens not Muslims. Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, Oklahoma City, Aurora, Edmonton..
Stop it please. They are white and they are Christian (maybe). So they are not terrorists, they are radicals. You must be Muslim to earn the terrorist label. White privilege.

The difference between you and a Muslim is that you will criticize terrorism where only whites are involved in, while Muslims keep quiet about the terrorist attacks commited in the name of Allah.
And what do you expect exactly ? They should apologize to you ? Do Westerners ever apologize for war crimes committed abroad ? The US is the biggest terrorist in terms of casualties and it's a fact. US policy has caused more deaths than all terrorist attacks combined.
Actually, few Muslims would rejoice but still, why do Americans expect any sympathy when they happily invade foreign countries and kill hundreds of thousands of Muslims without explaining and without feeling any guilt (they even reelected the hilly-billy who started that mess).
To this day, the US is still launching drone strikes in Pakistan and Afghanistan and they kill civilians too. You think people are happy ? Would you accept that a foreign nation like Pakistan bombs your cities every few days because terrorists are allegedly hiding there ? Stop behaving like you are the goods guys who never do anything wrong, and stop thinking you are the only ones suffering.
There are many people who are on the receiving end of US foreign policy and they don't exactly see things the way you see them.

Have you ever heard any of the assassins in Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, Oklahoma City, Aurora, Edmonton, scream "Thank God" while gunning down innocent people?
In the US, there are religious fanatics too, like those setting fire to abortion clinics, assaulting or killing doctors and they usually aren't Muslim. Any idea what their religious inspiration may be ?
Oh right - it's not terrorism since they are White....
And what do you expect exactly ? They should apologize to you ? Do Westerners ever apologize for war crimes committed abroad ? The US is the biggest terrorist in terms of casualties and it's a fact. US policy has caused more deaths than all terrorist attacks combined.
Actually, few Muslims would rejoice but still, why do Americans expect any sympathy when they happily invade foreign countries and kill hundreds of thousands of Muslims without explaining and without feeling any guilt (they even reelected the hilly-billy who started that mess).
To this day, the US is still launching drone strikes in Pakistan and Afghanistan and they kill civilians too. You think people are happy ? Would you accept that a foreign nation like Pakistan bombs your cities every few days because terrorists are allegedly hiding there ? Stop behaving like you are the goods guys who never do anything wrong, and stop thinking you are the only ones suffering.
There are many people who are on the receiving end of US foreign policy and they don't exactly see things the way you see them.
I see you didn't even bother to condemn yesterdays Manhattan attack, but instead came to condemn and complain about Americans, about whites, about abortion clinics attacks and to defend Muslims. Typical Kate...

If Muslims hate America, the West and the infidels so much, then why the hell are they migrating, or should I say invading the west by the millions? Why don't they stay in their hell holes, where they can practice their 7th century culture and religion without anyone complaining. Of course no one can complain there, otherwise they will either get stoned to death, or get their throats slashed, or in some cases get thrown off buildings. The lucky ones will only get their hands chopped off.

In the US, there are religious fanatics too, like those setting fire to abortion clinics, assaulting or killing doctors and they usually aren't Muslim. Any idea what their religious inspiration may be ?
Oh right - it's not terrorism since they are White....
So what about the millions of babies killed in these abortion clinics... Nothing to say about that? And in many cases, selling the aborted baby parts... nothing to say about that? And how about the fact that black women have the highest % of abortions... Whites are to blame for that? Black genocide?

Just imagine if your mother had decided to abort instead of giving birth to you? Ever thought about that?

Go "cry me a river" somewhere else...
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We have Muslim families around here. Didn't see anyone dancing in the streets. That rumor about them celebrating in NJ after 9/11 is untrue also. I live here. Didn't happen.
I said "many parts of the Muslim world", not where you live...
So the Diversity Visa Lottery Program

Schumer sponsored original program, part of immigration bill, approved on a bipartisan basis in 1990, signed into law by George Bush.

Later "Schumer actually proposed ending diversity visas as part of efforts by the so-called "Gang of 8," aimed at a broader immigration overhaul. The Gang of 8 measure died in the House because of GOP-led opposition."

As far as anti-terrorism funding

"the president's budget called for an increase in Department of Homeland Security funding.
but "But Trump's budget proposed chopping $600 million from some homeland security grants to state and local law-enforcement agencies, according to Senate Democrats."

New York City law-enforcement officials blasted the cuts back in March.

Police Commissioner James P. O'Neill called the money "absolutely critical. It is the backbone of our entire counter-terrorism apparatus."

Trump was quick about this, within 24 hours, coming up with this and that. Still nothing about guns, bump stocks etc. after the Las Vegas massacre, which he said he'll talk about in future. White massacres, terrorism I guess get a pass.

Extreme vetting, huh. This guy can even vet his own people. See the number fired, resigned, under arrest etc. And then it's never actually been defined what exactly that is anyway.
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In the government fiscal year ending September 2015, the most recent year for which statistics are available, the State Department received about 9.4 million applications for Diversity Immigrant Visas.

The applications included petitions for another 5 million spouses and children who would be admitted to the U.S. with lottery winners, for a total of 14.4 million potential visa recipients.

About 125,000 of them were lottery-selected, giving them the right to apply for immigrant visas – a number that the State Department cut off at 50,000 on a first-come, first-served basis.

Uzbekistan was the 8th-highest represented nation among the lottery winners that year.

  • Cameroon: 5,000
  • Liberia: 5,000
  • Iran: 4,992
  • Egypt: 4,988
  • Ethiopia: 4,988
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo: 4,943
  • Ukraine: 4,679
  • Uzbekistan: 4,368
  • Russia: 4,103
  • Kenya: 3,534
Read more:

Look how diversity has worked out in Europe...
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If Muslims hate America, the West and the infidels so much, then why the hell are they migrating, or should I say invading the west by the millions? Why don't they stay in their hell holes, where they can practice their 7th century culture and religion without anyone complaining.
It's not just Muslims who are migrating, there are many Westerners too.
For example let's consider the Portuguese.

Portugal has been a net exporter of migrants for as long as we can remember (to the tune of 100K+/year). Mind you, we are purely talking economic migrants here, not refugees or certain categories of people who are persecuted or exposed to immediate danger. Why don't they stay then ?

So, those Portuguese invaders (who have failed to build a prosperous enough country for themselves), have been settling in Europe and beyond. They have been moving in droves to the UK too, obviously to get free medical care on the NHS and steal from hard-working British taxpayers.
Those Portuguese freeloaders are also invading back their former colonies, like Angola or Mozambique in search of opportunities.
Note that during the 70s, a lot of Portuguese moved abroad especially to France, in order to avoid the military draft, as they didn't want to fight colonial wars in Africa on behalf of the then fascist government of Portugal. Likewise, many Syrians have fled for the same reason in recent times, as they didn't want to fight (and die) for the survival of Assad's regime, that they despise.

Some locals in Africa are saying that foreigners (the Portuguese) are stealing their jobs, if they say so that must be true. After all they are locals, they know better. You have to put yourself in their shoes, most people in Mozambique or Angola live in poverty and expats earning 4-figure salaries do not necessarily command immediate sympathy (yet the cost of living in Luanda is insane and 4 figures in USD isn't too much really).
By the way, the locals are also saying that the Portuguese don't integrate much, they remain within their community (ghetto) and don't mingle a lot with the locals. Indeed, why should they waste their time socializing with Africans, they are worth better than that since they are white :stig: (and Christians).

PS: anybody who doesn't understand the irony should go back to the beginning of the thread and review all of @GILSAN's posts

PS2: I highly recommend Portugal as a holiday destination and the good character of Portuguese people.
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So what about the millions of babies killed in these abortion clinics... Nothing to say about that? And in many cases, selling the aborted baby parts... nothing to say about that? And how about the fact that black women have the highest % of abortions... Whites are to blame for that? Black genocide?

A few pages back you didn't care about abortions as long as your tax dollars weren't paying for them...

Just imagine if your mother had decided to abort instead of giving birth to you? Ever thought about that?

I'd never know the difference... If you want to get buddhist about it, maybe I'd just be born to different parents.
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