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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

1. Keep it clean
2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

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we do think a lot of same.. we are not enemies by any means.... we both want a better world .... although we may disagree on who we think can bring us a better world today.... we both strive in the exact same direction

Don't get me wrong, I like living on the edge - fast cars, fast sleds, fast Internet, even fast women, lol. But I have learned to slow down my thoughts, take deep breaths, and meditate. I practice Kung Fu and T'ai Chi which gives me a chance to collect my thoughts (in slow motion), so when the time comes, as it has, I am prepared to fight. That's the warrior in me, though I choose peace :xf.wink:
You're acting out like a child.

You are a child. How do you get played so often? Tell me that. Why are you so gullible and fall for the same stuff over and over again? Does No Charges escape you as well? Tweets from Trump are what count?
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What in the world are you talking about? You literally support going back in time, going backwards.

You're ok with:

Taking gay marriage away

Taking abortion away.

2 subjects the majority of Actual Americans agree with

Heal the Earth? Trump has done the opposite, Biden just got the Nature endorsement today

Americans voted on neither gay marriage nor abortion... Yes.. i do believe their should be a national vote on both although our system does not provide us that.... so.. with that said there is a very good chance that both with will repealed by Amy ....
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In 20 days, Trump will turn the page to a new chapter of his life outside politics.

It has been 4 years of embarrassment and I can't wait to get back on track. IMO, Trump is the worst thing that has ever happened in American politics.

If Trump had run as a Democrat, I'd feel the same way about him. He is everything nasty that he has said about others. I will wish him all the best.
Don't get me wrong, I like living on the edge - fast cars, fast sleds, fast Internet, even fast women, lol. But I have learned to slow down my thoughts, take deep breaths, and meditate. I practice Kung Fu and T'ai Chi which gives me a chance to collect my thoughts (in slow motion), so when the time comes, as it has, I am prepared to fight. That's the warrior in me, though I choose peace :xf.wink:

I hear you... and respect you for your choices
RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

You are a child. How do you get played so often? Tell me that. Why are you so gullible and fall for the same stuff over and over again? Does No Charges escape you as well? Tweets from Trump are what count?

What Alinsky, and his followers, failed to comprehend is that they created a whole generation of people who cannot see beyond screaming criticism and offer any modern day solutions to social problems beyond a social shift to the hungry and dreary world of socialism/communism – something they definitely do not actually want to happen.

The counter reaction to this situation has been the rise of the humongous populist movement that elected Donald Trump. This group doesn’t put up with Alinsky-like nonsense. They outnumber the Alinski-ites 100,000 to 1.
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RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

You get conned by a tweet, it's that simple. You're an easy mark. Copying and pasting something off the internet isn't saving you. If there was something to the Biden stuff........there..........would......have........been.......charges.

Still sick

Stroking out again

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In 20 days, Trump will turn the page to a new chapter of his life outside politics.

It has been 4 years of embarrassment and I can't wait to get back on track. IMO, Trump is the worst thing that has ever happened in American politics.

If Trump had run as a Democrat, I'd feel the same way about him. He is everything nasty that he has said about others. I will wish him all the best.

I understand that you and i both want the same things for America... we both want change and prosperity for our country... Donald Trump.... Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris are going to get us where we want and need to be..... we will have to wait until 2024 for that to happen... my position is preserving the America we currently have until 2024 ... rather the alternative of revisiting 1800s ideology of Marxism and Communism, even Socialism ..... we are far better than that .... and should proceed forward as a country utilizing the technology that we have.... we can reinvent the USA with the technology .... we can all prosper and have an incredible world .... but we have to preserve what we have until 2024 for it all to happen IMO
You see in that clip, how everybody behind him is wearing masks? That's just for show. Most of the lemmings in the crowd are not. Doing their part to spread a virus hurting other Americans and this country. Too dumb to realize they're getting conned.
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^ It's a world-wide epidemic, what do you expect? How do they know that 15-20% are infected? Did they get tests? If they're illegals, don't they get shipped back? Would you prefer to stop testing and carry on business as usual? That would be convenient.
WOW... you really know fu*kall about illegals arriving in Europe. The reason they come in the millions, crossing the Mediterranean Sea is because once they put foot in European soil, they cannot be kicked out.
They are advised to throw away their ID documents and schooled on what to say in their application for asylum by the leftist Soros sponsored NGO boats that go pick them up about 10 km from the Libyan or Moroccan coast and then travel 300-400 km to drop them off in the nearest European ports, therefore serving as a taxi service to bring in millions of 3rd world illegals most of witch have no skills, many have very little schooling, many come with tropical diseases and the majority are Muslim young men.

They are advised by the the NGO's to lie and claim they are under 16 years of age, even though they are well over that age, which puts them in the front line of being accepted as asylum seekers.

Once they land in Europe they are housed in hotels, boarding houses, palaces and even cruise ships, where they wait for a year or two for their asylum application to be accepted or rejected.

During this time they are not allowed to work, yet they get everything for free... free housing, medical, food, dental, schooling, public transport, clothing, internet (most of them have cell phones which they never throw away, as they do their ID document).

They even have free passes to public swimming pools, free translators and FREE POCKET MONEY.

And this year, thanks to the China Virus they get free Covid-19 tests.

We know the approximate % of Covid infected because they are transferred from the hotels they are at to different and more isolated facilities.

We know this because the government has to inform the Media where Covid cases are happening on a daily basis and how many people are involved. The Media then films and reports it on TV or on Social Media.

BTW... the vast majority of illegals that get their asylum applications rejected never get sent back to their countries because they have Soros backed organizations that fight in the courts for years on end to keep them in Europe.

Oh... I almost forgot.... If I, a Portuguese tax paying citizen for a fuc*ing long time, want to have a Covid test, I have to pay €100, and yet these illegal invaders get the tests and everything else for free..... all of it with the help of my and every hard working tax payers money...

Isn't that wonderful? .... for the invaders, that is...
You know, it may come as a surprise, but the Chinese have adopted the American way at an exponential rate. There really isn't alot of difference between countries, except that they lost their religion and many of their traditions following the Mao Revolution. I was actually very impressed, and dismayed, by the development I saw when I lived there. Their economy is stable, most do show respect and are quite honorable, but they have displaced values for money and greed - especially the young generation, who were amazed when I demonstrated Kung Fu ping-pong, lol.
WOW... you really know fu*kall about illegals arriving in Europe. The reason they come in the millions, crossing the Mediterranean Sea is because once they put foot in European soil, they cannot be kicked out.

Sorry, it's been awhile since I lived there (for about 5 years). I visited every country. Thanks for the lesson(y)
I'm sure you already know, but just in case you don't, this years Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to World Food Programme (WFP) "for its efforts to combat hunger, for its contribution to bettering conditions for peace in conflict-affected areas and for acting as a driving force in efforts to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict."

Seems like a well deserved win. We all knew that they would NEVER award Trump the prize, but if we compare what Obama did (fu*kall) to what Trump did in the various conflict areas, especially the Middle East and even to a lesser extent N. Korea, then Trump deserved one a lot more than Obummer.

The ONLY reason Obama won the Nobel was because he was Black and it was the politically correct thing to do!
You know, it may come as a surprise, but the Chinese have adopted the American way at an exponential rate. There really isn't alot of difference between countries, except that they lost their religion and many of their traditions following the Mao Revolution. I was actually very impressed, and dismayed, by the development I saw when I lived there. Their economy is stable, most do show respect and are quite honorable, but they have displaced values for money and greed - especially the young generation, who were amazed when I demonstrated Kung Fu ping-pong, lol.

China has the biggest Capitalism in the world... that thanks to the USA... Yet young Americans are against Capitalism ... however young Americans like the ideology of Marxism -Communism -Socialism .... which would go back to 1970s China... 1980 Russia.... which makes absolutely no sense ... aside from an appetite for evil and Godless
See for yourself "neutral" bystanders ;)

If you dont prefer Livestream Rallies ;)

Here's Pennsylvania one; Go Trump!

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I'm sure you already know, but just in case you don't, this years Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to World Food Programme (WFP) "for its efforts to combat hunger, for its contribution to bettering conditions for peace in conflict-affected areas and for acting as a driving force in efforts to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict."

Seems like a well deserved win. We all knew that they would NEVER award Trump the prize, but if we compare what Obama did (fu*kall) to what Trump did in the various conflict areas, especially the Middle East and even to a lesser extent N. Korea, then Trump deserved one a lot more than Obummer.

The ONLY reason Obama won the Nobel was because he was Black and it was the politically correct thing to do!

I questioned the ethics of their decision to award a newly elected president the Nobel Peace prize. I had hoped it would change world views and politics, but in retrospect, it appears it has only bred resentment and minimized the committee's impartiality.

Likewise, when Trump was elected, I had hopes for him too, but in retrospect, the world has seen the result.
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the Chinese have adopted the American way at an exponential rate.

More American than America at times. More freedoms when I lived there as well. But that's generally true of developing countries. The government has its hand full taking care of the basics, so they don't have time to legislate and regulate everything to death. Drinking and driving, for example, was tolerated. I hated driving there (it's a madhouse especially outside the major cities). But many times coming back from some god-forsaken village after a night of drinking I felt obligated to take over driving duties because the driver was far drunker than I was. Add to that, the total absence of any respect for rules of the road, the unlit streets and peasant dressed all in black who enter the road without any concern for personal safety.... The advice was if you hit somebody to keep driving and report it when you got back to the city. Otherwise, you might not get out of the village alive.

Stuff like that was why I was happy to relocate to a tiny flat in Japan that was a fraction the size of my place in China.
Ted Cruz at yesterday's hearings recounts two cases when SCOTUS was just one vote away 5:4 from making it legal for the Government to ban books, and the other case to practically cancel the second Amendment by interpreting it as not protecting the individual right to keep and bear arms, but a so called collective right of a militia. It just shows how activist justices can slowly change the whole constitutional landscape by issuing non textual interpretations of articles, and with closeted liberal Roberts you kind of know which way it goes.
You get conned by a tweet, it's that simple. You're an easy mark. Copying and pasting something off the internet isn't saving you. If there was something to the Biden stuff........there..........would......have........been.......charges.

JOE,... LIED... ABOUT.... NEVER... TALKING... TO.... HUNTER.... ABOUT.... WHAT.... HE... WAS... DOING.

Joe Biden was Hunter's "guy" and helped him sell influence over America's foreign policy.

There hasn't been a criminal investigation. Megabytes of email, pictures, video. Not a tweet.
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Domainace said,

Add to that, the total absence of any respect for rules of the road, the unlit streets and peasant dressed all in black who enter the road without any concern for personal safety.... The advice was if you hit somebody to keep driving and report it when you got back to the city. Otherwise, you might not get out of the village alive.

I was a designated driver more than once, it was okay because I was used to driving there. I found it difficult at night sometimes, but that was just because I was blinded by high beams from cars coming directly at me in the opposite direction driving on the wrong side of the road, lol, or going backwards on a highway off ramp. I finally had enough when a driver used the sidewalk and I jumped on his car and ripped off his windshield wipers! Racing motorcycles was a hobby in China, my nickname was Motobike, lol, just as surfing the traffic in Japan on high-end bikes, the locals nicknamed me kewl gaijin - until my final drinking days - but that's another story. I miss the Kokubuncho :xf.cool:
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Racing motorcycles was a hobby in China, just as surfing the traffic in Japan on high-end bikes, the locals nicknamed me kewl gaijin - until my final drinking days - but that's another story

Yes, life in China can be bad for the health. A friend who lives near me now stayed on and did really well selling cheap solar panels. He made money, but the drinking and what-else really aged him. I remember reading that the average live expectancy for a well-off Chinese businessman was about 50 years. Far less than that of the poor folks.

So far the wrong way on freeways, had that couple times in taxis - once at night. Like all visitors, I used to grip the seat tightly in the back of a taxi. Finally, I just learned to relax and accept whatever fate handed us. Not like gripping the seat is going to help if we have a 130kph head-on collision. It was actually a good calming exercise, to learn how to relax and accept that your taxi is being driven by a maniac.

I finally had enough when a driver used the sidewalk and I jumped on his car and ripped off his windshield wipers!

You must be a scary looking guy. I saw people get beaten up just for being hit by a car. How did you avoid a scrape there?
Yes, life in China can be bad for the health. A friend who lives near me now stayed on and did really well selling cheap solar panels. He made money, but the drinking and what-else really aged him. I remember reading that the average live expectancy for a well-off Chinese businessman was about 50 years. Far less than that of the poor folks.

Yeah, it's probably worse now than when I was there, pollution was horrible. I got used to wearing a mask outdoors. I lived by a mountain though, so I took hikes at sunrise every morning to practice T'ai Chi.

So far the wrong way on freeways, had that couple times in taxis - once at night. Like all visitors, I used to grip the seat tightly in the back of a taxi. Finally, I just learned to relax and accept whatever fate handed us. Not like gripping the seat is going to help if we have a 130kph head-on collision. It was actually a good calming exercise, to learn how to relax and accept that your taxi is being driven by a maniac.

I can totally relate to that, much respect for those drivers, I watched and learned their tricks, and later was able to help them navigate, as I do in Targa racing back East (not my car, but I was there - he killed it, lol).

You must be a scary looking guy. I saw people get beaten up just for being hit by a car. How did you avoid a scrape there?

Lol, not scary, just don't show fear and act like a dumb tourist (I won't say whom, lol) ...got me out of more than a few jams in more places than I care to remember. :xf.wink:
It may seem contradictory (being a racer and an environmentalist), but when we make good times in a 40 yr old car my team and I built and modified, it puts those $250K Ferraris to shame. My thoughts were - go where the money is if you want to make change. Also a good place to sell a few domains, lol and it's a helluva lot of fun!! I prefer electric vehicles, maybe I'll be able to afford a Tesla someday. :xf.cool:
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