
The New REVOLUTION in Domain Parking is HERE! -

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Bodis.comTop Member Staff
Introducing the New Revolution in Domain Parking Services, where the clients actually matter this time around -

That's right. We have negotiated the highest possible revenue share with third party ad providers, and out of this we are giving our clients a lifetime of 100% revenue.

Today is the beginning of CHANGE in the domain industry. Many of us are tired of all the domain parking programs that hone in most of what we should be receiving. The Revolution has STARTED.

As of right now, offers the following:

  • 100% Revenue Share
  • Search Engine Optimized Templates
  • Customizable html title, html description, and page title of templates
  • Customizable images for templates
  • Auto-optimizable and manually customizable keywords/urls for advertisements!
  • Simplistic and easy to use management interface
  • Customer support that cares about its clients
  • Customer support that responds within 1-2 days.
  • And more as the program progresses...

I am hoping the majority is happy with where we are heading in the domain industry, and that everybody here is happy to see We will be working extensively on adding user suggestions and feedback into the parking service.

Hopefully we can make a difference in the industry.

Aside from this, I'd like to point out a few more things. The lifetime of 100% revenue share is applicable to anybody that applies within the next 1-2 years. The revenue share may decrease after that only for new clients. Right now Bodis, LLC has the budget to keep itself afoot with 100% revenue share for another 1-2 years time.

Enjoy the website and feel free to leave any feedback/comments in this thread.

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Verbster, I was seriously thinking the same thing. I, along with other members, would lose LOTS of time customizing domains and such, but I would not mind ONE bit if everything was deleted and new accounts would be re-distributed. I was going to suggest it right when I saw Matt's post, but then I remembered how he said there were like 3K members @ Bodis. So... I figured better not get flamed and shuttup.

I'm up for this 100%, and for a program in beta... I'm OK for losing a couple hours of my time customizing to get it back to normal. We know this isn't final and there might be some bumps in the road. Sadly, the loss of revenue to thsi extent is a MAJOR bump. This way we can start with clean slate and we don't need to wait till v2 is released to actually make more money. I don't know about the rest, but my 0% APR is almost ending. I wanted to move my domains away from Bodis, but was waiting a little bit longer cause I have faith. I was just thinking about how I'd love to move my domains away and go back to making my old revenue back.

Matt, what do you think? You may not think it's something practical, but I TRULY believe this is the BEST solution for right now. Clean database, and re-start with application process. This way you eliminate those committing click fraud VERY early before v2 release and the current applicants can test the system properly.
We are removing accounts everyday right now. Probably will be finished by tomorrow. Although, it will be an on-going process. We will look accounts over on a regular basis. We will only keep the accounts that are not in-active, don't have low quality traffic, and are non-fraudulent.

It will take a bit of time to get back to what we were at before, but will hopefully be worth the wait.
Okay, some of you guys are gonna hate me for saying this, but as a fellow domainer with around 100 domains on Bodis, I too feel your anguish. But lets not start degrading someone's character just because things aren't going well. I'm not sure why we keep talking so much about what "may" have happened or what "could be" happening. If we are witnessing declining RPC's, just take a few minutes/hrs of time and change your DNS servers to a range of 20+ parking companies. I know that most of us have spent days/months customizing and building dream domains, but You and I did it without an express guarantee that our fortunes would stay the same. We have to expect uncertainties of the domain industry. It sure hurts to see the Bodis RPC start falling, but we always have other options rather than just hurl accusations at Matt.

Life has its ups and downs and Matt seems to have done his best. We were all praising him when things went right and now when CPC's have fallen, the same people are after him. There's no point to this. I saw my revenues decline to about 14 cents a click and I'm just moving my names to other servers. Hopefully, if things get resolved at Bodis, I will be able to point my DNS back. Lets just accept this fact and leave him alone. Give him time to fix things right. Give him a much deserved break guys. :)

Nobody forced us to join Bodis. Its just like the stock market, when you see your stock prices decline, you either sell or wait for things to get better. There are no express guarantees of performance when we buy stocks. The same here. The choice is ours. Lets take it this way or the other. We can either change our DNS servers or wait it out till things get better.

Lets have peace guys and let Matt have peace too. From what I know, quite a few of the domains which were on Bodis were domains employing automated clicking software, with many guys having a cash bonanza for the first few months. These guys literally killed Bodis. Its sad that because of the folly and greed of these few, even the genuine domainers were affected. But thats life and lets hope things get better..

ns1.some new parking
ns2.a new clean bodis in

Matt, have a nice thanksgiving day. Enjoy the Turkey and take a holiday break.
Well said Varon. Hopefully that will have a calming effect on some exalted souls in this thread. The fact that Matt spent some time with us today has been extremly helpfull as well. Now we will have to start the painfull recovery.

So lets all just keep a cool tool, and take Varon's advice which as we all know has allways given us his best.

GIL :)
ianccc said:
Yikkes - I checked one of my domains - same thing

Could it be that redirect under control by Matts hired filter provider? Just a guess??? :-/
Good post varon. I agree with you

Matt have a good thanksgiving and to the honest domainers at bodis

To the abusers here, no happy thanksgiving to you guys lol. Thanks in wrecking things for all of us at bodis

Varon, has it right on. Glad someone with a solid reputation here on namepros say this and Gil had some great posts as well

When I read above post on erasing things and starting fresh and etc at first my first reaction was no way in hell. Then having 5 minutes to think this, actually it would clean all this up, Matt can watch things more carfully and the accounts that Matt knows are honest he keeps them. But Matt said he should have things all cleaned up.

Know there a lot of people that spent months, hard work into the domains. Me on the other hand have not spent near the time on my bodis account. Past couple months I just check my stats and that's about it. Only a few names here, when I see light at the end of the tunnel and new system then will add more.


cfguru360 said:
All paypal payments have been sent out except two of them, I believe.

We have tools that automatically send them out. It is not like we are forgetting anybody or anything to that degree. IF, you did NOT receive a Paypal payment for September (besides 2 people), it is probably due to one of these reasons:

1) You didn't submit a tax form by the 15th if you were required to.


2) You didn't have a valid paypal email address and "Paypal" selected as your payment option from the drop down.

I cannot see any other reason. Like I have mentioned, hundreds of people received their paypal payment. If you haven't it is one of those two reasons. If you are one of the two people, you will receive it by the 25th. I am not sure who those people are right now since I don't have access to that data on hand.

1) You didn't submit a tax form by the 15th if you were required to.

Matt, I am one of who just faxed my W-9 on the 15th, I received email from Ana today confirming that she did received it. I replied to the same email she sent today on when will my Paypal payment gonna kick in?
Am I one of those 2? out of a couple I guess?

accounts in-active are not fraud, if bodis pay rate is back to normal level, I believe most accounts will become active and more people will come to apply accounts at bodis, but force account owners to park domains at bodis is not a good way.

just my humble opinion.
cfguru360 said:
We will only keep the accounts that are not in-active, don't have low quality traffic, and are non-fraudulent.

We will only keep the accounts that are not in-active

I have moved a couple of my domains with revs that had gone down or are not generating rev but had also left couple that is generating rev.
Does this mean if you see some of those domains that are not residing with bodis, is this grounds for being booted out totally? :-/

(Reason is will be waiting for good news with fellow n'per if things have really picked up, then and only then will return those domains to point to bodis. This is the convenience of having several PPC Provider account already setup because if one is under performing, you just go to your DNS server and point it to the other provider and bammm...its live again!)
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domainers trusted bodis, but when they are waiting for the good news from bodis, they got email accounts suspended by bodis for in-activity. ridiculous.

Wish Matt consider this issue again.

I will not try bodis any more. there are so many parking service, I do not need bodis to reactivate my account, but my opinion is for other ones, for all domainers at bodis. when bodis is paying well, domainers will be more and more active.
Looking at the worst case scenario for inactive accounts, some may be the sites scammers move to...they are set aside in case the ones they are using are banned. Also, some folks may have given in to the dark side and sold their accounts...scammers would then use these legit, but inactive accounts when their others have been closed.

This is partly why I brought up closing accounts and starting over...keeping only the sites shown to be active and safe. I know it may wipe out hours of config work, but after reading Matt's post that scammer accounts are the reason for all the current woes, I don't undersand the reluctance to begin afresh. A month ago, we were told the scammers were being weeded out and revenue would go up...almost the same words used today.

The other issue is the new and subjective conditions for getting or keeping an account (and maybe the my-way-or-the-highway attitude). Keeping an account active is pretty straight forward; members are responsible for that. However, the killer is the no low quality domains. I don't see any documentation or guidelines that give any clear indication of what a low quality domain is or how it will be determined as inferior quality...if it only gets a couple of clicks per week, does that mean it's not good, or does that maybe mean a bad keyword? Same thing if it gets 3 cent clicks...bad traffic or bad configuration?

While the feed figures and epc and such may not be transparent, it seems the criteria that accounts and/or domains must meet to be considered acceptable should be as clear as a bell. Remember the original intentions and needs Bodis was going to fill for us would be pretty ironic (and sad) if it became too elitist for average domainers.
I ask Matt to SERIOUSLY consider deleting all accounts. Payout everything possible, and delete the user database + domains. Spend a week re-adding accounts, and things will be extremely fresh and a LOT easier to monitor. This helps for the long term as well.
still something can not understand. Didn't they screen every application carefully? I remember that in one thread Matt said the account application screening was very strict and only good quality domains could be accepted. I also remember that in several threads on the board members couldn't get approved at bodis.

Did bodis lower the standard and open the door for all applicants? Every applicants got approved? If so, why bodis did in this way? all applicants should be treated with the same strict standard.

After bodis carefully selected the customers/partners, bodis should remind customers what should do, what should not do.for example, clearly saying, if you do not log in or do not add domains or do not earn reveue over a threshhold for 3 months, your account will be closed for inactivity or low quality. But clearly bodis didn't give this notice or write this in TOS. Then who violated the TOS?

One good way: check traffic more carefully like fabulous and other reputed services. Improve the ppc to attract more active domainers.

well, I prefer Fabulous. Fab also screens applications very strictly. after several months my account approved at fab, my account manager wrote to me, why you have not point any of your domains to fab dns? my poker domains are sold and dropped. my other domains do not perform well at fab. I explained my reason to my account manager and my account still alive at fab.
cfguru360 said:
We will only keep the accounts that are not in-active

Does inactive mean not making revenue ?

cfguru360 said:
We will only keep the accounts that are not in-active, don't have low quality traffic, and are non-fraudulent.

"don't have low quality traffic" ??

What's that supposed to mean?? If a low quality person visits one of my domains you'll suspend my account?

How can a person possibly predict (let alone control) who may or may not find their domain?

I think you'll have to accept that the Internet is an international network of computers, used by anyone who wants to use it, and that not every click on every link results in a conversion.

All your threats about suspending our accounts only serve to reduce traffic quality still further. Who's going to want to risk wasting any more time and customising domains on Bodis when they know that their accounts may be closed at any time, for no reason whatsoever? Before long Bodis will be serving nothing but those Auto pages, what's the point in that?

Has traffic quality increased since you last issued those termination threats on these boards? Or have people just quietly pointed their domains elsewhere and optimised them there instead?

You should be doing everything you can to encourage the good domains back to Bodis.

Get rid of the fraudsters and let us work our magic.
Closing Bodis and starting over would not help anything.

If scammers came in the first time they will come in again.

The people who do nothing wrong should not have their revenue adjusted because some have made invalid clicks. Do other parking companies take the $1.00 clicks away from the domainer who is honest if they have click fraud from other parking domainers?

I know my other parking companies have the issue of people who have fraudulent clicks and visitors, yet I still get my high click rate.

Am I getting the 100% revenue promised by Bodis or not?. It seems I am not. Seems Bodis should have said you will get 100% click revenue if we don't get any scammers or we don't have any other trouble.
cfguru360 said:
We are removing accounts everyday right now. Probably will be finished by tomorrow. Although, it will be an on-going process. We will look accounts over on a regular basis. We will only keep the accounts that are not in-active, don't have low quality traffic, and are non-fraudulent.

Just to clear this up... in the beginning, I have added a couple hundred domains to my bodis account, but not all of them are (or were ever) parked on bodis – just a hundred or so are parked and configured. The rest I planned to move (a few names a day), but I ceased to do this when I noticed that there are very few ads and the revenue is dropping. However, I have not removed the names from bodis and I am waiting for things to improve so that I can continue moving them. Should I be afraid that my account gets suspended? Should I remove the domains that are not parked from the panel and only add them when I actually park them?
Pretty sure I heard 100% rev share forever mentioned once upon a time... anyway, I'm out until things improve, this is currently diabolical. Rev down from nearly $800/month to just $60 so far this month, with type-in traffic names having been continually added.

Please confirm whether we should remove names from our account that are no longer parked there, and whether we can leave our accounts 'dormant' until V2.

interesting picture.... "Web Hosting Report for BODIS.COM"
Pretty obvious... I recall ,on the other side ,that during Sept Oct Bodis had the highest growth and highest number of domains added then any other parking companies... (mostly shift from other parking platforms)... shame all this happened :(
cfguru360 said:
All paypal payments have been sent out except two of them, I believe.

We have tools that automatically send them out. It is not like we are forgetting anybody or anything to that degree. IF, you did NOT receive a Paypal payment for September (besides 2 people), it is probably due to one of these reasons:

1) You didn't submit a tax form by the 15th if you were required to.


2) You didn't have a valid paypal email address and "Paypal" selected as your payment option from the drop down.

I cannot see any other reason. Like I have mentioned, hundreds of people received their paypal payment. If you haven't it is one of those two reasons. If you are one of the two people, you will receive it by the 25th. I am not sure who those people are right now since I don't have access to that data on hand.
I guess I must be one of the two... :'(

I was never asked to submit tax information. However I would have to have over $600 balance as of this payment for a payment to be withheld and I do not. :td:
Received my ACH payment today.

Thanks Matt.
goodkarmaco said:
Am I getting the 100% revenue promised by Bodis or not?
Can someone help us out here? I have the same question.

What is the official Bodis response to this question? :|
MicroGuy said:
Can someone help us out here? I have the same question.

What is the official Bodis response to this question? :|
Matt's position (from my understanding of his posts) is that people are receiving 100% of the revenue collected. What is unclear (in my opinion) is whether or not the revenue is a "shared" revenue or not (like a Co-op).

Case in point: If a single person gets 10 $0.50 clicks that would be $5.00, but the ad provider ( charges Matt back for overall fraudulent clicks averaging $1.00 per user, does the user get $4.00? This is still 100% revenue (since it's what Matt eventually gets paid), but it doesn't exactly represent the amount a single specific person earned. Now I don't know that this is what is happening, but it seems odd to me (and apparently to others) that 100% revenue could be as low as $0.02 per click as some have reported. Basically no one knows.

Now before someone claims I'm speculating, I'm discussing alternatives to what 100% revenue might mean. ALL are possible under the TOS that Matt has. I'd also like to point out that as a busness person Matt has no need to open his book up to his customers (i.e., all of us). His obligation is to meet the "contract" that is his TOS. Unfortunately for us, since he has a private company, there is no legal requirement for him to publish his financials. As such we either trust his book keeping, get fed up and move on, or if you want to be silly, attempt a legal action. For those calling for Matt to open his books, get real. He doesn't have to, and if he's a crook (I don't think so), all he would need to do is "cook the books". How could any of us prove they were not correct. So trust or move along. Rather than treat this emotionally, treat it like a rational business decision and be done with it.

Also, another point that people seem to be speculating about is that Matt is funding huge amounts of money in this out of his own pocket since it's 100% revenue. True Matt is offering 100% of REVENUE to the domaineer. But the other costs involved are relatively small. Salary (nothing for a small business startup), expenses (web hosting, paypal fees), legal expenses (if he's smart he's at least paid a corporate lawyer to review his TOS and model), and a tax accountant (due to the mix if US and overseas customers). It's not like Matt is paying for the ads! So it's not unreasonable to think that Matt can continue to fund this as a small business in startup mode. He stands to gain quite a bit as it moves forward so it's a good investment.
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