The New REVOLUTION in Domain Parking is HERE! -

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Bodis.comTop Member Staff
Introducing the New Revolution in Domain Parking Services, where the clients actually matter this time around -

That's right. We have negotiated the highest possible revenue share with third party ad providers, and out of this we are giving our clients a lifetime of 100% revenue.

Today is the beginning of CHANGE in the domain industry. Many of us are tired of all the domain parking programs that hone in most of what we should be receiving. The Revolution has STARTED.

As of right now, offers the following:

  • 100% Revenue Share
  • Search Engine Optimized Templates
  • Customizable html title, html description, and page title of templates
  • Customizable images for templates
  • Auto-optimizable and manually customizable keywords/urls for advertisements!
  • Simplistic and easy to use management interface
  • Customer support that cares about its clients
  • Customer support that responds within 1-2 days.
  • And more as the program progresses...

I am hoping the majority is happy with where we are heading in the domain industry, and that everybody here is happy to see We will be working extensively on adding user suggestions and feedback into the parking service.

Hopefully we can make a difference in the industry.

Aside from this, I'd like to point out a few more things. The lifetime of 100% revenue share is applicable to anybody that applies within the next 1-2 years. The revenue share may decrease after that only for new clients. Right now Bodis, LLC has the budget to keep itself afoot with 100% revenue share for another 1-2 years time.

Enjoy the website and feel free to leave any feedback/comments in this thread.

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I make my statements from a point of experience. What did I do when I was Matt's age?

I invested 50,000 of my money to start a school. Had 12 employees working for me and ran it for 2 years. I have also ran my own consulting firm for 15 years. My latest success site is which is getting rave reviews from the domain community.

My gut feeling is that Matt extremely underestimated the time needed to run this type of company. Like you said, his core business is in domain trading...not running a parking company that takes 49 hours of a 24 hour day to run.

Really, the story hear is not about what has happened in the past with the mishaps of Bodis. The real story is what is Bodis going to do about it now. At this point, Matt should really hold in the reigns and start communicating to his core partners (US). As a CEO he should understand that we as customers/partners have a stake and have a right to know what the "Heck is going on".

Without disclosure into the payments made by Ask to Bodis, I fear that even a 18 year old would be tempted to take out xx,xxx - xxx,xxx of parking profits if there is no checks and balances in place to prevent the act from happening. How do $1-.50 clicks come to .01 clicks within 2 months? These are serious questions that need serious answers ... not avoidance.

I'm a big fan of Matt and applaud him for his continued success; but if Matt wants to play with the big boys, he's gotta start acting like one.

- Bob

jeffoverman said:

I asked this a few days back and was curious

Your remark on businesses using there own money is crock.

Well, everyday people start businesses with there money. I did this myself.

I know Matt is young, has ambition and drive. What were you doing at his age bob??

Hey we all know Matt made some mishapes. Fine, its beta. We know Matt sold a lot of high profile names. What makes you think he is full of things

What's full of things is this! A lot of dishonest namepro members here that took Matt for a wild ride and took advantage of clicks and 100 percent payout. Sure he opened the door to everyone and that was probably a mistake but before you start a 20 something founder in self funding things, it happens everyday.

Why raise capital when you don't need to? I am not saying he may have a credit line but I did some research on the kid early on and he sold some nice names at huge amounts of money.

Do the math bob.

I agree Matt doses have some explanation to do

Like click fraud filter?

The relationship with ask?

Other big challenges


How about we put the other 50 percent of blame on a lot dishonest people clicking and wrecking things for all of us. Ever thought this one? Was just curious.

Look I am not that happy on my 2 months. I don't have much at bodis. I hedge my bets. Like every domainer should.

I don't know all the answers and Matt needs to clear things up here.

My take is this. Let the kid work, let's see the new program even if it is delayed in jan. Who knows.

Matt you need to do some damage control here and post. I posted earlier don't post that much here and just concentrate on the things that need to be done.

Well maybe this is the time he does need to jump on here. Explain things.

This thread surly has a lot of tension involved. I get worked up reading on things at times

Sorry folks but these are just my 2 cents worth. For the record I am not calling every name pros member a fraud but the fact is a huge amount of names did come through here. A lot of good people here and on name pros.
gorilla_bob said:
I'm a big fan of Matt and applaud him for his continued success; but if Matt wants to play with the big boys, he's gotta start acting like one.

- Bob

Exactly the same over here.
Has anyone had any response from Bodis online support recently?

Has there been any other paypal payments since the 15th?

It looks like Matt was on here:
Last Activity: Yesterday 08:12 PM
So he probably is aware of everyones thoughts, that is what is starting to make this a bit unconfortable. We entrusted him with our portfolios and he should at least return that trust and communicate as to what is going on... :td:
You're my honeybunch, sugarplum, Pumpy-umpy-umpkin ... you're my sweetie pie.

I often take a look at my bodis previous report and say to myself "ahh... what a good old days". But now everything seems to be a penny click.

Take it easy guys., & Skenzo is still out there. Even they did not share 100% revenue, but they pay more than bodis.

It is really disappointing to see how a good performing domains are receiving only a few penny clicks. Where did the money all gone to :(

~Have a nice cold drinks & listen to this Nice One
thanks incredible services of this portal ... thanks
Ok things are looking quite gloomy :td: Things are tanking fast. Where I used to look forward to updates .3 daily earnings aren't quite cutting it. I am trying not to lose faith, but it would be good if Matt made an appearance just to keep up morale.


November 2007 2576 89 3% $5.84

October 2007 3380 232 7% $38.26
Anyone receive October payments? I'm still waiting on mine... All I can say is Matt better make the right choice or the outcome could be bad.
Premium said:
Anyone receive October payments? I'm still waiting on mine... All I can say is Matt better make the right choice or the outcome could be bad.

Oct payment will only be released in December.
Oct 31 plus 45 days = Dec 15
The problem really is that the scammers are not booted. We boot them every week. It is just that it was my mistake to allow so many new accounts at the beginning. And half of these accounts were registered purposely for fraud.

But, the scammers didn't use them all at once. When we booted 10 accounts, they started using 2 others, then we booted those, they start using even others. And it keeps going and going.

The revenue drop is due to the revenue drop that we have with our feed provider. This is due to the scammers - which we are still in the process of wiping out daily.

Our fraud % for October were drastically better than for the previous months, so hopefully things will look good for us in the future. Now, the reason why revenue is so bad is due to the fact that we have very aggressive filters that try and block the spam/fraud traffic. This ends up at times blocking some of the good traffic.

Until we can get the fraud completely under control, we can ease up on our anti-fraud filter. And once we ease up on it, more good traffic will be allowed to be counted.

That's why CTR % are lower than before. Now that leads us to another point, ad providers give better ads/advertisers which accumulate more revenue once the fraud is completely stabilized. Therefore, it takes time for us to first stabilize the fraud level, and then have our ad providers place us in a better revenue-performing zone.

And no, nobody is being ripped off of any revenue. If you send good traffic, you will receive better revenue. If your traffic is lousy, your revenue will be worse. What many people are doing is directing traffic from either invalid clicks of other parking companies (against our TOS) or leaving the worst performing names on our service, and then complain about bad revenue. Well, there's not much I can do about that.

And those that are breaking our TOS in any way, will be booted without payment right before payout day. The reason behind this is

1) We don't get paid for invalid clicks.
2) We do extensive reviews usually before payouts.
Matt, most of us in this thread are behind you 100% - inspite of the naysaying you hear sometimes.

What I'd like to know is do we have a time frame for this? Or are we to live with depressed cpc till v2? Which brings me you have a release date for v2?

And can we have actual stats anytime soon, like visitor country, what is counted, what is not.

I'm quite sure that I'm loosing a large percentage of my income to your 'anti-fraud' filter.

Also, a clarification as to traffic would be awesome -
1. are you allowed to submit parked domains to search engines as per bodis tos?
2. Are you blocking any countries - esp India traffic? I have a feeling you do and with a majority of my domains being .in/ - I wonder if that has a bearing.
3. Isnt there any method of bifurcating accounts to good and bad based on previous performance? I for one hate getting clubbed with any con artists. (you can see from my income that I'm not one of those ;) )

Its sad to see a venture with a noble intent getting bushwhacked but I guess it comes with the territory.
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goodkarmaco said:
What can we do to change the fundamental way parking is today?.

I know this is Bodis thread and I don't want to discuss in detail all the options as we should be talking about Bodis here, but at the least we should all be thinking about this issue.

The thing is like you say Bob, we have no clue if Matt is cheating the hell out of us, or if he is taking cash out of his own pocket to fund our pay per clicks, trying to save his company. At the same time we can say the same thing for every other parking service out there.

How dumb or trusting are domainers?

Maybe we are not so dumb, but we are so desperate to find a good parking company that we will jump at the newest one on the block in hopes we will get our just returns.

I will lay a bet that most of us will do the same thing if a new company promised us a high return. I will bet a new company would get us to jump very high if they even promised 70% of earnings.

In other words we will not really solve the problem we are in today by moving to a new parking company. The only way, and I repeat myself, the only way to not get the screw is by somehow forcing parking companies to be a real partner. A real partner will allow full access to the income stats.

I would like to propose this idea to Bodis. When Bodis announced a new parking program by offering 100% of parking revenue many of us joined. As a parking partner with Bodis can we view the stats from Ask, the upsream provider? I am sure this is a reasonable request. We are in a partnership with you. Others who have joined and are not in the 100% payout promised are not in the same partnership as we are with you.

If we never get to the truth we will never realize our domain revenue potential. It is not just domainers who will benefit from transparent parking. The parking company that is the most transparent and which pays out the highest percentage will become the biggest and may very well level the playing field.

I would like to propose this idea to Bodis. When Bodis announced a new parking program by offering 100% of parking revenue many of us joined. As a parking partner with Bodis can we view the stats from Ask, the upsream provider? I am sure this is a reasonable request. We are in a partnership with you.


This would definitely be a great transparency and a good PR for Bodis!

Imagine if all of you may...Bodis being transparent, with Reporting Stats displayed on Bodis homepage (only visible to logged in members of course) showing the companies Gross income and the breakdown for us partners "showing that we are really getting 100% revenue of what us partners cut on the pie is. (Really...on how much bodis made -minus of course operating expenses! and Bodis' cut,***come on*** bodis gotta have income). If this happens, Bodis will have to build a Bigger Ship (maybe a mother ship, lol) to handle the surge of incoming new partners!

Only then can you call Bodis to be a truly "New Revolution in Domain Parking!"
Hi Matt,

Good to hear from you. I have 2 comments.

1. Why do you plan to terminate the scammers account right before payout day? If you do this and the scammer has 10 accounts, you'll need 10 months to boot this scammer completely out of your systems. Why not just terminate his account as and when there is reasonable evidence of fraud? If you do this and terminate his account today, then he will use a 2nd account tomorrow. Terminate his 2nd a/c 5 days later, and he will use his 3rd a/c and pretty soon, in 1 month or 2, he will finished using all his accounts.

2. Are these scammers using the same payout information? Ie. same email address? If yes, then just terminate ALL the accounts with the same payout information.
Thanks for clarifying things for us Matt. Your presence here was beggining to become urgent because of so much nervousness and speculation. We know you are busy like crazy sorting out all these problems but don't forget how important "public relations" are with your domaining partners.

Make at least 2-3 appearances a week min. to avoid all this turmoil which doesn't help Bodis's or your credibility. You still have a lot of believers, but you need to talk to them more frequently, otherwise you will start loosing their support slowly.

Come around more often Matt. You are like the "captain of the ship".

BTW any idea when v2 will come around? Will it be in time for Xmas?


GIL :)
I agree with gil now.


First of all like your site

Bob, he just commented on info.

Again, the fraud factor is impacting everyone. The past issues and current issues.

I am expecting the new platform to have better measures

As we all know Bob, businesses have there ups and downs and we all know this was beta when we signed up.

The kid is trying. It all boiles down to the dishonest people that abused the system and the flood of accounts that came inn. Can't fix the past. Over and done with.

As far as domainers and Matt flipping names. Its pretty common bob for a domainer to start a parking company actually. Its not just Matt. First they taste the fields, park there names, see how they can fix things and etc and more etc

Yes Matt needs to calm this board down. No doubt. I don't post much here. I also don't have many names with bodis. Seeing traffic but hardly any hits. I am not happy but life goes on and waiting for new platform

With all the chatter here and Matt scamming and etc. Well he isn't. The mistake was flood of accounts and to much abuse by name pro members, fraud clickers and etc. I am expecting his new platform will work much better

I guess you and Matt are exceptions to things at matts age. That's a good thing

If I like the new platform and when we get out of beta and fraud under control and less filtering I will add more name probably. He is trying.

Funny how everyone slams Matt and I and couple others are slamming the fraud people. Some name pro members that were a part of this
Sad to think that fellow npers would be so short sighted and greedy to do this . If the fraud is really out of hand perhaps the should program to be limited to npers with a bit of history or we could sign a new agreement that anybody involved in egregious fraud be publicly exposed .
jeffoverman said:
I agree with gil now.


First of all like your site

Bob, he just commented on info.

Again, the fraud factor is impacting everyone. The past issues and current issues.

I am expecting the new platform to have better measures

As we all know Bob, businesses have there ups and downs and we all know this was beta when we signed up.

The kid is trying. It all boiles down to the dishonest people that abused the system and the flood of accounts that came inn. Can't fix the past. Over and done with.

As far as domainers and Matt flipping names. Its pretty common bob for a domainer to start a parking company actually. Its not just Matt. First they taste the fields, park there names, see how they can fix things and etc and more etc

Yes Matt needs to calm this board down. No doubt. I don't post much here. I also don't have many names with bodis. Seeing traffic but hardly any hits. I am not happy but life goes on and waiting for new platform

With all the chatter here and Matt scamming and etc. Well he isn't. The mistake was flood of accounts and to much abuse by name pro members, fraud clickers and etc. I am expecting his new platform will work much better

I guess you and Matt are exceptions to things at matts age. That's a good thing

If I like the new platform and when we get out of beta and fraud under control and less filtering I will add more name probably. He is trying.

Funny how everyone slams Matt and I and couple others are slamming the fraud people. Some name pro members that were a part of this


I'm starting to think that you are Matt's grandfather :) all respect, of course.

cfguru360 said:
What many people are doing is directing traffic from either invalid clicks of other parking companies (against our TOS) or leaving the worst performing names on our service, and then complain about bad revenue. Well, there's not much I can do about that..

And, seriously, how people can keep best performing names at Bodis when revenue is so low? They will keep some mid/low names only, no one wants to loose revenue

But even now you can get some profit from Bodis, until V2 is live. Good point is that carefull domain optimization at Bodis definetely allows to get more targeted traffic. More targeted traffic = high quality traffic. High quality traffic = higher CTR and CPC. So, make carefull, targeted optimization, wait for search engines will index pages and move them to other parking platforms. Namedrive is good in this case because high quality traffic is usually getting paid well on ND. My $0.02 clicks on Bodis convert to $0.5 - $1.5 clicks at ND when I park Bodis optimized pages there. That means Bodis optimization tools are good on getting high quality traffc. I can suppose that at Bodis many of us have crappy domains that don't get much gigh quality traffic. Hard times require hard work. So, instead of complaining on what is out of your control, I mean temporary low CTR and CPC at Bodis, it is better to start/keep optimizing domains to get highly targeted traffic (high quality traffic) and either temporarily move those domains to other parking providers or keep them at Bodis and assist Matt to get better traffic/better advertising feed.

Highly targeted traffic is achived, using keyword research software like Keyword Discovery and/or Wordtracker. Use less competitive keywords in title tags and as links to ads on the bottom of left navigation panel among with highly competitive and highly popular keywords on the top. If above keywords, competive and not, are relevant, it will bring highly targeted traffic from low competitive keywords and increase earnings because people will find nice highly popular links on the top and will click them. Or, as I said, after indexing by search engines, move pages to ND/DP/Parked for a while.

All of us see that there are some problems. Despite of their origin, they will be for some time. Complaining or just keeping faith that everything will resolve somehow, without labor involved, is worthless. I mean, Matt gave us nice SEO instrument anyways, for free. If he even didn't do anythin else, he already made a big deal. Yes, getting 100% revenue with some small efforts is nice...but it is really too good to be truth. Probably, Matt has broken one of fundamental nature laws and now nature penalizes all of us for that. That law is: "Free cheese can be found only in the mouse trap" :)

So, it is all about business, so let's go work.

One small addition. One-two months ago there was discussion among Wikipedia editors about some Wiki article. Some editors suggested to remove that article because "it was taken from commercial site". That site was my Bodis parked page :) Even after they discovered that it was under GNU FDL (I clearly noted that on my page) they still believed that it was editor's bad faith, to put this text to Wiki. Truth is I got some text from Wikipedia, under all Wiki requirements of course. So, it shows how people see Bodis parked pages if they are designed in a proper way.

BTW, if you using any text from Wiki:

1. You must clearly and properly specify that that text is distributed under GNU FDL;

2. You must show the link to GNU FDL at least; and

If you don't do it, you use Wiki text illegaly and in bad faith.

3. Don't use the whole article or its larger part on your parked page. Don't be greedy. But more important reason for not doing that is that Google and Yahoo will penalize you for duplicate content, it is only question of time.

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Abbra ca dabbra, everything is alright in la-la land. Wanted to buy; magicians wand.
I have a question here. I had a name on bodis which was redirected from a couple similar domains on after I saw in the thread they allowed this and it was suggested for other parking services like namedrive, sedo, ect. I was unaware Bodis did not allow this, and perhaps should have thoroughly inspected the TOS better, but that is the past. This domain only had 2 clicks total during that time, of which I even doubt any came from the redirected traffic. And this was 1 domain out of 380 I had at bodis. So if someone like me gets kicked, for 1 domain that I inadvertently violated TOS on, what happens to the money earned from the other 379 domains that had perfectly legitimate traffic? I have made 13 bucks on my last 3,500 uniques on bodis.. So i think it is pretty clear there is no fraud going on. :lol:

Im just wondering if it is that easy to say "you violated TOS we aren't paying you" and then where does that money go for all the legitimate traffic and clicks. Case in point, I accidently clicked a link on a parked page for sedo one time. I emailed them, told them the domain and to take it out of my account. They replied "Thank you for your honesty, but once the money is paid it is paid. We must credit your account, just be careful in the future." So I am pretty sure that even if the user doesn't get paid at all, the parking company keeps the money unless it is proven all the clicks were deliberate fraud.


And those that are breaking our TOS in any way, will be booted without payment right before payout day. The reason behind this is

1) We don't get paid for invalid clicks.
2) We do extensive reviews usually before payouts."


So you will kick people RIGHT before payday, paying them nothing. You say you don't get paid for INVALID clicks, but what about the money for the VALID clicks. Where does it go if you kick the person right before payday.

I trust you are trying to do the right thing. But to an honest user like myself, this sounds like that even if you have 99% legitimate traffic and had ONE click that violated TOS, even by accident.. You get screwed right before payday. And possibly lose an entire months revenue even though you could have told that person 30 days earlier they were going to get booted. :td:
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goodkarmaco said:
Abbra ca dabbra, everything is alright in la-la land. Wanted to buy; magicians wand.

try to do magic by yourself
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cfguru360 said:
Now, the reason why revenue is so bad is due to the fact that we have very aggressive filters that try and block the spam/fraud traffic. This ends up at times blocking some of the good traffic.

"This ends up at times blocking some of the good traffic."

So if a good person goes to my domain and is blocked by the filters what exactly do they experience?? No domain, a domain but no links, a domain with links that don't do anything, or a domain with links that work but I don't get any money for the click?
resolving domain ownership problems

I have few domains that cannot be parked ad Bodis because someone else has added them to the panel. Emailed support few times, sent PM to Matt. Zero response. I understand that Bodis is fighting all possible problems including scammers. Still this kind of customer support is very basic service that should just work.

Keep up the good work Matt, Bodis is a great parking overall.
When it's all said and done, here's what I know for certain:

Nov. 17 - $2.60
Sept 17 - $27.84

That's a drop of over 90%. ...with more domains parked in Nov than I had in Sept. If it looks like a duck....
verbster said:
When it's all said and done, here's what I know for certain:

Nov. 17 - $2.60
Sept 17 - $27.84

That's a drop of over 90%. ...with more domains parked in Nov than I had in Sept. If it looks like a duck....
I'm telling you, it's because of They're arbitering every keyword at .2 cents a click and redirecting our traffic to a page of higher paying sponsored links.

Who owns None other than IREIT. hmmmm

Now is it wrong? Probably not, but I noticed the downturn the moment I started seeing those:

"HIV- All about your favorite things."​

Coming up as the first result for every damn keyword imaginable. And we thought Ebay was bad.

What surfer is going to first come to a parked page, click two times looking or information, and see '' in every result? I know I wouldn't, I'd just not click on anything.
I really wish Bodis allowed me to manage my domains in folders, like namedrive does.

But, the scammers didn't use them all at once. When we booted 10 accounts, they started using 2 others, then we booted those, they start using even others. And it keeps going and going.
Perhaps you should make everyone activate their account with an activation code sent by sms? (like gmail does (or used to do)). That will make it a lot difficult for scammers to use fraudulent accounts.
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