
The New REVOLUTION in Domain Parking is HERE! -

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Bodis.comTop Member Staff
Introducing the New Revolution in Domain Parking Services, where the clients actually matter this time around -

That's right. We have negotiated the highest possible revenue share with third party ad providers, and out of this we are giving our clients a lifetime of 100% revenue.

Today is the beginning of CHANGE in the domain industry. Many of us are tired of all the domain parking programs that hone in most of what we should be receiving. The Revolution has STARTED.

As of right now, offers the following:

  • 100% Revenue Share
  • Search Engine Optimized Templates
  • Customizable html title, html description, and page title of templates
  • Customizable images for templates
  • Auto-optimizable and manually customizable keywords/urls for advertisements!
  • Simplistic and easy to use management interface
  • Customer support that cares about its clients
  • Customer support that responds within 1-2 days.
  • And more as the program progresses...

I am hoping the majority is happy with where we are heading in the domain industry, and that everybody here is happy to see We will be working extensively on adding user suggestions and feedback into the parking service.

Hopefully we can make a difference in the industry.

Aside from this, I'd like to point out a few more things. The lifetime of 100% revenue share is applicable to anybody that applies within the next 1-2 years. The revenue share may decrease after that only for new clients. Right now Bodis, LLC has the budget to keep itself afoot with 100% revenue share for another 1-2 years time.

Enjoy the website and feel free to leave any feedback/comments in this thread.

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
gof said:
Matt's position (from my understanding of his posts) is that people are receiving 100% of the revenue collected. What is unclear (in my opinion) is whether or not the revenue is a "shared" revenue or not (like a Co-op).

Case in point: If a single person gets 10 $0.50 clicks that would be $5.00, but the ad provider ( charges Matt back for overall fraudulent clicks averaging $1.00 per user, does the user get $4.00? This is still 100% revenue (since it's what Matt eventually gets paid), but it doesn't exactly represent the amount a single specific person earned. Now I don't know that this is what is happening, but it seems odd to me (and apparently to others) that 100% revenue could be as low as $0.02 per click as some have reported. Basically no one knows.

Now before someone claims I'm speculating, I'm discussing alternatives to what 100% revenue might mean. ALL are possible under the TOS that Matt has. I'd also like to point out that as a busness person Matt has no need to open his book up to his customers (i.e., all of us). His obligation is to meet the "contract" that is his TOS. Unfortunately for us, since he has a private company, there is no legal requirement for him to publish his financials. As such we either trust his book keeping, get fed up and move on, or if you want to be silly, attempt a legal action. For those calling for Matt to open his books, get real. He doesn't have to, and if he's a crook (I don't think so), all he would need to do is "cook the books". How could any of us prove they were not correct. So trust or move along. Rather than treat this emotionally, treat it like a rational business decision and be done with it.

Also, another point that people seem to be speculating about is that Matt is funding huge amounts of money in this out of his own pocket since it's 100% revenue. True Matt is offering 100% of REVENUE to the domaineer. But the other costs involved are relatively small. Salary (nothing for a small business startup), expenses (web hosting, paypal fees), legal expenses (if he's smart he's at least paid a corporate lawyer to review his TOS and model), and a tax accountant (due to the mix if US and overseas customers). It's not like Matt is paying for the ads! So it's not unreasonable to think that Matt can continue to fund this as a small business in startup mode. He stands to gain quite a bit as it moves forward so it's a good investment.

Great reply....rep added. Thanks. :)
Matt I am posting here again as well. Look bottom line, I have emailed you multiple times in the past no response...which is fine Anna got back to me. But this time I want a response I was paid last month fine which means paypal is set up correctly and all forms filled out correctly and confirmed on your end.

Please check your PM for my userID and get back to me ASAP. I want to move my names back and once this payment is confirmed I will consider it. Please get back to me.
Charley said:
Does inactive mean not making revenue ?

I believe "in-active" is referring to account activity.
Like if you don't login for a certain amount of time.
It's like having a hotmail account and if you don't
login for 30 days, it gets canceled. I've had it happen to
me with affiliate accounts.
In other words, why have an account if your not going to use it!
The reason we are cutting on in-active accounts is because we have scammers that created multiple accounts and when they get one banned, they begin to use another.

It doesn't matter if you haven't logged in, also if you have no domains in there, or domains that haven't made revenue for a while, you will be cut. You will still receive payments for any earnings you have made, so there should be no worries about that.

And to answer the other questions, all revenue is split 100% among all members of the parking program.

I think once we eliminate many of our low-quality traffic users and finish our major auditing today, the revenue should be nicer and nicer as days go by.

I think our direction with the parking program is to following something more like Skenzo, where we will only allow users that we know into the parking program from now on...
GOF has some very interesting insight. Matt doesn't need to open his books, but he should explain how we are getting 100% of revenue. Everybody has been asking Matt every which way, he has never explained the 100% question. That is the 'transparency' many have asked for.

In a retail business, the customer would pay the retailer $1.00 for a product, the retailer would pay the manufacturer $0.50 for the same product, and the manufacturer would pay $0.25 to produce the product. (This is more or less how it has worked in my years in business).

How can it be that in the parking world, the customer pays the retailer ( $1.00 for the product (the click cost), and the retailer (Bodis) only gets $0.05, and the manufacturer (the domain owner) gets $0.05 (same as Bodis)? That doesn't make any sense. There has to be another middleman (or 2), between Ask and Bodis (like or that is taking a BIG slice. Even at that the numbers don't make sense.

Additionally, how can fraudulent clicks have a bearing the revenue per click for the good clicks? Wouldn't that just reduce the number of clicks and not the revenue per click?

Please explain this, Matt. I'm not speculating, I just want to know where is the 100% coming from and how the money is divided from the top to the bottom. Don't need exact numbers, just a more detailed explanation.
verbster said:
Looking at the worst case scenario for inactive accounts, some may be the sites scammers move to...they are set aside in case the ones they are using are banned. Also, some folks may have given in to the dark side and sold their accounts...scammers would then use these legit, but inactive accounts when their others have been closed.

This is partly why I brought up closing accounts and starting over...keeping only the sites shown to be active and safe. I know it may wipe out hours of config work, but after reading Matt's post that scammer accounts are the reason for all the current woes, I don't undersand the reluctance to begin afresh. A month ago, we were told the scammers were being weeded out and revenue would go up...almost the same words used today.

The other issue is the new and subjective conditions for getting or keeping an account (and maybe the my-way-or-the-highway attitude). Keeping an account active is pretty straight forward; members are responsible for that. However, the killer is the no low quality domains. I don't see any documentation or guidelines that give any clear indication of what a low quality domain is or how it will be determined as inferior quality...if it only gets a couple of clicks per week, does that mean it's not good, or does that maybe mean a bad keyword? Same thing if it gets 3 cent clicks...bad traffic or bad configuration?

While the feed figures and epc and such may not be transparent, it seems the criteria that accounts and/or domains must meet to be considered acceptable should be as clear as a bell. Remember the original intentions and needs Bodis was going to fill for us would be pretty ironic (and sad) if it became too elitist for average domainers.
Well said verbster. Looks like Mat read what you have to say.
cfguru360 said:
It doesn't matter if you haven't logged in, also if you have no domains in there, or domains that haven't made revenue for a while, you will be cut.

What if some domains have steady traffic and revenue and some (most) do not?
Should I delete these 'unused' domains from the account?
cfguru360 said:
The reason we are cutting on in-active accounts is because we have scammers that created multiple accounts and when they get one banned, they begin to use another.

It doesn't matter if you haven't logged in, also if you have no domains in there, or domains that haven't made revenue for a while, you will be cut. You will still receive payments for any earnings you have made, so there should be no worries about that.

And to answer the other questions, all revenue is split 100% among all members of the parking program.

I think once we eliminate many of our low-quality traffic users and finish our major auditing today, the revenue should be nicer and nicer as days go by.

I think our direction with the parking program is to following something more like Skenzo, where we will only allow users that we know into the parking program from now on...

So... you're saying if I want to keep an account at bodis, (which I do) I have to leave domains there even though they are currently hugely underperforming due to problems the company is experiencing? TBH, I'd love to stay but I'm losing money- what would you suggest somebody in my position does then Matt?
Just got this error when trying to change the keyword?

The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error.
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Date/Time 20-Nov-07 01:55 PM
pm sent to matt
I haven't been able to save changes to domains after optimization.
Is anyone else facing a similar issue?
gingeman said:
So... you're saying if I want to keep an account at bodis, (which I do) I have to leave domains there even though they are currently hugely underperforming due to problems the company is experiencing? TBH, I'd love to stay but I'm losing money- what would you suggest somebody in my position does then Matt?

Unfortunately, nothing you can do.

We have to protect ourselves. And once we are able to do that, we will find ways to increase revenue. In the future we won't be deleting inactive accounts, because we will keep it limited to begin with, and will make sure the revenue is better than it is now, which will help us maintain our users.

And no, you do not have to delete the domains that are not used.

Just to add to that: We will not be deleting inactive accounts later on. We are only doing this right now. Once we limit our user base to the set we want to, we will leave it at that.
Wow! .19 cent click today. Almost fell out of my chair. B-)

Overall revenue still down, but it looks like its getting better! :tu:

Keep it going Matt...counting on ya. Literally. :$:
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Despite all the woes, I decided to leave about 100 or so names at bodis for now. And now, I didn't just pull poorly performing ones. I had a .28 click, and my lowest was .05. Not bad. Looks like I have to go through my account and delete the names out of my profile that are no longer pointing there though. Dont want to be flagged as having "poorly performing domains" :lol:
You will not be flagged as having poorly performing domain names, we don't have such a system.

I think our member base will go from around 3500 to 300 in next 2 days. And after that there should be some really nice revenue increases. And we plan to keep our member base really small from that point on.
I think our member base will go from around 3500 to 300 in next 2 days.

Matt u r full of surprises :D
cfguru360 said:
I think our member base will go from around 3500 to 300 in next 2 days.

Whoa. Somehow this feels like a reverse lottery. Scary stuff! 8-X

I think I will have "BODIS Booted Me" t-shirts done up. Might be market for them soon. :hehe:
cfguru360 said:
You will not be flagged as having poorly performing domain names, we don't have such a system.

I think our member base will go from around 3500 to 300 in next 2 days. And after that there should be some really nice revenue increases. And we plan to keep our member base really small from that point on.

Oh man. Now I'm scared. Haha. I was just getting ready to change the nameservers on a couple hundred names back to bodis after today too. Guess I will wait til judgement day before I do that. Hey, do those of us who are active forum members get +extra life points when this "cut" decision comes down?

yeah, thats funny.. for all our complaining we may get demoted points, lol
90%+ cut in membership base!!!

Guess all us small timers are on our way out...

mmm my domains are undeperforming, I might be out...lets see what happenz :rolleyes:
cfguru360 said:
Unfortunately, nothing you can do.
Just to add to that: We will not be deleting inactive accounts later on. We are only doing this right now. Once we limit our user base to the set we want to, we will leave it at that.
cfguru360 said:
I think our member base will go from around 3500 to 300 in next 2 days. And after that there should be some really nice revenue increases. And we plan to keep our member base really small from that point on.

Will the "unlucky ones" be notified by email if their Bodis account is deleted?
cfguru360 said:
I think our member base will go from around 3500 to 300 in next 2 days.
I just wanted everyone to know that I love Bodis.

They are the cherry on my ice cream and the sugar in my shack. I have warned the playful about their posting shenanigans and begged them to stop. Also, my 5-year-old got on my computer the other day and posted a few messages here. It was not me.... :laugh:
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.

GIL :)
cfguru360 said:
You will not be flagged as having poorly performing domain names, we don't have such a system.

I think our member base will go from around 3500 to 300 in next 2 days. And after that there should be some really nice revenue increases. And we plan to keep our member base really small from that point on.

"from around 3500 to 300 in next 2 days."

I have a feeling that this 300 is of the Elite based Portfolio owners!
(Those who own one word domains and started early on the game)
(this is same as saying "if you won't make me income, you are out the door!")
"And after that there should be some really nice revenue increases."

I guess scrap domain owners better start packing their bags for a new dwelling.
I heard Salvation Army still have some beds available.
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