
sales Swetha’s Sales – The Truth May Shock You!

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Here is a nice article posted on by Michael Sumner the CEO of He asked for Swetha's aka @DNGear username and password to log into her Afternic account to confirm the sales once and for all, read it all below or go to

Swetha’s Sales – The Truth May Shock You!​

Yesterday there was quite the stir on Twitter after Swetha reported another batch of jaw-dropping .xyz sales. User @jackdomainer did some research and found that an overwhelming majority of her sales were still not developed, which he thought was suspicious given the price tags. Theories started flying around, and even the Castello Brothers and Rick Schwartz chimed in with vague statements alluding to some grand conspiracy.

Grab some popcorn and read it for yourself here:

The low rate of development was the only “proof” provided so far. But why report fake sales? Well isn’t it obvious? To boost the value of her own assets so she can dump them on unsuspecting wholesalers, hoping to reproduce her incredible success, for inflated prices.

But ask yourself this… how many times have you seen Swetha wholesaling premium .xyz domains? I may have missed it, but I don’t recall seeing that.

For years I’ve been in the awkward position of publishing these sales reports. All I can go on is a screenshot, which she graciously provided for every single sale report since the day she started sharing. But screenshots can be faked relatively easily.

I could ask her to share her screen with me while she logs in to a marketplace, but even that could be faked with browser extensions that modify the page live. It’s more difficult than faking a screenshot, but not impossible. Not good enough.

To get a definitive answer, I reached out to Swetha and asked for the unthinkable. I asked if she would give me her username and password to her Afternic account, so I could log in myself and verify all the sales she has ever reported at this marketplace.

I felt bad even asking. Here she is sharing her valuable sales data with the community, all while being given endless grief about it. And now some stranger is asking to log in to her Afternic account. A lesser person would have just said “fuck it”, stopped reporting sales, and told me to go away. But you know what… she agreed! It was at this moment I knew it was all true and factual, but still, I’m going to “due diligence” the heck out of this.

So I quickly logged in to her Afternic account and visited this URL to get a dump of all the raw sales data. Then I started taking screenshots of her sales summary page. I logged out and let her know I was done so she could change her password. Then I started diving in.

One by one I checked the sales against what we have in our database. Every single one of them was perfect. Except I discovered something shocking. Quite a few of the sales were never reported. However good you think she’s doing based on what she has reported, she’s actually doing even better. That’s insane!

Now remember, Swetha has been reporting sales for quite a while now. All this time, she had no idea I would ever ask her to log in to any of her accounts, or which one(s) I would ask for. So if she was going to fabricate sales, she would have no way of knowing to always keep Afternic clean, as opposed to DAN or or whatever. Thus I now feel 100% confident in all her reports, not just the Afternic ones.

I also now feel confident in saying that Swetha is probably in the Top 100 of all domain investors who have ever lived, and she is probably in the Top 5 of all investors who aren’t part of the “old guard”. Maybe even #1 of the new generation.

But more than that, she is a kindhearted individual who is generously sharing what is working for her even though it makes new acquisitions more expensive for her. And even when the haters show up in droves, she stays the course. Thank you Swetha.

Is it possible that she’s a shill for the registry, and they’re creating hundreds of accounts across multiple marketplaces to buy the domains from her? I mean anything is possible. But it seems highly improbable that they would lock up funds and trust that she would always give them back, just to create the appearance of demand. They don’t benefit from the wholesale aftermarket, so it would just be for the sake of hand regs.

And then how do you explain the ones that are developed? And how do you explain other people getting large XYZ sales? Believe what you want, and skepticism is generally a healthy thing, but this theory seems so out there and lacking in any evidence that I have to think anyone who believes it is jealous (or loves conspiracy theories more than Rob Monster).

Here is the full screenshot I took of her sales summary page, with unreported sales blacked out for her privacy. Again, I took this screenshot myself while personally logged in to her Afternic account, it was not shared with me. I saw it with my own eyes.

Check out the screenshot of Swetha's sales at:

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the unregister xyz premium domains 's renewal price keep changing , like .........
i am happy my is still 10 US dollars renew price
the unregister xyz premium domains 's renewal price keep changing , like .........
i am happy my is still 10 US dollars renew price
Don't let it drop. It can end up in the registry reserved domain list. Mine did.
My xyz domain that I allowed to drop is now reserved by the registry and not allowed for registration but is being offered for sale for 7,999. Can someone explain to me how this works?
I knew it, @DNGear you are a gem! Proud of you and excited that it isnt a mans only world of domaining! Wtg, Swetha! Whoohoo!
Does not matter whether s/he sells - hope s/he and Trump pay their fair share of taxes!!

Is s/he makes lots of money, good for the Indian economy and for the people.
Come on. You dont believe this, dont you? Clearly there is a deal between Swetha and the owner of .xyz extension.
Since the Castello Brothers were mentioned in this thread, I will make some observations on the topic. My brother David and I are not always on the same page in many instances. That’s what makes us stronger.

I believe all extensions, that are approved by ICANN, to be valuable. How valuable is up to the public. buyer, seller, and developer.

I will play the Devil’s Advocate on the XYZ topic because there is so much speculation swirling around.

I have no proof of anything I put forward, just that I have had experience in registering, buying. selling, and developing domain names since 1994 and can make my own professional assumptions.

IF, and that’s a big If, the XYZ registry is using foreign proxies to buy and sell its names, is that illegal? I don’t think so. There are so many new extensions, it would take some real ingenuity to place one extension in the forefront with out showing successful buyers, sellers and developers engaging in the extension.

As new extension, why spend money on advertising? Globally, that could cost a hundred million dollars. It would make more sense to allocate $5 million to propagate the money to buyers, sellers and developers of its premium names. That would give it the perception of success to potential investors. Moving the money to a foreign country allows for the money to stay dark. If it were America, an audit could track the money’s movement. So I can only speculate on what is actually happening with these XYZ sales.

A seller, showing that these are actual legitimate sales, does not negate that a registry could still be involved with each of these players-buyer/seller/developer.

I still don’t think it’s illegal, Deceptive? Possibly, but perception is everything to the believer. There are those that will make money, but usually someone has to lose money for others to make money. That’s the exchange that will move one’s status up or down the capitalistic hierarchy. I believe It’s still legal if a registry moves money to another country and uses other agents to buy, sell, and develop a portion or it’s premium stock to move the public perception of its higher value and usage,

I am supporter. I have just a couple other legacy domain name extensions. I have never bought crypto or NFT. That doesn’t mean these new technologies are not making people rich. They are just too volatile and risky for me at this post. Same with the new extensions. Making money can be risky.

Why would I gamble on them when I am vested in stable assets like .com? I don’t have to disparage a person or business in order to make money off of my .com domain names.

Yes, people who have been in this industry for many years want to make sure that the truth is available because they are obligated to do so. If the industry is tarnished, so are we.

It’s up to you to decide where you want to spend your money and who you want to believe.

Good luck! Because sometimes you do need luck…
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Why all this Conspiracy Theory, Post-Mortem and Investigative domaining again and again. Why pry into others affairs. Just only she could do and others are not even close to her? Its her honesty and transparency that she didn't hesitate to hand over her account to be scrutinized. Let her Sale be to end-user or to wholesaler or to anyone else. What's bothering domainer's is that only she is able to do it in 5 figures consistently and others who have heavily invested in xyz are finding it hard to dispose it off even at mid-high xxx.
I hope everyone with xyz domains are able to sell it for handsome price. But I think checking her account(even with her permission) is extreme.
Instead Lets talk and discuss various modes and strategies to sell xyz extension for a fair price. Seniors can throw some light on this.
All the Best to Everyone!
from a domainer perspective all this discussions about .xyz were taken too far.

I invested in .xyz domains and hold some, but recurring discussions are so sickening...

Swetha has regged most important (and semi-imp.) terms from the dictionary;
this is why she has so much more (over-average) sales than others.


Other question:
Are people granting her the success?

This is the real question you should ask.

(and if not, then why)
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Come on. You dont believe this, dont you? Clearly there is a deal between Swetha and the owner of .xyz extension.
No, conspiracy it is, don't fall for this. Not easy for us in India to hold such a huge amount of USD, just to transfer it back. The screenshot shows 1293511$ in revenue for a year, and if she has to transfer the money back she will be under LRS Scheme which only allows 250000$ to transfer out yearly. On top of that, govt will have their share in taxes and banks will have their share in the exchange rate. To sum it up owners of XYZ are burning their money in India.
I sold my prized .xyz domain name roughly 8 months ago for over 6-figures to the owner of a large tech company... it still has my old name servers and has not been developed.

I genuinely believe all of these .xyz sales are from big crypto-players, tech companies, and venture capitalists that were simply trying to hop on the crypto/.xyz trend by purchasing a keyword .xyz. They had an idea, plus the money to burn, but simply never got around to making their ideas a reality. Crypto as a whole is full of mystery and secrecy and I believe this is somewhat blended with .xyz sales.
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I sold my prized .xyz domain name roughly 8 months ago for over 6-figures to the owner of a large tech company... it still has my old name servers and has not been developed.

I genuinely believe all of these .xyz sales are from big crypto-players, tech companies, and venture capitalists that were simply trying to hop on the crypto/.xyz trend by purchasing a keyword .xyz. They had an idea, plus the money to burn, but simply never got around to making their ideas a reality. Crypto as a whole is full of mystery and secrecy and I believe this is somewhat blended with .xyz sales.
This makes a lot of sense especially considering the collapse of the crypto exchange. In the big scheme of things, a couple million dollars in .xyz sales is nothing compared to the multi billion dollar collapse of the crypto market.

It's akin to being sold oil rich land then discovering it was a mirage:xf.rolleyes:

".LINK is no worse than .XYZ":xf.wink:
I sold my prized .xyz domain name roughly 8 months ago for over 6-figures to the owner of a large tech company... it still has my old name servers and has not been developed.

I genuinely believe all of these .xyz sales are from big crypto-players, tech companies, and venture capitalists that were simply trying to hop on the crypto/.xyz trend by purchasing a keyword .xyz. They had an idea, plus the money to burn, but simply never got around to making their ideas a reality. Crypto as a whole is full of mystery and secrecy and I believe this is somewhat blended with .xyz sales.
This makes a lot of sense. With what has transpired with Sam Bankman and FTX, i wonder what impact that will have on Swetha and .XYZ?
It's either Swetha is a front for a massive portfolio of domains that would fake sales (sort of unlikely given the number of premiums) or Swetha is a power broker with incredible foresight, wit and patience.

I've said since the beginning of the XYZ boom that for most domainers these results aren't realistic, and that a handful of "power brokers" are pulling in most these top sales. It seems to be the case, but many regular domainers have certainly benefited from all their hard work.

I'd also like to add, that it sort of makes sense that many of these domains are left undeveloped since much of the new investors entering xyz domains are from a crypto background with less web development experience. There is quite a bit of overlap with crypto and domains though.

Congrats (y)
Curious as to how the crypto Bankman/FTX scandal will impact .xyz sales? The overlap with crypto and domains you reference has to involve both past (undeveloped .xyz domains) and future .xyz sales.
••• had been built .
sold at 8500 +USD may be
Meanwhile, on DomainTwitter, there appears to have been a challenge @DNGear to @Mike Mann



the challenge appears to have came in response to:




I don't know what outcome came from the challenge. It doesn't appear to have taken place:


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Unreal laugh out loud. Kudos for Swetha for standing up to the boys.
You flash all those sales, has to be expected some flak. Obviously more due to your gender, just my opinion not that of the three musketeers or namepros members
99.9% of the time people are guilty until proven innocent.
Your one in a thousand @DNGear

I was gonna say some other stuff but I will pass for now. Will say its to bad @Mike Mann like so many other established domainers Stopped posting here.
What you gonna do if they request a lie detector test? I think thats next 🤷‍♂️
Meanwhile, on DomainTwitter, there appears to have been a challenge @DNGear to @Mike Mann

Show attachment 228495


the challenge appears to have came in response to:

Show attachment 228501

Show attachment 228497


I don't know what outcome came from the challenge. It doesn't appear to have taken place:

Show attachment 228498

Show attachment 228499
The problem with this stuff is it ends up just moving the goalposts.

First Swetha isn't real. If you prove you are real, then it will be the sales are fake.
You provide receipts it will be you are connected to the registry, and so on and so on.

It is kind of a no-win situation and there is probably not all that much benefit for @DNGear to even engage in it.

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Swetha could be real but she is not alone, that is for sure.
There is a group of people working behind the scenes, she is only what we see on front end but not on the backend.
yep yep always something

and then the backend gets legitimized, it will be "the government had something to do with this".. wait for it

The stuff behind the scenes is the stuff the rarely gets credited anyways, that can go for thousands of DN sales over decades.
Hm, it's like a religion. We all believe in some god or goddess.

Why would anybody want to diss my religion?

Mann, that's not fair! :ROFL:
Show attachment 228503
Unreal laugh out loud. Kudos for Swetha for standing up to the boys.
You flash all those sales, has to be expected some flak. Obviously more due to your gender, just my opinion not that of the three musketeers or namepros members
99.9% of the time people are guilty until proven innocent.
Your one in a thousand @DNGear

I was gonna say some other stuff but I will pass for now. Will say its to bad @Mike Mann like so many other established domainers Stopped posting here.
What you gonna do if they request a lie detector test? I think thats next 🤷‍♂️
Master....among other professions, I owned Inquisitor Investigations and was a licensed professional investigator in Virginia for about 15 years (2000 - 2015) can check it our on my Linkedin bio.

Krista Gable of Domain Domme just returned according to her post on Linkedin. When queried why?....she said "it's Bullshit!" ......any idea why she might have said that Master?

Same goes for me, "I was gonna say some other stuff but I will pass for now":unsure:
No irrefutable evidences against her.
Only disparaging remarks, wild guesses, ifs & buts and desperately try to make her High Sales, posts, dp & her link with xyz extn look like circumstantial evidences to prove that she and her sales are fake.
This is called hounding.
Wow! Pity.....
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