
.tv Just got off the phone with Jason

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Dr. Mindwrecker

Established Member
First off Jason seems like a great guy, and is kind of in a tough spot, my take is he sort of is an "in between", he has to run back and forth to check on each name requested and run it by Verisign. Jason if you read this thank you for your time, I sense you have been bombarded with inquiries.

He said that the deal has changed a bit from when it was first offered, he had more wiggle room a little while ago, but due to the popularity in .tv and the fact that many premiums are now gone, he does not have as much wiggle room now.

He also confirmed that each name is a case by case basis, that when you request a name for discount he has to run it by Verisign and if they feel like they can get the full amount for the name they will not ok the discount. He also stated that "We (Demand Media)are just in control of marketing the extension, we want to get as many premium .tv names to market as possible, but we do not set the prices, so this is all I can offer after I run it by Verisign"

Everybody here knows this but it is always good to remind people of the policy.

The deal he offered was this:

Pay the first two years of a premium, and then get 50% off for the rest of the life of the renewal rate.

However, the first two years you pay, actually only covers you for one year.

So for a $1000 per year premium, you would pay $2000 for year 1, then $500 for the remainder of your term...

Not bad for people in the $5000 and up premium market, but not that big of an impact for lesser priced names. Still a discount over the long haul, which can be nice.

Hope this helps!
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i dont know by names but i feel many people from here will get some premiums of ther back,
wait around and see.

ps: i m not one of them :P
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