
.tv Just got off the phone with Jason

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Dr. Mindwrecker

Established Member
First off Jason seems like a great guy, and is kind of in a tough spot, my take is he sort of is an "in between", he has to run back and forth to check on each name requested and run it by Verisign. Jason if you read this thank you for your time, I sense you have been bombarded with inquiries.

He said that the deal has changed a bit from when it was first offered, he had more wiggle room a little while ago, but due to the popularity in .tv and the fact that many premiums are now gone, he does not have as much wiggle room now.

He also confirmed that each name is a case by case basis, that when you request a name for discount he has to run it by Verisign and if they feel like they can get the full amount for the name they will not ok the discount. He also stated that "We (Demand Media)are just in control of marketing the extension, we want to get as many premium .tv names to market as possible, but we do not set the prices, so this is all I can offer after I run it by Verisign"

Everybody here knows this but it is always good to remind people of the policy.

The deal he offered was this:

Pay the first two years of a premium, and then get 50% off for the rest of the life of the renewal rate.

However, the first two years you pay, actually only covers you for one year.

So for a $1000 per year premium, you would pay $2000 for year 1, then $500 for the remainder of your term...

Not bad for people in the $5000 and up premium market, but not that big of an impact for lesser priced names. Still a discount over the long haul, which can be nice.

Hope this helps!
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Well see that was the deal (or I should say what they call a deal I disagree 100 %. 70 % off the initial and 50 % off renewal was a deal) But I got an email saying I can do more let me know Thank you Jason. Not sure what doing more meant or if it was just to get people to call and find out about premium pricing.
What I don't understand is why a few weeks ago I was told I had to pay the entire renewal upfront. Perhaps I misunderstood but I asked twice, but regardless this is the "deal"

This is not the type of deal I would get excited about unless I was walking into a $5000 or $10,000 premium with a 5- 10 year business plan and had about 25-50k to work with.

This extension will go down in history as the most "case by case", "name by name" extension going. Everyone has gotten different deals since the beginning, and with all the various discounts, golden era regs, premium pricing system, and more, it will always be viewed as a little weird.

Hopefully what will happen is we can get some type of confirmation on and how it finds data on renewals, and/or ENOM will release some sort of up to date data base on renewal pricing.

Its unfortunate but you can not rely on seller info, and you have to do due diligence even more so with this extension.
From my experience, is a very reliable source for premium renewal fees. Especially when you consider that before there wasn't a way to determine if a .TV domain even had a premium renewal fee.
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MicroGuy said:
From my experience, is a VERY reliable source for premium renewal fees.

I'm not knocking, I'm greatful for it, but I have just seen a few inconsistencies.

I would like to know how they get the renewal data.
I'm not knocking, I'm greatful for it, but I have just seen a few inconsistencies.

I would like to know how they get the renewal data.

Can you please post examples of these inconsistencies?
The deals are in the aftermarket now, but you didn't hear that from me. :D
MicroGuy said:
Can you please post examples of these inconsistencies?

Micro, I dont have one off the top of my head, my apologies, when I get one I will post, I do use all the time, to me its the best thing we got. Does the owner of it come on here?

I know there were a few other people here who claimed a few regs fee's were not correct. For the most part many seem correct though, I would like to get more confirmation how it gets the data.
You said.......

I have just seen a few inconsistencies.
Unless you have specific examples, it's safe to say that the above statement is "untrue". My main objective for commenting in this thread was to make sure that readers are not mislead by false statements.
There have been times I have typed names in and they show up $50 when they are not.
perhaps I did not type them in right.

Sorry for any confusion but I have heard other people comment of occasional problems. Not dissing

More importantly, does get the results from an active data base connection?

That is really all I care about.
Can someone confirm what the price is for the 70% discount (around 2 years ago) names. What is there renewal fee? I am getting a $500 renewal fee for a $1000 a year name (original price before sale). Can I get it down to $300?
Micro Guy, Are you involved with
Perhaps you can explain how it works.
No Sam the deal was 70 % off then 50 % for renewal you got more off upfront.

1000 Premium if you wanted to reg for 1 year $300, $500 after.

I have seen sometimes on AHEAD just try it a second time, every once in awhile it may say $50 retry and it shows the premium.

MW it was Heroes that said he has many domains that do not match what he has for a premium renewal.
equity78 said:
No Sam the deal was 70 % off then 50 % for renewal you got more off upfront.

1000 Premium if you wanted to reg for 1 year $300, $500 after.

I have seen sometimes on AHEAD just try it a second time, every once in awhile it may say $50 retry and it shows the premium.

MW it was Heroes that said he has many domains that do not match what he has for a premium renewal.

Well TY, I know for a fact I typed in names and had them spelled right, and they would say $50. I just typed the same one in tonight and it had the correct premium.

Anyways Ahead.TV is great, would be great to find out more about how it works so we can help with .tv transparency issues...
Yeah, this confusion helps the extension.

Quite frankly, if I was demand media I would do this: Hand the premiums back to Verisign and let them deal with the mess.

I know it won't happen, because it is probably part of the contract, but is it seriously helping enom any at this point? Sure they may get a percentage, but is it really worth the headache of confusion and questions?

Oh well. Day by day.
Micro, I dont have one off the top of my head, my apologies, when I get one I will post, I do use all the time, to me its the best thing we got. Does the owner of it come on here?

I know there were a few other people here who claimed a few regs fee's were not correct. For the most part many seem correct though, I would like to get more confirmation how it gets the data.

My one & only premium that I own isn't being reported at the $250/year renewal, which is the 50% discount on the renewals.
Micro Guy, Are you involved with
Perhaps you can explain how it works.
No. I'm not involved with I just get tired of hearing about incorrect
renewals being reported or other problems without specific examples.

There was another thread about problems with where the poster was entering "www." as part of the domain name. I also read another problem where a user was entering ".TV" into the lookup field. If you enter domains in an incorrect format you will get incorrect results.

If someone is aware of an incorrect renewal fee, there is a link provided.
Back on the original post, MINDWRECKER.TV, did you talk with Jason about discounts on premium renewals?
MicroGuy said:
No. I'm not involved with I just get tired of hearing about incorrect
renewals being reported or other problems without specific examples.

Doesn't somebody here on NP own if I remember correctly?
vaunter said:
Back on the original post, MINDWRECKER.TV, did you talk with Jason about discounts on premium renewals?

Yes, for new registrations.
I was told for existing names you already have, no discount on renewals.
be prepared for massive drops of premium domains
on!SPOT said:
be prepared for massive drops of premium domains

Why? I dont understand :'(
on!SPOT said:
be prepared for massive drops of premium domains

You talking about people who regged thinking they were gonna sell, or price drops by Verisign?
so- are you saying that say the name is 1000.00- and you get 50% off afer the initial payment- then wouldnt a reg of a premium be for 2 years? the first year and the buy price, and the second year at the reduced price? or after all this $$ changes hands, you have it for one year?
on!SPOT said:
be prepared for massive drops of premium domains

Why? Do you know people that aren't planning on renewing their premiums???
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