
.tv Is 1000 usd premium really worth it?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
I want to reg one name in the range of 500-1000 premium, am thinkin of regging shud i really reg?

give me some input guys, and if u can hook me up discount let me know thanks.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
If you know what you are doing - yes

If you don't - no
if reg fee is $1000 NO!unless your going to develoP!
The question is much to general and wide open for anyone to be able to answer it intelligently.

Porn.tv for $1000 and you are in the porn business, ABSOLUTELY.
PROVO.tv for $1000 and you cannot even find UTAH on a map, ABSOLUTELY NOT

You have to ask yourself, not anyone here 3 questions

Why do I want to own this name ?

What will I do with it ?

Will I be able to continue to renew at $1000 a year for many years ?

$1000 is not bad when one can flip in the first year, but if you are not developing, then you really want to focus on selling the name in the first year. If you hold for many years then you have a lot of money in the name. If you get a $5000 offer after owning for four years that is not a great risk/reward scenario.

Secondly you have to be confident why you can sell in the first year, why was it available? and why did the potential end user going to now pay you 10 times what you regged the name for not reg it before you did ?

I think there are premiums worth regging and there are a lot of good deals with non premium pricing that you may spend $1000 on but then only $24.99 to renew. Again IMO
Absent specific development and/or immediate plans for its effective monetization, I would concur ... the Reg. fee and high annual renewal fee - in perpetuity - are generally cost prohibitive and should therefore be avoided, IMHO. :gl:

Best of Luck.
-Jeff B-)
One should never expect to be able to flip a domain in one year. If you price a one-word domain at 10-20% of an end user price you might be able to find another domainer willing to take it off your hands. But again that would only be for regular renewals. Premium renewals are only for those with SIGNIFICANT development plans because it takes more than a minisite to generate $500-$1000 in annual Adsense income.
I want to reg one name in the range of 500-1000 premium, am thinkin of regging shud i really reg?

give me some input guys, and if u can hook me up discount let me know thanks.

99% of the time I'd say no. Equity gives the example of porn.tv buy lets face it names of that caliber with realistic renewal prices simply are not available for registration in the current market so it is a moot point.

The exception to all this I would say is the person who really wants to develop a name in a specific area and has a plan which they will execute on *straight away*. Ask this question of yourself, "If that name was already taken would I still be developing the same site on another name, or am I really just interested in the area because of the name?".

If you are like the rest of us and already have dozens of undeveloped names then you are probably not in that that 1%! Good luck and invest wisely.
As has been said, it really depends on the domain and if there is a real value with it that van be unlocked.

We own israel.tv and this has a $1000 a year renewal, is it worth it? You bet!
thanks for the input guys.

U guys Rock.
A nice premium name is nice to have. If its just to hold, I would say no as the market is uncertain at the moment.. As well as all markets for that matter. If its under 1k per year, ask why no one else has snapped it up.. There are many smart domainers here that would of, if they thought they could turn it into a profit.

If you plan on building the "super name" into a money maker.
Just remember that development goes on a lot longer than first thought.. When setting your development time line always be wary of problems with this line of work.

Discounts are readily available.. Contact Chris Sheridan (VP Enom) or Deborah Burditt (Business Dev).. Make an offer, you might be surprised.

good luck.
As has been said, it really depends on the domain and if there is a real value with it that van be unlocked.

We own israel.tv and this has a $1000 a year renewal, is it worth it? You bet!

Taking israel.tv as an example it looks to be a channel me site and averages about 20 views per day, is it really making enough to justify the reg fee?
Taking israel.tv as an example it looks to be a channel me site and averages about 20 views per day, is it really making enough to justify the reg fee?

It is immaterial for Geo domains, because the value of a Geo domain is estimated mainly for the name alone, and not for the visits.

Israel.TV is a nice country Geo name, with a reasonable renewal, so the owner doesn't have to bother about UV, IMO.

Last month I sold pana.ma for mid $x,xxx, but it rarely gets type-ins.
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Hi Snoop. yes, it is using channelme but only for holding purposes and at this time, we have no need to fully monentise it. It's part of a portfolio of domains and sites and was bought for long term.
It is immaterial for Geo domains, because the value of a Geo domain is estimated mainly for the name alone, and not for the visits.

Israel.TV is a nice country Geo name, with a reasonable renewal, so the owner doesn't have to bother about UV, IMO.

Last month I sold pana.ma for mid $x,xxx, but it rarely gets type-ins.

So how do we figure that israel.tv is worth a $1000 renewal? The owner said it is definately worth it though after 3 years there is still really nothing on the site.

So far it sounds like the owner is down $3000. Would it sell for over $3000 today with that $1000 renewal if put up for auction? That is the essence of the question that was asked, are these $1000 premiums really worth it. Is the value really increasing by more than the $1000 annual payment?
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Would it sell for over $3000 today with that $1000 renewal if put up for auction?

Yes, it would. :)

A Geo name like Israel.TV is worth several thousands to a targeted end user, even at a higher renewal fee. If it gets developed, the value will eventually increase.

Snoop, your views only applicable to domainers. End users will make the difference. :hehe:

Many of us here holding $x,xxx premiums, with patience. Premiums are not for quick flipping. Premiums are only for long-term investors and to those who have a strong development plans.

I agree that the premium pricing scheme is ridiculous on many names, but it is the buyer's responsibility to carefully choose the domain name even at $100 range.
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There is one US City in the top 10 with a $500 that sold for $25,000. Other cities with $1,000 in the top 40 have sold for more than $3,000.

It would sell for more than $3,000.
Hi Snoop. thanks for your comments. For us it is not a question of being up or down on the domain at this time.

It was bought with a vision to be developed in the medium term. To buy it now would likely cost much, much more than what we paid especially with the renewals, so even at $1000 a year, it is a good deal and a valuable asset.

We have had offers over the last couple of years from low $$,000's to high $$,000's, even last week, we had an approach for a mid $$,000's.

It'll be interesting to see how Germany.tv goes next week at auction in Amsterdam as that should put in public some perspective of the value of country geos.

thanks for the input guys.

going to buy a name at 3000 usd premium per year.
thanks for the input guys.

going to buy a name at 3000 usd premium per year.

Based upon the advice in this thread? :blink:

What is the domain name, and do you have specific development plans? :gl:
Thanks for any insight.
-Jeff B-)
thanks for the input guys.

going to buy a name at 3000 usd premium per year.

3k per year is really gonna hurt alot in the long run and especially if you're planning to hold long term with no development plans.

However, with such solid advice in this thread and yet you still decide to go ahead, do tell. ;)
i bought a 3k .tv premium name lately. Sorry cant share, and going to buy another 500usd - 2000 usd range in 2 weeks.

I hope thats encourage other people about .tv

Today, evening, I am going unleash one of my name, and will be sending you pm tonight. If you want to know.

I just talked to one of the tv company who host shows etc, I met the guy, and shared my name with him, he wants me to call him and discuss more about it if I am interested in putting content on it. I met him randomly at my work and got his business card, so Lets see after I call him.

He said, even if someone would pay him 10k he would not separate himself from this name.

So after evening today, I will share with you all. :gn:

^ Sounds great, thanks for sharing details tvdotcoms! :gl:

-Jeff B-)
A Geo name like Israel.TV is worth several thousands to a targeted end user, even at a higher renewal fee.................
Snoop, your views only applicable to domainers. End users will make the difference. :hehe:

I guess that is the thing, a *domainer* has paid $3000 to own it thus far +$1000 due every year going forward.
I guess that is the thing, a *domainer* has paid $3000 to own it thus far +$1000 due every year going forward.

Yep, a domainer has paid $3000, and willing to pay $1000 every year, because he KNOWS the potential of such a name... B-)
Let me first start by saying I am not a big fan of .TV, and own 0 of them. However, as someone who deals with end users a domain like Israel.tv is a no brainer for the renewal cost.

Any top tier GEO domain like that has far more potential than the revenue it creates.

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