
How good is NameSilo?

Spaceship Spaceship
Hello Guys,

I want to know about namesilo. How good they are? Any disadvantage having domains with them?

Currently I am using Godaddy, Name.com and namecheap
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Namecheap and Godaddy is my best choice for buying domains. Godaddy offers really cheap prices for the first year. Namecheap pricing is also good, but I prefer them for really cheap security features. Godaddy and Namecheap offer very fast services in the domains section.
Gustavo Woltmann.
@namesilo is it possible to use a Virtual CC to make purchases on your website and if so, how does one verify it?
@namesilo is it possible to use a Virtual CC to make purchases on your website and if so, how does one verify it?
For security reasons, we cannot verify virtual or prepaid cards. Please re-submit a physical card in your name if you wish to have it verified. Alternatively, you can still use your virtual card for pay-as-you-go purchases across our site but we simply won't be able to verify it for auto-billing.
Cannot find an old namesilo development thread. Must be too old...
Is it just me, or something is wrong with Namesilo-Afternic integration? Fast transfer in particular. Submitted a few NameSilo-regged domains with BIN to Afternic earlier today. Received a link from NameSilo to approve fast transfer. Clicked as usual. Nothing. No fast transfer approval arrived to Afternic, domains are shown as eligible but not activated with fast transfer. Moreover, in August a few Afternic sales of NameSilo-regged domains with previously set fast transfer had all sorts of issues (delayed transfers, repeated attempts from Afternic to start the transfer, and in one case _fast_ meant ~4 days of pendingtransfer).
Anybody else noticed this?
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Cannot find an old namesilo development thread. Must be too old...
Is it just me, or something is wrong with Namesilo-Afternic integration? Fast transfer in particular. Submitted a few NameSilo-regged domains with BIN to Afternic earlier today. Received a link from NameSilo to approve fast transfer. Clicked as usual. Nothing. No fast transfer approval arrived to Afternic, domains are shown as eligible but not activated with fast transfer. Moreover, in August a few Afternic sales of NameSilo-regged domains with previously set fast transfer had all sorts of issues (delayed transfers, repeated attempts from Afternic to start the transfer, and in one case _fast_ meant ~4 days of pendingtransfer).
Anybody else noticed this?
Hi @tonyk2000

Indeed, there seems to be a problem between NameSilo and Afternic, because for some months I can't include anymore my domains in Afternic's Premium Network.

In the past everything was working let's say "good": when a domain was out of ICANN lock I was simply deleting it from Afternic and re-add it, to trigger Afternic listing request. Then after receiving an e-mail from NameSilo and accepting the listing request, in a few hours the status of the domain on Afternic website would change from "No (Opt-in Required)" to "Yes (Active)".

Not anymore...

Now either I don't receive any e-mail from NameSilo or if I get it and I accept the listing request nothing will change on Afternic site.

A clear example: I received the e-mail from NameSilo to accept the Afternic listing request for ifLeaf.com, on 7 August 2022 (see the first print screen) which I did, but ~3 weeks later the domain status on Afternic site is "No (Opt-in Required)" (see the second print screen).

I wrote to Afternic support, but I've got only answers, not solutions... so I said to register a new domain (forwardity.com) with a different registrar that's included in Fast Transfer Network (Dynadot) to test if it's working there, but I can't do it for now, since the domain isn't out of ICANN lock...

... and then I saw your message and I said it would be good to let you know that I also have these problems.

@namesilo can you please make a test account and verify what's wrong that we can't include anymore our names registered at NameSilo in Afternic's Fast Transfer?

I like NameSilo, it's a great company with a reputation of being very secure, and also I like to have all my domains in one place, but Fast Transfer is a big deal and if you don't solve this problem I will have to move my domains that I can't include in Fast Transfer anymore, to some other Afternic Premium Network partner.

@Joe Styler can you please have a look at my Afternic support ticket from 15 July 2022 (Case Number 03930369)?

Thank you,



  • 1 I accepted Afternic listing request on 7 Aug but 3 weeks later still opt in required.jpg
    1 I accepted Afternic listing request on 7 Aug but 3 weeks later still opt in required.jpg
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    2 Domain showing op-in required even if i opted in 3 weeks ago.jpg
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so I said to register a new domain (forwardity.com) with a different registrar that's included in Fast Transfer Network (Dynadot) to test if it's working ther
It is working at Dynadot. I also included a number of Dyna-regged domains on the same day, and fast transfer was applied instantly.
In case of NameSilo-Afternic, another trick to trigger approved fast transfer to finally appear on afternic was to simply "hide" the domain from sale on afternic end, save the change, and unhide it immediately. It would then start showing as fast transfer active. Learned this by coincidence. Not working anymore...
Namesilo-afternic integration is working again. Previously approved fast transfers still did not appear though, so I had to delete and add domains in question from afternic. This way, it generated new fast transfer approval emails and links...
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Currently there is a glitch at NS that does not empty shopping cart after you pay to renew domains. So when doing your next transaction, you can easily renew those same domains twice if you don't clear those domain you have already paid for.
Namesilo-afternic integration is working again. Previously approved fast transfers still did not appear though, so I had to delete and add domains in question from afternic. This way, it generated new fast transfer approval emails and links...

Thank you for the update. It's nice to see that NameSilo and Afternic were moving fast to fix the problem after we wrote about it here on NamePros.

Currently there is a glitch at NS that does not empty shopping cart after you pay to renew domains. So when doing your next transaction, you can easily renew those same domains twice if you don't clear those domain you have already paid for.

Speaking about bugs, on 1 September I went on NameSilo to renew 8 domains that were to expire in December.

After I manually selected those 8 domains, I've clicked on "Renew Domains" and on the next page I had the unpleasant surprise to see in my cart 16 domains, different than the ones that I've selected to renew. I can't remember if these domains were the ones that I've renewed last time, to see if it's the same glitch that @carob was writing about.

I've deleted the cart and tried again. This time the right domains were added to my cart, but I had some problems when I tried to pay with PayPal. I had to close and open again that small PayPal payment window several times, before the payment went through, because I simply couldn't log-in to PayPal from that NameSilo window. I tried to log-in directly to PayPal in a different Chrome tab and it worked just fine.

Maybe one of the problems was that NameSilo was very slow at that time and browsing the website wasn't working as it should.

In the past, that was the only problem at NameSilo: the site being slow from time to time, but now it seems that they have some other problems too.

@namesilo maybe you will fix these issues too...

Thank you,

Hi @tonyk2000

Indeed, there seems to be a problem between NameSilo and Afternic, because for some months I can't include anymore my domains in Afternic's Premium Network.

In the past everything was working let's say "good": when a domain was out of ICANN lock I was simply deleting it from Afternic and re-add it, to trigger Afternic listing request. Then after receiving an e-mail from NameSilo and accepting the listing request, in a few hours the status of the domain on Afternic website would change from "No (Opt-in Required)" to "Yes (Active)".

Not anymore...

Now either I don't receive any e-mail from NameSilo or if I get it and I accept the listing request nothing will change on Afternic site.

A clear example: I received the e-mail from NameSilo to accept the Afternic listing request for ifLeaf.com, on 7 August 2022 (see the first print screen) which I did, but ~3 weeks later the domain status on Afternic site is "No (Opt-in Required)" (see the second print screen).

I wrote to Afternic support, but I've got only answers, not solutions... so I said to register a new domain (forwardity.com) with a different registrar that's included in Fast Transfer Network (Dynadot) to test if it's working there, but I can't do it for now, since the domain isn't out of ICANN lock...

... and then I saw your message and I said it would be good to let you know that I also have these problems.

@namesilo can you please make a test account and verify what's wrong that we can't include anymore our names registered at NameSilo in Afternic's Fast Transfer?

I like NameSilo, it's a great company with a reputation of being very secure, and also I like to have all my domains in one place, but Fast Transfer is a big deal and if you don't solve this problem I will have to move my domains that I can't include in Fast Transfer anymore, to some other Afternic Premium Network partner.

@Joe Styler can you please have a look at my Afternic support ticket from 15 July 2022 (Case Number 03930369)?

Thank you,

I cannot see their support system to look at the ticket. If they haven't answered you by now please let me know. Usually if you email service at afternic dot com they will get back to you quickly.
I cannot see their support system to look at the ticket. If they haven't answered you by now please let me know. Usually if you email service at afternic dot com they will get back to you quickly.
Afternic support was always fast when answering to me, and they've replied to that ticket (two times) that wasn't the problem. They tried to help, but nothing was fixed at that time.

Anyway, doesn't matter anymore, because now Afternic Fast Transfer is working again at NameSilo, so it's all good.

Thank you for your answer,

@namesilo please check this error also:

Today I've moved the domain RegenerableEnergy.com from Cosmotown to NameSilo, to have all my domains in one place.

Since that domain is out of the initial ICANN lock (60 days) and it is only in registrar lock, you can enable both Sedo MLS and Afternic Fast Transfer.

So I've tried first with Sedo, and I've got the e-mail from NameSilo to accept the listing request, I've logged-in to NameSilo website, I clicked on the link in the e-mail, I accepted Sedo MLS listing request and after I clicked on "Save" the next page showed the following error "Invalid Link." (first print screen).

Even if I got that error, Sedo MLS was activated on Sedo's website (second print screen) so this is not some critical error, but should be fixed because if you leave it like that some users will think that something is wrong and Sedo MLS won't be active.

After that I tried the same thing with Afternic and everything went just fine (third print screen) so I'm thinking that the problem might be that you've updated something for Afternic so that Fast Transfer will work again and forgot to update something about Sedo.

Thank you,



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    1 Invalid Link error at NameSilo after accepting Sedo MLS listing request.jpg
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    2 Even if I got that error the listing is active on Sedo.jpg
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    3 Afternic NameSilo Authorization went just fine.jpg
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@Alex270 is the domain shown as sedomls active in downloadable portfolio list on namesilo (excel table)? I think it is the only place to check sedo/afternic final status on namesilo end. Especially if it not shown as sedomls active, a ticket (escalated to their IT team) may work. Escalated is the key, as the 1st line support and chat- at least what I found - are frequently unable to fix domainers specific issues "on the fly"...
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@Alex270 is the domain shown as sedomls active in downloadable portfolio list on namesilo (excel table)? I think it is the only place to check sedo/afternic final status on namesilo end. Especially if it not shown as sedomls active, a ticket (escalated to their IT team) may work. Escalated is the key, as the 1st line support and chat- at least what I found - are frequently unable to fix domainers specific issues "on the fly"...
@tonyk2000 I've downloaded that file and It looks OK... I guess??? Also, the domain shows as "Sedo MLS active" on Sedo's site so I think it's all good.

I think it's better to write here about our problems at NameSilo, because as you saw the Afternic Fast Transfer was quickly solved after we wrote on NamePros, because a NameSilo representative is present here.

When I wrote to NameSilo support about Fast Transfer issue with another domain (OnLife.org) they wrote back that the domain isn't out of lock and that's why I don't receive an e-mail to include it in Afternic Fast Transfer...

False: the domain was out of ICANN lock, and it was in NameSilo lock so it should have worked, like it worked today with RegenerableEnergy.com... so I agree with you that the first line of support is not able to fix domain specific issues.

By the way, I found another error:

@namesilo have a look at this error also, please:

I already paid for the transfer to NameSilo of RegenerableEnergy.com and the transfer was done today, but now every time I log-in to NameSilo website, the domain will be added to my cart, even if I deleted the cart two times already...

I clear the cart, I log-in again on NameSilo and the domain is in my cart again... :))

Please delete the domain from my cart, because it seems I'm not able to do it...

Thank you,



  • 1 Cart Error. I cleared cart two times already but after I log in the cart has a domain again ...jpg
    1 Cart Error. I cleared cart two times already but after I log in the cart has a domain again ...jpg
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  • 2 I've already paid for that domain and cleared the cart two times but the domain  still shows...jpg
    2 I've already paid for that domain and cleared the cart two times but the domain still shows...jpg
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Yeah, namesilo 1st line support should be improved. Or, for example, an idea to @namesilo - why wouldn't you assign account managers to bulk customers like Alex or myself? This would eliminate a number of communication issues. I, for one, have enough domains with NameSilo and other registrars assigned account managers to my account(s) with noticeably lower number of domains...

@Alex270 - as soon as you convince them to escalate the ticket to appropriate department, it would be all fine. Fast responses from those who understand the issue(s).

a good one :)
@tonyk2000 I have a tiny portfolio (a total of ~150 domains) compared to others, so I don't need an account manager, but for you would be a good idea to have one :)

Thanks for your opinion about my domain. Even if it's a long name, I think it is pretty decent one for a hand reg.

Talking about all of these errors that I've encountered in the last period at NameSilo, it isn't the end of the world. It can happen anywhere, but the idea it is that they should be fixed and I'm sure that NameSilo will do it.

In my books, NameSilo is one of the best domain registrars out there.
I wrote to NameSilo support that I can't empty my cart. They gave me the link to the old cart and that did the trick: I could finally delete the domain from my cart, without reappearing after I log-in again to NameSilo.

If anyone else is having this problem, here is the link to the old cart where you can click on "remove all" and empty the cart: https://www.namesilo.com/shopping_cart.php?force_old_cart=1

Thank you,



  • How to empty te cart at NameSilo if it isn't working.jpg
    How to empty te cart at NameSilo if it isn't working.jpg
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@namesilo Sometimes there are great domains available at a wholesale price on the Afternic or Sedo networks. I like to buy these domains on Namesilo because they add +1 year for free (included in the price).

But the process could be better. I buy a domain via Namesilo from the Afternic or Sedo networks, and then nothing. I mean I receive an order confirmation email, but then it takes several days for the domain to arrive into my account. That's OK, but I cannot follow the process anywhere. And then later the domain just magically appears in my account without any notification. So I must monitor the process myself and keep checking my list of domains.

At least Namesilo should send me an email when the domain has been delivered into my account. But even better there should be a section where I could monitor this open order: order started, order paid, domain is being secured, domain is in pending transfer, domain has been delivered to your account, and then at the end of the process send me a notification email.
Namesilo fixed the shopping cart bug. Also, DomainCasing is again live on marketplace - reported this to them long time ago. Those are good signs. But, again, I see issues with namesilo-afternic integration. It was never as stable as it should be, but earlier today... No more fast transfer approval links emailed? Afternic seems to be working, as they generated an usual "Opt-in to the Afternic Premium Network with Your Registrar" email. No email received from NameSilo, waiting ~2 hours already :( . Seems to be the same issue which was fixed in September last year. Or is it just me? Was anybody able to set afternic fast transfer @ NameSilo recently?

Edited. NamePros magic? Received the fast transfer approval email in a few seconds after posting this. OK, lets see will the link be working and will afternic receive the fast transfer approval... Not always the case actually...
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But, again, I see issues with namesilo-afternic integration. It was never as stable as it should be, but earlier today... No more fast transfer approval links emailed? Afternic seems to be working, as they generated an usual "Opt-in to the Afternic Premium Network with Your Registrar" email. No email received from NameSilo, waiting ~2 hours already :( .
This is recurrent and raising it with both parties just does not fix it. Often the Namesilo emails are not sent, you can ask Afternic to ask Namesilo to resend them, then some but not all of the domains get the email from Namesilo, and in some cases clicking on the link in the email still does not activate Fast Transfer.

Not sure on whose side the bugs are but they are very persistent and seem to get no attention.
We fixed up an issue related to our Afternic email confirmations a couple of weeks ago. Are you still seeing any current issues?
We fixed up an issue related to our Afternic email confirmations a couple of weeks ago. Are you still seeing any current issues?
Thank you :) I can confirm that, except 1 delayed email which might well be one time issue outside Namesilo control, all worked today as it should. Namely, all requested domains (various batches) were included into the generated emails, and all authorizations were received by afternic.

May I suggest one related change though. Please add an opportunity to delete existing afternic listings. Dyna has it, Porkbun has it, Namesilo doesn't. Why this matters? Live example. I decided to remove the domain from afternic. Deleted it on afternic end. Later, changed my mind. Added it back again. Afternic says it has no fast transfer. Yeah, this is correct, as it is technially another listing (another internal numer). Namesilo system is of different opinion, as the domain still has afternic fast transfer auth @ my account. So, there was no email for me to approve, why approve it twice? I think that afternic will refresh their system in 24 or 48 hours and the fast transfer status will appear by itself [happened before as far as I remember], and, if not, I'll email them asking to fix, but it would be much easier to have an opportunity to delete afternic authorizations from Namesilo account management area.
Thank you :)
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not good enuf
Is there still something not working or any issue you're experiencing? If so, pls let us know and we'll work to resolve it asap. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.

Thank you :) I can confirm that, except 1 delayed email which might well be one time issue outside Namesilo control, all worked today as it should. Namely, all requested domains (various batches) were included into the generated emails, and all authorizations were received by afternic.

May I suggest one related change though. Please add an opportunity to delete existing afternic listings. Dyna has it, Porkbun has it, Namesilo doesn't. Why this matters? Live example. I decided to remove the domain from afternic. Deleted it on afternic end. Later, changed my mind. Added it back again. Afternic says it has no fast transfer. Yeah, this is correct, as it is technially another listing (another internal numer). Namesilo system is of different opinion, as the domain still has afternic fast transfer auth @ my account. So, there was no email for me to approve, why approve it twice? I think that afternic will refresh their system in 24 or 48 hours and the fast transfer status will appear by itself [happened before as far as I remember], and, if not, I'll email them asking to fix, but it would be much easier to have an opportunity to delete afternic authorizations from Namesilo account management area.
Thank you :)
Perfect - thank you for confirming. If you experience any more trouble related to Afternic emails, pls let us know and our devs will prioritize a fix.

In terms of your feature request - thanks for detailing it out. We have passed this along to our product team to investigate further and work on developing it.
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