
Hey Everyone. I am back "Kind of"

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Established Member
Hello to all of my domain friends.
I have a lot of messages to catch up with and friends I need to contact here on NamePros. I have been domaining for years and built a lot of great relationships both here and other communities back in their hay day. Other forum name was robertsz. Unfortunately I had an accident. I fell carrying my two little kids and broke my hip. The recovery and ongoing set backs has kept me offline and has run my personal and business savings down to $0 so obviously I have not been around much. I have checked in from time to time and lately was hoping to flip some domains (buy cheap and auction high) or build out sites (since i have extra time) with no success. I turned 40 a few weeks ago and struggle daily with my current situation. You never really understand until you lose everything, yet it also does help keep in perspective what is important. So, I just wanted to say hello to everyone and maybe my message will help someone realize that keeping things in perspective is key. Also, I highly recommend investing in personal disability insurance. I did not have it and being 100% commission and self employed, I should have. I am sure there are a lot of you who also do not carry it. You just never know what the day will bring. Rob
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Masturbating.tv ?

HeHe...... now that would be an interesting channel :xf.laugh:
I figured a landing page maybe. Idk never did one like that, I was apprehensive
So sorry to hear this.. Listen, on the hospital / medical bills there is a phone number for customer service. Please call it and discuss your financial hardship situation. Almost every medical provider / hospital will work with you..

Good article: https://health.usnews.com/health-ne...w-to-pay-medical-bills-you-simply-cant-afford

Just google "hospital financial hardship assistance" AND "utility bill financial hardship" (and vary the terms, but make sure you keep "hardship") then dive down to the results that help your situation best. There is help out there.

Also your utility bill should have a department that will discuss this with you. Not sure if you have elderly or children in the house - they will need to know that.

Not sure if you are religious or not but my church did help us out with some things.

Trust me - there is help out there. The above are some examples that gave us assistance.

Good luck to you and God bless.
Thank you!
I have to be more mentally strong then anything. This took my entire life savings. Which is mentally debilitating at the age of 40. I worked my entire life and now have nothing to show for it. So I figured I would tell people to learn from my story.
@Livepar Poverty is a great motivator! I know from experience.

I'm also a developer, You're names don't fit my current project but feel free to DM me to network or if there is anything I might help you with.
Welcome back and I wish you a great 2018!
Does anyone here know how to develop Apps? Basically I have a 3 hour sound file. I want the 3 hour sound file to be the app. They buy the app and it downloads the player on to their device. They press play and it plays the sound file. Something that they do not need internet for it to work, it simply gets downloaded like a game.
So sorry to hear this.. Listen, on the hospital / medical bills there is a phone number for customer service. Please call it and discuss your financial hardship situation. Almost every medical provider / hospital will work with you..

Good article: https://health.usnews.com/health-ne...w-to-pay-medical-bills-you-simply-cant-afford

Just google "hospital financial hardship assistance" AND "utility bill financial hardship" (and vary the terms, but make sure you keep "hardship") then dive down to the results that help your situation best. There is help out there.

Also your utility bill should have a department that will discuss this with you. Not sure if you have elderly or children in the house - they will need to know that.

Not sure if you are religious or not but my church did help us out with some things.

Trust me - there is help out there. The above are some examples that gave us assistance.

Good luck to you and God bless.
Thank you again, really struggling. Sold all my assets and trying to stay a float. I worked out a payment plan for the house to stay out of foreclosure, but now I just need to find the first payment. I swear, if I can make it through this, I will be the strongest ever!
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