@Doron Vermaat ,
First of all, I am a domain beginner as well as an Efty Investor account holder. Congratulations on your work! I am very comfortable using your services.
I have recently received verified inquiries with offers through my Efty landers on a couple of domains, and I would like to ask you:
1- We have the option to send the inquiry to the brokerage service, so that they complete the sale for a certain commission. What will be the transaction channels and fees when we use this service? Is it all managed with brokerage and transaction fees are included, or will brokerage cover only the negotiation process? Please excuse me if this is obvious, as I mentioned above, I do not have experience.
2- Also, regarding brokerage, we are required to fill in the fields of "Target price" and "Floor price" before we send them the lead. As a beginner, on one of my domains where the offer seems low, I got "frozen", torn between the fear of missing the sale opportunity and the feeling that I could be leaving too much money on the table. Therefore, my question is, would you consider the possibility of embedding an option like for example "consult the broker/request an appraisal" for a fixed fee? I know we can do this externally, but I think it could be benefitial if the same people that suggest a pricing strategy are the ones who will lead the negotiation later on -provided we sellers approve on prices before such negotiation starts. Does my idea make sense?
3- Regarding Efty Pay, unfortunately I haven't needed a passport for ages now, so I don't have one, and it is the only option listed for ID verification of the seller in my case (South America). My country's official ID document has been enough for verification everywhere else (Escrow.com, for instance). I know it is not your fault, it is related to your associated payment processor, but why? Of course, in the future I will try and have a new passport, but in the meantime I won't be able to try EftyPay, I'm afraid.
4- Finally, my country's central bank regulations are extremely severe regarding prevention of money laundering, so it is crucial that when we citizens receive money in our bank account it comes from a completely accredited entity that shows it has implemented controls on the buyer's identity and origin of funds, not only on the seller. Do you think these conditions will be met if I use Efty Pay?