
Hi everyone! New domainer here. Trying different strategies. Advice welcome.

Spaceship Spaceship


New Member
Hey everyone, new domainer here. Have been learning about different strategies and have decided to try them all. I currently have my entire portfolio (103) listed on Afternic as BIN - I was avoiding GoDaddy for a while as they seem to have a bad reputation, but ultimately decided to take the risk since they are the largest marketplace and top on Google when you search “buy a domain name”. I’m going to try some quick flips with them, as well as keeping some at higher prices for outbounding, as well as putting some quick sites on some (maybe all eventually) to track traffic and try what I’m calling “self-parking” with ads and affiliate links, to get organic traffic as well as type-in. I will also build some real sites and brands that I may try to sell on Flippa. It’s been a dizzying journey so far but I think I’m settling on some good strategies. I’d love to post my portfolio but I can’t tell if that’s kosher in this thread. Thanks.
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I was here to give you advice but after reading full text it seems I need advice from you.
I was here to give you advice but after reading full text it seems I need advice from you.
Lol! I’m still learning and figuring it out! Probably went too deep lol 😂😂
Lol! I’m still learning and figuring it out! Probably went too deep lol 😂😂
You have portfolio of 103 names 💪 and I am flexing with one registered name 🤏
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Additionally, the following guides will help you navigate the marketplace to sell your domains:
  • The Marketplace Guide will help you with listing your domains for sale on NamePros.
  • The Domain Name Listing Guide will help explain the different sections on NamePros for domain sales and how to use them.
  • The Auction Guide will help walk you through starting an auction on NamePros.
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