
DirectNic status?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
DirectNic is offering $3.99 for transfers, which is extremely very tempting.

but their chat support has been offline for last few days. I think I saw the chat online for a very short while, only once after Thursday.

There are also some complaints on their facebook page about tickets open for many days and other problems.

Lack of support concerns me.

Does anyone know what is going on at DirectNic?

$3.99 for transfer-in is awesome but not if it is difficult to get support?

Is there a separate thread/section for DirectNic at NP?
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Check their renewal rates before you get too excited.
If the same as godaddy and namecheap, go for it.
If more?
Forget it!
Check their renewal rates before you get too excited.
If the same as godaddy and namecheap, go for it.
If more?
Forget it!

My guess is, there will be some renewal discount offer/code over the year, as most registrar do, so factoring in $4 for the transfer + something lower than $15 for next year, I will average about the same as GD or NC. Even if it is $15, total price is $15 + $4 = $19 for 2 years, which is about same as other registrars.

but if I sell the domain before renewing it, I will come out better.

My primary concern is support. If their support is not good, than no matter how low the transfer/renewal price, it is not worth transferring domains to DirectNic.

Wonder why their support is not responding? Is it always like it is now, or this is just a bad phase with their support?

I am hoping I will get an idea about their support here. Hopefully others having/had DirectNic accounts will provide guidance.
I am transfering 9 domain to their for 2 weeks a go. And only 3 domains finished, 6 are in pending approve by owner for a week, and i still not received any email to click. I had submitted 2 emails and they said they sorry and try again.
I can't find a status page or DirectNic blog. Do they have one?

I can understand DirectNic having problems, every company has some once in a while.

But not even posting updates on their fb/twitter regularly is concerning. The last post I see on both fb/twitter is on Jan 6. Is there any update from DirectNic after that anywhere?

As a customer, my first thought is always about support. I hope they will be more open and post updates.

Anyway they have removed the $3.99 transfer offer. Not sure but I read somewhere it was available till early Feb, maybe till 2nd?
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