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Don't say Huh? too much; pretend you understand.Top Member
As you have heard by now, Namepros has been sold by its esteemed creator RJ, to the new owner Matt of
The suggestions, arguments and debates are already beginning, and I thought it was important to highlight a thread specifically for this discussion, inviting all NP members to add their two cents in the way of which areas they think could use improvement, changes, or getting the axe.

We don't know all the plans Matt has for Namepros, but a forum is all the stronger when the owner/leader can see first-hand suggestions from its many experienced members.

I'll start:
1 - Just a personal dislike: I really, really miss having the discussion forums at the top of the home page. I know it may be a business decision to see the marketplace first upon coming to Namepros... but it hasn't led to me using the marketplace any more than usual, and it's a minor annoyance to have to scroll quite a ways down in order to get to the most interesting stuff, the discussions, news, appraisals, etc. Again, I get it if it's a biz decision; but if it hasn't strongly increased your traffic/business in some palpable way, my vote is for the discussion forums back on top.

2 - This is a very minor point, but still worthy of mention: in the appraisals section, when submitting a new thread for an appraisal, quite awhile ago the 'subject' line became automated, so they all now have to start with 'Please appraise' and then limited fields for up to 4 domains. That totally bored me when it happened. It used to be very entertaining to create your own subject line. Even if I was scanning the rest of the forum, I'd often run straight to the appraisals section simply because there was a funny/interesting/whack subject line. Now all it says on the home page under the appraisals section is 'please appraise' for every thread. I often just skip it.
As I said, it's a minor thing and I can see your reasons for automating things... yet IMO the value of automating it is not worth the loss of 'fun'.
Remember: Fun, Interesting, Odd, Exciting, these are the things that entice new members to join, and keep term members wanting to come back.

3 - In the spirit of that last comment, I'll make a very vague, generalized, but I think very important mention: a lot of the pure fun of this forum has somehow left, over the last couple years. It used to be quite entertaining, practically daily there was a thread or three that were so entertaining, interesting, potentially volatile (?), that it was hard to not come back often to see how things were playing out.
Somehow it seems much more sterile here now.

It's important to mention that I am still here because IMO this is the classiest, most informative, best-run domaining forum around. I signed up at the other best-known ones, but would keep returning here because it had that certain balance of all elements that I found was stronger than any other forum.

I don't know what the answer is as far as making things less sterile, and that is the main reason I opened this discussion. Perhaps with a lot of input we can figure that one out. It has something to do with rules and how they are modded... but that's not to say there is anything wrong with the rules and the modding, I feel no complaints about them myself. It may also have something to do with the layout of the forum categories... or not.

Perhaps it is also a consequence of the 'balancing out' of domaining. A few years ago there was this larger-than-life, delusional grandiosity still hanging on to domaining, people were still flocking to it in droves, regging any kind of name and thinking they had a million dollars worth. Now domaining seems to be entering a 'maturity', steadiness, professionalism, where a lot of the 'unknown' and 'growth' excitement is gone, values seem to be mostly predictable and sober.

Perhaps the steadiness or decline of traffic to domaining forums is simply the levelling-off of something that has now passed beyond its initial (decade-long) infatuation phase, and has entered a more sober, less exciting, more steady professional phase.

It seems the business-model of domaining forums has to somehow now change with the times... yet I don't quite know what those changes will be... where the trend is going next. Maybe if we get our heads together and throw the right suggestions against the wall, the right one will stick, NP can use that and get right to the cutting edge of where domaining is headed next. Where??????

Anyway, I will have other comments/suggestions, but that's enough to get this thread started I think. Welcome to anyone who wants to contribute their dos centavos.


Oh, a comment: this thread probably belongs way way down at the bottom of the forum in the Namepros comments & suggestions area... however, no one visits that, and since I'm starting this thread specifically to address the switch-over period and possible changes/improvements that may happen during this transition, hopefully mods will keep this thread in the discussion area. Even stickie it for a week or two...
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Just a thought:

Some of the other domain forums have "upgraded" the forum software version and this makes them a nightmare to read - much more effort for less information. This has a huge impact on people who are busy - they just don't bother!

So if possible please don't change NamePros to a similar style - because NamePros is better to browse and it loads clean and fast :) compared with others.

Defiantly agree

NamePros will remain the big dog in domaining, as long as domaining exists.

Always keep it real Matt, And enjoy the ride:)
OK. I've got a suggestion. Somewhere were we can go ask questions about the big three auction houses, SnapNames, NameJet, GoDaddy Auctions. Preferably a separate forum for each one (so that threads are really defined to 1 auction house). Plus possibly another forum for Other Auction Houses. I'm sure there are experts here on how these auction houses work (or should work). I know GoDaddy best. But I'm posting questions about the other two, because I don't know how they work. I'm sure there is a treasure trove of info about all three which could be usefully shared. I would favor a sticky in each forum which could be kept up to date, which should be mandatory reading before posting a message.

If we create sections for auction houses, then we have to create sections for:

  • Registrars
  • Parking companies
  • Marketplaces
  • Drop catchers
  • etc

We just have to make sure if we want a lot of sections for each leading company in its space or not.

Have been experiencing the same thing the last few weeks and thought I had a firewall, host file, browser, or ??? issue BUT it seems to be just on one ISP. When I use my laptop at other locations (other than where I've been recently) I don't have any issues and NP looks just fine.

The issue was/is the content delivery network that delivers content from the closest servers of the ISP provider. Seems like the issue is with the content delivery network that Namepros uses.

Are you still having this issue?

I would love to see one change to the new NamePros. The sales threads have the following rule which I think needs to be fixed:


1. No Comments in Sales threads. Clarifications can be done via pm.

I made a couple posts showing that a high traffic domain was getting it's traffic from servers that had been hacked. I even got a few messages thanking me for the post as it showed buyers what they would really get... comments removed by a mod.

Good point and will be looked into in next few days.

Categories, Topics and Threads
- Place discussion forum at top of page. - Done!
- Leave the marketplace at top of page.
- Change or remove automation in the appraisal thread subject lines, to allow for more eye-catching sentences to draw visitors in.
- Place a time limit on thread 'bumps' in the marketplace, so a domain for sale isn't bumped for months and years.
- Bring back the high-priced domains (over $1K) for sale area, in the marketplace.
- Delete the 'all domains for sale' compilation thread.
- In 'domains wanted' area, allow comments again, but rule/mod out useless posts like 'pm sent'.
- Make 'views' of threads visible again to members.
- Have daily and consecutive bump limits on threads.
- Allow posts to be edited only for 15 mins after posting.
- Have a button selection for new threads, where the TS can select something like 'fun', or 'controversial' or 'free for all' or 'no mods' so mods can allow varying degrees of latitude on the rules for that thread only.
- Open a 'Resources' section, where things like registrar reviews, registrar coupons, dictionaries, registrar and host comparison lists of prices, how-to threads, links to other helpful websites and resources, can be placed in one collected area.
- Create a forum specifically for auction houses and dropcatchers information, for discussion, tips, leads, and latest news on auctions.
- Create a forum for Wordpress, since so many of use it. Tips, plug ins, reviews, etc etc.
- Put a Trademark info/violation thread in the main discussion area, since this is an increasingly hot area of danger/contention these days.
- Reduce the number of topic areas, and reorganize them into a clearer order/form.
- Eliminate the less-visited subforums like Dot TV, Dot INFO, Dot MOBI, Expired Domains, Local Domaining Groups, Featured Articles, Available Domain Names, IDN Discussion
- Keep the above subforums and give them a little more attention.

Again, hear you guys loud and clear on the Appraisal titles. :)

Resources forum and adding other forums like auction houses sounds like something that can be done but I have to think it through to make sure we don't create too many sections that will be dead.

When you delete posts, you need to advise the poster that you have done so. It would also make sense to indicate in threads that posts have been deleted.

That is on this week's to-do list so will be implemented by start of next week.

---------- Post added at 11:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 PM ----------

My Final Thoughts

I hear everyone loud and clear on the changes. For the most part, here is what we have to concentrate on:

  • Stop making this place feel dry and boring, stop automating things, start letting users comment in places like appraisals, sales, titles, etc.
  • Work on getting larger domainers on board (many of those that may have left forums altogether).
  • Continue to relax rules. Make sure everyone here is able to have a good time and can speak their minds. Make this a good place to hang out instead of having users worry about their threads and posts disappearing without notice half the time.

On top of that, work on features, minor improvements, unban many of the old users, and try to convince those that left to come back.

That's the action plan for March.
My Final Thoughts

Super job, Matt; I'm sure everyone here is tickled to see you take the time to read all these comments, small and large, and actually dig into them one-by-one. Very well done

PS - I like the gentle changes to the color scheme, actually makes viewing the forum more pleasant to me, even though if someone had said 'light pink' before this, I'd have gone 'huh....?'


It's great to read your feedback. I don't think anyone expects a daily update from you but that was a sorely missing decent summary of your thoughts and considerations going forward.

There have been some specific things that you've said that I really appreciate - the leader of which is that you don't mind if people disagree with you as long as it's done respectfully (which I fail at sometimes, admittedly). I think it takes a strong person to have power and know how to moderate themselves and to not allow their ego to take over which is why I am not a member of some other forums.

I look forward to the changes and plans you have being implemented.

As far as the index goes (excuse the name I chose to search on - it was being thrown around in the .TV subforum at the time):

I don't think it's ever been fixed satisfactorily. It's still better to use +searchterm at google.

When RJ migrated servers for performance reasons I think the indexes got corrupt. Some threads lost some pages as well that confused searches for a while (google pointed at non-existent results but it's probably all been recrawled by this point).

It doesn't seem like much but if you are new to a forum everyone expects you to at least try and see if the subject has been mentioned before and not just post:

"Hi, my name is Bob - why is Apple allowed to own What if I was an apple seller?"

But that's no good if the search for doesn't bring back the results to review.

On a final note.
I think that moderators get noticed by most people when they do something "wrong". A deleted post here and there and people get quite ticked off and verbal. I know some people got banned for non scamming reasons and some won't come back.

Times may change if there is an improvement etc. and you seem willing to consider on a case by case basis which is good.

That said, you don't get people praising moderators when they remove spam, clean up junk, and respond to reports - mostly because it's done in the background. Over my time here I've learned to find Michelle and Mis_chiff more than helpful if you PM them. I've found other moderators to be quick and good NP ambassadors as well: Blake, Scorpion etc. are all very gracious and respond quickly to questions. Some mods are just weird: Archangel (I mean that with respect as few normal people would willingly choose to moderate the Adult Break Room). Dave Z does an awesome job of keeping active in the legal section.

Don't take them for granted.

Some of them really do love NP. I think they're crazy to be mods but each to his own :)

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The skin was there all along called "Master". You can juggle back to old one if you'd like in the bottom left corner of page in the footer. The old one was Red/White/Blue.

We'll change out the gentle pink to gentle _something_else_ soon enough.

The new template we have coming is very different, but any are selectable via the footer.

I used to like the old one, I selected the new Master and at first I thought ehhh. After a day or two on the Master template I started really liking it and now going back to old one is like night and day for me.

This one just feels smoother. But if everyone hates it they can change from footer or I can always change the default back to the old.
Oh, and I do like the instant gratification of these 'like/thank' buttons below each post. So much handier than the rep points... which is another minor problem because now the rep points are practically obsolete, haven't received nor given any in quite awhile.

I vote, however, to either change the words 'like' and 'thank', or to add other choices; some of my suggestions:
-you damn idiot
-you're a genius
-worthless as spit
-cream my jeans
-die screaming
-where do you get off

That kind of stuff :)
I would have hit 'cream my jeans' for this pinky skin thing
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yes the thanks and reps are conflicting in my view
I'll keep the thanks / like & and the reputation, and concentrate on the real issues. :P
I have been repping a few worthy people to try and bring attention to them ,.. can only try i guess
still hoping for a dedicated wordpress forum in the website development section ??
When are you going to fix these spurious links in threads, like this one. I think it's related to the avatar issue, but only because they appeared at the same time. I'd like the avatar issue dealt with fairly quickly. It's really beginning to bug me. It's curbed my trading by about 90%.

I'd just like to say that I found the solution to this by changing my IP Address. So it wasn't anything to do with the NamePros directly. I know at least one other person who was experiencing this. So there may be others.
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Suggestion - add a "Super Supporter" membership that allows you to put affiliate links in your signature. This membership can be twice as much (or more) as the normal "Supporter" membership.
Suggestion - add a "Super Supporter" membership that allows you to put affiliate links in your signature. This membership can be twice as much (or more) as the normal "Supporter" membership.

You may be pleased to know that you are now permitted to add affiliate links in your signature at no extra membership cost :kickass: Just please remember the rules still stand that these are not permitted in posts.

We are listening to what people want and responding where possible. :)
Oops, looks like Michelle beat me to to the answer, we must have been typing at the same time. lol

Suggestion - add a "Super Supporter" membership that allows you to put affiliate links in your signature. This membership can be twice as much (or more) as the normal "Supporter" membership.

Just so you know, it was decided a few weeks ago that affiliate / referral links are to be allowed in signatures and that it's the affiliate companies responsibility to monitor where their traffic is coming from and decide if it violates their terms of use. However, they are still not allowed in threads / posts.

Hope that snipit of information helps :)

Eric Lyon
Member Services
affiliate / referral links are to be allowed in signatures

Does this mean things like Adsense, and Amazon, that kind of affiliate ads? And do you have an info page outlining the rules/requirements for this, for example the max size of an affiliate banner so it doesn't break the 3-line rule for sigs?

Thanks, nice to know affiliate links are allowed in sigs :)
Links are ok Bannen, not images or banners in sigs :)
[or posts]
Oh ok great! I didn't know this was changed. Thanks!

Display tag author.
I reported a TM domain sale thread and the mod refused to take action. It was a thread with an obvious trademark and the seller was showing bad faith by buying and selling TM domain. You guys can still take action on obvious trademark domains like Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, and so on.

One mod says he won't take action on TM domains and another one says they do take action so which is it?
I reported a TM domain sale thread and the mod refused to take action. It was a thread with an obvious trademark and the seller was showing bad faith by buying and selling TM domain. You guys can still take action on obvious trademark domains like Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, and so on.

One mod says he won't take action on TM domains and another one says they do take action so which is it?

Again, Please contact Apple and see if they want to pursue the member selling the questionable TM name. ONLY the TM owner and their attorneys has the LEGAL right to police their TM.

We are NOT attorneys at NamePros and can not act as attorneys when it comes to TM's. We are more than happy to work with a TM holder or their attorney if they wish to pursue a violation of their TM.

Those familiar with TM law know that a TM is NOT valid in every country unless a TM owner files in each country independently. While there is a clause in international treaty agreements to respect other countries laws, there is still no such thing as an international TM. With a community full of members from every country around the world it is virtually impossible for us to enforce every trademark from every country.

So I would suggest you contact Apple's legal department directly to see if they wish to take action on the questionable domain name.

Once more: According to TM law, ONLY the TM holder & their attorney has the legal right to police a TM.

Eric Lyon
Member Services
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1st, RJ is no longer the owner of NamePros (Different topic)

2nd, In a staff meeting with the new owner it was decided TM's would not be enforced due to it's complicated nature. NamePros can be SUED for removing a TM name for sale that is owned by a person in a country where that mark is NOT legally able to be policed.

It's best to let the TM owner & their Attorneys handle their own TM litigation's. TM law is just way to complicated for staff members on forums to attempt to try & police without taking a chance of being sued them self for wrongful termination.

Once again, A TM can ONLY be pursued by the TM owner or their attorneys according to TM Law. There is no such thing as an international TM even though there are stipulations in Treaties. While a company may have a FILED TM in the USA or UK, they may not have filed in China, or Japan, or Iran, or Philippines, Etc... If someone in a country owns a domain that does NOT have a tm filing / treaty agreement / or structured TM law that prevents other countries TM's being used, they may own said domain.

We are NOT TM attorneys and don't have access to check every countries TM database or up to date with every countries TM law.

The best procedure for members that question a TM domain or whether the owner of said domain lives in a country the TM can be policed, is to contact the TM holder directly to see if they wish to take action.

I hope that helps explain a bit better.

Eric Lyon
Member Services
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Yeah I knew the owner changed. Didn't know the policy changed. Thanks for the reply.
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