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Don't say Huh? too much; pretend you understand.Top Member
As you have heard by now, Namepros has been sold by its esteemed creator RJ, to the new owner Matt of
The suggestions, arguments and debates are already beginning, and I thought it was important to highlight a thread specifically for this discussion, inviting all NP members to add their two cents in the way of which areas they think could use improvement, changes, or getting the axe.

We don't know all the plans Matt has for Namepros, but a forum is all the stronger when the owner/leader can see first-hand suggestions from its many experienced members.

I'll start:
1 - Just a personal dislike: I really, really miss having the discussion forums at the top of the home page. I know it may be a business decision to see the marketplace first upon coming to Namepros... but it hasn't led to me using the marketplace any more than usual, and it's a minor annoyance to have to scroll quite a ways down in order to get to the most interesting stuff, the discussions, news, appraisals, etc. Again, I get it if it's a biz decision; but if it hasn't strongly increased your traffic/business in some palpable way, my vote is for the discussion forums back on top.

2 - This is a very minor point, but still worthy of mention: in the appraisals section, when submitting a new thread for an appraisal, quite awhile ago the 'subject' line became automated, so they all now have to start with 'Please appraise' and then limited fields for up to 4 domains. That totally bored me when it happened. It used to be very entertaining to create your own subject line. Even if I was scanning the rest of the forum, I'd often run straight to the appraisals section simply because there was a funny/interesting/whack subject line. Now all it says on the home page under the appraisals section is 'please appraise' for every thread. I often just skip it.
As I said, it's a minor thing and I can see your reasons for automating things... yet IMO the value of automating it is not worth the loss of 'fun'.
Remember: Fun, Interesting, Odd, Exciting, these are the things that entice new members to join, and keep term members wanting to come back.

3 - In the spirit of that last comment, I'll make a very vague, generalized, but I think very important mention: a lot of the pure fun of this forum has somehow left, over the last couple years. It used to be quite entertaining, practically daily there was a thread or three that were so entertaining, interesting, potentially volatile (?), that it was hard to not come back often to see how things were playing out.
Somehow it seems much more sterile here now.

It's important to mention that I am still here because IMO this is the classiest, most informative, best-run domaining forum around. I signed up at the other best-known ones, but would keep returning here because it had that certain balance of all elements that I found was stronger than any other forum.

I don't know what the answer is as far as making things less sterile, and that is the main reason I opened this discussion. Perhaps with a lot of input we can figure that one out. It has something to do with rules and how they are modded... but that's not to say there is anything wrong with the rules and the modding, I feel no complaints about them myself. It may also have something to do with the layout of the forum categories... or not.

Perhaps it is also a consequence of the 'balancing out' of domaining. A few years ago there was this larger-than-life, delusional grandiosity still hanging on to domaining, people were still flocking to it in droves, regging any kind of name and thinking they had a million dollars worth. Now domaining seems to be entering a 'maturity', steadiness, professionalism, where a lot of the 'unknown' and 'growth' excitement is gone, values seem to be mostly predictable and sober.

Perhaps the steadiness or decline of traffic to domaining forums is simply the levelling-off of something that has now passed beyond its initial (decade-long) infatuation phase, and has entered a more sober, less exciting, more steady professional phase.

It seems the business-model of domaining forums has to somehow now change with the times... yet I don't quite know what those changes will be... where the trend is going next. Maybe if we get our heads together and throw the right suggestions against the wall, the right one will stick, NP can use that and get right to the cutting edge of where domaining is headed next. Where??????

Anyway, I will have other comments/suggestions, but that's enough to get this thread started I think. Welcome to anyone who wants to contribute their dos centavos.


Oh, a comment: this thread probably belongs way way down at the bottom of the forum in the Namepros comments & suggestions area... however, no one visits that, and since I'm starting this thread specifically to address the switch-over period and possible changes/improvements that may happen during this transition, hopefully mods will keep this thread in the discussion area. Even stickie it for a week or two...
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Why are you even here?
We're simply throwing in our collective suggestions because we care, and maybe some of the suggestions are worthwhile.

Are you just here to take a piss?

Because you're certainly not doing anything constructive. You answered another member's question when he asked what you're here for, and you said 'nothing'. Which seems very true. So why not go somewhere else to take your piss?

Spare me the egoistic, arrogant brats who come here under guise of being 'the truth'. To the rest of the people here who are humbly contributing out of concern, thank you.

Still... glad you're here. If only to exemplify the kind of member people don't really want around. Wonder when you're going to 21-up and start exemplifying a decent and constructive person.

Your problem here is, the internet never forgets.
At some point in the future, 4 months, 6 months, 12 months, when all of your suggestions are put into motion and this joint remains a ghost ship, will you then face facts and start taking measures to correct it?

Or will you just rearrange some more forums and hope that does the trick?

You're totally right, though.
People like me? The antitheses of what this forum is now about. Wasn't aways that way, but definitely is now.
Your post pretty much encapsulated why this place is tumbleweed central whether you realize it or not. There is a deep, deep resentment of reality around here. You'd rather have kindly and 'humble' idiots. There is no success in that model, as evidenced by the devolution of this site over the past few years. Traffic don't lie, bro.

No idea how someone like you is assuming some leadership role, as far as righting a floundering domainer forum. If you want constructive, go back and read my posts ITT. The answer is there. Sorry if reality isn't 'humble' enough for you.

Good luck Amigo.
It's all ya got.
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Fonzie is right, things like making comments in the sales thread or what section at the top of the page are really user experience improvements (sundries), not the problem fix. The core problem is the drain of involvement from people at the upper echelon of domaining. This has happen to the point were now just regular yet profitable/intelligent domainers are our site's "top pros". Suggestions how to get these people involved in np again is the real gold. Besides special advertising and distinctions, Ultimately begging them by the owner of the forum may be the only hope. I was shocked to hear Matt bought the forum. Only because I knew he works his ass off at Bodis and I didn't think he had the time to manage np properly. Sure people can be hired to mange the forum and improve templates etc, but you cant buy the passion and authority required to get on the phone and systemically call the big dawgs of each area and try to get them involved here.

I told a np non-staff friend at least a year ago: np "going to become bido" (that is a place you only go to buy/sell a $20 domain) Now I really see that coming to fruition. On the plus side I know Matt going to bring much needed financial and development resources to np.
Hmmm, I know "Fonzie" from somewhere. Just don't know where. That name and avatar is very familiar.
Your problem here is / this place is tumbleweed central whether you realize it or not / There is a deep, deep resentment of reality around here / You'd rather have kindly and 'humble' idiots /
No idea how someone like you is assuming some leadership role / read my posts ITT. The answer is there / Sorry if reality isn't 'humble' enough for you

It is delusionally narcissistic to believe that what you say is the only truth, and that anyone who says differently is out of touch with reality.

It is blindly biased to believe that this forum is responsible for its loss in traffic, when it is actually DOMAINING that is changing, and ALL forums are struggling and looking to change their success model. You've made it personal, for your own reasons, taking your shots at Namepros (why? maybe they kicked you out years ago?), when it is all dn forums being affected by the industry's changing.
There are some powerful people here, who have been around for decades and who maybe dabble in domains but certainly can bring wisdom of the other successful businesses we are in, to this forum.

It is bullying and infantile to have to tease, insult, and otherwise try to make look bad anyone who differs with you. Posting a mod picture and insulting him, posting one of my threads to take a good thing and try to lessen my value and contribution here. Your constant assertion that what you say is the truth and that we are sheep, afraid of reality, blind, whatever...

... these are clues to something really, really out of whack in someone.

Yes, you might have a good point in there somewhere. YOUR trouble is (since you are so intent on telling us what our trouble is) you need it to be you against us. You're insisting that you're entirely right, and that if we don't see it entirely your way, then we're idiots.
But our thing, our decent professional thing, is to listen to everyone, about everything, and see if anything grows out of it.

It still works; you're allowed to be here, even though you're acting this way among people who are decent, professional, realistic, honest, and can see clearly without your help :)
in my opinion, if Fonzie "was" previously a member here who decided to wander away, and now comes back under a different username to point out how far off track NP has come, I say show YOUR credibility (
When I say 'credible', I mean 'actually credible'. Not 'pretend credible' which is so standard in domainerland
) and let us know your original username so that we can give your advice as "internet shepherd" it's due weight. If, as I suspect, you were driven off by some disagreeing moderator/too many infractions, then if you are actually interested in seeing NP succeed perhaps sending a PM to Matt and explain what happened "back then" and see about getting your original account reinstated so that you can continue on as the valuable member you probably were. Yeah, I know... you said you would disappear again soon, but when you do pop in, and hopefully it becomes more frequent again, at least we would know who you are/what you have done.

Otherwise, no matter how spot-on your observations, predictions and opinions might be, you are "just" another unproven "new" member with strong words and perspective. I personally believe that you are everything you have said but the proof is in the pudding, just like you said about credibility earlier.

I also really agree about your point that tantamount to NP reaching a new level is drawing back (or for the first time) people in the relevant industries that can ESTABLISH that level. But, altruism takes TIME, and the pay is terrible, and most people at that level, with literally nothing to gain by hanging out chatting with newbies that don't want to listen, can understandably spend their time places that actually earn them money. As you put it so well, how "we" get those people on NP is the question.

Bannen- THANKS for compiling the various ideas so far..... makes it much easier to see the suggestions!

And, while I do agree with Fonzie's point that rearranging the deck chairs/fresh coat of paint etc in itself will NOT take NP up any significant notch, it might nonetheless improve the experience of current users that, regardless of fonzie's dismal portrayal, like it here and appreciate the "little things"... and it could also make for a better first impression for a first time viewer and help make the decision to sign up. So, I suppose that what I am getting at is that it is not necessary to discourage people that think changing the furniture around, or giving the walls a fresh look, would be a great renovation when you think that what is "necessary" is knocking out a few walls, putting a deck out back and lifting the whole damn thing up for a few to repair the foundation.... they are not mutually exclusive improvements. As long as everyone is putting their ideas out there what would make NP BETTER, why should there be an either/or debate? Heck, let's work together to figure out how to do all of it that makes sense to do!
Hmmm, I know "Fonzie" from somewhere. Just don't know where. That name and avatar is very familiar.

Maybe from this forum, there is a fonzie_007, with a Fonzie avatar that still posts here. Don't think they're the same person tho, since some of the things posted would contradict some of the things from the other Fonzie. Not sure why Potsie or Chachi don't get any love.
It is delusionally narcissistic to believe that what you say is the only truth, and that anyone who says differently is out of touch with reality.

Yes, you might have a good point in there somewhere. YOUR trouble is (since you are so intent on telling us what our trouble is) you need it to be you against us. You're insisting that you're entirely right, and that if we don't see it entirely your way, then we're idiots.

Lets just clear this part up.

When you're right, you're right. Being right doesn't require any apologies. I've articulated my position, the only resistance or counter-point its met with has been what a big arrogant meanie I am.

As far as you go, you may be a fine person (you probably are), you may have a wife or kids or a dog or a mother who loves you dearly, you may volunteer at the soup kitchen on the weekends, you may be a dandy f**king guy but that list of domains tells the whole story, as far as this conversation goes. You registered here in 2006 and still, seven years later, apparently still think domaining is a GAKT game, yet here you are assuming some sort of "leadership" role to repair the site! At the end of the day, that list of your domains for sale is a crystal-clear example of the phenomenon I'm talking about.

The blind leading the blind.

So, you can lament and wring hands about humility or demeanor or how we should all hold hands in a big circle and concern ourselves with each others 'feelings' before we say anything, lest we be perceived as too haughty... Whatever. What I'm saying is that this sort of loser, blind-leading-the-blind culture is what sent this place straight down the loo. As we speak, there are hundreds of members on this site shoveling thousands of dollars into the furnace on domains that stand a 0.00% chance of ever turning a profit.
Fostering that culture rather than confronting it is why you find yourself where you are today.

It can be improved.
I believe that.
It can be fixed, slowly but surely, but you guys are going about it all wrong thinking that adding or subtracing or rearranging forums is what's needed, or even meaningful.

You can charge me with being 'arrogant' or narcissistic, but the secret I know- that you don't- is that in the not too distant future, time will prove me correct, you incorrect as, far as the right strategy to fix the problems that killed this site.

---------- Post added at 01:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

Otherwise, no matter how spot-on your observations, predictions and opinions might be, you are "just" another unproven "new" member with strong words and perspective. I personally believe that you are everything you have said but the proof is in the pudding, just like you said about credibility earlier.

I couldn't care less what you nor anyone else on this site may 'think'.

My ideas stand on their own.
You don't have to like them, or go ahead and like them. Believe me or not, judge me as credible or not.
It doesn't matter to me.

But, altruism takes TIME, and the pay is terrible, and most people at that level, with literally nothing to gain by hanging out chatting with newbies that don't want to listen, can understandably spend their time places that actually earn them money. As you put it so well, how "we" get those people on NP is the question.

It's more do-able than you might think.
There are a lot more people in this industry than just 'domain bloggers'. There are people out there who make money with domains who aren't very high profile, but participate in other places. There's no reason for them to not participate here, save for the reputation this place has earned as a toilet of totally, totally clueless newbies. There are a lot of good things about this place, but the one or two overwhelmingly negative things are what killed activity here and they're what needs to be repaired before anything else.

Namepros has to move itself upmarket, which shouldn't be too hard, since it's all headroom from where it currently is.

Start with what you got.
As best I can tell, that would be BMugford. Work backward and reach out to accomplished people who've abandoned the site in recent years. People like JoshuaPZ, Federer, etc. How about Labrocca? IIRC, he admins some very successful sites and has pretty keen insight into that side of things. He was here not too long ago. Elliot Silver has an account here and always comes off as an affable guy.
When the High Priced Domains forum was rolling, they'd occasionally pop in.

It will take work, but its doable. Stop focusing on irrelevant distractions, start fixing the foundation.
Get the right people participating again. Develop exclusive content with relevant parties. It's not hard.
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list of your domains for sale is a crystal-clear example of the phenomenon I'm talking about.

The blind leading the blind.

That list is available names. Does this matter? In the grand scheme of things it probably doesn't


I know many who'd rather follow a blind man than one who doesn't look at what's right in front him.
...But our thing, our decent professional thing, is to listen to everyone, about everything, and see if anything grows out of it.

It still works; you're allowed to be here, even though you're acting this way among people who are decent, professional, realistic, honest, and can see clearly without your help :)

..."fonzie" wants to play a role and if it involves disrespecting the membership of the forum, that's just "fonzie" to me. Happy Days, indeed.

I filter out his silliness and his need to call people out of their name. No, it is absolutely not professional but that's just "fonzie". He does have quite a few valid and solid observations in his experience, however, and that should not be ignored...

Maybe that's the way you should see it as well...
While there are some things I agree with that Fonzie is saying, there are some things that are just off. A few:

As far as GoDaddy and coupons. This forum might be able to get an exclusive or cobrand type coupon, but it's not going to get the best coupons. The reality is, if it was up to merchants, you wouldn't be using them, just cuts into their profits. And I don's see GoDaddy putting $1 coupons into the rotation here. And you don't kill off one of your most popular threads, doesn't make any sense. Now maybe what you can do, is something that other forums do, like a and their forum. If somebody drops a link to a merchant, that link becomes the forums affiliate link (different methods to get that done)

As far as going at members with what they're selling here, that's kinda weak for a couple of reasons. First, you have no idea what they're doing elsewhere. This is a domain forum, so the expectation is you're selling to other domainers at reseller prices. I don't expect the best domains to be sold on domain forums, usually. Also, for whatever reason, you're not posting under your regular NP name. Usually that's because of a past ban or you don't want people do know what name you used to post under. But why is that? If we look at your past posts, are we going to find out you were a big .name or .ws fan? That you got a .mobi tattoo on an off night? So don't understand the fear there.

As far as getting big domainers here.  Those domainers, I really don't see posting much at other domain forums as well. You have people dropping knowledge and maybe they're thinking: Why am I dropping knowledge here making other people money (forums), when I can make my own blog and make money, monetize it as I see fit.

With the added benefit, of that stuff not getting, edited, modded or deleted. And that's what's happening. We all know the big domainers with blogs. If you want to know what Mike Mann is thinking, then follow him on Facebook. Some domainers Twitter all day long. Nowadays there are just more avenues out there for discussion. So I don't think there's anything you can do about that, except just try to be the best forum you can, because people will usually spend their time at place they feel bring them value.
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I doubt someone would spend serious money buying a forum without having real plans and expectations. I still would like to hear from the new owners about what they have in store. I've made my suggestions already.

I don't think discussing other members is a good use of this thread. Domaining is insecure and very competitive, and there seems to be a neverending need to sound better than other domainers or tell them they've got it wrong, which leads to sharp verbal jousting that does not make any money. I think most people that get involved in domains just lose money and most give up, but some continue even without making money. Does that mean they deserve contempt? Well most people who go into a casino know the house always wins overall but they enjoy going there. Should Las Vegas shut down because some people lose money there?

One point I would like to highlight for the new owners is that NP TOS forbid members criticising the forum. Also a good number of people have been banned, been unhappy about how it happened, and told others. So you may find there have been undercurrents of resentment, particularly about modding here. I hope you will deal with this constructively.
Fonz reminds me of The Dong...where's that anger management book?

On one hand you find it worthy to spend the time giving advice on how to make this place succeed. This suggests to me that you see some value/potential. On the other hand you predict its failure.

Sounds like BS to me especially when the msg(s) are coupled w/ belittlement.
can delete this testing post (not the one above), there was something in my post causing a:

Server error
The website encountered an error while retrieving It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.
HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.

Quite a few of us are experiencing those glitches; I couldn't post in this thread for a few days myself, it comes and goes. Got a tech support thread going about it :)

Fonzie said:
you are assuming some sort of "leadership" role to repair the site
No. Saw many of these comments cropping up in other threads, and decided it was timely to open a democratic stand-alone thread for all suggestions. You are the one touting that you have 'the answer'; I'm simply a cog doing his little bit to facilitate some growth.

that list of your domains for sale
That's another of my ways of helping; it is a list of AVAILABLE domains, not my own. People need all kinds of names for all kinds of projects, and as I spin names for my own projects I put the ones I don't use myself onto a list in case any of them fill in someone else's needs. Yet another good project of mine that you feel the need to stinkbomb, right? Still with the infantile bullying.

but the secret I know- that you don't
And still with the delusional narcissism that you alone see what is happening and I, or we, are the blind.

I'd like to step back outside the meat of this thread and call attention to something that is really happening, since it applies directly to part of one of the areas we're talking directly about, comments and modding of threads:
A forum thread is a wonderful democracy, and this thread was begun that way. It gives equal weight to anyone who contributes to its original theme, in this case constructive comments.
No one here is trying to demean, insult, put down Fonzie's constructive suggestions that may help Namepros. It's a democracy that welcomes and equalizes all input. And as we're all mentioning, it's interesting and exciting to allow some of these diatribes and not mod them out, in the purpose of allowing some 'color' and some off-topic comments that may somehow become relevant.
Now what Fonzie's doing is called hijacking the thread. Instead of welcoming the fact that we're allowing him a voice like anyone else, he's insisting that he is the only member here that is right, he refuses to appreciate the democracy in motion of allowing all people here a respectful voice, and he's acting like a tyrant who wants to keep pushing home the point that this forum sucks, we're all useless/idiots/sheep for not liking his attitude and for commenting on his put downs.

To clarify: we're still allowing, even inviting, his 2 cents. But he hasn't been putting in his 2 cents. Out of all his comments, there's about one and a half ideas that have some merit, and I'm open to those. But he's not elaborating those, simply lambasting us for not making them the sole savior of this forum.

This thread is a democracy open to all ideas, but he is stinkbombing every last thing you all say.

At what point do you mod someone who s**ts on all other members and the whole forum?

Directly to you, Fonzie: yes, you have some knowledge and maybe they can be clarified better. I'm saying, why not just clarify them, and shut up with the stinkbombing already? It seems vastly inefficient to 'help' people by telling them they're all stupid and to listen to you while you tell them the ultimate truth.

Give people at least a little credit for intelligence, like we're trying to do for you, treat them with a little dignity instead of vomiting on them as you have right from your first post...
... would love to hear you really elaborate something helpful, but do you really think I want to listen to someone telling me how stupid and blind I am all the time?

I'm all ears if you want to contribute to this thread. I said contribute, not stinkbomb. If I were a mod and this were my forum, I'd mod you out by now. Not because I want to stop your voice, but because I want to stop your tiresome condescension. I can tell you might have some good knowledge, maybe even help things here, but so far you've offered about one half of 1% of that, and 99.5% condescension.

Do you have the guts, the clarity, to simply put your ideas forth, with absolutely no insults to us and no self-aggrandizing to make yourself seem so all-powerful?

I'm just going to keep calling you on the nonsense, I'm not going to try find domains of yours to put down, find out your experience to put that down, find an image of you to put that down. You can keep trying to dig dirt on me and others if you think that helps you.

Fonzie said:
As we speak, there are hundreds of members on this site shoveling thousands of dollars into the furnace on domains that stand a 0.00% chance of ever turning a profit.
I agree with this entirely, without your insults of course. Beautiful clear statement. One of the purposes of this and other domaining forums is to let people know, especially in the appraisals area, that so many names are a waste of money and to try make smarter choices with buys/regs. Even after all these years, I still get the occasional name I think is genius on reg day, and kick my own arse later realizing I just wasted a dinner's worth of hard earned lettuce. And it's absolutely cry-worthy to see the long lists of regs that so many newbies, especially non-english newbies trying for good regs in our language, spend their cash on.
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Go to IDNF and see all the mistakes 'us westerners are making' i don't think it matters where you come from when making mistakes, there will always be a law of averages. Keep in mind that what gets you a bargain sometimes
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...Now what Fonzie's doing is called hijacking the thread. Instead of welcoming the fact that we're allowing him a voice like anyone else, he's insisting that he is the only member here that is right, he refuses to appreciate the democracy in motion of allowing all people here a respectful voice, and he's acting like a tyrant who wants to keep pushing home the point that this forum sucks, we're all useless/idiots/sheep for not liking his attitude and for commenting on his put downs.

To clarify: we're still allowing, even inviting, his 2 cents. But he hasn't been putting in his 2 cents. Out of all his comments, there's about one and a half ideas that have some merit, and I'm open to those. But he's not elaborating those, simply lambasting us for not making them the sole savior of this forum.

This thread is a democracy open to all ideas, but he is stinkbombing every last thing you all say...

...the fonz blows his own horn, thank you...

I do grant you that your post is an admirable retort without the use of sophomoric invectives which he liberally applies on his posts...
I doubt someone would spend serious money buying a forum without having real plans and expectations. I still would like to hear from the new owners about what they have in store. I've made my suggestions already.

1. Fix the forum to its former glory and beyond. I'm already working with staff on that, this week there will be some great changes.

2. Launch Bodis marketplace to compete with Sedo. Which gives users a new venue to buy, sell, and park domains at a much lower commission rate with more flexible terms.

3. Market Bodis service.

Furthermore, there are plans to integrate the Namepros live auction into our future Bodis marketplace/auction so that there is an actual system behind the bidding. Amongst other small ideas.

The idea is to revive Namepros and to grow my first business.

There are other things but I rather not give out all my secrets for now.

It's not just about my Bodis service, but about Namepros and Bodis together. And of course I will be concentrating on the marketplace. Anything that can help Namepros users sell more domain names and make it a better experience. At the same time, anything that can help Bodis grow its future marketplace and offer a better market than Sedo. It is a decision to mutually benefit both the community and my Bodis service.
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matt_bodis said:
Namepros and Bodis together

compete with Sedo. Which gives users a new venue to buy, sell, and park domains at a much lower commission rate with more flexible terms
Furthermore, there are plans to integrate the Namepros live auction into our future Bodis marketplace/auction so that there is an actual system behind the bidding.

This is desperately needed and will be a great addition!

I understand the focusing on the marketplace as that is where the money is at. Hopefully marketplace improvements will spark new enthusiasm for the forum. Looking forward to seeing the changes!
I agree with this entirely, without your insults of course. Beautiful clear statement. One of the purposes of this and other domaining forums is to let people know, especially in the appraisals area, that so many names are a waste of money and to try make smarter choices with buys/regs. Even after all these years, I still get the occasional name I think is genius on reg day, and kick my own arse later realizing I just wasted a dinner's worth of hard earned lettuce. And it's absolutely cry-worthy to see the long lists of regs that so many newbies, especially non-english newbies trying for good regs in our language, spend their cash on.

Then lets put all the sniveling and victomology and whining behind us and focus on this, since this seems to be the root (or, at least the most glaring symptom of the root) of most problems here. People don't leave places that offer insight. This is what namepros lacks, that is why everyone left.

Imagine you decided you wanted to learn how to play the oboe. You registered at two oboe forums. Lets say one is, the other is was populated by highly experienced oboe players. They compose, there are some concert oboists among them, they all have a high mastery of the instrument. As a new guy, this place isn't for you. One day maybe, but not now.

The other oboe forum,, is mostly made up of people who just plain suck at playing the oboe. They talk like they're knowledgeable but then you listen to their sound files and its immediately clear, they just aren't any good at it. Although some of them like to claim or strongly hint that they play oboe for a local orchestra, you listen to the quality of their music and it's abundantly clear, that isn't true.

Even stranger yet, there are all manner of members who've been posting on that forum for years and years- who by now should've gotten better at playing the oboe- yet are hardly any better at it than someone who started a week ago. Weirder yet are the number of likewise awful oboe players who surround them and give encouragement. Whenever anyone points out where they're doing it wrong, they're shouted down as being 'arrogant' or 'negative' or 'not encouraging' enough.

You examine the historic membership base of that forum. You recognize screen names of some great players, but none of them have posted on 3dOboeChamps in years. You're told the traffic on the forum has declined dramatically in recent years; it's earned a reputation of being a place where unaccomplished oboists trade shitty oboe advice; where bad oboe players go to be in the company of each other.

An accomplished oboist decides he's going to buy the forum and turn things around. He sees potential, but realizes that he's dealing with a 'faded glory' institution in the oboe world. How can it be repaired?

The suggestions he is getting are cosmetic. Someone doesn't like the color scheme...
Someone suggests he bring back the "Oboe Makers Of The World" forum.
One guy says the logo should be improved.
Someone suggests there are too many Oboe subforums.

At the end of the day, he can change all that but it doesn't change the fact that is populated by people who suck at playing the oboe and as such, doesn't have any real stickiness with other oboe players, save for those who are destined to not be good at it and are in search of a comfortable environment of likewise terrible oboe players to make noise with.

The obvious solution is bringing oboists on board who know how to play, who don't suck at it.
The problem is, the members at 3dOboePros have created an elaborate network of narratives and excuses to justify their sucking at the oboe but more troubling, anyone who comes along and points out where they're making a mistake is shouted down as not being encouraging enough, not being positive enough...

What you wind up with is an environment that breeds failure and in turn, an environment that chases away the very successful, talented and able oboists who are required to keep the place from being a joke.

So, what forums do you rearrange to fix this problem?

Matt sounds like has has some good ideas, but the question he should be asking himself is if any of the things he intends to add serve to address the problems that have caused this forum to decline.

---------- Post added at 07:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:44 PM ----------

This is a domain forum, so the expectation is you're selling to other domainers at reseller prices. I don't expect the best domains to be sold on domain forums, usually.

In most cases, the domains in question seriously challenge the persons own insight.

We can always allow for weird circumstances that cause someone to register some isolated 'odd' domain names but when you're talking huge swaths of garbage, when you're talking domainers who still live and die by what they can register with a Godaddy coupon code on the basis of what Estibot says, when you're talking domainers who could post the entirety of their holdings and you wouldn't take a single one if it were given to you for free, when you're talking the people who hop on whatever bandwagon-to-hell that comes rolling down the pike (.co, 3d, .mobi, .tel...) these aren't people you want to be taking advice from yet several of them are quite prominent in giving it.

This place really needs to get back people who make real money with domain names, now. Not buy domain names and hope, not fantasize about the big projects they're going to build on their domain names and change the world, not people who insist that the future is when their ship comes in. People who are putting dollars into their bank because of their relationship with domain reselling or investing.
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This is a forum, people just starting out, wasting money, even after years of doing this, is going to happen. That's natural. I'm sure this forum ranges from people who have lost thousands, to people who do this for a living. It seems you only want the latter, problem is, that's not realistic type thinking. If those threads bother you, don't read them, skip them over. Or, if they bother you that much, then go into those threads and help them out, drop knowledge. Complaining about them isn't productive.
Well i would love to see sedo get some serious competition, you only have to read the sedo forum here and avoid the mistakes everyone is complaining about, such comments as 'they charged me mls but will not reveal the source of the sale' and others 'surely this is a shill bidder' basically listen to your customers ......and win

I am looking forwards to this new sales site
The Fonz had me till he started talking about oboes, that's got to be the most UNcool of all the instruments, I'd rather be caught with a flute.

Really like the idea of a marketplace/forum/parking integration system. Tricky to implement, but would be very interesting.
This is a forum, people just starting out, wasting money, even after years of doing this, is going to happen. That's natural. I'm sure this forum ranges from people who have lost thousands, to people who do this for a living. It seems you only want the latter, problem is, that's not realistic type thinking. If those threads bother you, don't read them, skip them over. Or, if they bother you that much, then go into those threads and help them out, drop knowledge. Complaining about them isn't productive.

The issue isn't the existence of different skill levels. The issue is one of balance.

If there are any people left who make a living at this, they aren't very active. I know Brad does and he's active here- he and I have gone head to head in aftermarket auctions and are involved in a couple similar niches. I'm sure there might be a random other guy who I'm overlooking but for the most part, virtually all of the participants here are still playing the game at Level 1, even if they've been doing it for years and years.

If the culture of a given forum arrives at the point where it's essentially all unaccomplished people circling the wagons and enabling each others failure, there's a real problem there.

I think it's very important that accomplished members be lured in, or lured back. I think that alone is the only medicine for what ails this place. You'd be amazed what can be accomplished with a few personal emails.

---------- Post added at 08:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ----------

The Fonz had me till he started talking about oboes, that's got to be the most UNcool of all the instruments, I'd rather be caught with a flute.

Heyyyyyyy... The Oboe is cool..

The issue isn't the existence of different skill levels. The issue is one of balance.

If there are any people left who make a living at this, they aren't very active. I know Brad does and he's active here- he and I have gone head to head in aftermarket auctions and are involved in a couple similar niches. I'm sure there might be a random other guy who I'm overlooking but for the most part, virtually all of the participants here are still playing the game at Level 1, even if they've been doing it for years and years.

If the culture of a given forum arrives at the point where it's essentially all unaccomplished people circling the wagons and enabling each others failure, there's a real problem there.

I think it's very important that accomplished members be lured in, or lured back. I think that alone is the only medicine for what ails this place. You'd be amazed what can be accomplished with a few personal emails.

---------- Post added at 08:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ----------

Heyyyyyyy... The Oboe is cool..


Ok, but some of that is going to be because of what I touched on earlier, and that's with a lot of forums out there, regardless of topic. Some of that conversation has been lost to blogs, Facebook, Twitter and various other outlets. For some of the reasons I mentioned earlier.

Also, from your posting, it seems you're including yourself in the higher skill level of domainer. And that may very well be true. Then start posting here again on a regular basis. You posted that having such people of higher skill levels, will attract more. Then why not start with you? Let's see.
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