Spaceship Spaceship


Don't say Huh? too much; pretend you understand.Top Member
As you have heard by now, Namepros has been sold by its esteemed creator RJ, to the new owner Matt of Bodis.com.
The suggestions, arguments and debates are already beginning, and I thought it was important to highlight a thread specifically for this discussion, inviting all NP members to add their two cents in the way of which areas they think could use improvement, changes, or getting the axe.

We don't know all the plans Matt has for Namepros, but a forum is all the stronger when the owner/leader can see first-hand suggestions from its many experienced members.

I'll start:
1 - Just a personal dislike: I really, really miss having the discussion forums at the top of the home page. I know it may be a business decision to see the marketplace first upon coming to Namepros... but it hasn't led to me using the marketplace any more than usual, and it's a minor annoyance to have to scroll quite a ways down in order to get to the most interesting stuff, the discussions, news, appraisals, etc. Again, I get it if it's a biz decision; but if it hasn't strongly increased your traffic/business in some palpable way, my vote is for the discussion forums back on top.

2 - This is a very minor point, but still worthy of mention: in the appraisals section, when submitting a new thread for an appraisal, quite awhile ago the 'subject' line became automated, so they all now have to start with 'Please appraise' and then limited fields for up to 4 domains. That totally bored me when it happened. It used to be very entertaining to create your own subject line. Even if I was scanning the rest of the forum, I'd often run straight to the appraisals section simply because there was a funny/interesting/whack subject line. Now all it says on the home page under the appraisals section is 'please appraise' for every thread. I often just skip it.
As I said, it's a minor thing and I can see your reasons for automating things... yet IMO the value of automating it is not worth the loss of 'fun'.
Remember: Fun, Interesting, Odd, Exciting, these are the things that entice new members to join, and keep term members wanting to come back.

3 - In the spirit of that last comment, I'll make a very vague, generalized, but I think very important mention: a lot of the pure fun of this forum has somehow left, over the last couple years. It used to be quite entertaining, practically daily there was a thread or three that were so entertaining, interesting, potentially volatile (?), that it was hard to not come back often to see how things were playing out.
Somehow it seems much more sterile here now.

It's important to mention that I am still here because IMO this is the classiest, most informative, best-run domaining forum around. I signed up at the other best-known ones, but would keep returning here because it had that certain balance of all elements that I found was stronger than any other forum.

I don't know what the answer is as far as making things less sterile, and that is the main reason I opened this discussion. Perhaps with a lot of input we can figure that one out. It has something to do with rules and how they are modded... but that's not to say there is anything wrong with the rules and the modding, I feel no complaints about them myself. It may also have something to do with the layout of the forum categories... or not.

Perhaps it is also a consequence of the 'balancing out' of domaining. A few years ago there was this larger-than-life, delusional grandiosity still hanging on to domaining, people were still flocking to it in droves, regging any kind of name and thinking they had a million dollars worth. Now domaining seems to be entering a 'maturity', steadiness, professionalism, where a lot of the 'unknown' and 'growth' excitement is gone, values seem to be mostly predictable and sober.

Perhaps the steadiness or decline of traffic to domaining forums is simply the levelling-off of something that has now passed beyond its initial (decade-long) infatuation phase, and has entered a more sober, less exciting, more steady professional phase.

It seems the business-model of domaining forums has to somehow now change with the times... yet I don't quite know what those changes will be... where the trend is going next. Maybe if we get our heads together and throw the right suggestions against the wall, the right one will stick, NP can use that and get right to the cutting edge of where domaining is headed next. Where??????

Anyway, I will have other comments/suggestions, but that's enough to get this thread started I think. Welcome to anyone who wants to contribute their dos centavos.


Oh, a comment: this thread probably belongs way way down at the bottom of the forum in the Namepros comments & suggestions area... however, no one visits that, and since I'm starting this thread specifically to address the switch-over period and possible changes/improvements that may happen during this transition, hopefully mods will keep this thread in the discussion area. Even stickie it for a week or two...
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Although I haven't been active in a long time. I still would like to put in my opinion.

Bring back the split up categories that once contained different forums or atleast offer it as a different skin. It will solve your issues of people complaining that sales come first. Keep Discussion as the first page with 'sales' as the next tab. Make sure they're bold and stand out. Bring me to my next point.

The site is really one big blur. It is somewhat hard to focus on, the right hand side is cluttered up as hell and the twitter is useless, it give uninteresting threads. Also does everyone even look at the right hand column for most popular/newest threads? Why not offer it in the menu instead, where it can have a dedicated page.

The website in general needs an upgrade to the looks, the forum looks so old and boring. I'm not sure of the direction you can take this in but making it easier to read would drive traffic back here.

Also maybe offering higher parking revenue to namepros members just by entering their username may make suckers from other unnamed sites use the community abit more.

I'm also not sure on current moderator team but it severly lacked in the department of direction or good choice making. Forums were unmanned or not looked after currently and some were flat out treated like shit. As I remember, no real guidelines were laid out and as far as I remembered, the hierchy hardly communicated or even thanked their moderators. (Although Thank you RJ one year)
Lets say one is TheOboeSite.com, the other is 3dOboeChamps.com

TheOboeSite.com was populated by highly experienced oboe players. They compose, there are some concert oboists among them, they all have a high mastery of the instrument. As a new guy, this place isn't for you. One day maybe, but not now.

How is TheOboeSite.com doing? I would assume most are too busy composing, making money, practicing and performing professionally and occasionally mocking the lack of importance to the orchestra of those exotic french horns or the morons trying to make their fortune on, of all things, a grunge sound (I mean that's so late 90's - times have changed)

I have to wonder what do a site of experts have to talk about all day?
"I really think think that the second movement of that piece is spectacular!"

"Yes it is rather, do you think I could improve it?"

"Oh no. It's brilliant just like my pieces. It's just great, much better than anything at 3dOboeChumps.com"

"Scoff. Yeah, do you know how to get 5 Oboe Chumps to play in tune?"


"Shoot 4 of the losers...lol"

Now that's funny!

The real issue is that people need to get OUT of a forum what they put IN to the forum.

The problem with NP is too many people are trying to get something OUT of the forum (help, advice) and very few are willing to put IN to the forum. That's the case with every forum that isn't focused on a subject that people love.

Car forums, for example, are great because people love cars, love mods, love racing, love working on their car. It's a real hobby driven by passion. There's no competition for resources - everyone can buy the parts they need. You can work with and partner - there's GroupBuy potential. Everyone wants the coolest cars. Shared goals, shared experiences, shared passion. (Maybe the Oboe world is the same but I'm not sure so I changed forums).

Domaining isn't that anymore. It is, for most, an attempt to make a quick buck, a lazy buck, a buy-a-name-for-$8-and-spam-a-bunch-of-people-and-hope-to-sell-it-for-$500 buck. There's no passion, there's no love for the subject. Worse? There's competition for resource - there's competition for niches with finite resources.

Namejet, Snapnames, Pool and now Reberry KILLED the market. Playing poker with 5 friends can be fun - but not if two of them hold all the chips and you're not one of the two.

The difference between DNF.com, as an example, and Namepros.com is a few people who don't want to or cannot afford to give Adam DICKer $99 - the gap is rapidly closing. If 3dOboeChumps.com folded - that wouldn't bode well for the TheOboeForum.com in my opinion.

The biggest challenge in combing NP and Bodis is quite simple. Everyone hates Sedo because they do what we all want to do (charge a lot for little). A new platform, with lower commission, is still the same thing but with smaller margins. The second problem comes from the perception of what the forum is. Providing INPUT to a forum that seems non-profit or for the passion of a subject is different that putting INPUT into someone else's money producer.

A forum is the ultimate free market dream - make money while every one else does your work for you. They give you all your intellectual property and reason for being. If that relationship is too obvious you have to provide real benefit - that real benefit is a marketplace that works and is better than existing solutions - or they leave. I don't see how a forum fits in anymore - it sounds like it will just be a source for people to try and sell bad names - selling Pacers in the Ghetto, so to speak.

Sounds like Bodis has ideas that are beyond cosmetic so I wish him well. It'll be a challenge but one I'm sure he's up to. He has a vision which is half the battle - if he didn't have that I'd say he was doomed to failure but with vision who knows? Hopefully it's positive. There is a community that can benefit - even if they are chumps :)

---------- Post added at 11:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 PM ----------

Complete non-sequitur.

Every time someone clicks the "Thanked for this post" button I search for the "You're Welcome" button.
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Mods are now welcome to un-stickie this thread and allow it to slide into the distance to keep the other elderly threads company; thank you for the stickie in the first place.

I don't know if it translated into anything real that Matt could use, but hopefully one/some of our comments have at least given some input/scope/variation towards any changes being implemented.

Thank you all for your contributions, nicely done :)
Congrats to new owner of NamePros.

Start -
Live auctions,
I'm going to make publicly a suggestion which I made privately before to the previous owners of the forum.

When you delete posts, you need to advise the poster that you have done so. It would also make sense to indicate in threads that posts have been deleted.

I stopped posting in the Please Assess Domain xyz forum, permanently, because I observed my posts and other peoples posts were simply disappearing and changing the meaning of the threads. The disappearing items did not seem to me off topic, and the posters were not being notified of the deletions.

This completely undermines confidence in a forum and creates a suspicion that topics are being manipulated.

I'll add what I said privately before, and others in this thread have said similar: elsewhere the moderation on this forum has a really terrible reputation and people tell others to stay away from NP.

Good luck new owners, you need to do some housecleaning and build a new reputation.
It would also make sense to indicate in threads that posts have been deleted.

This is happening right now, with the reason the post been deleted stated
I'm going to make publicly a suggestion which I made privately before to the previous owners of the forum.

When you delete posts, you need to advise the poster that you have done so. It would also make sense to indicate in threads that posts have been deleted.

I stopped posting in the Please Assess Domain xyz forum, permanently, because I observed my posts and other peoples posts were simply disappearing and changing the meaning of the threads. The disappearing items did not seem to me off topic, and the posters were not being notified of the deletions.

This completely undermines confidence in a forum and creates a suspicion that topics are being manipulated.

I'll add what I said privately before, and others in this thread have said similar: elsewhere the moderation on this forum has a really terrible reputation and people tell others to stay away from NP.

Good luck new owners, you need to do some housecleaning and build a new reputation.

Not sure why people think we are here to undermine things,
you posted a whole slew of active sales from sedo in the Discussion forum - they were removed.

The reason was posted carob, right where your post was -
are you not able to see it?

The message left:
This message has been deleted by mis_chiff. Reason: Please do not post active sales

This is happening right now, with the reason the post been deleted stated

seems it's still not working correctly.
This thread is going off topic by discussing individual instances, the point was to make constructive general comments about how the forum could be improved.

But since a mod associated with a particular problem has chosen to step forward and identify themself, I hope the forum owners will take action. Seriously.

Since the mod in question has chosen to discuss a particular post, I do have to correct what has been said. The post in question was simply a factual list of relevant domains recently added to Sedo and some stats, similar to one earlier in the same thread which had not been deleted and which other members had found useful. The earlier post remained undeleted. So I am not sure why the later one was deleted, no notification appeared in the thread, and the poster did not receive a PM. I didn't see those domains as somehow discussing active sales - there were not bids on any and there were no links - and it would have been possible to edit out the domains and leave the stats. But that would require understanding, consistency, and courtesy.

As said, you can't have any confidence in a forum where things just disappear, so I am going to give this place a miss for a while and see if it is worth coming back later.
my yesterday's innocent post in this thread about carob's deleted post was also deleted :( no notification and no traces left

what i essentially said was the list of sedo sales picked and filtered by some criteria relevantly connected with the thread topic is a useful info for those who involved in a discussion, not spam or hype...

sorry i got no constructive suggestion - its really complicated to bring anything new into that wasnt already said on the matter. just wanted to say i also feel really bad when my posts get deleted this way


default user found my post in other thread, thanks
my deepest apologies

still the problem exists and i feel carob's pain

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my yesterday's innocent post in this thread about carob's deleted post was also deleted :( no notification and no traces left

what i essentially said was the list of sedo sales picked and filtered by some criteria relevantly connected with the thread topic is a useful info for those who involved in a discussion, not spam or hype...

sorry i got no constructive suggestion - its really complicated to bring anything new into that wasnt already said on the matter. just wanted to say i also feel really bad when my posts get deleted this way


You mean post 265


Just a thought:

Some of the other domain forums have "upgraded" the forum software version and this makes them a nightmare to read - much more effort for less information. This has a huge impact on people who are busy - they just don't bother!

So if possible please don't change NamePros to a similar style - because NamePros is better to browse and it loads clean and fast :) compared with others.
it is!
thanks defaultuser for pointing it out...
so as it wasnt deleted i apologize for that, my fault - i should've searched better, sorry


It wasn't there yesterday when I read the thread. It might have been deleted and then brought back once this topic was brought up again.
I'll add what I said privately before, and others in this thread have said similar: elsewhere the moderation on this forum has a really terrible reputation and people tell others to stay away from NP.

Good luck new owners, you need to do some housecleaning and build a new reputation.

Housecleaning? So, what happens after Namepros gets rid of their hard working volunteers who dedicate, so, much of their free time to keeping namepros clean and organized?

Are you going to step up and give up your precious time that could be spent making money to instead enforce rules that result in you being hated on by strangers?

Suggest rule/procedure changes, but, don't come down on people volunteering their time to help the 'community'.

Personally I think that 'tap' domain threads and other trend pump threads should have their own separate section where all kinds of posts can be made referencing random articles that help the cause without constantly being brought up to the top of the 'Domain Discussion' forum.

(I can see all the deleted posts, along with reasons for deletion)
It wasn't there yesterday when I read the thread. It might have been deleted and then brought back once this topic was brought up again.

Wow, speculate much JB ??
to stop it before it starts and to keep the transparency alive...

There was no other post removed or returned in that thread -
only the original post was removed.

---------- Post added at 12:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 PM ----------

(I can see all the deleted posts, along with reasons for deletion)

hmmm, thanks mike, so some can and some can't - have to find out why that is.
Wow, speculate much JB ??
to stop it before it starts and to keep the transparency alive...

There was no other post removed or returned in that thread -
only the original post was removed.

---------- Post added at 12:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 PM ----------

hmmm, thanks mike, so some can and some can't - have to find out why that is.

From reading the thread, I don't have to speculate seeing 3 different people (opalxx, 4pm, carob) who were having a discussion about domains, what this forum is supposed to be about, now talking about your modding yet again, taking away from the discussion on domains. Same old stuff.
From reading the thread, I don't have to speculate seeing 3 different people (opalxx, 4pm, carob) who were having a discussion about domains, what this forum is supposed to be about, now talking about your modding yet again, taking away from the discussion on domains. Same old stuff.

One was posting to Sedo active sales as part of the discussion ... then complained when it was deleted (rather than PM a volunteer).. then two more people complained about the modding in the thread. You chose to post here about some speculative "didn't see it" thing ... and now I'm responding to that...

Obviously a moderator problem. :xf.love:

Pretty sure that all forums go through this bull$hit at some point.
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You speculated that another post was removed and returned - food for the mill?

If a post or thread is removed, obviously there is a reason, just cause you folks don't agree
with it or like it - shouldn't be a matter of my modding. Perhaps look at why the post was removed.
oh right - no notice to be seen about why it was deleted? - which is what this was about in the
first place
again, I have no control over that.

and no pm sent to say why? Again, not my modding! Check
why the system doesn't do it - I have nothing to do with that. ;)
2 - This is a very minor point, but still worthy of mention: in the appraisals section, when submitting a new thread for an appraisal, quite awhile ago the 'subject' line became automated, so they all now have to start with 'Please appraise' and then limited fields for up to 4 domains. That totally bored me when it happened. It used to be very entertaining to create your own subject line. Even if I was scanning the rest of the forum, I'd often run straight to the appraisals section simply because there was a funny/interesting/whack subject line. Now all it says on the home page under the appraisals section is 'please appraise' for every thread. I often just skip it.

I've went ahead and made a minor change to remove the prefix "Please appraise" because I think it isn't necessary.

However, I kept the same format of sticking to just domain names. I'd want to hear more user opinions on this whether users want to stick to a strict format of just domains to make it easy to scan through, or if you want to add custom titles.

As I said, it's a minor thing and I can see your reasons for automating things... yet IMO the value of automating it is not worth the loss of 'fun'.
Remember: Fun, Interesting, Odd, Exciting, these are the things that entice new members to join, and keep term members wanting to come back.

I agree with a lot of this. The reason for a forum is to keep things interesting. If everything is automated it no longer becomes a forum, it becomes a marketplace service.

Perhaps it is also a consequence of the 'balancing out' of domaining. A few years ago there was this larger-than-life, delusional grandiosity still hanging on to domaining, people were still flocking to it in droves, regging any kind of name and thinking they had a million dollars worth. Now domaining seems to be entering a 'maturity', steadiness, professionalism, where a lot of the 'unknown' and 'growth' excitement is gone, values seem to be mostly predictable and sober.

There used to be a lot of misinformation back in 2006 and 2007. That meant people registering names and doing things with names that simply does not work well.

At the same time, I think all major domain forums, and domain related websites have made mistakes that turned users away. I'd say there is definitely a drop in Namepros and other forums due to the state of the industry, but that is only have of the reason.

Namepros can certainly (and in my belief will) grow once we get the right suggestions implemented to make it more fun and interesting again.

Sell/Giveaway NamePros Merchandise

It is pretty easy to make Namepros hats, shirts, hoodies, mugs, and so forth. We have all the high quality PSDs, logos, vector graphics and so on. Just a matter of sending to a printing company.

Not sure if this will actually help Namepros right now in terms of growing NP. I would still like to get to this eventually to make members happy. :hearts:

This would work especially if there were a split, or choice, platform: possibly the thread starter could have a 'start escrow transaction' button when the sale is decided, so we could choose, for each individual transaction, whether we wanted to go ahead without escrow as we do now for our between-members sales... or whether we want to use your escrow for the transac and pay your percentage fee (whatever that would be).

Considering I am launching an Escrow service as part of Bodis it can tie in nicely into Namepros. This way Namepros users can use a very cheap Escrow service that would compete with Escrow.com but work more like Sedo. Thus giving a very in expensive way of transferring domain names safely and securely.

It would be a good commission rate for standard buyers/sellers, but an undisputed commission rate for Namepros buyers/sellers. How that would be tied in is left unknown as I have not thought about it yet as we don't have it live yet.

I stopped posting replies in the assessments section because my posts were often considered off-topic.

Please help explain, perhaps some examples of previous posts?

Try Googling "Site:Namepros.com F*ck" - without the astersik. Then try Sh*t. Then try everything else. You'll see a megaton of people who got to curse their brains out - but since I tend to rub people the wrong way, I got warned for a*s.

We've reworked many of the rules and helped make things easier. First offenses are usually just a kind PM or warning without any infraction.

Also, we realize profanity exists and when I look at other forums I can find threads where members start a war between themselves. I have no problem with that. If members want to create an argument/debate and use profanity it wouldn't be such a big issue. Happens a lot in political sections anyway.

Instead of giving warnings for profanity, we would also implement more auto-censors. So that F U C K automatically is replaced by F#@5 or something of that nature.

1. Discussion on the top (agree with Bannen and other members)
2. To get back the High Priced Section (Matt already was talking about that)
3. To delete "All domains for sale" (it was much better without it IMO)
4. To make it possible again to make comments in Domains Wanted section (to prohibit comments "PM sent" and similar, but make possible to us ask questions).
5. To make "Views" of the threads visible to all members not only topic starters.

1. Done.

2. Done.

3. We agreed to do but now I am actually holding off that idea. If you look at the # of Viewers next to each forum, this forum has the most viewers - so apparently a lot of people are going to this forum to look at all domains for sale instead of individual forums. It wouldn't hurt to keep it, but would hurt those that like it if we were to remove it.

4. Will look into this Tuesday.

5. Great idea and I wanted to do the same! I will have this done TODAY!

That's for Page 1 of this thread. Will create a response for each page. Thanks for the suggestions! :hearts:

---------- Post added at 11:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 PM ----------

If the scrolling is an issue, maybe we can create a user option or tabbed interface that makes getting to discussion easier. In my opinion the whole homepage layout can use some further modernization.

I agree that marketplace and discussions BOTH are important. But, I think there's a ton of marketplaces out there, and not a lot of places that bring together all the discussions.

So discussions are still key to keep users interacting and having fun.

We can always keep Discussions on top and Marketplace below. We can add a Marketplace tab which would just auto-scroll the user to the marketplace section or simply re-open the marketplace section in a new request.

Therefore it satisfies both worlds.

Let members receive subscription emails every time someone replies to threads user subscribes to. If its some type of feature, turn it off or modify it.

Confused as we already have a thread subscription link in the thread tools. Please explain.

Personally, I wish to see members being able to edit their posts only up to 15 minutes. It can get irritating seeing someone post a question, it's subsequently answered by various people, then the OP edits to essentially delete it as if it never existed. That can rather disrupt the flow of questioning, and tends to leave others confused if they have similar questions or thoughts.

In the discussion forums this can be done. I know how this can be sometimes. I will check ACP today to see if it is a built in option, I'm sure there is something for it.


Right now it's better to search Google with a +Namepros than it is to search within Namepros and that's just sad.

Unless it was fixed and I'm still doing this for no reason

Confused. I searched Namepros using the Namepros search and found everything I was looking for with that keyword.

I'll need some examples so I can see where the issue is. :)

However, some time back something happened and Hotmail
users were not receiving any emails - I haven't switched mine
back yet so not sure if it's fixed.

With hotmail we need to get white listed plus have to setup domainkeys/dkim. If it is an issue, then it would get resolved once we change mail server to our newly setup mail server.

Personally I don't mind the limiting of 'bumps', but to also limit discussion by the thread starter (esp in the appraisals area) takes a lot of the interaction/excitement out of a thread, IMO. I agree to the value of limiting the 'bump' or 'thanks for your opinion, anyone else?' type posts that are obvious bumps and contribute nothing to the conversation, but I'd like the TS to be allowed to make other comments/debates/questions without them being removed as 'bumps' in appraisals and wherever else this happens. I know some TS will still be making comments simply to bump their threads, yet I believe it's better to allow this grey area, for fun/interest's sake, rather than whitewashing the threads. The appraisals section used to be exciting, much more than just dry informative info, and I for one would love to see it that way again. To get there, the bump rules might somehow be relaxed or changed.

Will be discussed at next Tuesday's staff meeting. Seems appraisals is very important to this site's success and will do whatever it takes to make users happy with this section.

Of course it is important to retain a professional attitude, show respect for each member and post, and not scare off tentative visitors/new users. However I also feel it's important to allow a lot of 'color' to the forum, where people can vent and express personal opinions even if those seem angry, judgmental, funny. To my eye this seems like the area of greatest concern and controversy here, and it's the area that has the most grey area, simply very difficult to establish clear, hard-and-fast rules without completely sterilizing the entire forum into dry lifeless toast.

I sort of get this feeling too. We discussed with staff that we'll be more okay with the profanity and name calling going forward between users. I will however go over this again with them.

On other forums I see it a lot, and most successful forums (domain and non-domain), have a lot of arguments and bickering between members. They must have a reason for it. Users love to come back to a forum to get back at the last insult. :)

Allow comments again in the 'Domains Wanted' threads. I know, I know - but allowing the comments keeps that area more interesting and busier, used to spend time daily there but now go there only once or twice a month, just too boring.

Will be reviewed and will hopefully allow this again.

as mentioned in one of my prev posts, take out the automation in the appraisals section subject lines, allow for more interesting/entertaining subject lines to draw us in and make us laugh. You can still insist that the domain being appraised must be in the subject line. Mod out the obvious bumps but allow the OP to make more comments.

You guys have been heard. The prefix as well as custom titles will most likely be changed to accommodate this idea.

One comment I would make at this stage is the comments in Names wanted section. I am not against comments comming back to this section but unfortunately it was filled with hundreds of *pm sent* posts which not only did I personally find no value in but I even made a wanted thread once and lots posted saying pm sent when infact only a few did

Agree with this as well. That most people will break rules. But then again, when I used to sell domains in 2006 and when this was allowed, I have to admit, I did it many times myself.

Seems to be human nature. :gl:

Maybe we can get on the same page and meet in the middle; allowing buyers to ask questions & sellers to respond, but continue to not allow sellers to bump the thread to to the top UNLESS a buyer asked a question OR it's been 24 hours.

I was under the impression that is what is the current setup? Correct me if I am wrong.

I think we could get away with allowing an image / screenshot of the domains the seller has via a link or attachment feature. This helps the seller be assured their domains wont be indexed by google & it still (Technically) keeps the domains for sale listed in the thread.

There's been a lot of controversy in the past about allowing images of domain lists in sales threads. But I think its one of those things that really doesn't hurt anything by allowing & actually helps sellers retain some privacy.

Will be changed to allow images.
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.