NameSilo Experience (Brandable Domain Marketplace)

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Chris Hydrick

.Top Member
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Hi there! I'm sorry your experience with BB wasn't pleasant :/ If you'd like to try our marketplace please don't hesitate to do so :) We're new in the domaining industry but very eager to learn! Let me know what you think or if you have any questions :) This is us: (or if you'd like to read about the sellers' rules visit this page:

Look forward to hearing from you!
Granted, the above post is from the BrandBucket experience thread, and will likely be deleted for being off topic / wrong thread, it was the first time I heard of them. The founder, @Jowita Emberton, had introduced herself in an earlier thread:

Hi guys! NamePros is a great website to get invaluable information about the domaining industry. As a reader, I'm here pretty much every day. As a writer, I'm starting today :)

I'm the founder of Brandpa (, a domain name marketplace similar to BB, BR or Namerific. We use AI and human knowledge to create and judge the names’ value according to how easy to pronounce and catchy they are.

I'm here to learn, get to know you and your recent experiences with other brandable name marketplaces :) We're still developing the business so any insight on our site ( or anything you're missing from other marketplaces will be very useful :)


I'm creating this thread to discuss their marketplace, and for those who have experiences with them.

Here's what I know so far:

The founder, @Jowita Emberton, runs two other online businesses according to her LinkedIn page. - Web / brand design firm. - Polish wedding services

According to her LinkedIn, she has been operating BrandPa since August 2016. Though, the last cached screenshot is a server error on October 4, 2016 HERE (2006) is registered to Oliver Emberton, founder and managing director of

Currently, there are 562 domains published / listed on BrandPa. It appears most domains listed are handregged by the owners. Not 100% on this; I will run a check when my program is working again.

After reviewing their listings, I found two errors.

upload_2017-2-20_14-26-8.png The domain regged is, but the text reads

upload_2017-2-20_14-27-32.png The domain regged is, but the text reads

At first look:

  • No Listing Fee
  • FREE Logos
  • Domain Owner sets price ($1,000+)
  • Forwards all offers for sellers consideration
  • Brandpa is a pretty memorable / catchy brandable domain.
  • Select 'On-Sale' marketing section

  • Low Alexa Ranking (4,557,819)
  • New site. Assuming low organic traffic, and low type-in traffic due to quality and quantity of inventory.
  • Piggy-back branding off BrandBucket in site footer see below

upload_2017-2-20_14-41-42.pngupload_2017-2-20_14-42-20.pngupload_2017-2-20_14-43-14.png upload_2017-2-20_14-43-54.png

  • Reviews are all from domains, yet BrandPa doesn't sell any domains. A quick glance at other domains owned by the reviewers and I wasn't able to verify any brandable .com's with history tracing back to BrandPa.

Personal thoughts: I respect that they "allow the seller to submit more domain names" by not charging a listing fee. To me this shows they are willing to work for your exclusivity. Should they gain popularity, I wonder if they'll sustain this business model and/or if their logo / listing quality will decrease over time when resources are spread across the masses.

@Jowita Emberton = Feel free to comment / fill in any of the blanks. :penguin:
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Today I was warned by BrandPa not to sell their domains at NP for wholesale prices, even though I have masked domain. Is there any other place where you can sell BrandPa domains for wholesale prices without violating their terms?

I don't think so. Maybe eBay? I'm pretty sure if they catch you trying to sell a listed domain on any other platform they will warn you.
They have a domain exchange room on their slack chat. it is a bargain basement sad place. id rather hang in the sand dunes with no water.
They have a domain exchange room on their slack chat. it is a bargain basement sad place. id rather hang in the sand dunes with no water.

Do all BrandPa sellers have access to slack chat?
@Mitchell Hengesbach So, from a previous comment I guess that it is not so good place for bartering? :)
Today I was warned by BrandPa not to sell their domains at NP for wholesale prices, even though I have masked domain. Is there any other place where you can sell BrandPa domains for wholesale prices without violating their terms?

Yes, on their Slack channel - Edit: I forgot that you have to have a certain number to access - The prices are like here at NP
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Today I was warned by BrandPa not to sell their domains at NP for wholesale prices, even though I have masked domain. Is there any other place where you can sell BrandPa domains for wholesale prices without violating their terms?

You aren’t supposed to sell names publicly if they are listed at Brandpa,BB or SquadHelp. You sell in private when someone else starts a thread or on the slack channel. In the case of SH they have their own private marketplace too. Other option is to sell after removal or before listing.
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Today I was warned by BrandPa not to sell their domains at NP for wholesale prices, even though I have masked domain. Is there any other place where you can sell BrandPa domains for wholesale prices without violating their terms?
check request Domain thread of np, if aNy one asking for brandpa name DM your name with price, only this way you can sell name on NP.
You aren’t supposed to sell names publicly if they are listed at Brandpa,BB or SquadHelp. You sell in private when someone else starts a thread or on the slack channel. In the case of SH they have their own private marketplace too. Other option is to sell after removal or before listing.

Yes, but I saw before many auctions here of domains listed at BB, BP or SH.
Has anyone noticed that their submissions are being accepted at a higher rate than usual?
I have been on BB & BP for about the same time. Names are of equal quality (IMO) on both sites & I have (I believe) 6 sales on BB (this yr) & 0 on BP. No biggie - they need time, so they sit unsold on BP.

I just join SH in the last 6 months or so - have a fraction of the # of names I have on BP (100 to 20ish) and 2 sales on SH.

BB & SH seem to be driving much more, for me....& SH didn't charge me anything to list (pre-token, but I think the token is fair). But you get my point.

Was hoping to see some BP positives, but this thread is not encouraging, unfortunatly.
I have been on BB & BP for about the same time. Names are of equal quality (IMO) on both sites & I have (I believe) 6 sales on BB (this yr) & 0 on BP. No biggie - they need time, so they sit unsold on BP.

I just join SH in the last 6 months or so - have a fraction of the # of names I have on BP (100 to 20ish) and 2 sales on SH.

BB & SH seem to be driving much more, for me....& SH didn't charge me anything to list (pre-token, but I think the token is fair). But you get my point.

Was hoping to see some BP positives, but this thread is not encouraging, unfortunatly.

I've had a total of 19 domains for sale on BP and I've sold 2 in the past year (rolling 12 months). 10% sell through rate is pretty good, so I'm happy with it. At the end of the day, it shouldn't matter where a domain is listed. If a buyer truly wants your domain name, they will find it.
@Mitchell Hengesbach

At the end of the day, it shouldn't matter where a domain is listed. If a buyer truly wants your domain name, they will find it.

I agree with you 100% except in the case of "brandables" they may not be as easily found via type in - that's why brandable markets and active marketing warrant a listing fee and commission.

@Mitchell Hengesbach

I agree with you 100% except in the case of "brandables" they may not be as easily found via type in - that's why brandable markets and active marketing warrant a listing fee and commission.

That's a very good point!
I feel like afternic better, seems sales more active than other brandable marketplace.
I don't have many names on Brandpa (only 12) but I'm removing them from the platform. I haven't made any sales in a year, which is fine and to be expected, but the lack of any effort at all on Brandpa's part is disappointing. Their social media presence is dismal for a branding platform and as far as I can tell their marketing efforts seem nonexistent.
I don't have many names on Brandpa (only 12) but I'm removing them from the platform. I haven't made any sales in a year, which is fine and to be expected, but the lack of any effort at all on Brandpa's part is disappointing. Their social media presence is dismal for a branding platform and as far as I can tell their marketing efforts seem nonexistent.

Before castigating Brandpa as a dismal performer, can you tell us how better the other marketplaces where you got sold, if any?
can i move a name listed at brandpa from my account to someone else's brandpa account without the listing being interrupted?
can i move a name listed at brandpa from my account to someone else's brandpa account without the listing being interrupted?

Sure you can. The procedure is very simple. Just go to ''Domains'', and ''Listed'' and at right side of every domain you will find ''Transfer'' option. Type in email address of another seller and everything is done :)
Sure you can. The procedure is very simple. Just go to ''Domains'', and ''Listed'' and at right side of every domain you will find ''Transfer'' option. Type in email address of another seller and everything is done :)
Just visited for the first time and I really love the logos I'm seeing!
BrandPa announced huge changes:


  • Instant domain appraisals
  • Set your own pricing
  • All-new listing process

It looks like sellers can now list pretty much any domain, no manual approval needed.
crazy update, but don't like it
Something really wrong with their search now
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