
analysis World War III

Spaceship Spaceship

oldtimer Let's not leave anyone behindTop Member
I believe that President Biden was right when he said that Russia is going to Invade Ukraine.

Any intelligent person is going to come to the same conclusion knowing that Russia has already decided to pay any price imposed on it by the West through sanctions.

Short of full military confrontation by the West there is nothing that can make Russia to change its mind as they see this as a golden opportunity to resurrect the once powerful superpower that was equal to the USA.

But Russia’s ambitions are not going to stop with taking over Ukraine since it already has made plans to increase its sphere of influence to Asia, Middle East, and South America and perhaps the whole World knowing that the West is most likely not going to do anything beyond just imposing sanctions which ultimately will hurt the West itself by effecting the Global economy in an adverse way the longer that they go on.

I personally don’t like any of the old ideologies, philosophies, and doctrines of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Religious Fundamentalism and all the other “ism” that are derived from the bad human characteristics of Greed, Lust, Hate, Cruelty, Jealousy, Prejudice, and lack of Empathy and that have been infringing on our rights in one way or another throughout the history because they can only exist through supporting inequality, oppression, suppression, torture, killing, and War.

When it comes to saving the World the last thing that I want to see is the further expansion of these old systems that have all already proven to be a failure in dealing with the existential problems that are currently facing Humanity and the Environment.

We don’t want all these political, Religious, and Racial parties and groups to resurrect their past, we want something new that can propel the World into the next Era that is based on the Universal Principles and Values that have been derived through Logic and Compassion and not through Force and Violence.

By “We” I mean all the Intelligent, Righteous, and Peace loving people of the World.


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Horrifying!! Can't imagine waves upon waves of nukes

For some people there has already been a Nuclear War back in the 1950s.

But back then they called it Nuclear Testing,

Millions of people were exposed to radiation (some say on purpose) in certain parts of Russia back when they were doing above ground testing.

I assume that many other Countries were doing testing back then too, but Russia was using much more powerful bombs and apparently they would order their own villagers to go outside on the day of testing just to see how they were going to be affected by the radiation.

Horrifying!! Can't imagine waves upon waves of nukes ☢️ ☢️ ☢️💀💀💀
For those of us that grew up during the Cold War, the nukes were always a potential reality. Those yellow signs were there in the schools for the disaster drills, where presumably the fallout shelters would protect us. Thank heavens that the world leaders had the courage and wisdom to deescalate the nuclear race. Now, let's pray that that wisdom comes again.
My sense is that even one nuclear missle from Russia will lead to a rapid, overwhelming responseby the world against them, leading to a very quick end to the war. IMO
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Ukraine says that any compromises with Russia should be put to a referendum.

At this time Ukraine is hoping to be able to wear Russia down and make them run out of missiles, but that all depends on whether China is going to supply Russia with more weapons or not,

There is also the risk that being faced with more delays in achieving its objectives Russia might resort to using biological or chemical weapons to break the stalemate.

It looks like everything depends on whether as Russia's ally China is going to supply them with more weapons and if it is going to tolerate the use of unconventional weapons or not.


Russia may not stop with Ukraine – NATO looks to its weakest link

Hours after Russian missiles first struck Ukrainian cities on Feb. 24, German naval commander Terje Schmitt-Eliassen received notice to sail five warships under his command to the former Soviet Republic of Latvia to help protect the most vulnerable part of NATO's eastern flank.

The hasty dispatch was part of Germany's scramble to send "everything that can swim out to sea," as the navy's top boss phrased it, to defend an area military strategists have long deemed the weakest point for the alliance. The vessels' sudden departure demonstrated how NATO, and Germany, were propelled by Russia's invasion into a new reality and face what officials, diplomats, intelligence officials and security sources agree is the most serious threat to the alliance's collective security since the Cold War.
Now we are back to WWII

Russia stops WWII peace treaty talks with Japan over its Ukraine stance.

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Alexey Navalny found guilty in major fraud case on Monday

The prosecution sought a 13-year sentence for Navalny plus a penalty of 1.2 million rubles (about $10,000) for the charges, which include contempt of court, while the defense insisted on Navalny's innocence and pressed for acquittal.

"Navalny committed fraud, i.e. the theft of someone else's property by deception," Judge Margarita Kotova read out in the verdict, Tass reported.

Navalny was convicted for organizing a “criminal organization” together with his companions Leonid Volkov and Roman Rubanov to raise funds for Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation.

According to investigators, instead of financing the foundation, Navalny spent money on “extremism” and his personal needs.

In total, Navalny allegedly stole over 2.6 million rubles (about $22,000) from four individuals, who later filed a lawsuit against Navalny and others.

Navalny also reportedly insulted prosecutor Ekaterina Frolova, who supported an accusation against him at the trial for defaming a World War II veteran and his grandson.

For his current prison term, Navalny was arrested in January 2021 after a hospital stay in Germany, where he was treated for poisoning which he blames on Russian security services and on Russian President Vladimir Putin himself. The Kremlin denies charges.
For those of us that grew up during the Cold War, the nukes were always a potential reality. Those yellow signs were there in the schools for the disaster drills, where presumably the fallout shelters would protect us. Thank heavens that the world leaders had the courage and wisdom to deescalate the nuclear race. Now, let's pray that that wisdom comes again.
My sense is that even one nuclear missle from Russia will lead to a rapid, overwhelming responseby the world against them, leading to a very quick end to the war. IMO
I remember those days , my school class only had 26 kids in it, so our teacher would just have us run for the woods lol , but yeah, Nuclear drills , we had them in the town I grew up in
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Putin’s Holy Man Pushed for the ‘Eradication’ of Ukraine​

Beneath the gold onion domes of the Danilov Monastery a few miles south of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin’s chief shaman explains why Russia is hell-bent on destroying Ukraine.

“If we see [Ukraine] as a threat, we have the right to use force to ensure the threat is eradicated,” Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill recently preached to his church’s 90 million faithful followers. “We have entered into a conflict which has not only physical but also metaphysical significance. We are talking about human salvation, something much more important than politics.”

The wartime coalition between Putin and his patriarch is called symphonia, an ironclad alliance between church and state that assures reciprocal reverence, with neither institution presuming to dominate the other. Theologians have spent centuries bickering over the fine points, which have now impaled 44 million Ukrainians as the victims of a bloodthirsty land-grab that Putin and the Patriarch have packaged as a holy campaign to cleanse souls.
Ukraine says that any compromises with Russia should be put to a referendum.

At this time Ukraine is hoping to be able to wear Russia down and make them run out of missiles, but that all depends on whether China is going to supply Russia with more weapons or not,

There is also the risk that being faced with more delays in achieving its objectives Russia might resort to using biological or chemical weapons to break the stalemate.

It looks like everything depends on whether as Russia's ally China is going to supply them with more weapons and if it is going to tolerate the use of unconventional weapons or not.

I think Russia has plenty more missiles , I think that accusation that they are running short by the media is pure propaganda , how would Russia have fought a long war if they were running out of missiles after 3 weeks of war with Ukraine ?? Russia was/ Is a superpower of the world , I feel really sure they have enough missiles to endure more than a 3 week war with a very small country. The media will have us believe many things that simply make sense from a common sense perspective .. Russia has yet to pull out the modern weaponry IMO .. well they launched one , but I think Putin wanted to use the older weaponry first and felt that was all Russia would need to win the Ukraine conflict .

As you say though, the big question is , Will China supply Russia with any weaponry, I don’t think they will , if they do, that will really open up a huge can of worms IMO
For those of us that grew up during the Cold War, the nukes were always a potential reality. Those yellow signs were there in the schools for the disaster drills, where presumably the fallout shelters would protect us. Thank heavens that the world leaders had the courage and wisdom to deescalate the nuclear race. Now, let's pray that that wisdom comes again.
My sense is that even one nuclear missle from Russia will lead to a rapid, overwhelming responseby the world against them, leading to a very quick end to the war. IMO
Over the years, those yellow signs have slowly disappeared although most of the buildings they were once attached to still stand.

The grim reality about modern nuclear weapons and how the automated and near-automated response(s) would be to an initial strike ensures there will be no safe hiding place on the planet. Of course the super rich and many nations (for leaders) have bunkers that will survive initially, the reality is that once those blast doors are opened, there will be no way to exist on earth long term. For humans, that is.
France, Germany, UK, Switzerland, Italy, Holland, etc, may need "invasion" as well, but not by Russia, their own armies can do that clean up. Maybe already done, if not, a new "covid variant" may be needed.

edit: what I mean, saving children in underground bases waiting to be abused or sacrified by DS elites, controlling bioweapons, etc. Same as Ukraine,.. but those countries have more strict system, and much easier methods , such as special operations, law enforcement,.. can be enough.
US is doing on its own soil, what Russia is doing in Ukraine.

edit2: looking for more dislikes from brainwashed/dumbified people.
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“We also bore witness to the ugly reality, that some Black and Brown people fleeing Ukraine – and other wars and conflicts around the world – have not received the same treatment as Ukrainian refugees”, he said.

UNHCR chief condemns ‘discrimination, violence and racism’ against some fleeing Ukraine
I think Russia has plenty more missiles , I think that accusation that they are running short by the media is pure propaganda , how would Russia have fought a long war if they were running out of missiles after 3 weeks of war with Ukraine ?? Russia was/ Is a superpower of the world , I feel really sure they have enough missiles to endure more than a 3 week war with a very small country. The media will have us believe many things that simply make sense from a common sense perspective .. Russia has yet to pull out the modern weaponry IMO .. well they launched one , but I think Putin wanted to use the older weaponry first and felt that was all Russia would need to win the Ukraine conflict .

As you say though, the big question is , Will China supply Russia with any weaponry, I don’t think they will , if they do, that will really open up a huge can of worms IMO

The thing is that Russia is saving its most advanced weapons for future operations (Wars) beyond just Ukraine. Although they used couple of Hypersonic missiles to show off the superiority of those weapons, but they probably don't want to deplete all their supply in Ukraine knowing that they might have to face off with much bigger powers in the future.

So they don't mind buying some cheap less powerful weapons from China right now if they could.

Or they might resorts to using biological and chemical weapons which they don't have to worry about running out because they are easy to make.

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The thing is that Russia is saving its most advanced weapons for future operations (Wars) beyond just Ukraine. Although they used couple of Hypersonic missiles to show off the superiority of those weapons, but they probably don't want to deplete all their supply in Ukraine knowing that they might have to face off with much bigger powers in the future.

So they don't mind buying some cheap less powerful weapons from China right now if they could.

Or they might resorts to using biological and chemical weapons which they don't have to worry about running out because they are easy to make.

I agree , I highly doubt Russia is going to use anything really modern in Ukraine , Russia is taking on a lot of casualties for a small country conflict , but I think they have and are making the necessary corrections to go ahead and get through Ukraine without using modern weaponry, I seriously hope they don’t go biological - chemical on Ukraine , but Russia is known to go that route, so
From what I am reading today, Putin appears ready to completely cut ties with the US , now the question of how China will play their cards becomes important to the US , many will say China won’t sanction the US because of the steady cash flow that the US brings it. But times are changing rapidly , China could do such sanctions to the US and move more production into Europe and Africa , possibly getting close to the same result they get from the US IMO , we could becoming upon the question of who is going dump the US , Biden spouting off hasn’t helped the situation , using tactical means of speech would be the better route to go at this point IMO
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China could do such sanctions to the US and move more production into Europe

China can not make a lot of sanctions against US and subsequently do more business with Europe - The United States and Europe are on the same page when it comes to China
China can not make a lot of sanctions against US and subsequently do more business with Europe - The United States and Europe are on the same page when it comes to China

China is probably going to try to appease all sides to the extent that is possible in order to protect its economical interests,

At least till Nukes start flying, but by then things aren't going to matter as much anymore as far as which side China is on.

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China can not make a lot of sanctions against US and subsequently do more business with Europe - The United States and Europe are on the same page when it comes to China

Agreed. And this whole ordeal has only strengthened the US/EU relationship for the foreseeable future.

I guess Biden is doing an ok Job there. Luck may not be the right term to use but given circumstances we're lucky Trump was ditched. Can't imagine the 2 continents working this closely together under Trump. I think the US and EU are well fitted allies both economically and millitary once the EU does some additional spending on defense.

Basically everything China/Russia didn't want to ever happen.
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China can not make a lot of sanctions against US and subsequently do more business with Europe - The United States and Europe are on the same page when it comes to China
Times are changing rapidly right now , if it comes down to feast or famine, I think the EU will feed itself , the UK could branch out as well IMO , I feel there are some awakenings coming , to whom is the question IMO
The question is did it really have to come to this where everyone has to take sides now,

There was a time where both Russia and China were seeing it to be in their interest to keep good relations with the West,

What went wrong and why were they both alienated over the past decade.

What went wrong and why were they both alienated over the past decade

Short answer: Trump - China has not yet chosen side, but they may be forced to do so, especially if the war accelerates and drags out and certainly if Russia chooses to use chemical, biological or nuclear weapons and my guess would be that they ends up on our side
Short answer: Trump - China has not yet chosen side, but they may be forced to do so, especially if the war accelerates and drags out and certainly if Russia chooses to use chemical, biological or nuclear weapons and my guess would be that they ends up on our side

So you don't blame the NATO at all for having a design on Russia and China for the past decade or so to undermine their way of life and government.

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