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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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Trump doesn't really have an issue with illegals as long as they work for him.

New Jersey AG has obtained evidence of possible crimes at Trump's golf club — and Mueller, FBI are involved in probe

That “thud” you hear is his club managers being thrown under the bus...
This is the end for Trump for sure this time.

That “thud” you hear is his club managers being thrown under the bus...
Did you know, the US is among the very few people taxing their non resident citizens. Very few countries do that, the other few are countries like Eritrea, places that people want to escape from.
It is one aspect among others where Americans are less free than other nations.
If you gave me a US passport for free, I would run away as fast as I can.

I am well aware, recently other countries that are broke are looking at it. Less free, yep. The Patriot act really was the biggest Govt overreach and breach of privacy ever. Sold to the public by the Bush Crime family. The 5 Eyes excuse to spy on innocent people, collect every byte of data including this post... lol.

Wikileaks and Snowden exposed Clapper who lied to Congress, why isn’t he being held in contempt?

Then Obamas Hire Act, FBAR reporting, FATCA B.S. laws, etc. All this nonsense, even people who were born in the US, and left for another country as a child are subject to taxation technically!

The US imposes their banking regulations with every other country, then automatically sets an immediate compliance date then provides little to no back end support to even for the bank to fill out the correct paperwork. In the early days of these new laws, they froze bank accounts all around the world, and people with foreign accounts were treated as guilty until proven innocent. To this day, the US Govt still hasnt got this form thing fixed. The $50,000. fines for non compliance are way out of line too, for the average person who doesn’t comply due to ignorance or by choice. Not something to take lightly anyone reading this in the future. The way you annually report it is to the FINCEN, (US “Financial Crimes” agency, as if everyone outside the US is assumed a criminal on parole.., lol) only by electronic transfer via PDF file (older computers and adobe acrobat versions dont work btw). Its total bullshit, but it is what it is.
This is the end for Trump for sure this time.

The “Thud” was the first brick being set down into cement on the border wall.
Let San Franciscans have the city they want.

Thats the problem. People from San Francisco are not happy to have their own oasis of an ultra liberal city of Sanctuary for criminal illegals, shit on the streets, homeless shooting up and peeing everywhere, and non traditional values being forced into classrooms and new labels for everyone they disagree with invented. “Safe space”, “Toxic Masculinity”, “social justice warriors”, “white priviledge”. All I can say is I don’t have to deal with most of it.

Instead of SF being all by themselves, they have been expanded out shoving their warped value system worldwide up everybody else’s ass. Through their social media propaganda, the tech empire and monopoly. Its really spread quickly in less than 10 years.
Also, most people illegally in this country came here legally on visas and overstayed.

I have a solution for that everbody from a shithole country upon receiving their VISA passport stamp, is fitted with an ankle bracelet. Then when the expiration date arrives, the bracelet sets off an annoying alarm bell so they cannot go anywhere without people knowing even walking into a 7/11 store everybody will know they have overstayed.
I have a solution for that everbody from a sh*thole country upon receiving their VISA passport stamp, is fitted with an ankle bracelet. Then when the expiration date arrives, the bracelet sets off an annoying alarm bell so they cannot go anywhere without people knowing even walking into a 7/11 store everybody will know they have overstayed.

A little extreme (especially since they aren’t all from “sh*thole countries), but would address the problem better than the stupid a** wall and cost far less.
The illegal immigration problem in America is not a hard issue to fix, If enforcement is applied IMO.
No one can hire someone that is in the country illegally, no exceptions, no one can provide any housing for some who is here illegally, no exceptions. no sanctuary from churches, cities, states. If caught in any of these violations, the possibility of jail time, business closure.

So no food, no housing, no sanctuary, the border itself is secure.
All greats points you mentioned, but with an increase of Sanctuary Cities and States, as well as the hypocrisy of all the major Democrats, who just a few years ago were in favor of stopping illegal immigration and even of building a wall, are now blocking any and all efforts to do something about it.

If spending 25 billion is an expensive waste of money, then how much do you think is spent every year on the millions of illegals that benefit from food stamps, schooling, medical and other social benefits? And I'm not even talking about some of the negative aspects that thousands of illegal criminals have on society!
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I have a solution for that everbody from a sh*thole country upon receiving their VISA passport stamp, is fitted with an ankle bracelet. Then when the expiration date arrives, the bracelet sets off an annoying alarm bell so they cannot go anywhere without people knowing even walking into a 7/11 store everybody will know they have overstayed.
Liberal Judges will block that in a blink of an eye! They have Human rights, That's racist, Nazis! they will cry!
All greats points you mentioned, but with an increase of Sanctuary Cities and States, as well as the hypocrisy of all the major Democrats, who just a few years ago were in favor of stopping illegal immigration and even of building a wall, are now blocking any and all efforts to do something about it.

If spending 25 billion is an expensive waste of money, then how much do you think is spent every year on the millions of illegals that benefit from food stamps, schooling, medical and other social benefits? And I'm not even talking about some of the negative aspects that thousands of illegal criminals have on society!

If we are going to continue to allow sanctuary states, allowing business to provide work, allowing government subsidized housing, WIC, If we are going to allow Attorneys to protect, If we are going to allow free medical, All these services for immigrants, then we don't need to spend not one penny on anything,

Here once again we have Americans battling Americans over immigration, which is why our counties forecast in is in deep shit. Americans battling Americans has become the status quo.

While China, Russia, and other countries sit back and watch this go down, they don't need to initiate anything to stir the pot, they know essentially we are taking our selves out by doing what we are doing, they are just waiting for the fall to happen.

Just when you think 45 can’t go any lower, he never ceases to come through...

Seeking asylum is legal.

At least one of those kids entered legally at an existing border wall.

Instead of expressing sympathy to the families, he exploits their tragedy - effing exploits the death of kids - to:

- Further divide the country
- Campaign for his ridiculous money-pit vanity wall

Soulless POS.
He's not wrong. Democrats and activist on the 9th circuit court in SF have blocked EVERY SINGLE attempt at immigration reform.

Democrat cities / state continue to protect criminals from deportation, provide benefits against federal law and encourage illegal immigration.

Caravans are a response to democrat malfeasance and unlawful obstruction.

Show attachment 105853

Just when you think 45 can’t go any lower, he never ceases to come through...

Seeking asylum is legal.

Most are immigrating for Jobs and better opportunities, not asylum.

At least one of those kids entered legally at an existing border wall.

Instead of expressing sympathy to the families, he exploits their tragedy - effing exploits the death of kids - to:

- Further divide the country
- Campaign for his ridiculous money-pit vanity wall
Isn't that exactly what you are doing? Blaming one side for all the problems?

Soulless POS.

Maybe instead of hating President Trump, you could encourage your Congregational representatives to compromise on border security in exchange for more immigration.

How much does it cost to call Hawaii?
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1600 migrants let loose in El Paso TX. City is having problems dealing with them.

"We are living through an immigration crisis that is in part driven by a disastrous ruling by a district court judge in the Ninth Circuit that incentives illegal alien adults to put their children in the hands of smugglers and traffickers. The Flores Settlement Agreement has created an immigration loophole that rewards parents for bringing their children with them to the United States."

Beto "the fake hispanic" isn't happy!! Take those people someplace else!

Soulless POS!
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Great tactic, keep taking migrants to sanctuary cities where they will be "safe". I wonder how many SF, New Jersey and New York can take?

If you're a democrat criticizing the President for not being compassionate and haven't sponsored at least one "refugee" family, you might be part of the problem.

OK, I'm all out of smart-ass lectures... for today.
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Most are immigrating for Jobs and better opportunities, not asylum.

Valid research to back up that statement?

Mexican immigration is down. Most immigrants are now coming from the “Northern triangle” countries. That is a fact and you can look it up in the Pew Research I cited the other day.

But here’s some additional data.

Chart generated from US Border Patrol statistics - these are apprehensions only, not total crossings. Also stops at 2016 - Mexican immigration has continued to decrease, northern triangle to increase. (that should be in the Pew study references - look it up yourself):

These people are what are referred to as “forced migrants” - they’re escaping conflict, generalized violence and targeted persecution. It’s not safer for them to stay home.

El Salvador - murder rate of 60 per 100,000 people
Honduras - murder rate of 43 per 100,000 people


Their own governments aren’t protecting people because of widespread corruption and government ties to gangs.

Many of these people are surrendering at the border to initiate asylum claims.

Now show me some data to back up your claims that they’re just freeloaders. looking for jobs...

The wall is an unjustified money pit that is projected to cost billions more than this initial 5 billion. It’s an unsound business decision because the ROI sucks. It doesn’t address overstayers (the majority of illegals) and the reduced number of crossings suggests reduced need. The saner members of congress aren’t going to be blackmailed into agreeing to this ego-trip fiasco.

And using the tragic deaths of those kids to try to paint Democrats as the “bad guys” is divisive and disgusting. Did he even offer one word of sympathy to the grieving parents?
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Having a shitty Gov doesn't make you a refugee. Democrats try to extend the definition to living in poverty, poor access to health care, etc.

Despite your charts and graphs diligently compiled by other liberals, simple facts tell a different story;

1) Over 90% of asylum claims are denied ( even by your Lord and Savior Barack Obama )

The "refugee" myth is from the same biased reasoning that most illegal immigrants are visa overstays. The few facts we know for sure; how many people are issued visas and the majority of illegal aliens are single men ( until democrats incentivized hauling children to the border ).

Valid research to back up that statement?

Mexican immigration is down. Most immigrants are now coming from the “Northern triangle” countries. That is a fact and you can look it up in the Pew Research I cited the other day.

But here’s some additional data.

Chart generated from US Border Patrol statistics - these are apprehensions only, not total crossings. Also stops at 2016 - Mexican immigration has continued to decrease, northern triangle to increase. (that should be in the Pew study references - look it up yourself):
Show attachment 105867

These people are what are referred to as “forced migrants” - they’re escaping conflict, generalized violence and targeted persecution. It’s not safer for them to stay home.

El Salvador - murder rate of 60 per 100,000 people
Honduras - murder rate of 43 per 100,000 people

Show attachment 105869

Their own governments aren’t protecting people because of widespread corruption and government ties to gangs.

Many of these people are surrendering at the border to initiate asylum claims.

Now show me some data to back up your claims that they’re just freeloaders. looking for jobs...

Yesterday you claimed most illegal immigrants were visa overstays. Now you're conflating "freeloaders" and people looking for jobs.

Stop listening to bullshit propaganda and pay attention to what is really happening and why.

The wall is an unjustified money pit that is projected to cost billions more than this initial 5 billion.

You keep saying this and ignoring the FACTS that walls work in Sand Diego, California and New Mexico.

It’s an unsound business decision because the ROI sucks. It doesn’t address overstayers (the majority of illegals) and the reduced number of crossings suggests reduced need. The saner members of congress aren’t going to be blackmailed into agreeing to this ego-trip fiasco.

That's right.. it's all about how horrible and racist and egomaniacal Donald Trump is. Thankfully, democrats and you are pure souls who only want the best for people in other countries who want to vote democrat.

And using the tragic deaths of those kids to try to paint Democrats as the “bad guys” is divisive and disgusting. Did he even offer one word of sympathy to the grieving parents?

That is exactly what the media and YOU are doing by blaming everything on Trump.
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Still waiting to hear from a democrat that has sponsored an immigrant / refugee family. Besides Christian organizations obviously...
Liberal Judges will block that in a blink of an eye! They have Human rights, That's racist, Nazis! they will cry!

Lot more details to be ironed out. Lol.

The way the ankle bracelet is designed, the alarm on the bracelet only lasts a week it is to encourage voluntary compliance. However, on week 2, it produces randomized electric shocks that increase hourly in intensity until reaching that of a cattle prod, as well as the sim chip embedded sends out a 10 second interative GPS location message to the local branch of lCE department of repatriation.

Since at issuance, the person whose Visa term was violated had to produce a $2000 cash bond (collected at point of issuance), it would be then relinquished at this time due to the overstay. Such funds would be used for the airfare to return apprehended violator. The ICE officer responsible for the apprehension is rewarded with a day off at taxpayers expense. The apprehended violator would suffer a 10 year ban from applying for another Visa.

Wishful thinking that such logic and pragmatic thinking would apply to problem solving. If walls don’t work, and Sanctuary Cities are somehow legal and illegals are protected from ICE and some liberal distortion of the constitution, well the Republic is in danger.

Oh, I forgot that’s where we are today.

January 3rd starts the Trump impeachment commitees by Democrats. Facebook and Google will ramp up and increase their liberal media steering propaganda. They will use Cohen before he is incarcerated to make up more B.S. stories to embellish and sway the masses of non critical thinkers. Don Lemon their disinformation and Media hero will continue to nit pick and demonize Trumps tweets, his hand size, his hair, his skin color, his “white priviledge”, Melanias shoes and other random irrelevant nonsense. This diversion is to take the focus off the real issues at hand, like corruption of the entire Swamp and both parties attempting to regain their power as usual.
A little extreme (especially since they aren’t all from “sh*thole countries), but would address the problem better than the stupid a** wall and cost far less.

Sanctuary cities/ states should be defunded from Federal grants and funds. Complete isolation for violating Federal laws. Employers should be sanctioned heavily.

That is the extreme but so is the “position”.

Chucky and the Bride of Chucky should have never boxed themselves into a corner and taken up such an entrenched positions which politically are extreme.
The US imposes their banking regulations with every other country, then automatically sets an immediate compliance date then provides little to no back end support to even for the bank to fill out the correct paperwork. In the early days of these new laws, they froze bank accounts all around the world, and people with foreign accounts were treated as guilty until proven innocent.
Oh yes, I am familiar with this problem. I know US expats and not only do they have to file taxes but they also have banking problems. Many banks are now reluctant to open accounts for Americans because of Fatca etc, even long-standing accounts were closed. Americans are treated like second-class citizens as a result. More and more are giving up US citizenship when it becomes more a liability than an asset.
Ironically, it's still easier for a foreigner to open a bank account in the US than it is for Americans to open accounts overseas. The conclusion is clear: the IRS wants to track and tax your assets forever, even when you've left.
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The conclusion is clear: the IRS wants to track and tax your assets forever, even when you've left.

And those renouncing cannot divulge it’s for tax (over taxation) purposes, due to push back, those who do there is a large “exit tax” now implemented recently to pay as well. The numbers of people who have renounced has steadily increased from what I read. Most are “Economic Refugees”... lol from the opposite end of the scale. The reason for the Govt to do this, I get it, it’s to make sure people pay their fair share of taxes and not dodge them. Too many people expatriate and not report, hide and thendo not pay anything, yet expect benefits.

Years ago, I thought SS benefits I was paying should be elective instead of mandatory, I could have saved all tax money that self employment 15.6% (off the top) for my own self funded retirement. Then no more SS to worry about being mismanaged like it has been, But wishful thinking of big gov’t control.
Sanctuary cities/ states should be defunded from Federal grants and funds. Complete isolation for violating Federal laws. Employers should be sanctioned heavily.

Who’s going to do those jobs? Especially agricultural - American citizens won’t pick fruit, definitely not for the same wages.

I’m not in favor of illegal immigration, but there should be a pragmatic solution for those who have been for some time (according to that study, most Mexicans have now been here 5, 10:years or more.)

If someone is a criminal or a slacker, then unequivocally they need to go. No second chance.

If someone has been here long enough to build a life here (especially if there are kids), works, pays taxes, respectable member of their community, etc., then deporting them does nothing but disrupt family and community and hurt the employer, the businesses, and the employers clients, who will presumably be paying higher rates.

Practically speaking, it would be ideal to have a process for potentially granting a conditional merit-based waiver to them. People who are stable, work, pay taxes and stay out of trouble are keepers. There are enough American citizens who don’t fit that description - too bad we can’t deport them instead!
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Who’s going to do those jobs? Especially agricultural - American citizens won’t pick fruit, definitely not for the same wages.

If democrats were not obstructionist worried about Trump getting a "win", they would negotiate a worker visa program for low skilled workers.

- Chamber of Commerce want it. Most R's want it. D's want it but it would require a compromise and Trump might look like a winner.

I’m not in favor of illegal immigration, but there should be a pragmatic solution for those who have been for some time (according to that study, most Mexicans have now been here 5, 10:years or more.)

If someone is a criminal or a slacker, then unequivocally they need to go. No second chance.

If someone has been here long enough to build a life here (especially if there are kids), works, pays taxes, respectable member of their community, etc., then deporting them does nothing but disrupt family and community and hurt the employer, the businesses, and the employers clients, who will presumably be paying higher rates.

Practically speaking, it would be ideal to have a process for potentially granting a conditional merit-based waiver to them. People who are stable, work, pay taxes and stay out of trouble are keepers. There are enough American citizens who don’t fit that description - too bad we can’t deport them instead!
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