
sales Swetha’s Sales – The Truth May Shock You!

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Here is a nice article posted on by Michael Sumner the CEO of He asked for Swetha's aka @DNGear username and password to log into her Afternic account to confirm the sales once and for all, read it all below or go to

Swetha’s Sales – The Truth May Shock You!​

Yesterday there was quite the stir on Twitter after Swetha reported another batch of jaw-dropping .xyz sales. User @jackdomainer did some research and found that an overwhelming majority of her sales were still not developed, which he thought was suspicious given the price tags. Theories started flying around, and even the Castello Brothers and Rick Schwartz chimed in with vague statements alluding to some grand conspiracy.

Grab some popcorn and read it for yourself here:

The low rate of development was the only “proof” provided so far. But why report fake sales? Well isn’t it obvious? To boost the value of her own assets so she can dump them on unsuspecting wholesalers, hoping to reproduce her incredible success, for inflated prices.

But ask yourself this… how many times have you seen Swetha wholesaling premium .xyz domains? I may have missed it, but I don’t recall seeing that.

For years I’ve been in the awkward position of publishing these sales reports. All I can go on is a screenshot, which she graciously provided for every single sale report since the day she started sharing. But screenshots can be faked relatively easily.

I could ask her to share her screen with me while she logs in to a marketplace, but even that could be faked with browser extensions that modify the page live. It’s more difficult than faking a screenshot, but not impossible. Not good enough.

To get a definitive answer, I reached out to Swetha and asked for the unthinkable. I asked if she would give me her username and password to her Afternic account, so I could log in myself and verify all the sales she has ever reported at this marketplace.

I felt bad even asking. Here she is sharing her valuable sales data with the community, all while being given endless grief about it. And now some stranger is asking to log in to her Afternic account. A lesser person would have just said “fuck it”, stopped reporting sales, and told me to go away. But you know what… she agreed! It was at this moment I knew it was all true and factual, but still, I’m going to “due diligence” the heck out of this.

So I quickly logged in to her Afternic account and visited this URL to get a dump of all the raw sales data. Then I started taking screenshots of her sales summary page. I logged out and let her know I was done so she could change her password. Then I started diving in.

One by one I checked the sales against what we have in our database. Every single one of them was perfect. Except I discovered something shocking. Quite a few of the sales were never reported. However good you think she’s doing based on what she has reported, she’s actually doing even better. That’s insane!

Now remember, Swetha has been reporting sales for quite a while now. All this time, she had no idea I would ever ask her to log in to any of her accounts, or which one(s) I would ask for. So if she was going to fabricate sales, she would have no way of knowing to always keep Afternic clean, as opposed to DAN or or whatever. Thus I now feel 100% confident in all her reports, not just the Afternic ones.

I also now feel confident in saying that Swetha is probably in the Top 100 of all domain investors who have ever lived, and she is probably in the Top 5 of all investors who aren’t part of the “old guard”. Maybe even #1 of the new generation.

But more than that, she is a kindhearted individual who is generously sharing what is working for her even though it makes new acquisitions more expensive for her. And even when the haters show up in droves, she stays the course. Thank you Swetha.

Is it possible that she’s a shill for the registry, and they’re creating hundreds of accounts across multiple marketplaces to buy the domains from her? I mean anything is possible. But it seems highly improbable that they would lock up funds and trust that she would always give them back, just to create the appearance of demand. They don’t benefit from the wholesale aftermarket, so it would just be for the sake of hand regs.

And then how do you explain the ones that are developed? And how do you explain other people getting large XYZ sales? Believe what you want, and skepticism is generally a healthy thing, but this theory seems so out there and lacking in any evidence that I have to think anyone who believes it is jealous (or loves conspiracy theories more than Rob Monster).

Here is the full screenshot I took of her sales summary page, with unreported sales blacked out for her privacy. Again, I took this screenshot myself while personally logged in to her Afternic account, it was not shared with me. I saw it with my own eyes.

Check out the screenshot of Swetha's sales at:

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
So there are only (18) total venues/sellers of a $10K+ .XYZ sale.

(17) of those make up 41% or around 59 total sales.
(1) of those makes up 59% or around 84 total sales.

59% is a very high number. Can you show me any other extension with similar statistics?

With that said, it doesn't mean there is something nefarious going on, but the situation is clearly a unique statistical outlier.

You are not supposed to ask or comment such things. You can only accept them "just" as they are.
Dumb luck. It exists.

As Negari was stuffing these into peoples accounts because nobody wanted them, in complete n00b/novice fashion she thew money a these trash domains.

Tide and sentiment changed, and .xyz is suddenly of value.

How many times have we all thrown money at something that panned out to be absolute trash.

If these sales are real congrats to all of the money she made, but let's call it what it is; dumb luck.

Smart to stay silent though; we've also seen this kind of success from people and they come out acting like TLD Jesus only to apologize for their behavior later.

The Tale of Timothy Dexter (dumb luck)
^ except that she doesn't come out that way. and if you want to call consistent results "sudden" and spread over two years now sheer dumb luck, what exactly are you the VP of?
^ except that she doesn't come out that way. and if you want to call consistent results "sudden" and spread over two years now sheer dumb luck, what exactly are you the VP of?

.top, .promo in your signature says it all. :xf.laugh:

Dumb luck and infinite monkey theorem both apply here.

We have a sample of someone who bought what they could afford, cheap & free .xyz's and held on to them with passion.

Remember king of top?

If .top took off he would have his own thread here having this same debate. Instead .top never took off and instead it was .xyz (maybe if this isn't wash trading).

However I still believe this is wash trading and false inflation of a namespace that is so bad VC's wont touch it, nothing worth while ever gets developed on them, and at one point they were given away (forced into accounts) because nobody wanted them.

You can go back to your false flag worship HOT KEY :ROFL:. Load up on those .XYZ's buddy. ❤️💘♥️👩‍❤️‍👩
I think the message has been received and XYZs will be dropping like flies. Not that most domainers have been renewing them anyway. XYZ's value is not even a dollar. It's real value is total loss. Sorry, Dan, your 'business model' has failed.
I'm really sorry for those kids that spent their pocket money buying worthless XYZs, hoping they would become the new Swetha.
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I think the message has been received and XYZs will be dropping like flies. Not that most domainers have been renewing them anyway. XYZ's value is not even a dollar. It's real value is total loss. Sorry, Dan, your 'business model' has failed.
I'm really sorry for those kids that spent their pocket money buying worthless XYZs, hoping they would become the new Swetha.
You do realise she'll be there to pick up your/others' drops like she did buying from a domainer on here.
Is that even an argument? She bought a domain from a Ukrainian scammer beggar that pollutes every thread asking for money. That's called solidarity between scammers.

You say that they did that thing?, but you do not give any proof. This means, The Law of Mirroring.

It is not as unusual as many people think to be falsely or not accused on NPs.

... Have a great holiday season!

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Is that even an argument? She bought a domain from a Ukrainian scammer beggar that pollutes every thread asking for money. That's called solidarity between scammers.
Your argument is nothing but hot hair insults and allegations.
Sure, without Data supporting this "I guess or I think" ...
Let's look at some examples


Low success NFT projects and DAO's that raised money during a post-pandemic spending frenzy aren't exactly proof of anything.

There are many illegal sites on the .africa extension you might want to provide as 'use case' for that extension too.

You know how OpenSea is a .io , and the world uses it - that's a strong use case for .io
Are you familiar with Facebook and how they use a .com - that's a strong use case for .com

So "you think" these are strong data representations, but "are not".

You missed a massive example that is actually used, instead of pulling a regurgitated list you mirrored from someone else. I'll just hand it to you because you might not know the NFT space very well.

Are you familiar with Gem and how they use a .xyz - that's a strong use case for .xyz

However, again, it is a NFT projects and DAO's that raised money during a post-pandemic spending frenzy.

For all we know these 'companies' might have been influenced by the "Swetha" shell game grift, because the NFT space and domain space news rode closely together in 2021.
It's painfully obvious that Swetha is a random person .xyz uses to inflate their market.

Being "shy" or "humble" doesn't cut it anymore.

It's because if she were put to questions she likely wouldn't be able to answer them or demonstrate the working knowledge it would require for someone managing an extensive portfolio and converting sales.

You want to report sales and then pretend like you have nothing to say, no thank you.
instead of pulling a regurgitated list you mirrored from someone else.

... examples are from the D database, containing *27336 xyz that raised $3.579B. Actually, I didn't mirrored anything. Go figure.

* 63.1% dropped their .xyz for a smarter TLD ...

***BREAKING NEWS*** 2023 re-brand announcement:!:

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.top, .promo in your signature says it all. :xf.laugh:

You can go back to your false flag worship HOT KEY :ROFL:. Load up on those .XYZ's buddy. ❤️💘♥️👩‍❤️‍👩
Your obviously clueless.

And you think the top dude actually represented a serious investor? Wait, lemme guess, you also define the entire dot-link extension by another person on here. You should really consider doing more research on some of us, before coming to conclusions.

I'll leave it that, straying from the topic.. and yeh, I'll keep loading up, cause with you're know-how on fellow NPer's, that's what I do. :banghead:
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Your obviously clueless.

And you think the top dude actually represented a serious investor? Wait, lemme guess, you also define the entire dot-link extension by another person on here. You should really consider doing more research on some of us, before coming to conclusions.

I'll leave it that, straying from the topic.. and yeh, I'll keep loading up, cause with you're know-how on fellow NPer's, that's what I do. :banghead:

Swetha isn't real.

.XYZ sales are falsely inflated.

I know it hurts. I'll send you tissues when the truth finally comes out well after .xyz sells their registry to some poor unsuspecting company.

That is the goal after all, not to inflate sales for flippers but to sell off .xyz like .club did when there was an actual rush/demand.

Pay attention to the long game and follow the money.

Also, you seem pretty loose with the name calling and insults. You should probably reel that in a bit.
Swetha isn't real.

.XYZ sales are falsely inflated.

I know it hurts. I'll send you tissues when the truth finally comes out well after .xyz sells their registry to some poor unsuspecting company.

That is the goal after all, not to inflate sales for flippers but to sell off .xyz like .club did when there was an actual rush/demand.

Pay attention to the long game and follow the money.

Also, you seem pretty loose with the name calling and insults. You should probably reel that in a bit.

We cannot say for sure, whether swetha is 100% real or not.
Because she uses the same profile pics on Twitter, and exchanges both from time to time...
Now having a quite strange pic from inside a car, which no one would act. post (use as profile).

So, she may be real.
Maybe not.

However, who her first (big) buyer's are, that is another question.

She should do a video or Skype Interview,
and explain why many buyer's supposedly pay 5 figures for a domain name, which they then do Not use.
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I find it hard to believe that there are genuine XYZ supporters on NP that are not affiliates, fake accounts or kids that can afford 1 dollar domain purchases but not renewals.
Are faceless/nameless avatars still demanding a person (who shows her photo) get on camera and prove they are real?

Swetha is successful because she’s done things her own way and done the opposite of what the community have told her to do (only invest in .com and any other extension is worthless), why should she start doing what people tell her to now and say "how high?" when people tell her to jump?

People like Mann who owns 1 million domain names that most would consider junk should be applauding her not calling her out as he too has made a name for himself going against the norm that you should always buy quality over quantity.

Some people don’t like getting on camera, I personally hate it and only do it with family. Namebio/marketplaces and escrow services have all confirmed her sales are real, high profile brokers have also confirmed they have worked with her, NamePro members have wrote saying they have dealt with her, after all this/commission paid for these sales and people don’t believe, is that her problem? No it is not. If it was me, I just would not report sales, but if she wants to carry on reporting it would just make me be more determined not to bow to pressure and give time to trolls, she doesn’t owe anyone anything.
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Unbelievable people think she is is not a real person. See you just posted while i type this. Gab for domainers all this place is. Yes the secret to happiness is foregiveness so all will be forgiven for their sins but holy F some people here God cant help them

God will forgive haters.
My guess is you work d together with Daniel negari, founder of XYZ,
And received a huge discount.

Then you had the luck to find buyer's,
And / or faked some high net sales.
My guess is you work d together with Daniel negari, founder of XYZ,
And received a huge discount.

Then you had the luck to find buyer's,
And / or faked some high net sales.
Barrell-scraping commentary, oh dear
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