Spaceship Spaceship
As a foreigner I've always been interested in American politics because it affects the rest of the world. I've always looked up to American's strong belief in freedom but in the last 10-15 years I notice that the American Mainstream Media (MSM) have taken control of the majority of the population's minds and have decided who should win the candidacy both for the Democrats and Republicans.

And this brainwashing seems to get worse all the time. Three years ago the MSM decided that Obama should be the winner and so they where very biased against Hilary Clinton. Result; The media and Obama won.

Now with the Republican nomination the Media is even worse as they seem to have already chosen Mitt Romney to win. What really amazes me is how the Media has totally ignored Ron Paul who appears to be the 2nd most popular candidate, despite the fact that he is being ignored. Just imagine if they (MSM) were to talk about him; He'd probably be the front runner.

Could this (ignoring Ron Paul) be due to to the fact that the MSM is controlled by Jews and they don't like the fact that Ron Paul has said the he would stop Foreign aid to Israel and the rest of the world. Or are they afraid that Ron Paul has the the best chance of beating Obama, therefore by choosing Romney, Obama will obviously have a better chance to win.

What amazes me is that the media is not even being discreet about ignoring RP. Whatever happened to the unbiased American media that the world so much admired? D-:
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
If you want to think the United States is more communist than Communist China, so be it.
The irony of History is that today the Western World is getting closer to the Chinese model: economic freedom (for the most part) but growing authoritarianism, disregard for individual freedoms and privacy, contempt for human rights and democratic values, massive, indiscriminate surveillance of the citizenry which is the trustmark of paranoid government.

The US has more inmates than any other nation yet you take comfort in the fact that "China executes more people each year than the rest of the world combined."
I'm afraid you're missing the point. You will always find a worse country, that doesn't mean yours/mine is doing okay and that we should rest happy. Especially when things are not improving. Chinese are probably better off than Somalians so it's all relative.

While China remains undemocratic it is communist on paper only. It has Westernized to a large extent.
It has become slightly more free and open on a number of issues, but not all. For example censorship remains very tight. In the West censorship is gaining ground, not just political censorship but also various forms of censorship driven by corporate interests (hint hint).

There are still plenty of interesting lessons to be drawn from the study of communism.
As you know the demise of the Soviet empire started in East Germany. East Germany was heavily indebted to the West (you know, the capitalists that were supposed to sell the rope by which they would be hanged...).
The USSR and the rest of the bloc had similar problems, a failed economy plagued by unsustainable debt. The USSR could no longer afford to bail out the deadbeat. The Afghanistan war was another fatal blow as well (ever noticed the US is always at war somewhere).
The communist regimes collapsed as they had been living on credit and couldn't carry on.

The Soviet empire has actually perished by the debt. Not the first time in history such a thing occurs.
Now isn't China the largest holder of US debt ?
How do you feel about it and your country being sold away by politicians ?
Try to think of the possible implications for the future. IMO they are not rosy. I mean, presently China is not a 'friendly' partner like the UK, Canada, or even France. I would not want to have a foe with a trigger on the US dollar.
Politicians are not going to tell you the truth, you have to dig it yourself.

Regarding the two-party system let's look again at communist countries.
In countries like Poland or East Germany there was often a second party, sometimes more, but it was either an offshoot of the communist party or the elections were set up in such a way that it could not attain power (not that it would make any difference anyway). It was all a sham to pretend the regime was fair and democratic.

In the US there are two major parties and they look the same on many issues. That's why I'm making the point that in such a system freedom of choice is very relative. Perception is not reality.

I also agree with Gilsan that the US media is biased. It is part of the ploy to brainwash the American public and drown what's important in futility.

Westerners tend to think and behave like flatlanders: they are convinced their system is the best, the most sophisticated ever achieved, and the envy of the rest of the world, that they are free and thriving and they don't even notice the earth is slipping under their feet.

Please don't be offended by everything I write, it's meant to be thought-provoking :notme:
Smart women are sooo sexy (yes - you sdsinc).

You do realise that you are discussing issues with an individual that simply highlights how well the machine has done its job don't you (I'm pretty sure you do)?

I stumbled back into this thread, it's late and I should be in bed, but hey, why not argue politics with people who can't see the forrest for the trees.

Trying to compare today to some ancient civilizations is ridiculous. Each situation is unique.

You obviously don't do much in-depth study of history, if you did you would realise that the quest for empire has, without fail, led many a great nation or power eventually being brought to their knees in one way or another. America will be no different, and if you don't think their current agenda is empire building at its finest, then...

Ok sdsinc, first, I'm still waiting for you to tell me where you live.

It doesn't matter where she lives. To suggest she doesn't know what she is talking about because she may not be a current U.S. citizen is a ad hominem argument and carries very little validity and is a very poor way of arguing your point.

So you can say "accelerated loss of freedoms" but history says otherwise.

Only a truly blind person couldn't see that personal freedoms a deteriorating at an unprecedented rate in American history. I could actually provide proof for my argument, but like I said, it's late and it would be wasted methinks.

This nonsense about the U.S. and communism, usually from people not even actually living in this country.

Once again, an ad hominem argument. Pretty poor tbh.

So you can say "accelerated loss of freedoms" but history says otherwise.

Considering the last ten to twenty years (the more recent history that you want us to refer to), prove it.

Why we are it, please define what you think freedoms are. Are they the same as rights...and what is your definition of rights? Then we might be able to have a discussion that makes any sense.

It's late, I need sleep, and Kate; I think you are wonderful. :)
Smart women are sooo sexy (yes - you sdsinc).

You do realise that you are discussing issues with an individual that simply highlights how well the machine has done its job don't you (I'm pretty sure you do)?

I stumbled back into this thread, it's late and I should be in bed, but hey, why not argue politics with people who can't see the forrest for the trees.

You obviously don't do much in-depth study of history, if you did you would realise that the quest for empire has, without fail, led many a great nation or power eventually being brought to their knees in one way or another. America will be no different, and if you don't think their current agenda is empire building at its finest, then...

It doesn't matter where she lives. To suggest she doesn't know what she is talking about because she may not be a current U.S. citizen is a ad hominem argument and carries very little validity and is a very poor way of arguing your point.

Only a truly blind person couldn't see that personal freedoms a deteriorating at an unprecedented rate in American history. I could actually provide proof for my argument, but like I said, it's late and it would be wasted methinks.

Once again, an ad hominem argument. Pretty poor tbh.

Considering the last ten to twenty years (the more recent history that you want us to refer to), prove it.

Why we are it, please define what you think freedoms are. Are they the same as rights...and what is your definition of rights? Then we might be able to have a discussion that makes any sense.

It's late, I need sleep, and Kate; I think you are wonderful. :)

I just read back as well. Another person, who doesn't live in this country, who a week ago still thought Ron Paul had a chance of getting elected. You want me to have a history discussion with you, when you're not even aware of the times you're living in now. And we already went thru some of the stuff you posted, so yet again, you actually aren't reading.

There really is no meat whatsoever in your post.

The empire will fall because other empires fell. Went thru that already.

"It doesn't matter where she lives."

Of course it helps, it's a very naive thing for you to say. Went thru thru already as well. We have people saying Communism and if they actually lived in such a country or knew/talked to somebody who has, they wouldn't be saying stupid stuff like that.

Go reread your post #247 up. You're the one that was posting of YouTube videos made by people: "The reason I wanted to do this is because I'm very new to campaigning and politics (around 2 months). So I won't know half the stuff I'm talking about on videos, I have to research it, read opinions, etc. (takes too long!)."

By people who admit they don't know what they're talking about, too lazy to do research, read opinions etc. I think you feel a kinship with this person.

Same thing I asked Kate (still no answer) what country are you in? It's like you guys are ashamed to say it, probably because it might be worse or something?

---------- Post added at 02:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:29 PM ----------

"The US has more inmates than any other nation yet you take comfort in the fact that "China executes more people each year than the rest of the world combined."

That was in response to Domainace when he was talking about how many people get arrested and acting like China is some beacon of freedom, when it's not.

"I'm afraid you're missing the point. You will always find a worse country, that doesn't mean yours/mine is doing okay and that we should rest happy. Especially when things are not improving. Chinese are probably better off than Somalians so it's all relative."

We'll have to agree to disagree. Again, you don't live here. I'm good. Are their problems? Sure, what country doesn't have them but you tend to focus on the negative, I look at the big picture, which would be the fair picture.

"In the West censorship is gaining ground, not just political censorship but also various forms of censorship driven by corporate interests (hint hint)."

Hint, hint is an out where you don't have to be specific. I like specifics. Lay it out there, I might even agree.

"In the US there are two major parties and they look the same on many issues."

Really? They look a lot different on many of them.

"I also agree with Gilsan that the US media is biased."

Biased to............. It's funny I hear this when we have people like Alex Jones/Infowars running his nationally syndicated news/talk show based out of Austin, TX. Try that in some other countries, it wouldn't happen. We have MSM that tends to lean, we have all sorts of other media, radio, TV, newspapers, blogs etc. Give me something specific, that you don't think is getting talked about here and I'll go get a link showing you otherwise.

Reading some off of Alex Jone's site, one of the "Truthers" and thinks our government is this and that:

"He has appeared on Good Morning America, The View, 20/20 Downtown, 60 Minutes, The Discovery Channel, The History Channel, Fox News, CNN, TalkSport (UK), Russia Today, Channel 4 (UK), A&E, America’s most widely listened to late night radio show, Coast to Coast AM, C-Span, and many other venues."

Seems like a lot of mainstream media there to me.

Wanted to add, one more thing, where you were just completely off on:

It was all a sham to pretend the regime was fair and democratic.

No, when you live in a Communist country, they don't try to pretend they're fair and democratic. They're proud of it. And even tho I haven't lived in a Communist country myself, I am probably more aware than most, since my mother was, in East Germany. She got out thru the underground when she was like 12 years old, with her mother and one of her sisters, leaving another married sister behind. I had a German cousin who travelled to a neighboring Communist country, try to escape, was shot at, was in jail for a year and then released. I was living over in West Germany at the time (I'm an army brat/dad was in the army for 20 years) and I've heard some of the stories. I'm also good friends with somebody who parents came over here from Cuba.

So these comparisons to Communism are laughable. You don't see people trying to run into Communist countries, they try to get the hell out. Big clue right there.
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We have people saying Communism and if they actually lived in such a country or knew/talked to somebody who has, they wouldn't be saying stupid stuff like that.
My family (including me) know a bit about Communism and communist rule.
To compare the US with Communism is not exactly appropriate. I would put it differently: it is funny that opposing political systems look alike in so many ways and that they share so many flaws.
Need one 'specific' example ?

The USSR had the Gulag, the US has Guantanamo.
I know it hurts but I'm not going to sugarcoat it.
Of course, it's 'different'. Because those who are in Cuba are there for good reasons right ? And after all it's on a limited scale so I guess it's 'acceptable' then.
But when the US pays lip service to democracy and human rights, don't be surprised that the rest of the world is questioning its credibility.

It's an unfortunate state of affairs but when you have officials who justify torture - I think we have hit a new low and the threshold of moral decay.
Ron Paul seems to have the right stance on that issue. Perhaps it is one more reason why he is being ignored?

China is definitely worse, it has a bad record. It deserves condemnation. That must be the reason why they are not claiming any particular human rights credentials. But Chinese citizens are under no illusion they live under a repressive regime.

I know that sounds like an anti-US rant. Again, please don't take it personally.
If you would like we can bash China for a change, but it's not going to improve our bottom line.

Same thing I asked Kate (still no answer) what country are you in? It's like you guys are ashamed to say it, probably because it might be worse or something?
Nothing to be ashamed of, but my location is not relevant to the discussion. Besides, I move a lot because I like to take the best that each country has to offer. I would rather stay where I am rather than come to America if that is what you mean. Nobody said America is the worst country in the world, what is worrying (especially to external observers) is the rapid deterioration of conditions.

Regarding the plague of bad debt other countries are deep in the hole too. But in the case of the US the scale and the stakes are different. It is not just one country, it's the World's superpower, it's an empire.

A small country can go bankrupt, the world will not stop turning.
China helps keep North Korea afloat. The EU has bailed out Greece.

But who is going to bail out the US ?
Take nothing for granted.
Remember, it is bankrupt. When you are dead you are dead. You can't be half-dead.

In the Microguy way I would kindly suggest that aware domainers reinvest some of their profits in fresh water, canned food, firearms and toilet paper :)
You obviously don't do much in-depth study of history, if you did you would realise that the quest for empire has, without fail, led many a great nation or power eventually being brought to their knees in one way or another.
The modern empire building is being done electronically. The wars are just a pretense. It's not about nation building anymore - though getting the jingoistic juices flowing is a great diversion.

It doesn't matter where she lives.
The first and most valuable lesson of learning about history is learning about historiography - it's why history changes even when history (obviously) doesn't change. Interpretation is fed by race, religion, sex, age and nationality. A European perspective on land rights is very different to an Antipodean or African, for example.

Usually the knowledge is used to make prejudicial statements about someone's knowledge which is unfortunate.

Only a truly blind person couldn't see that personal freedoms a deteriorating at an unprecedented rate in American history. I could actually provide proof for my argument, but like I said, it's late and it would be wasted methinks.
Ironically, often freedom is counteractive to the cause of freedom. The "freedom" of the internet is part of the reason why so much power is yielded by a few. Look at the last major digital laws in the US. 1998 think some updates are needed? Problem is that the choices for updating the laws seem to fail to be anything between 0 and SOPA.

It's late, I need sleep, and Kate; I think you are wonderful. :)
I do too.

I think she's in the 51st state - though an often frequenter of her socialist brethren across the channel. Though I can't swear by that. She's on here 24/7 when she's not on DNF ;)

---------- Post added at 04:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 PM ----------

But Chinese citizens are under no illusion they live under a repressive regime.
It depends on who you are and who you're playing with.

The EU has bailed out Greece.
Smoke and mirrors

But who is going to bail out the US ?
More smoke and bigger mirrors

reinvest some of their profits in fresh water, canned food, firearms and toilet paper :)
You won't need to have bought any of these when we get to that point.
Q: Why is he being ignored?
A: Because he is telling the truth since 1976.
Another person, who doesn't live in this country
"It doesn't matter where she lives."

Of course it helps, it's a very naive thing for you to say.
We'll have to agree to disagree. Again, you don't live here.
Wouldn't it actually helped if you lived in America?
Ok sdsinc, first, I'm still waiting for you to tell me where you live.
This nonsense about the U.S. and communism, usually from people not even actually living in this country.
You're in Portugal
Are you serious? You haven't lived in this country in 20 years and you're trying to say how it is to live here?

Apparently, if you are not American you can't know anything about American politics, not even remotely, simply because you haven't experienced it first hand. Indeed the majority of his arguments have been based around the assumptions of no knowledge on this particular subject because of a lack of first hand, or current experience. Mr. Lions on the other hand has a more intimate knowledge of what it must have been to be someone living in a communist country based on the sole perspective of his mother.

And even tho I haven't lived in a Communist country myself, I am probably more aware than most, since my mother was, in East Germany.

I don't live in a communist country and I would have to say from all the evidence it's not a great place to be, but somehow you have more experience, even though you have no real first hand experience. You do see you hypocrisy don't you?

I won't enter this thread again because Mr. Lions, you are incapable of coherent argument based on anything but assumptions, particularly in regards to the knowledge of the people you poorly argue with. Fwiw it's worth, I speak to as many Americans each day as I do people from my own country (some days more), and finally, with your hypocrisy JB, you have proven you are an asshat of the highest order. I just don't have the time to waste on people that debate points as poorly as you do.

Edit: You've actually made me consider the ignore option for the first time. Congratulations.

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What 'Gutsy Call'?: CIA Memo Reveals Admiral Controlled bin Laden Mission

This one is for JB Lions to read, since he thinks it was the "brave" Obama who must take the credit for capturing Osama Bin Laden.

Obama received credit for other people's work, thanks in part to the stupid Liberal Media, that never question him and Hollywood trying to be Politically correct. Obama also won the Nobel Peace Prize. LOL for what? What did he do to deserve a Nobel? Absolutely F..k All.
What 'Gutsy Call'?: CIA Memo Reveals Admiral Controlled bin Laden Mission

This one is for JB Lions to read, since he thinks it was the "brave" Obama who must take the credit for capturing Osama Bin Laden.

Obama received credit for other people's work, thanks in part to the stupid Liberal Media, that never question him and Hollywood trying to be Politically correct. Obama also won the Nobel Peace Prize. LOL for what? What did he do to deserve a Nobel? Absolutely F..k All.

What? lol, were you under some illusion that our Presidents are out in the field toting around machine guns are something?

"Today, Time magazine got hold of a memo written by then-CIA head Leon Panetta after he received orders from Barack Obama’s team to greenlight the bin Laden mission."

"President Obama made the right call to give the green light to the mission."

Your man, Ron Paul, said he wouldn't have done that. He's ball-less.

For Mr. Fly above, all those quotes were about day to day living in this country. So again, yes, it would help if you actually did. If you did, then you would understand how ridiculous more Communist than China, police state etc. is but you still think Ron Paul has a chance of winning the Presidency, so you're not exactly up to date on anything.

Maybe we should have an NP contest and people can guess the date of the downfall of the American Empire, so I can stock up on toilet paper and supplies. We'll just legalize marijuana, online gambling, drown in money, we'll be fine.
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"President Obama made the right call to give the green light to the mission."

I think that's the most debatable point on here.

Yes, Osama was killed. It was just a revenge killing.

What it does for sovereign rights, the relationship of the US with Pakistan, India, and by extension China.. and the I guess the relationship between India and Pakistan be damned.
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I would think they could have captured him alive and brought him back for trial, but instead secretly made it into a hit to get rid of all the problems
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I'm such a dumbass.. I once wrote an entire freaking essay with the name wrong. I think it's the right leaning mass media interfering with the normal firing of neurons in my head.

Thanks for editing your post - I'll leave it here though as a humbling experience.. lol (until I change mind)
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I think that's the most debatable point on here.

Yes, Osama was killed. It was just a revenge killing.

What it does for sovereign rights, the relationship of the with Pakistan, India, and by extension China.. and the relationship between India and Pakistan be damned.

Exactly, whatever it takes. If they have a problem with it, probably shouldn't be harboring terrorists.

I would think they could have captured him alive and brought him back for trial, but instead secretly made it into a hit to get rid of all the problems

Gilsan might disagree with you. I'm not sure what beef the admiral had with him, since it was the admiral's choice.
What? lol, were you under some illusion that our Presidents are out in the field toting around machine guns are something?

"Today, Time magazine got hold of a memo written by then-CIA head Leon Panetta after he received orders from Barack Obama’s team to greenlight the bin Laden mission."

"President Obama made the right call to give the green light to the mission."

Your man, Ron Paul, said he wouldn't have done that. He's ball-less.

You forgot to quote from that article:
"President Obama made the right call to give the green light to the mission. But he did it in a way that he could shift the blame if things went wrong. Typical Obama. And typical of him to claim full credit for it, when he didn’t do anything but give a vague nod, while putting his top military officials at risk of taking the hit in case of a bad turn."

So you see your "Obama" would have looked good weather the mission failed or not.

As for Ron Paul being ball-less, that's funny, but I disagree totally. In fact the man has the biggest balls in the whole of the US Congress as he has spent a lifetime fighting against most of the other bullshitters. Today's young generation know that and that's why they love him and that's why thousands attend his meetings, (which the MSM conveniently do NOT show) while the other candidates can only muster a few hundred, at best, most of the time.

One thing is for certain. If Ron Paul were to become President (MSM have succeeded in NOT allowing that to happen) you can bet your bottom dollar that the US would have a lot more friends around the world as there would less excuses by radical Islam to create more Bin Ladens.

You see, Obama promised lots of things like ending the war in Afghanistan, leaving Guantanamo etc. but smart people knew he wouldn't be able to do it because when it comes to maintaining the US war industry going around the world, it really makes no difference weather the Democrats or Republicans are in Power. They think alike. They need to have a war going on all the time, otherwise how would the US Arms Industry survive? Actually they could, with the the help of another Obama massive bailout, by printing a few more Trillion Dollars.

But "My Man" Ron Paul would be a completely different Cup of Tea. He would be the only one that could make a "Change you could really believe in, especially in US Foreign Policy".

"Gilsan might disagree with you. I'm not sure what beef the admiral had with him, since it was the admiral's choice"

In my opinion, since the mission was successful, getting rid of the body (if in fact that's what they claim happened) was the smartest and wisest of all decisions.

So as you can see JB Lions, your assumption of what I believed in, was wrong... once again

Just read that a Federal judge blocked the release of bin Laden death photos

I think its a good decision as well. It's too early to release the photos right now.
Wow, this thread does seem to encompass a wide variety of topics, lol.

I am not necessarily a conspiracy theorist kind of guy. But, I have to tell you, I am not entirely convinced Osama Bin Laden is dead.

JMO, but if you announce he is dead, and bury the 'body' quickly at sea, that gives you all sorts of time to beat answers out of him without lawyers, followers, the aclu and such all sticking their noses in. It also misleads the other leaders he communicates with since they think he is dead and unable to compromise their activities.

And, later, when he is all used up, there is still the sea.
Wow, this thread does seem to encompass a wide variety of topics, lol.

I am not necessarily a conspiracy theorist kind of guy. But, I have to tell you, I am not entirely convinced Osama Bin Laden is dead.

JMO, but if you announce he is dead, and bury the 'body' quickly at sea, that gives you all sorts of time to beat answers out of him without lawyers, followers, the aclu and such all sticking their noses in. It also misleads the other leaders he communicates with since they think he is dead and unable to compromise their activities.

And, later, when he is all used up, there is still the sea.

I'm a seeing is believing type myself but with that one, 2 major things:

1. no new videos from him

2. no friends, family, supporters, anybody over there is saying he's alive. No video, notes, pictures, sightings, conspiracy theories, nothing.

Conspiracy Theories are interesting. There was this one forum I used to read that had a thread with people posting up the craziest Wikipedia pages they can find. Like testing drugs/lsd on our own people, except that one was a fact.

I'm sure most people will have a good laugh with that License plate but.... he could one day encounter some radical nutcase who may not find it so funny.

---------- Post added at 11:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 AM ----------

Obama Web ad says Romney wouldn't have ordered bin Laden raid

Yeah sure... only Obama had the balls to get Osama!!! :lol:
It seems one of the major complaints listed in this thread is the impact of a biased media. While I'm not sure there can be neutrality when it comes to politics, if there were no bias on either side of the aisle, I'm curious about what could be said about politicians. So, if it's possible to put all the opinionated stuff aside for a short while, I'd be interested in seeing an unembellished list of the top reasons Ron Paul deserves to be president. No name-calling, no denouncing others, no speculations about what you think, no generalizations . . . just plainly worded reasons why he deserves my vote.
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Interesting post from another forum where not everyone drinks the koolaid that the major networks and news agencies serve up to the sheep.

1. The Paul Slate won majority votes in 4.5 of the 7 LA districts! (Don't ask me how a half disctrict can be won, but the delegates there say it is so.) Majority delegates always means that the state has been "won" as a state for the RNC.

So far, Paul has WON the following states that I know of:


-Romney will never have these five states, 5 is enough to get a podium in Tampa, which could mean the whole ballgame.

2. The following states that have started their delegate voting process aren't done voting, but Paul is expected to win the majority of delegates here too:

(And possibly CA too!)

And the following states he had the VAST majority of voters, but GOP voting fraud has kept them away (locked doors, changed locations at the last minute, other evil tricks) from voting and there are investigations pending:

North Dakota

3. Add to these the fact that Paul came in 2nd for the number of delegates in just about Every other state so far, (almost TYING In North Carolina and Massachuesetts!) and it's easy to see that we've got a real chance here! We're talking about taking a HUGE chunk out of Romney's projected total. The MSM OUTRIGHT LIES now about the delegate count, there are many, many confirmed Paul delegates that they simply give to Romney.

4. Frothy and Gingrich may have said "go to romney" but the delegates are NOT going there. The LA and Massachusetts delegates Sweeps both prove that they are coming to Paul instead. Uber-christians simply WILL NOT vote mormon. They'd rather obomba win!
Forget Kool Aid, what are you drinking to believe this?

"and it's easy to see that we've got a real chance here!"

"So far, Paul has WON the following states that I know of:


He only won Minnesota, 1 state, Romney 28 states. Last time I checked 28 > 1

"Interesting post from another forum where not everyone drinks the koolaid that the major networks and news agencies serve up to the sheep."

haha, the Daily Paul forum.
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haha, the Daily Paul forum.

Once again an assumption and once again wrong. Time to use the ignore button.

---------- Post added at 01:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 PM ----------

Just a little glimpse of what America's interventionist policy has brought Upon the States. Good bye Petrodollar, good bye U.S. Dollar.

So Long, US Dollar - Casey Research

There's a major shift under way, one the US mainstream media has left largely untouched even though it will send the United States into an economic maelstrom and dramatically reduce the country's importance in the world: the demise of the US dollar as the world's reserve currency.

For decades the US dollar has been absolutely dominant in international trade, especially in the oil markets. This role has created immense demand for US dollars, and that international demand constitutes a huge part of the dollar's valuation. Not only did the global-currency role add massive value to the dollar, it also created an almost endless pool of demand for US Treasuries as countries around the world sought to maintain stores of petrodollars. The availability of all this credit, denominated in a dollar supported by nothing less than the entirety of global trade, enabled the American federal government to borrow without limit and spend with abandon.

The dominance of the dollar gave the United States incredible power and influence around the world… but the times they are a-changing. As the world's emerging economies gain ever more prominence, the US is losing hold of its position as the world's superpower. Many on the long list of nations that dislike America are pondering ways to reduce American influence in their affairs. Ditching the dollar is a very good start.

Continue to read here

Since I have JB on ignore, I simply won't be able to see how he says this is all
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Once again an assumption and once again wrong. Time to use the ignore button.

---------- Post added at 01:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 PM ----------

Just a little glimpse of what America's interventionist policy has brought Upon the States. Good bye Petrodollar, good bye U.S. Dollar.

So Long, US Dollar - Casey Research

Continue to read here

Since I have JB on ignore, I simply won't be able to see how he says this is all

A. It's not wrong, I Googled what you posted, that forum came up. Not very hard.

B. You don't have me on ignore.

Answer Verbster's question in post #319.
Can you imagine how far ahead Ron Paul would have been if only he had gotten just 50% (not even 100% would have been needed) coverage by the super biased MSM.

And Firefly is right, that despite all the dirty tricks and crooked stuff going on, the delegate count is not over just yet. The MSM cannot hide it forever, though I believe they have succeeded in nominating the weakest candidate to fight it out against Obummer.
This video shows some interesting data, confirming what Firefly was saying:

How on earth so many Americans can accept such biased reporting from the MSM is totally beyond me.
lol, they will try anything to slow Paul down:

[ame=""]Ron Paul Delegates in Oklahoma Fight Back and Win!! - YouTube[/ame]

closer to the truth:

[ame=""]Ron Paul WINNING State Delegate Majorities/Massive Turnout at Rallies - YouTube[/ame]
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