discuss Is .IN taking off? sold for $16,500

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I came across this sale of for $16,500 on Sedo.
That is a great price for a ccTLD.

I wonder if .IN is taking off slowly. I spoke to some of the biggest .IN investors at DomainX conference and they said that big things are going to happen in .IN and that it's going to be one of the most popular ccTLD in the coming time.

What are your views?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Its misleading.

The reality is indian population or companies doesnt spend miney on domains neithet does the general public.

And if they do, they would like to buy only .com if it isnt available than the maximum spent someone in india would look at would be a 1000$.

The complete indian domain market is speculated purchases by local domainers in keywords and in it is purely lead by one chinese invester who spent 350000$ to buy up the market and jumped the prices in 6 months from 20 to 200$.

The bubble will burst. So beware
Investment in the .in extension is a no brainer. Anyone who can't see that is BLIND.

lol @ bubble
Its misleading.

The reality is indian population or companies doesnt spend miney on domains neithet does the general public.

And if they do, they would like to buy only .com if it isnt available than the maximum spent someone in india would look at would be a 1000$.

The complete indian domain market is speculated purchases by local domainers in keywords and in it is purely lead by one chinese invester who spent 350000$ to buy up the market and jumped the prices in 6 months from 20 to 200$.

The bubble will burst. So beware
Ha ha haaaa... You couldn't be more wrong. Cheers!
My impression is that many .in are still bought by foreigners...
23 reported sales as per name bio in this year whole 8 months. Numbers speaks for themselves
Just because investors are buying up .in names doesn't mean it's a great investment. Yes I think it is a growing extension but let's not let a few sales light a fire under our bums. Chances are there will become a peak in .in and then a drop off. Just ask people holding all those 5L chips, or look over all of the forgotten "LLL.xx buyout" threads.

I compare .in to .cn, both ccTLDs of extremely populous countries with growing internet presence. Even now most .cn sales are Chinese names or Chinese related. Last time I checked Indians don't have an affinity for numeric meanings or pinyin combos.

If I had to bet on it I'd stick with short names or premium keywords for investment purposes, and not ride another hype wave

Just because investors are buying up .in names doesn't mean it's a great investment. Yes I think it is a growing extension but let's not let a few sales light a fire under our bums. Chances are there will become a peak in .in and then a drop off. Just ask people holding all those 5L chips, or look over all of the forgotten "LLL.xx buyout" threads.

I compare .in to .cn, both ccTLDs of extremely populous countries with growing internet presence. Even now most .cn sales are Chinese names or Chinese related. Last time I checked Indians don't have an affinity for numeric meanings or pinyin combos.

If I had to bet on it I'd stick with short names or premium keywords for investment purposes, and not ride another hype wave


I strongly agree with you. 2 Chinese investors and 20 Indian investors hold 85% of market share. They have increased the prices from 10$ to 200$ in 6 months that's no natural demand. domains have also shot up 5 times at least, no body buys number domains in india. No body would in future to.

So speculating,, if people can't see where it is headed than they are either ignorant of the realities or Just don't have the vision to see what has happened with similar stories in other extensions.

With regard to Single Prime Words .in, I strongly feel that is a good investment for Short to Medium term but I wouldn't go crazy about it because an Indian Business owner will not pay over a 1000$ for a domain name. That's a fact.

Yes, there will be big business's who would lesser than often buy a premium domain for there business for 10s of thousand $ but the numbers are just not there to support the trend.

In last 10 years how many sales have been over 1000$ which excludes NNN/LLL are definitely not in many hundreds.

So that's my understanding of the market and belief however I completely accept and appreciate others as I am sure everyone has there own way of analysing the situation and market
I will not compliment ignorance with good knowledge.

Give us more "theories"!!!!!is that all?
I will not compliment ignorance with good knowledge.

Give us more "theories"!!!!!is that all?
What part is ignorance or theory?
I think the .in extension has loads of potential for investment;s on of my top 3 fav ccTLD's but I also think it;s important not to get caught up with massive prices jumps on a few's an awesome ccTLD with loads of potential..but I think massive high ticket sales figures will be the exception and not the norm...

My expectation is that it would provide a consistent flow of good domains sales ranging from low $xx to low $xxxx and obviously the odd high ticket sale here and there --- off course this is just my theory and opinion and I could be completely wrong.
I am not persuaded yet, to invest hardcore in .in but any news that helps the domain business is great news!
I currently own two .in's and If i get a good keyword with it,I would sure reg it. It definitely has the potential to sell.
I strongly agree with you. 2 Chinese investors and 20 Indian investors hold 85% of market share. They have increased the prices from 10$ to 200$ in 6 months that's no natural demand. domains have also shot up 5 times at least, no body buys number domains in india. No body would in future to.

So speculating,, if people can't see where it is headed than they are either ignorant of the realities or Just don't have the vision to see what has happened with similar stories in other extensions.

With regard to Single Prime Words .in, I strongly feel that is a good investment for Short to Medium term but I wouldn't go crazy about it because an Indian Business owner will not pay over a 1000$ for a domain name. That's a fact.

Yes, there will be big business's who would lesser than often buy a premium domain for there business for 10s of thousand $ but the numbers are just not there to support the trend.

In last 10 years how many sales have been over 1000$ which excludes NNN/LLL are definitely not in many hundreds.

So that's my understanding of the market and belief however I completely accept and appreciate others as I am sure everyone has there own way of analysing the situation and market

I don't agree with the investors distribution you are giving. I scan the whois database regularly, and the figures you give are far from reality:

Good are dropcatched since years, and traded for mid $xx/low $xxx since years.

Just build an good .in portfolio, and you will have regular inquiries from end users. Everyone agree that the frequency of inquiries for .in domains increased these last months/years.

But .in investors are generally quoting very high prices to end users, resulting in lower sales frequency compared to other ccTLD. Indeed, all .in investors agree that .in market is not mature yet, and keep domains for next 5/10 years.

Thinking that .in extension will not gain value in the future, is like thinking that .cn was not a good investment a few years ago. In my opinion, it's just a bad appreciation when you look at the size of these countries.
Its misleading.

The reality is indian population or companies doesnt spend miney on domains neithet does the general public.

And if they do, they would like to buy only .com if it isnt available than the maximum spent someone in india would look at would be a 1000$.

The complete indian domain market is speculated purchases by local domainers in keywords and in it is purely lead by one chinese invester who spent 350000$ to buy up the market and jumped the prices in 6 months from 20 to 200$.

The bubble will burst. So beware

how do you know that Indian population or companies doesn't spend money on domains? - Partly you were right a year or before....perhaps you are missing important data. India has received its first 100 million internet users in 2011 and then added 302 million internet users in 4 years.. this year adding another 100 million internet users... if you really look at the 400+ million internet users are quite young users and also little internet experienced users who are using Internet for social media and some eCommerce needs... as these users mature to 4 to 5 years of experience with the internet usage they will focusing on making websites or some will make online startups, that in turn will bring more demand for domain names overall.. where there is a demand there is business potential? IMO, do not form your investment opinions based on past experience... past experiences gives the wisdom and learnings, however the future need to be looked into... India's ecosystem is changing fast and Indians and Indian companies both can afford to acquire premium domain names... mind set change is already happening.. but however i do agree there is no magic wand it will change over night... if you put the dots together and look at the future .IN is promising...

coming to .COM and .IN for India, i will not even care to consider .com is preferred for India. Its the same message .com guys talk about it all the time.. kindly note 96 million of .com names are registered by US residents and approximately account to 76% of total .com registrations...Majorly an american ccTLD and also the GTLD as its the first extension available for general public and companies across all countries.

ccTLD is preferred in their respective home countries and its no different from India.. Have you read Indian IT ministry openly asking to ditch .com ? all government services are provided on .in ..etc... if you are consuming Indian government service in any shape or form you will require to use .IN name....IN is the default country of extension for India.. it doesn't need yours or my agreement as its proven across various countries already.... thats for 100% sure , its world wide proven .. examples are .de,, .cn , .jp.etc

Even assuming people like .com and want .com ...... .COM is too expensive and its clearly known to every domainer ... coming to your own analogy do you think Indian companies or Indians who cant afford to pay 1000 USD will pay 100K to 500k USD to buy a name from domainers? even if a re-seller need to pay a minimum of 20K USD to acquire when they can buy name at 200 usd.. perhaps can hand register some lll.extension for 1 cent or 5 cents or may be 1 usd ... then why they buy .com names? you are having conflicting thoughts in your own mind.. one hand you are saying Indians cant afford , the other hand you are saying Indians will go after .com only? check your thoughts can introspect and decide whats right.. I will neither suggest anyone to invest or not invest in .IN as its individuals choice... take a relaxing moment and think in a open mind and make what is right for your circumstances.

One chinese investor putting $350K is pumped the market ....? lol - this is for sure incorrect... 6 months from 20 usd to 200 usd? show me some data that 6 months before any name sold for 20 USD? even if you show one piece of evidence showing 6 months before the name reaching 200 USD is sold for 20 USD?
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Just because investors are buying up .in names doesn't mean it's a great investment. Yes I think it is a growing extension but let's not let a few sales light a fire under our bums. Chances are there will become a peak in .in and then a drop off. Just ask people holding all those 5L chips, or look over all of the forgotten "LLL.xx buyout" threads.

I compare .in to .cn, both ccTLDs of extremely populous countries with growing internet presence. Even now most .cn sales are Chinese names or Chinese related. Last time I checked Indians don't have an affinity for numeric meanings or pinyin combos.

If I had to bet on it I'd stick with short names or premium keywords for investment purposes, and not ride another hype wave

Indeed.. one sale doesnt translate into the whole extension growth... but it sets the precedence for future sales.. this year sold for 26K+ USD , now sold ..these are publicly reported sales... few of the unreported sales higher than this range also happened, at the same time as they are unreported its fair to ignore from the present discussion...

Its one of the promising extensions, one example i quote here is US Owns at least over 120 million domain names as .com share itself is 96 million names... same way China has around 50 to 60 million names at least and heading fast to increase its share.. how many names India has ... around 7 million overall across all extensions... its a country of 1.25 billion population and majority of them are below the age of 35 years so far from saturation... it has more potential and can consume few extensions easily , by default its own ccTLD .IN

If anyone cant believe in this revisit this thread in 2020 and see if my words has meaning or no meaning...
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I am not persuaded yet, to invest hardcore in .in but any news that helps the domain business is great news!
I currently own two .in's and If i get a good keyword with it,I would sure reg it. It definitely has the potential to sell.
Ahh....the sideline watcher...whose not in the game.the train will pass you by
What part is ignorance or theory?
Most of it.
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Ahh....the sideline watcher...whose not in the game.the train will pass you by

You know, not every train goes in your direction. And no one plays every game; even Jordan sucked at baseball. Domaining, doesn't hang on .in nor does my future.
Strong .IN and .CO.IN keywords are going to be valued and don't think you need to be a rocket scientist for that. For those who are interested, there is an .IN domainer youtube series that started a few months ago,see . Yes, its not for everyone, I don't invest in any other cctlds, because just don't have the funds to do so. Is the .IN domain market going to go straight up, probably not , but tough to deny that it wont be in the same league as or .de or even higher in a few years. Just got back from India, from my little world could see ecommerce is just beginning to take off and many large corporations with much larger stake than domainers are driving the growth. And oh by the way, those of us have been in this since the early .com days, we have been through the ups and downs of many new extensions and "experts":) , cctlds tied to strong economies and growing economies are in it for the long haul.
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how do you know that Indian population or companies doesn't spend money on domains? - Partly you were right a year or before....perhaps you are missing important data. India has received its first 100 million internet users in 2011 and then added 302 million internet users in 4 years.. this year adding another 100 million internet users... if you really look at the 400+ million internet users are quite young users and also little internet experienced users who are using Internet for social media and some eCommerce needs... as these users mature to 4 to 5 years of experience with the internet usage they will focusing on making websites or some will make online startups, that in turn will bring more demand for domain names overall..
The actual pool of potential buyers is nowhere near that. There is no correlation between the number of Internet user and domain sales. Even in developed countries, few people own domain names. It's mostly for business use, and some savvy people who want to have their blog or vanity E-mail.
Maybe one percent of those new users will need a domain name for their ventures, and out of that 1%, maybe 1% will be willing to buy one on the aftermarket. And I'm being generous... I don't think that in the West 1% of businesses are buying their future brand on the aftermarket.
The actual pool of potential buyers is nowhere near that. There is no correlation between the number of Internet user and domain sales. Even in developed countries, few people own domain names. It's mostly for business use, and some savvy people who want to have their blog or vanity E-mail.
Maybe one percent of those new users will need a domain name for their ventures, and out of that 1%, maybe 1% will be willing to buy one on the aftermarket. And I'm being generous... I don't think that in the West 1% of businesses are buying their future brand on the aftermarket.
true.. not everyone build a website or make a startup ..more users and more content are related to with each other..more content making opportunities attract more youngsters to start.. India is a developing nation there are several youngsters who do not have loads of financial resources consider online as an opportunity for their business projects... certainly demand will surge as some of them look for domain names for their ventures... USA has a domain name share over 100 million easily as .com share itself is 96 million names.... similarly china is having over 50 million names easily..if you consider that as a basis how many names will be register from Indian residents in coming years across extensions... what .IN has now is just 2.15 million names.. how many names - just around 17.5k names.. already 6% of them are developed and in use... how many good names possible... perhaps 0.2 million names ...all we are talking about is small proportion of premium names...
.in is better in my opinion than .cn here's why?

.in sounds better
.in is an easily "hackable" tld, meaning you can combine the domain with the tld and produce a word.
India is in it adolescence in technology when you think about the population
India is still in it infancy in the domain market, and has a lot of potential.
My max. bids from India were:
$400 on .in (keyword);
$1K on .PRO (keyword).
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