
registrars GoDaddy terminating fast transfer inclusions over Afternic for any of Epik’s customers

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TheDomains Staff
Here is a great example, issued from a generic email address, and in usual GoDaddy etiquette, lacking even the courtesy of a contact name or a signature for such an important landmark event. This is how they notify Epik – two hours after the election was called for Joe Biden – that they will be terminating fast transfer inclusions over Afternic for any of Epik’s current and future registrar customers. Can you say anticompetitive behavior from a group in massive need of antitrust oversight as a monopoly? Epik can, and it is added to a rapidly growing list of unthinkable market behaviors that will be accounted for.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
This situation saddens me, both because of the impact on Epik and also that for a significant number of domain investors they now have fewer options. I don't know if there is any chance to salvage this, but if so, I am pretty sure the approach in the blog post is not optimum. Yes, there are issues of over-concentration in the tech field, and at some point regulatory forces may intervene. I know some feel strongly about the controls on sharing of certain types of (mis)information, but by trying to ascribe motives and bringing in unrelated, or peripherally related, points of contention in American politics and society, it just makes any chance of a resolution remote.

Epik have no reason to listen to me, but here is my advice. Instead, I would advise keep the message simple: say something like we have worked with you for many years with advantages to us both. The domainers we serve prefer to have the option of fast transfer and premium network coverage, and they also like the industry-leading landers, great pricing, innovation and personal attention possible at a smaller registrar like Epik. Let's try in an unemotional way to work this out, to the advantage of both Afternic/GoDaddy and Epik, and domain investors. Tell us what you need changed to preserve our agreement.

I agree with what @DomainBanana said above - nice summary of what Epik do very well.
I have appreciated Epik's innovation and attention to the domaining community and hope they can resolve this and other incidents in a professional way.

If this breakdown is truly final, then I hope Epik will use their innovative and nimble approach to make up for the loss of the Afternic premium coverage through other competitive advantages they can offer to domain investors, perhaps exploring new partnerships. Put your energies into that.

Perhaps it is just too soon, but I would hope that both companies will directly inform clients. Many domain investors are significantly impacted by this decision. I am a customer of both Epik and Afternic, but neither have informed me in any way. The optimist in me hopes that is because, perhaps, if cool heads prevail, there still is some slight hope to salvage this before it takes effect early in 2021. I hope so.

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. I am a customer of both Epik and Afternic, but neither have informed me in any way.

Excellent point Bob, No one lets customers know they will be impacted
Bob this decision was not made just by GoDaddy. It was dictated to them from an external position through their legal department, and then handed to their executive team for implementation. It blindsided dozens of individuals at GoDaddy who were equally confused, because many actually cherished their relationship with Epik. The reality is – GoDaddy is no longer operated in principal by the people you believe are in control. By the time you finally discern I am telling the truth, then more of your liberties will be stripped away, as a world you will not recognize takes shape and form.

There is much being coordinated, and even in the case of NameBio and PayPal – where people felt the urge to repeatedly applaud their calm and rational demeanor – it was designed as a short term exercise simply to provide cover to the massive overreach against Epik. Even when we were forced to eventually contact the FTC, PayPal responded by running 195 articles against Epik within 24 hours. You should ask yourself who in this country carries this type of power. We’ve provided the documents and links to help educate yourself and others, so we can move past speculative opinion going forward if anyone wants to have a real conversation about what is at stake. The trails are easily discernible by anyone who chooses to see, or that does not exist here solely to reduce the most vulnerable parts of the perceptions shared in good faith into analytical essays on what is wrong with Epik and Rob Davis.

Your optimism for reconciliation is beautiful. Both Dan Schulman and Aman Bhutani have Rob Monster’s phone number. As does Leah Sweet, and the individuals at the SPLC. The difficulty here is that even with past city takeovers, buildings set on fire, assassinations, brutal attacks, mass service deplatforming, hospitals barricaded, stay-at-home orders to quash rebellions, tactical insertions of COVID testing to raise numbers for control, and atrocities too many to list - people do not want to hear the truth. They have become polarized by horrific influences well past any form of truth or positive objectivity. Many still do not realize the relativity of all this to Epik. They have no idea the degree of investments made in global Content Distribution Networks, or the resiliency platforms developed to hold lines I hope and pray you never have to know fully exist. In part, the challenge here is not that Rob or others have a “messiah complex”, it is that through their humility and love for others, they naturally treat everyone on a peer level, in complete authentic truth without judgement or expectation of counter hate. The trolls take that genuine accessibility and privilege, and pervert it into something no longer recognizable. Hate for the sake of hatred as part of their own self-made identity. I feel bad for them, but this community has been twisted into something is barely recognizable from what it could become.

Even as for many, their worlds are crumbling about them. That is well before you get into a real-world view, as Epik is positioned in some thirty countries, and works tirelessly to bring new options and technologies into underserved regions. Some with hardships beyond anything most forum users here could ever fathom, and Epik stays active in helping however we can wherever we can. Whether that is sending resources for food, adapting workplaces to avoid murder in the street, and yes – even lending money to hardship cases and struggling domain investors who had every dollar they possessed wrapped up in their PayPal account. There are a billion people who would give everything they have just to trade spots with many here for one singular day. Until you have been forced on your knees praying in thankfulness for running water, a blanket, clean air to breathe, or a roof to sleep under, it is hard to understand.

It is disturbing how people of privilege take so much for granted, as the armchair chants to “stay in our lane” overwhelm any real desire or effort to pursue truth. One day you should grab a calculator and a list of share sales over the past ten years, and see for yourself what Google, GoDaddy, Twitter, Facebook, Apple, PayPal and Amazon have truly stripped from this country and its opportunities. No public relations firm or legal group was able to prevent their monopolies or injustice. No non-“bizarre” approach strategy worked for the millions of people negatively impacted. Suddenly elitists are concerned with poor people and free education. The very same people making these pledges are the ones who already ripped trillions of dollars out of the system. Trust me when I say – they are coming for the rest. Unused yachts, broken hookers, and a sudden trend for changes in citizenship “just in case”, as a tool to avoid unwanted extradition processes that might now be right down the road.

Thank God for Epik, the services it empowers, the platforms and people it protects, and the line it helps hold and defend. When Wikimedia/Wikipedia/SPLC helped orchestrate and run the first 500 news pieces branding us as racists and white nationalists, that should have been a clue for many with the capacity to pay attention. Maybe also ask the question on what exactly their own alliances could be hiding. Unless your very existence and future capacity to feed yourself rests from just rolling over and accepting the brutal nature of the system. Many may find real regrets in their past choices over these coming months.

Just please don’t forget – when groups like PayPal deplatform thousands of people, and a company like GoDaddy simply eliminates upsides for financial prosperity covering potentially millions of names with no notice – they do this at a time when most of the world is still locked down and looking for the money to pay their bills! They know very well the added hardships it creates in places where $300 can be the difference between feeding their kids, or keeping their lights on. You should all know I share the truth on this. These decisions are purpose-built and designed to create more ripples of hardship.

But even now, there are at least three individuals even within this own thread that have relationships with GoDaddy they have never declared. You see them tear Epik apart every day, yet there is seemingly little courage left amongst the negative peer pressure to be heroic. Thousands of attack posts, constantly shifting the line tactically, or flooding comments out to bury truth bombs that are identified as problematic. Which is okay. Live your lives as you deem fit. Tell us to fire staff. To stay in our “own lane”. To hire lawyers and PR firms. To not be bizarre, weird, or unpredictable. Criticize every element, and be quick as well to dictate what our own rights and options here for how we choose to communicate. But don’t complain when the line moves, and suddenly common sense isn’t so common anymore. Or do complain if it suits you, as we are not here to tell you how to live your lives. Only to reaffirm that hate for personal enjoyment serves no one, and our world is reeling from these types of personal choices.

You might want to observe that five or six companies, built on the diminishment of the antitrust divisions of the past administration, have stripped literally trillions of dollars out of this country in the past decade. You know the arrogance GoDaddy continually displays in its planning and market execution. A small child can look at PayPal’s twitter comments, and see that they are stealing and seizing the money of thousands of targeted individuals with no backlash from the FTC or DOJ. Bloomberg on any given day will run two to three pieces telling everyone in the US to not worry about China’s monetary influence over America. Our politicians can be seen wrecking trade deals and opportunities for decades, then be elected on their magical basis to somehow now correct them. We have evolved into a country where that is all it seemingly takes to neutralize a sleepy public. A bit of anger. Lots of trolls and division. A sense of tribalism and intentional separation I never thought I would witness. There are thousands of industries being subdued, each with its own set of positioned trolls that exist simply to bring others down.

Social media has empowered a billion people to believe their opinions on every subject under the planet need to be heard at any cost. When they don’t have anything intelligent to add, they tend to sink into depression and hate, and then eventually you have a million people wondering the street lost and confused. Since we seem to be near universally devoid of any real world leadership that has not already been bought and sold, I would encourage the brilliant minds here to read. Discover. Communicate. Look past the conditioned rhetoric and realize that the chains may be real, but there is still much that can be done to break them. There are some great people in this community, and I am thankful for each of you.

For those of you impacted by PayPal’s decision to terminate services, please know that we are sorry for the inconveniences, and working towards new solutions. You can see an early copy of the update and announcement going out to our customers over the next few days who have used PayPal in the past. I hope it provides additional clarifications. This particular online version as well has additional links for those who are not aware of the actions and activities over this past month.

Have a blessed day, and thank you as always for the encouragements and support.

All very well said Bob.

The optimist in me hopes that is because, perhaps, if cool heads prevail, there still is some slight hope to salvage this before it takes effect early in 2021. I hope so.


It would seem there is probably more optimist in you than in me regarding this situation. I hope yours wins.
Bob this decision was not made just by GoDaddy. It was dictated to them from an external position through their legal department, and then handed to their executive team for implementation. It blindsided dozens of individuals at GoDaddy who were equally confused, because many actually cherished their relationship with Epik. The reality is – GoDaddy is no longer operated in principal by the people you believe are in control. By the time you finally discern I am telling the truth, then more of your liberties will be stripped away, as a world you will not recognize takes shape and form.

There is much being coordinated, and even in the case of NameBio and PayPal – where people felt the urge to repeatedly applaud their calm and rational demeanor – it was designed as a short term exercise simply to provide cover to the massive overreach against Epik. Even when we were forced to eventually contact the FTC, PayPal responded by running 195 articles against Epik within 24 hours. You should ask yourself who in this country carries this type of power. We’ve provided the documents and links to help educate yourself and others, so we can move past speculative opinion going forward if anyone wants to have a real conversation about what is at stake. The trails are easily discernible by anyone who chooses to see, or that does not exist here solely to reduce the most vulnerable parts of the perceptions shared in good faith into analytical essays on what is wrong with Epik and Rob Davis.

Your optimism for reconciliation is beautiful. Both Dan Schulman and Aman Bhutani have Rob Monster’s phone number. As does Leah Sweet, and the individuals at the SPLC. The difficulty here is that even with past city takeovers, buildings set on fire, assassinations, brutal attacks, mass service deplatforming, hospitals barricaded, stay-at-home orders to quash rebellions, tactical insertions of COVID testing to raise numbers for control, and atrocities too many to list - people do not want to hear the truth. They have become polarized by horrific influences well past any form of truth or positive objectivity. Many still do not realize the relativity of all this to Epik. They have no idea the degree of investments made in global Content Distribution Networks, or the resiliency platforms developed to hold lines I hope and pray you never have to know fully exist. In part, the challenge here is not that Rob or others have a “messiah complex”, it is that through their humility and love for others, they naturally treat everyone on a peer level, in complete authentic truth without judgement or expectation of counter hate. The trolls take that genuine accessibility and privilege, and pervert it into something no longer recognizable. Hate for the sake of hatred as part of their own self-made identity. I feel bad for them, but this community has been twisted into something is barely recognizable from what it could become.

Even as for many, their worlds are crumbling about them. That is well before you get into a real-world view, as Epik is positioned in some thirty countries, and works tirelessly to bring new options and technologies into underserved regions. Some with hardships beyond anything most forum users here could ever fathom, and Epik stays active in helping however we can wherever we can. Whether that is sending resources for food, adapting workplaces to avoid murder in the street, and yes – even lending money to hardship cases and struggling domain investors who had every dollar they possessed wrapped up in their PayPal account. There are a billion people who would give everything they have just to trade spots with many here for one singular day. Until you have been forced on your knees praying in thankfulness for running water, a blanket, clean air to breathe, or a roof to sleep under, it is hard to understand.

It is disturbing how people of privilege take so much for granted, as the armchair chants to “stay in our lane” overwhelm any real desire or effort to pursue truth. One day you should grab a calculator and a list of share sales over the past ten years, and see for yourself what Google, GoDaddy, Twitter, Facebook, Apple, PayPal and Amazon have truly stripped from this country and its opportunities. No public relations firm or legal group was able to prevent their monopolies or injustice. No non-“bizarre” approach strategy worked for the millions of people negatively impacted. Suddenly elitists are concerned with poor people and free education. The very same people making these pledges are the ones who already ripped trillions of dollars out of the system. Trust me when I say – they are coming for the rest. Unused yachts, broken hookers, and a sudden trend for changes in citizenship “just in case”, as a tool to avoid unwanted extradition processes that might now be right down the road.

Thank God for Epik, the services it empowers, the platforms and people it protects, and the line it helps hold and defend. When Wikimedia/Wikipedia/SPLC helped orchestrate and run the first 500 news pieces branding us as racists and white nationalists, that should have been a clue for many with the capacity to pay attention. Maybe also ask the question on what exactly their own alliances could be hiding. Unless your very existence and future capacity to feed yourself rests from just rolling over and accepting the brutal nature of the system. Many may find real regrets in their past choices over these coming months.

Just please don’t forget – when groups like PayPal deplatform thousands of people, and a company like GoDaddy simply eliminates upsides for financial prosperity covering potentially millions of names with no notice – they do this at a time when most of the world is still locked down and looking for the money to pay their bills! They know very well the added hardships it creates in places where $300 can be the difference between feeding their kids, or keeping their lights on. You should all know I share the truth on this. These decisions are purpose-built and designed to create more ripples of hardship.

But even now, there are at least three individuals even within this own thread that have relationships with GoDaddy they have never declared. You see them tear Epik apart every day, yet there is seemingly little courage left amongst the negative peer pressure to be heroic. Thousands of attack posts, constantly shifting the line tactically, or flooding comments out to bury truth bombs that are identified as problematic. Which is okay. Live your lives as you deem fit. Tell us to fire staff. To stay in our “own lane”. To hire lawyers and PR firms. To not be bizarre, weird, or unpredictable. Criticize every element, and be quick as well to dictate what our own rights and options here for how we choose to communicate. But don’t complain when the line moves, and suddenly common sense isn’t so common anymore. Or do complain if it suits you, as we are not here to tell you how to live your lives. Only to reaffirm that hate for personal enjoyment serves no one, and our world is reeling from these types of personal choices.

You might want to observe that five or six companies, built on the diminishment of the antitrust divisions of the past administration, have stripped literally trillions of dollars out of this country in the past decade. You know the arrogance GoDaddy continually displays in its planning and market execution. A small child can look at PayPal’s twitter comments, and see that they are stealing and seizing the money of thousands of targeted individuals with no backlash from the FTC or DOJ. Bloomberg on any given day will run two to three pieces telling everyone in the US to not worry about China’s monetary influence over America. Our politicians can be seen wrecking trade deals and opportunities for decades, then be elected on their magical basis to somehow now correct them. We have evolved into a country where that is all it seemingly takes to neutralize a sleepy public. A bit of anger. Lots of trolls and division. A sense of tribalism and intentional separation I never thought I would witness. There are thousands of industries being subdued, each with its own set of positioned trolls that exist simply to bring others down.

Social media has empowered a billion people to believe their opinions on every subject under the planet need to be heard at any cost. When they don’t have anything intelligent to add, they tend to sink into depression and hate, and then eventually you have a million people wondering the street lost and confused. Since we seem to be near universally devoid of any real world leadership that has not already been bought and sold, I would encourage the brilliant minds here to read. Discover. Communicate. Look past the conditioned rhetoric and realize that the chains may be real, but there is still much that can be done to break them. There are some great people in this community, and I am thankful for each of you.

For those of you impacted by PayPal’s decision to terminate services, please know that we are sorry for the inconveniences, and working towards new solutions. You can see an early copy of the update and announcement going out to our customers over the next few days who have used PayPal in the past. I hope it provides additional clarifications. This particular online version as well has additional links for those who are not aware of the actions and activities over this past month.

Have a blessed day, and thank you as always for the encouragements and support.

I most likely do not have the intellect to go through each point raised here.....nor the time or inclination to do so....

But as a customer of Epik these self righteous rants make me wonder why the hell I am using your services.....sick and tired of having to read this type of crap to be honest

Your last paragraph would of be perfectly fine by itself, but then you use a domain name to further push your Holier than though attitude.....

I do want a debate, I am not pushing any agenda, I am just giving you feedback as a customer of yours

I am also putting you personally on ignore so I do not have to read anymore of your tripe.....
Karmaco hopefully it doesn't come to that, we still support Epik
Bob this decision was not made just by GoDaddy. It was dictated to them from an external position through their legal department, and then handed to their executive team for implementation. It blindsided dozens of individuals at GoDaddy who were equally confused, because many actually cherished their relationship with Epik. The reality is – GoDaddy is no longer operated in principal by the people you believe are in control. By the time you finally discern I am telling the truth, then more of your liberties will be stripped away, as a world you will not recognize takes shape and form.

There is much being coordinated, and even in the case of NameBio and PayPal – where people felt the urge to repeatedly applaud their calm and rational demeanor – it was designed as a short term exercise simply to provide cover to the massive overreach against Epik. Even when we were forced to eventually contact the FTC, PayPal responded by running 195 articles against Epik within 24 hours. You should ask yourself who in this country carries this type of power. We’ve provided the documents and links to help educate yourself and others, so we can move past speculative opinion going forward if anyone wants to have a real conversation about what is at stake. The trails are easily discernible by anyone who chooses to see, or that does not exist here solely to reduce the most vulnerable parts of the perceptions shared in good faith into analytical essays on what is wrong with Epik and Rob Davis.

Your optimism for reconciliation is beautiful. Both Dan Schulman and Aman Bhutani have Rob Monster’s phone number. As does Leah Sweet, and the individuals at the SPLC. The difficulty here is that even with past city takeovers, buildings set on fire, assassinations, brutal attacks, mass service deplatforming, hospitals barricaded, stay-at-home orders to quash rebellions, tactical insertions of COVID testing to raise numbers for control, and atrocities too many to list - people do not want to hear the truth. They have become polarized by horrific influences well past any form of truth or positive objectivity. Many still do not realize the relativity of all this to Epik. They have no idea the degree of investments made in global Content Distribution Networks, or the resiliency platforms developed to hold lines I hope and pray you never have to know fully exist. In part, the challenge here is not that Rob or others have a “messiah complex”, it is that through their humility and love for others, they naturally treat everyone on a peer level, in complete authentic truth without judgement or expectation of counter hate. The trolls take that genuine accessibility and privilege, and pervert it into something no longer recognizable. Hate for the sake of hatred as part of their own self-made identity. I feel bad for them, but this community has been twisted into something is barely recognizable from what it could become.

Even as for many, their worlds are crumbling about them. That is well before you get into a real-world view, as Epik is positioned in some thirty countries, and works tirelessly to bring new options and technologies into underserved regions. Some with hardships beyond anything most forum users here could ever fathom, and Epik stays active in helping however we can wherever we can. Whether that is sending resources for food, adapting workplaces to avoid murder in the street, and yes – even lending money to hardship cases and struggling domain investors who had every dollar they possessed wrapped up in their PayPal account. There are a billion people who would give everything they have just to trade spots with many here for one singular day. Until you have been forced on your knees praying in thankfulness for running water, a blanket, clean air to breathe, or a roof to sleep under, it is hard to understand.

It is disturbing how people of privilege take so much for granted, as the armchair chants to “stay in our lane” overwhelm any real desire or effort to pursue truth. One day you should grab a calculator and a list of share sales over the past ten years, and see for yourself what Google, GoDaddy, Twitter, Facebook, Apple, PayPal and Amazon have truly stripped from this country and its opportunities. No public relations firm or legal group was able to prevent their monopolies or injustice. No non-“bizarre” approach strategy worked for the millions of people negatively impacted. Suddenly elitists are concerned with poor people and free education. The very same people making these pledges are the ones who already ripped trillions of dollars out of the system. Trust me when I say – they are coming for the rest. Unused yachts, broken hookers, and a sudden trend for changes in citizenship “just in case”, as a tool to avoid unwanted extradition processes that might now be right down the road.

Thank God for Epik, the services it empowers, the platforms and people it protects, and the line it helps hold and defend. When Wikimedia/Wikipedia/SPLC helped orchestrate and run the first 500 news pieces branding us as racists and white nationalists, that should have been a clue for many with the capacity to pay attention. Maybe also ask the question on what exactly their own alliances could be hiding. Unless your very existence and future capacity to feed yourself rests from just rolling over and accepting the brutal nature of the system. Many may find real regrets in their past choices over these coming months.

Just please don’t forget – when groups like PayPal deplatform thousands of people, and a company like GoDaddy simply eliminates upsides for financial prosperity covering potentially millions of names with no notice – they do this at a time when most of the world is still locked down and looking for the money to pay their bills! They know very well the added hardships it creates in places where $300 can be the difference between feeding their kids, or keeping their lights on. You should all know I share the truth on this. These decisions are purpose-built and designed to create more ripples of hardship.

But even now, there are at least three individuals even within this own thread that have relationships with GoDaddy they have never declared. You see them tear Epik apart every day, yet there is seemingly little courage left amongst the negative peer pressure to be heroic. Thousands of attack posts, constantly shifting the line tactically, or flooding comments out to bury truth bombs that are identified as problematic. Which is okay. Live your lives as you deem fit. Tell us to fire staff. To stay in our “own lane”. To hire lawyers and PR firms. To not be bizarre, weird, or unpredictable. Criticize every element, and be quick as well to dictate what our own rights and options here for how we choose to communicate. But don’t complain when the line moves, and suddenly common sense isn’t so common anymore. Or do complain if it suits you, as we are not here to tell you how to live your lives. Only to reaffirm that hate for personal enjoyment serves no one, and our world is reeling from these types of personal choices.

You might want to observe that five or six companies, built on the diminishment of the antitrust divisions of the past administration, have stripped literally trillions of dollars out of this country in the past decade. You know the arrogance GoDaddy continually displays in its planning and market execution. A small child can look at PayPal’s twitter comments, and see that they are stealing and seizing the money of thousands of targeted individuals with no backlash from the FTC or DOJ. Bloomberg on any given day will run two to three pieces telling everyone in the US to not worry about China’s monetary influence over America. Our politicians can be seen wrecking trade deals and opportunities for decades, then be elected on their magical basis to somehow now correct them. We have evolved into a country where that is all it seemingly takes to neutralize a sleepy public. A bit of anger. Lots of trolls and division. A sense of tribalism and intentional separation I never thought I would witness. There are thousands of industries being subdued, each with its own set of positioned trolls that exist simply to bring others down.

Social media has empowered a billion people to believe their opinions on every subject under the planet need to be heard at any cost. When they don’t have anything intelligent to add, they tend to sink into depression and hate, and then eventually you have a million people wondering the street lost and confused. Since we seem to be near universally devoid of any real world leadership that has not already been bought and sold, I would encourage the brilliant minds here to read. Discover. Communicate. Look past the conditioned rhetoric and realize that the chains may be real, but there is still much that can be done to break them. There are some great people in this community, and I am thankful for each of you.

For those of you impacted by PayPal’s decision to terminate services, please know that we are sorry for the inconveniences, and working towards new solutions. You can see an early copy of the update and announcement going out to our customers over the next few days who have used PayPal in the past. I hope it provides additional clarifications. This particular online version as well has additional links for those who are not aware of the actions and activities over this past month.

Have a blessed day, and thank you as always for the encouragements and support.

but Epik you wrote so much without putting two cents in how you replied to GoDaddy I did not read your defense on this post because it truly doesn’t matter .... @NickB likes to write a lot as well :)
Karmaco hopefully it doesn't come to that, we still support Epik

but Epik you wrote so much without putting two cents in how you replied to GoDaddy I did not read your defense on this post because it truly doesn’t matter .... @NickB likes to write a lot as well :)
I do like to write, sometimes I am right, sometimes I'm wrong and some of it is absolute crap but I try not to act like I know it all or force my views onto others....
But let’s go with whoever the decision was made from it doesn’t matter....Epik were not made from this discontinue nor lost ..Epik still stands for a greater future without either, just pick up the broken pieces
I do like to write, sometimes I am right, sometimes I'm wrong and some of it is absolute crap but I try not to act like I know it all or force my views onto others....
No one knows ..I think even our “free will “ was said that it’s not as free as we think
& I’m sorry @NickB i don’t mean to point you out ..I like every thought you bring
Bob this decision was not made just by GoDaddy. It was dictated to them from an external position through their legal department, and then handed to their executive team for implementation. It blindsided dozens of individuals at GoDaddy who were equally confused, because many actually cherished their relationship with Epik. The reality is – GoDaddy is no longer operated in principal by the people you believe are in control. By the time you finally discern I am telling the truth, then more of your liberties will be stripped away, as a world you will not recognize takes shape and form.

There is much being coordinated, and even in the case of NameBio and PayPal – where people felt the urge to repeatedly applaud their calm and rational demeanor – it was designed as a short term exercise simply to provide cover to the massive overreach against Epik. Even when we were forced to eventually contact the FTC, PayPal responded by running 195 articles against Epik within 24 hours. You should ask yourself who in this country carries this type of power. We’ve provided the documents and links to help educate yourself and others, so we can move past speculative opinion going forward if anyone wants to have a real conversation about what is at stake. The trails are easily discernible by anyone who chooses to see, or that does not exist here solely to reduce the most vulnerable parts of the perceptions shared in good faith into analytical essays on what is wrong with Epik and Rob Davis.

Your optimism for reconciliation is beautiful. Both Dan Schulman and Aman Bhutani have Rob Monster’s phone number. As does Leah Sweet, and the individuals at the SPLC. The difficulty here is that even with past city takeovers, buildings set on fire, assassinations, brutal attacks, mass service deplatforming, hospitals barricaded, stay-at-home orders to quash rebellions, tactical insertions of COVID testing to raise numbers for control, and atrocities too many to list - people do not want to hear the truth. They have become polarized by horrific influences well past any form of truth or positive objectivity. Many still do not realize the relativity of all this to Epik. They have no idea the degree of investments made in global Content Distribution Networks, or the resiliency platforms developed to hold lines I hope and pray you never have to know fully exist. In part, the challenge here is not that Rob or others have a “messiah complex”, it is that through their humility and love for others, they naturally treat everyone on a peer level, in complete authentic truth without judgement or expectation of counter hate. The trolls take that genuine accessibility and privilege, and pervert it into something no longer recognizable. Hate for the sake of hatred as part of their own self-made identity. I feel bad for them, but this community has been twisted into something is barely recognizable from what it could become.

Even as for many, their worlds are crumbling about them. That is well before you get into a real-world view, as Epik is positioned in some thirty countries, and works tirelessly to bring new options and technologies into underserved regions. Some with hardships beyond anything most forum users here could ever fathom, and Epik stays active in helping however we can wherever we can. Whether that is sending resources for food, adapting workplaces to avoid murder in the street, and yes – even lending money to hardship cases and struggling domain investors who had every dollar they possessed wrapped up in their PayPal account. There are a billion people who would give everything they have just to trade spots with many here for one singular day. Until you have been forced on your knees praying in thankfulness for running water, a blanket, clean air to breathe, or a roof to sleep under, it is hard to understand.

It is disturbing how people of privilege take so much for granted, as the armchair chants to “stay in our lane” overwhelm any real desire or effort to pursue truth. One day you should grab a calculator and a list of share sales over the past ten years, and see for yourself what Google, GoDaddy, Twitter, Facebook, Apple, PayPal and Amazon have truly stripped from this country and its opportunities. No public relations firm or legal group was able to prevent their monopolies or injustice. No non-“bizarre” approach strategy worked for the millions of people negatively impacted. Suddenly elitists are concerned with poor people and free education. The very same people making these pledges are the ones who already ripped trillions of dollars out of the system. Trust me when I say – they are coming for the rest. Unused yachts, broken hookers, and a sudden trend for changes in citizenship “just in case”, as a tool to avoid unwanted extradition processes that might now be right down the road.

Thank God for Epik, the services it empowers, the platforms and people it protects, and the line it helps hold and defend. When Wikimedia/Wikipedia/SPLC helped orchestrate and run the first 500 news pieces branding us as racists and white nationalists, that should have been a clue for many with the capacity to pay attention. Maybe also ask the question on what exactly their own alliances could be hiding. Unless your very existence and future capacity to feed yourself rests from just rolling over and accepting the brutal nature of the system. Many may find real regrets in their past choices over these coming months.

Just please don’t forget – when groups like PayPal deplatform thousands of people, and a company like GoDaddy simply eliminates upsides for financial prosperity covering potentially millions of names with no notice – they do this at a time when most of the world is still locked down and looking for the money to pay their bills! They know very well the added hardships it creates in places where $300 can be the difference between feeding their kids, or keeping their lights on. You should all know I share the truth on this. These decisions are purpose-built and designed to create more ripples of hardship.

But even now, there are at least three individuals even within this own thread that have relationships with GoDaddy they have never declared. You see them tear Epik apart every day, yet there is seemingly little courage left amongst the negative peer pressure to be heroic. Thousands of attack posts, constantly shifting the line tactically, or flooding comments out to bury truth bombs that are identified as problematic. Which is okay. Live your lives as you deem fit. Tell us to fire staff. To stay in our “own lane”. To hire lawyers and PR firms. To not be bizarre, weird, or unpredictable. Criticize every element, and be quick as well to dictate what our own rights and options here for how we choose to communicate. But don’t complain when the line moves, and suddenly common sense isn’t so common anymore. Or do complain if it suits you, as we are not here to tell you how to live your lives. Only to reaffirm that hate for personal enjoyment serves no one, and our world is reeling from these types of personal choices.

You might want to observe that five or six companies, built on the diminishment of the antitrust divisions of the past administration, have stripped literally trillions of dollars out of this country in the past decade. You know the arrogance GoDaddy continually displays in its planning and market execution. A small child can look at PayPal’s twitter comments, and see that they are stealing and seizing the money of thousands of targeted individuals with no backlash from the FTC or DOJ. Bloomberg on any given day will run two to three pieces telling everyone in the US to not worry about China’s monetary influence over America. Our politicians can be seen wrecking trade deals and opportunities for decades, then be elected on their magical basis to somehow now correct them. We have evolved into a country where that is all it seemingly takes to neutralize a sleepy public. A bit of anger. Lots of trolls and division. A sense of tribalism and intentional separation I never thought I would witness. There are thousands of industries being subdued, each with its own set of positioned trolls that exist simply to bring others down.

Social media has empowered a billion people to believe their opinions on every subject under the planet need to be heard at any cost. When they don’t have anything intelligent to add, they tend to sink into depression and hate, and then eventually you have a million people wondering the street lost and confused. Since we seem to be near universally devoid of any real world leadership that has not already been bought and sold, I would encourage the brilliant minds here to read. Discover. Communicate. Look past the conditioned rhetoric and realize that the chains may be real, but there is still much that can be done to break them. There are some great people in this community, and I am thankful for each of you.

For those of you impacted by PayPal’s decision to terminate services, please know that we are sorry for the inconveniences, and working towards new solutions. You can see an early copy of the update and announcement going out to our customers over the next few days who have used PayPal in the past. I hope it provides additional clarifications. This particular online version as well has additional links for those who are not aware of the actions and activities over this past month.

Have a blessed day, and thank you as always for the encouragements and support.


After a long discussion from the domain investor community, rather than listen to everyone who has spoken out nearly in unison about the damage Epik does to itself with its long and irrational diatribes, Epik is still stone deaf to all the feedback and throws up another piece of garbage for everyone to suffer through.

I feel we are collectively trying to send a message here to stop Epik from self-destructing.

Sadly, it appears no words can get through.
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@Epk as I said it’s not needed ...truly & sincerely yours
After a long discussion from the domain investor community, rather than listen to everyone who has spoken out nearly in unison about the damage Epik does to itself with its long and irrational diatribes, Epik is still stone deaf to all the feedback and throws up another piece of garbage for everyone to suffer through.

I feel we are collectively trying to send a message here to stop Epik from self-destructing.

Sadly, it appears no words can get through.

Every time I see these long, irrelevant, unhinged rants it reminds me of this meme...

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Lol @bmugford we are serving a purpose afterall ..Epik pick up your head and own this shhhhhh
There is much being coordinated, and even in the case of NameBio and PayPal – where people felt the urge to repeatedly applaud their calm and rational demeanor – it was designed as a short term exercise simply to provide cover to the massive overreach against Epik.

We continually applauded Name Bio’s calm and rational demeanor because they were calm and rational. I guess trying that instead of this long winded crazy talk you always do never occurred to you.

You insinuating that Name Bio was suspended from PayPal to distract from Epik’s suspension is self serving,arrogant, delusional crazy talk. Epik is not that important. Epik is a small player. Everything is not about Epik. NameBio has nothing to do with Epik. Get over yourself.

Epik went downhill after calm, logical Joseph left and you started being the mouthpiece. I can see the ship will go down if nothing changes.
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Karmaco I like you .. let’s stop with negativity ..”small player “ that still can be a big player
Karmaco I like you .. let’s stop with negativity ..”small player “ that still can be a big player

Did you even read what he writes? Sorry but we are tired of the long crazy rants by Epik instead of accountability and solutions.
Did you even read what he writes? Sorry but we are tired of the long crazy rants by Epik instead of accountability and solutions.
Na I didn’t sadly ,.as I suggested earlier they wrote too much here without a purpose ..they should of had used 2 cents before replying to their break deal..however ..all hope is not lost for Epik ..if you need a new CEO wassupppp
This situation saddens me, both because of the impact on Epik and also that for a significant number of domain investors they now have fewer options. I don't know if there is any chance to salvage this, but if so, I am pretty sure the approach in the blog post is not optimum. Yes, there are issues of over-concentration in the tech field, and at some point regulatory forces may intervene. I know some feel strongly about the controls on sharing of certain types of (mis)information, but by trying to ascribe motives and bringing in unrelated, or peripherally related, points of contention in American politics and society, it just makes any chance of a resolution remote.

Epik have no reason to listen to me, but here is my advice. Instead, I would advise keep the message simple: say something like we have worked with you for many years with advantages to us both. The domainers we serve prefer to have the option of fast transfer and premium network coverage, and they also like the industry-leading landers, great pricing, innovation and personal attention possible at a smaller registrar like Epik. Let's try in an unemotional way to work this out, to the advantage of both Afternic/GoDaddy and Epik, and domain investors. Tell us what you need changed to preserve our agreement.

I agree with what @DomainBanana said above - nice summary of what Epik do very well.

If this breakdown is truly final, then I hope Epik will use their innovative and nimble approach to make up for the loss of the Afternic premium coverage through other competitive advantages they can offer to domain investors, perhaps exploring new partnerships. Put your energies into that.

Perhaps it is just too soon, but I would hope that both companies will directly inform clients. Many domain investors are significantly impacted by this decision. I am a customer of both Epik and Afternic, but neither have informed me in any way. The optimist in me hopes that is because, perhaps, if cool heads prevail, there still is some slight hope to salvage this before it takes effect early in 2021. I hope so.


Nice points Bob. You,as always, are a gentleman and a scholar. Perhaps they should hire you 😂
I want to make something clear, I think Rob Monster is a good human being. My issues are the reputation destroying events and rants that occur far too often from Epik the company.

The reason any of us should care is their reputation can affect our reputation, our names chances of selling, if we have names there and do business there. There are literally people out there who won’t buy a name that Is Epik registered unless it is moved out immediately—and thats just sad all around.
”small player “ that still can be a big player
Boat heading straight to niagara falls.
No art or skill will save.

Private domaining, swiss bank of domains.
Best shot at survival.
Boat heading straight to niagara falls.
No art or skill will save.

Private domaining, swiss bank of domains.
Best shot at survival.

I stand for what I stand
Just got the below email from Afternic....

"We are contacting you because according to our records one or more of the domain names in your Afternic account are registered with Epik. Please be aware that starting January 5, 2021, Epik will no longer participate in the Afternic Fast Transfer program.

What does this mean for you:

  • Domain(s) registered at Epik will no longer be eligible to opt in to Afternic’s Fast Transfer program
  • Existing domain(s) opted in to Fast Transfer through Epik will remain available for sale in your Afternic account but will be opted out of Fast Transfer
If you have any questions please email"
Well, looky at what I just got:

Dear xxxxxxx,

We are contacting you because according to our records one or more of the domain names in your Afternic account are registered with Epik. Please be aware that starting January 5, 2021, Epik will no longer participate in the Afternic Fast Transfer program.

What does this mean for you:

  • Domain(s) registered at Epik will no longer be eligible to opt in to Afternic’s Fast Transfer program
  • Existing domain(s) opted in to Fast Transfer through Epik will remain available for sale in your Afternic account but will be opted out of Fast Transfer
If you have any questions please email [email protected].

Best regards,
The Afternic Team
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