
"Define Legit Traffic"

Spaceship Spaceship
This is carried over from another thread...

Have at it boys and girls.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
.X. said:
I have spoken with two parking Reps by phone today, Both asked that i not post there company names, I can respect that, And wont do so, One had a different view than the other.

#1 Said : First off, They are evaluating portfolios submitted, very carefully, Before approving them, thier reasoning was, They are not accepting domain names of poor quality, I asked about methods of driving traffic, what is acceptable, what is not acceptable, I feel they some what dodged this question with me, They said , ofcouse "Typin" traffic is acceptable, when i asked about any other forms of traffic, They were sketchy at best, letting me know what other forms of traffic they find acceptable, I was told, Some search engine traffic is allowed, Some web directories would be considered acceptable, When i gave them examples of what search engines and web directories where allowed, They pretty much changed the subject. It was a great converstaion over all, Less informative than i would liked though.

#2 Said: With thier specific monetization methods, That will produce traffic in it's own, I asked them to please elaborate a little more on how this will bring traffic to a domain, They pretty much wanted to ditch that topic, and move on, I asked them if , search engine and web directory traffic is acceptable, rather paid for or not, They said they didn't have a problem with search engine traffic, as long as the vistors themselves, did not have incentive to click on anything, I then asked, what about web directories, They seemed a bit confused, So i gave them some examples, They said, It would be depending on each specific web directory, as to whether the traffic would be acceptable, I found that totally understandable, Not each web directory is created equal, In my studies, I did find some web directories, that did send "false" traffic, I felt the conversation went well all over all, They were not a specific to traffic origions allowed, as i would have liked them to been though.

I have yet to speak with ..Donny ..from Parked.com , I apologize ..Donny, The day is running by very fast, I will call you either tomorrow, or wednesday, Tommorow iam swamped at work, But will try to touch base with you tomorrow :)
I'm not sure why you would want to do business with anyone who is "sketchy" or someone that "wanted to ditch that topic" or who "seemed a bit confused". So someone who works with 1000's of domain names on a daily basis has no solid policy? Or they're doing something they don't care to divulge? Strange.
tubeBUCKET said:
I'm not sure why you would want to do business with anyone who is "sketchy" or someone that "wanted to ditch that topic" or who "seemed a bit confused". So someone who works with 1000's of domain names on a daily basis has no solid policy? Or they're doing something they don't care to divulge? Strange.

Each one stated, They have a solid policy, I think perhaps it was the more the case that they didn't want to divulge, I can understand thier position to an extent, from a business stand point. I don't need pertinent information on exactly how a company runs thier operations, I am in no way looking for that, I am just wanting direct answers concerning what types of traffic , different companies find acceptable, and not acceptable.
John and Veron, you guys are doing wonderfully job , please dont give up keep doing what you doing, don't be discourage from some of us who dont post a lot is not like we ignore you guys is just becouse we dont have much to offer. :hearts:
slim said:
John and Veron, you guys are doing wonderfully job , please dont give up keep doing what you doing, don't be discourage from some of us who dont post a lot is not like we ignore you guys is just becouse we dont have much to offer. :hearts:

Thank You very much for the kind words..Slim...They are much appreciated, We wont be giving up, I promise you and everyone that, If anything, We will be working harder, This is just the beginning, We have a good ways to go :)
Here are couple of articles i found interesting and informative


I invite and encourage, Each and everyone, Who has an interest in this discussion, to join in, We are just at the beginning, of what will what turn into a "Parking & Domain Monetization Online Conference" here at NamePros, We are inviting each and every parking company, to be a part of this, We hope that most will accept our invitation with open arms.

If you are a domain parker, Then you most probably have a vested interest in this discussion, Please join us :)
.X. said:
If you are a domain parker, Then you most probably have a vested interest in this discussion, Please join us :)

Is there anything else your trying to accomplish besides what kinds of traffic each parking company allows?

What I've needed to know for the last year or so is how to take parking revenue to the next level but as all domainers focused in parking revenue know, It's not easy to get seasoned vets to tell all or anything helpful in that aspect.

Even in this thread there are hints such as paid directories but no real step by step help. Anyone can submit to directories but knowing how to get the most bang for your buck is another.

I'd like to be at the $20-100,000 per month in revenue from top quality visitors to my names some time this year and could use some direction.

I've already submitted the link in an earlier post here to several free directories and on that same page on the left column of links there's some good free search engine submission links. That's probably the most important thing I've done that has seemed to actually assist in gaining quality targeted visitors. I have some lettering on my vehicles and am thinking about displaying some on one of those big road side digital displays.

I've even posted here at NamePros that I'm Looking for Anyone living in or around Kentucky to get together on a regular basis, possibly form a group to share information, ideas and strategies.

I'm hoping people start sharing some info that can actually help. I'm not interested in hearing ~Got your phone number~ and mumbo jumbo, behind the scenes talk that I'm not directly involved in. I want action, numbers, direction, How to Increase quality visitors and Revenue. Tired of the run around. :$:
DnPresident said:
Is there anything else your trying to accomplish besides what kinds of traffic each parking company allows?

What I've needed to know for the last year or so is how to take parking revenue to the next level but as all domainers focused in parking revenue know, It's not easy to get seasoned vets to tell all or anything helpful in that aspect.

Even in this thread there are hints such as paid directories but no real step by step help. Anyone can submit to directories but knowing how to get the most bang for your buck is another.

I'd like to be at the $20-100,000 per month in revenue from top quality visitors to my names some time this year and could use some direction.

I've already submitted the link in an earlier post here to several free directories and on that same page on the left column of links there's some good free search engine submission links. That's probably the most important thing I've done that has seemed to actually assist in gaining quality targeted visitors. I have some lettering on my vehicles and am thinking about displaying some on one of those big road side digital displays.

I've even posted here at NamePros that I'm Looking for Anyone living in or around Kentucky to get together on a regular basis, possibly form a group to share information, ideas and strategies.

I'm hoping people start sharing some info that can actually help. I'm not interested in hearing ~Got your phone number~ and mumbo jumbo, behind the scenes talk that I'm not directly involved in. I want action, numbers, direction, How to Increase quality visitors and Revenue. Tired of the run around. :$:

What you are asking for, Is information people have spent hours- weeks- days , and even months to be able achieve, I understand your frustrations, But it is very unlike MOST domainers to reveal resources, I have many great friends here at, NamePros, But i don't expect, and know they are not going to give me
pertainant information as to how they accomplish things, It's not a written rule in the industry, But is exercised by most domainers.

Parking companies wont be giving out any pertainant information as to thier operations, That just isn't going to happen, That is how they make thier living, and anyone should be able to understand why they wouldn't share such pertainant information.

You aren't getting the run around, Do research and some testing, you will find methods to use in domaining, You would have never thought exsisted. Starting as you did, By submitting to search engines, is a great start, imo .. Keep digging, you will find many valuable resources

This thread is not just limited to the topic "What origions of traffic each individual parking service allows" It is here to cover a broadd spectrum of issues pertaing to domain parking, But how you can make more money doing it, isn't one of them.

The focus is on PPC per individual companies, Monetization each offers, Customer Service, Traffic Origions allowed via each individual company, and the list goes on.
.X. said:
But how you can make more money doing it, isn't one of them.

The focus is on PPC per individual companies, Monetization each offers, Customer Service, Traffic Origions allowed via each individual company, and the list goes on.

PPC each company offers,Monitization and traffic origins aren't pertaining to earning money?

Guess I misunderstood why I was domaining....... No come to think about it I didn't, It is about earning the highest revenue while maintaining the highest quality visitors to advertisers.

You speak of people investing hours,days weeks, Since February I spend probably 10-15 hours each day M-F and then probably another 10 hours on the weekends reading, sorting, correcting keywords and landers and much much more to obtain and maintain the highest CTR possible with only relevant content for my visitors.

I'll get there because I'm waaay to damn persistent & hungry to fail at this.

As far as asking for something, yeah I guess I am. All I can get is no or yes.
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what you should do is to start a parking company and use your techniques on the entire portfolio of domains thats parking with you. Every parking company talks about how they can "optimize" conversion rate but no one ACTUALLY claims to drive more TRAFFIC to the domains. . .

I'll be the first one to sign up! :)

BTW, do you have an example of a domain you have "improved"?

.X. said:
Thank You very much for the kind words..Slim...They are much appreciated, We wont be giving up, I promise you and everyone that, If anything, We will be working harder, This is just the beginning, We have a good ways to go :)
hitchhiker said:

what you should do is to start a parking company and use your techniques on the entire portfolio of domains thats parking with you. Every parking company talks about how they can "optimize" conversion rate but no one ACTUALLY claims to drive more TRAFFIC to the domains. . .

I'll be the first one to sign up! :)

BTW, do you have an example of a domain you have "improved"?

That would be awesome! Only if i had they money to fund it, It's an ever revolving door in the parking industry today, I can only imagine what kind of funding it takes, To be able to operate a parking company.

Optimizing and keyword to content monetization, Still remains a problem with some parking compnaies, While others are doing a fantastic job, Landing pages , Layouts, Feed Monetization relevence, These are key to the success of nice CTR, With Web2.0 emerging, I think we will see some new parking companies come into the industry with more modern technology.

I can't post a name i have parked, But i can give you a great example of a name i own, I had this name parked for a very long time, It was making revenue, But i decided i wanted to give development a shot with it, It took less than 3 months and the name is a PR 3 , It has almost 400 backlinks to it, And what some may find interesting, It is a Dot US :o , The same methods that i use in domain parking, were used in this sites development.www.Goodies.us

Thanks for your input.. hitchhiker.... Much appreciated :)
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Most parking companies will ban a person if they blatently have a ad on their vehicle.

Not too wise to run a newspaper ad either as that is not going to make the parking company happy. Energy can be put to better use then spending all that kind of effort trying to get traffic to a parked name.

Why not register names that have that natural traffic?. I mean if the name is good enough then taking out ads will not be needed.

If ads are needed to be taken out for a parked page then the owner has no concept what domain parking is.
goodkarmaco said:
Most parking companies will ban a person if they blatently have a ad on their vehicle.

I've got one of my names on my trucks. I'm not promising, begging or even asking anyone to type it in there browser. If the name is generic and describes it's self to be a product your interested in say (GreenCarpet) then great, if not that's great as well.

Where does it say not to put a name on your vehicle? It's not like they can click on it, they have to actually remember it until they get to a computer and then type it in. I'm sure it's all the attraction but thanks for the warning.

Haven't seen anyone mention running a newspaper ad but you. Did I miss a post?
The goal should be to get the domain parking management to come in and answer queries related to a vast variety of questions. Not just backlinks. The directory/backlinks were just the initial questions.

It would be nice if we could get an understanding of many other factors like

Geo locaton and CPC comparisons
What are the bad traffic areas if any (firstly I hate to call any geo traffic as "bad"). Which parking companies accept traffic from these "so called bad/grey areas".
CPA options and who currently offers them. Other options.
Keyword questions, usage of multiple keyword options via separators
How do parking companies actually optimize or drive traffic to domains. A myth or a reality.
Parked domain indexing possibilities and current availability.

And tons of more questions. I have been browsing through many of our threads here and have seen these questions being asked with no definitive answer. It would be great if a few parking companies give us their viewpoint on this. It would also be awesome if we could make parking companies more flexible in giving us some scope to better monetize our domains.

For example, we now know that parked.com is open to adword campaign traffic to its parked domains. This fact alone can help so many domaineers make double the income they are currently making. Getting to know such facts directly from the paring companies will help us better monetize our domains with valid information.
I don't think a post was directly stating to buy a ad in a newspaper to promote a parked domain. After saying that I do think some domaners think that it is ok. I also know a seasoned domainer who lost his parking account with a prominent parking company for having a sign on his vehicle promoting visitors to his parked page. Not that a person would be easily caught doing this as what parking personal will run to their computer and look up every name splashed on the side of a car to see if it is a parked page or not. But what I understand is even this kind of advertising for parking names is not protocol for the best of the parking companies.
goodkarmaco said:
I also know a seasoned domainer who lost his parking account with a prominent parking company for having a sign on his vehicle promoting visitors to his parked page. Not that a person would be easily caught doing this as what parking personal will run to their computer and look up every name splashed on the side of a car to see if it is a parked page or not. But what I understand is even this kind of advertising for parking names is not protocol for the best of the parking companies.

Have you been reading the posts in this thread of advertising methods?

It wouldn't make sense to me to be able to run an ad that all someone has to do is click on but not be able to put it on your automobile.

So what parking company was it that you speak of which forced a domainer from his parking privileges for having a name on his vehicle?
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goodkarmaco said:
Most parking companies will ban a person if they blatently have a ad on their vehicle.

Not too wise to run a newspaper ad either as that is not going to make the parking company happy. Energy can be put to better use then spending all that kind of effort trying to get traffic to a parked name.

Why not register names that have that natural traffic?. I mean if the name is good enough then taking out ads will not be needed.

If ads are needed to be taken out for a parked page then the owner has no concept what domain parking is.

Registering names that have traffic, would be the ideal thing to do, The only problem, It is virtually impossible to reg such names, You will have to go to drop catchers sites, and bid a minimum of $60 per name, Everyone wants traffic names, There for your backorder of $60 turns into a purchase of $300+ , to be able to obtain a traffic name. And after purchasing such a name, There is no guarantee, the name will retain it's traffic, Once parked, The name can loose it's traffic in a very short period of time. there are many misconceptions of "Natural Traffic"

goodkarmaco said:
I don't think a post was directly stating to buy a ad in a newspaper to promote a parked domain. After saying that I do think some domaners think that it is ok. I also know a seasoned domainer who lost his parking account with a prominent parking company for having a sign on his vehicle promoting visitors to his parked page. Not that a person would be easily caught doing this as what parking personal will run to their computer and look up every name splashed on the side of a car to see if it is a parked page or not. But what I understand is even this kind of advertising for parking names is not protocol for the best of the parking companies.

That seasoned domainer you know, Who lost thier account, Because they had a sign on thier vehicle as means of promoting a domain name, Was treated un fairly by the parking company who closed account for this reason, imo , I don't care , and i am sure the person you know whos account was closed due to this doesn't either, How prominent this company is, If they are not paying me monthly, How prominent they be in the industry, makes me difference, If i am not making money with them, I could careless, and move on. I am sure he did the same.

Varon said:
The goal should be to get the domain parking management to come in and answer queries related to a vast variety of questions. Not just backlinks. The directory/backlinks were just the initial questions.

It would be nice if we could get an understanding of many other factors like

Geo locaton and CPC comparisons
What are the bad traffic areas if any (firstly I hate to call any geo traffic as "bad"). Which parking companies accept traffic from these "so called bad/grey areas".
CPA options and who currently offers them. Other options.
Keyword questions, usage of multiple keyword options via separators
How do parking companies actually optimize or drive traffic to domains. A myth or a reality.
Parked domain indexing possibilities and current availability.

And tons of more questions. I have been browsing through many of our threads here and have seen these questions being asked with no definitive answer. It would be great if a few parking companies give us their viewpoint on this. It would also be awesome if we could make parking companies more flexible in giving us some scope to better monetize our domains.

For example, we now know that parked.com is open to adword campaign traffic to its parked domains. This fact alone can help so many domaineers make double the income they are currently making. Getting to know such facts directly from the paring companies will help us better monetize our domains with valid information.

Well said ... Varon

We need answers, Tid bits of information is not going to help us establish, The parking companies needs, Nor our needs, Each company has a different position on what they consider "legitimate traffic" , it is some what confusing, but we can't establish , what is right, and what is wrong, Unless all the parking companies come forward and tell us, That is what i, and i would think everyone is looking is to happen, Then we will know each companies stand on "legitimate -VS- non legitimate traffic methods"

DnPresident said:
Have you been reading the posts in this thread of advertising methods?

It wouldn't make sense to me to be able to run an ad that all someone has to do is click on but not be able to put it on your automobile.

So what parking company was it that you speak of which forced a domainer from his parking privileges for having a name on his vehicle?

Good Point, After all, If you are advertising on your vehicle, One must actually typin the name, to navigate to the page, "Pure Typin Traffic" , And once on the page, they have no reason to click a single link, Unless they find something they would like to view.

Some excellent points made, In my opinion, Keep them coming folks, If we keep digging, We will make progress much faster.
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.X. said:
Registering names that have traffic, would be the ideal thing to do, The only problem, It is virtually impossible to reg such names, You will have to go to drop catchers sites, and bid a minimum of $60 per name, Everyone wants traffic names, There for your backorder of $60 turns into a purchase of $300+ , to be able to obtain a traffic name. And after purchasing such a name, There is no guarantee, the name will retain it's traffic, Once parked, The name can loose it's traffic in a very short period of time. there are many misconceptions of "Natural Traffic"

Right. So what given right do you have to earn money from something thats worth nothing and for which youre willing to do nothing to but "park it"??

Domaining nowadays isnt about searching for unregistered names which are remotely connected with some historically popular term and snagging them hoping to return more in PPC.. For thats just prospecting in the "gold" sense of the word, 100yrs after everyones gone home.

I know of a new domainer, hes bought 3 names, sold them, bought three more, sold them... yadda yadda repeat to fade... making a profit everytime.. Hes now a nice trio of strong generics which he now wants (and is) developing - in the meantime making some nice PPC with his type in traffic.

And I stand by my previous statement regarding parking companies and the fact that at some point soon the doors will close with regard to creating an account by hand for new users and actually more domainers will find themselves receiving "account closed" notices. 4 years ago anyone could ramp up to google or yahoo and get a sub syndicated account to become a parking company, now the doors are firmly closed. The same philosophy will pass down the line to domainers at some point soon.

As someone whos a co owner of a company with relationships with both Google and Yahoo I can tell you that we are required to have numerous and continual conversations about "traffic quality" and "affiliates" i.e. you guys with the root feed providers. Its my belief that its only a matter of time before they insist domains and domainers are removed from parking platforms because of traffic quality.

Im sure Mike and in particular Donny will back me on this..
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Badger said:
Right. So what given right do you have to earn money from something thats worth nothing and for which youre willing to do nothing to but "park it"??

I agree totally, if the names worth nothing then you have no right to parking it. Being worth nothing would have to mean non generic/non descriptive or very little insight as to what the name could represent.

If the name is generic/extremely descriptive then yes in my opinion you should try parking them/it. If you have DigitalCameras, NeatArt, NewHomes, AdultCaskets, LightBulbs (Which I do) in any TLD and can drive quality traffic to it of course with matching landing page then Go For It.

You are offering at the customers request via search, a quality service to the customer and advertiser.
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Badger's take on parking in general is leading me to believe that the whole concept of parking will eventually be gone. I get this from two things that he said. One was the example of the domainer who traded up to get the generics that he wanted and is now in the process of developing the names. To me this illustrates a key in that ultimately the goal with high quality names is developement. Then he stated that other then quality generics he thinks that the parking companies will close accounts. This takes us back to his first example of the developement of those same quality names. If everyone is developing the generics and the parking companies kick everyone else out then there is no one left to provide traffic for the parking companies.

I realize that a person should not reg a domain for 7 bucks and expect to be able to park it and earn a dollar a day. I am rather inexperianced with parking as the only money I am making is from my developed sites. I only park the sites I have yet to be able to develope and while I do get a few clicks its wont even make me back reg fee. If in the future those 15-20 legit clicks are not wanted then I can understand that.
Badger said:
Right. So what given right do you have to earn money from something thats worth nothing and for which youre willing to do nothing to but "park it"??

Domaining nowadays isnt about searching for unregistered names which are remotely connected with some historically popular term and snagging them hoping to return more in PPC.. For thats just prospecting in the "gold" sense of the word, 100yrs after everyones gone home.

I know of a new domainer, hes bought 3 names, sold them, bought three more, sold them... yadda yadda repeat to fade... making a profit everytime.. Hes now a nice trio of strong generics which he now wants (and is) developing - in the meantime making some nice PPC with his type in traffic.

And I stand by my previous statement regarding parking companies and the fact that at some point soon the doors will close with regard to creating an account by hand for new users and actually more domainers will find themselves receiving "account closed" notices. 4 years ago anyone could ramp up to google or yahoo and get a sub syndicated account to become a parking company, now the doors are firmly closed. The same philosophy will pass down the line to domainers at some point soon.

As someone whos a co owner of a company with relationships with both Google and Yahoo I can tell you that we are required to have numerous and continual conversations about "traffic quality" and "affiliates" i.e. you guys with the root feed providers. Its my belief that its only a matter of time before they insist domains and domainers are removed from parking platforms because of traffic quality.

Im sure Mike and in particular Donny will back me on this..

Badger said:
Right. So what given right do you have to earn money from something thats worth nothing and for which youre willing to do nothing to but "park it"??

Worth Nothing? Are you implying that newly registered domain names are worth nothing? please clarify...... Sure, They have to nurtured and raised to get established, That is really not that hard to do.

If domain parking turns in the direction you are speaking of, Then i would think they will loose alot of money, So will the feed provider, The great part about the industry, Is that we are not just limited to using, Google and Yahoo as feed providers, I am speaking with two rather large search engine companies, about beginning a "ad publishing" company, providing thier feeds as the means for publishers to show, We as domainers can step outside the boundries of Google and Yahoo, Should they build such a brick wall against us, We have options as domainers, I will only speak for myself, But i will sure exercise my options, Should what you are speaking of happens.

From what i have seen in the, Bodis.com threads, Matt is using "Ask.com" as the feed provider, If that is so, Nice move Matt :tu:

Being the middle man isn't a bad thing, Being the middle man, and having to tolerate useless politics, would have to suck. I know myself couldn't tolerate it, I am hoping to have a contract with "One" ..If not both of the large search engines, established as soon as possible, So the breaking ground of Adzaz.com can be established into a ad publishing site, I was asked if i was interested in using them as a domain parking feed provider, I have opted to go with ad publishing, Using thier feeds.

No need to fear the useless politics, and BS, Domainers, We have options, We can exercise them, if push comes to shove.
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There is always the occassional nugget John, my comment was in reply to your previous post. The extensions .TV & .mobi have potentially created an even footing for new domainers. However, this has yet to be proven - certainly for .mobi

Unfortunately, 99% of PPC ad $ end up in the hands of Y and G. Sure, negotiate with someone else, but at this current moment in time only 2 companies have the control. We in the UK have/had a deal with MIVA and they are probably the next best thing but my point is, parking wont die off, it will simply continue to metamorphasise (as it continually does) and value will be given back into the hands of the advertisers.. Sure, G&Y will lose a lot of money if domaining was 30% of what it is today, but this amount doesnt come close to losing the "the other company is rife with click fraud and bad traffic" race that the big two are fighting currently.

Read back my earlier posts in this thread, you'll see im intimating that the rules have changed, its not about domainers qualifying as a key account solely based upon the gross revenue they create anymore, the new game is about the quality of traffic they/you/we provide.

You wont lose your account because your domains only earned $20/month parked, you will if you earned $200 and the root feed provider or parking provider has established that 90% of your traffic was BS and never converted.

.X. said:
From what i have seen in the, Bodis.com threads, Matt is using "Ask.com" as the feed provider, If that is so, Nice move Matt

I dont know about Bodis, but ASK is sub syndicating a google AFD feed.

.X. said:
No need to fear the useless politics, and BS, Domainers, We have options, We can exercise them, if push comes to shove.

"Full steam ahead and sod the icebergs" Capt Edward John Smith (1850-1912)
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Badger said:
There is always the occassional nugget John, my comment was in reply to your previous post. The extensions .TV & .mobi have potentially created an even footing for new domainers. However, this has yet to be proven - certainly for .mobi

Unfortunately, 99% of PPC ad $ end up in the hands of Y and G. Sure, negotiate with someone else, but at this current moment in time only 2 companies have the control. We in the UK have/had a deal with MIVA and they are probably the next best thing but my point is, parking wont die off, it will simply continue to metamorphasise (as it continually does) and value will be given back into the hands of the advertisers.. Sure, G&Y will lose a lot of money if domaining was 30% of what it is today, but this amount doesnt come close to losing the "the other company is rife with click fraud and bad traffic" race that the big two are fighting currently.

Read back my earlier posts in this thread, you'll see im intimating that the rules have changed, its not about domainers qualifying as a key account solely based upon the gross revenue they create anymore, the new game is about the quality of traffic they/you/we provide.

You wont lose your account because your domains only earned $20/month parked, you will if you earned $200 and the root feed provider or parking provider has established that 90% of your traffic was BS and never converted.

I dont know about Bodis, but ASK is sub syndicating a google AFD feed.

Miva is great company, and one good example, There are many more, Ian, that do not use feeds provided by either G or Y....They use feeds within thier own operations of thier company, I spoke with one via telephone today, One i would like to serve ads to Adzaz.com publishers , We are just a signiture away from making this happen right now, I feel we will get this contract done, If so, My company will in no way, shape or form, be associated with G or Y syndication , Not that oppose them, I don't, But i didn't want to wade through the tedious process and politics associated, With getting my foot in the door with them. I further more, will be able to offer "The Ad Publisher" Far better options to making revenue to include, CPM -CPA and PPC

The fact is, I myself, I don't want to deal with any company, Parking or otherwise, That doesn't present me a realistic chance of making revenue, My current parking provider is excellent, i can call my manager any time, And get questions answered with out complication, If it stays that away, I will stay there, If that changes, I will leave, and find another that will accomadate my needs, Both myself and the parking provider are striving to make money, Nothing personal, But if we can't achieve that, Then i have no need for them, I don't care who they are, how popular they are or otherwise, Those things don't make me revenue.
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Well, adzaz is just a regular old MFA whypark site with fully syndicated content. Your content is duplicated all over the net. see copyscape.com. This sort of site will not exist within the SE's or with adsense/YPN ads on them in 12-18 months time because it contributes no additional value to what is out there already.

If you were an advertiser, would you be happy with receiving $2 referrals from adzaz.com?

Ironically, someone told me that domainers who are also adwords customers generally opt out of showing their ads across googles partner network. Maybe that tells us something about the reality of what we truthfully know...
Badger said:
Ironically, someone told me that domainers who are also adwords customers generally opt out of showing their ads across googles partner network. Maybe that tells us something about the reality of what we truthfully know...


I've run both types of ads on adwords for the same site.

'Only Goog' created 5x the number of signups than the 'network' for the same number of visitors.
Again, I must ask we keep on topic, "Define Legit Traffic".

The middle ground is wide, and as of yet, still generally undefined.

No one loves a good debate more than I do, just ask most of the posters
in this thread, but I really want to keep this focused and on track.

I (and others) are learning a lot here, this has turned into a very educational thread.

Lets keep it flowing in a positive direction.

  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.