analysis World War III

Spaceship Spaceship

oldtimer Let's not leave anyone behindTop Member
I believe that President Biden was right when he said that Russia is going to Invade Ukraine.

Any intelligent person is going to come to the same conclusion knowing that Russia has already decided to pay any price imposed on it by the West through sanctions.

Short of full military confrontation by the West there is nothing that can make Russia to change its mind as they see this as a golden opportunity to resurrect the once powerful superpower that was equal to the USA.

But Russia’s ambitions are not going to stop with taking over Ukraine since it already has made plans to increase its sphere of influence to Asia, Middle East, and South America and perhaps the whole World knowing that the West is most likely not going to do anything beyond just imposing sanctions which ultimately will hurt the West itself by effecting the Global economy in an adverse way the longer that they go on.

I personally don’t like any of the old ideologies, philosophies, and doctrines of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Religious Fundamentalism and all the other “ism” that are derived from the bad human characteristics of Greed, Lust, Hate, Cruelty, Jealousy, Prejudice, and lack of Empathy and that have been infringing on our rights in one way or another throughout the history because they can only exist through supporting inequality, oppression, suppression, torture, killing, and War.

When it comes to saving the World the last thing that I want to see is the further expansion of these old systems that have all already proven to be a failure in dealing with the existential problems that are currently facing Humanity and the Environment.

We don’t want all these political, Religious, and Racial parties and groups to resurrect their past, we want something new that can propel the World into the next Era that is based on the Universal Principles and Values that have been derived through Logic and Compassion and not through Force and Violence.

By “We” I mean all the Intelligent, Righteous, and Peace loving people of the World.


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Could more be because of your bs comment "majority of Ukrainians actually welcome their liberators".

In the current operation zones(around Donbas).
Could more be because of your bs comment "majority of Ukrainians actually welcome their liberators".
The problem that I see is that Russia is bombing everyone, even those who are supposedly welcoming them.

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“It is clear what is happening here. Ukraine is being defeated. And that is exactly what we saw during the Syrian conflict. When the terrorists sponsored by the US, Britain and the EU were defeated, they did something similar.
Don't be surprised if UKR goes on the offensive. I'm not saying Zelenskyy will be eating borscht in Red Square, but expect insurgencies deep into Russian territory that Putin won't have the men, nor firepower to repel. In which case, he will likely resort to using chemical weapons or nukes making parts of Russia uninhabitable (while blaming all on Ukraine). IMO

Just the GOP though. Liberals in the USA or Canada would never get caught taking money from the Chinese or Russians.
LOL, you didn't mention the Conservatives or NDP :-P
Don't be surprised if UKR goes on the offensive. I'm not saying Zelenskyy will be eating borscht in Red Square, but expect insurgencies deep into Russian territory that Putin won't have the men, nor firepower to repel. In which case, he will likely resort to using chemical weapons or nukes making parts of Russia uninhabitable (while blaming all on Ukraine). IMO

There are two Russias,

There is the more modern part that is more European like and then there is the rest of Russia that is like a third World Country where people don't even have the most basic comforts of life.

I believe that if the War continues it will be a disadvantage for Ukraine because in the long run if the Peace talks collapse it will put Russia in a position that it can regroup and reorganize its forces and then go after claiming the Whole Ukraine ( and some of the Eastern European Countries that are not members of NATO) instead of being contempt with just the Donbas region.

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Been watching "The Planet of The Apes" on TV all day today,

I liked that one rule that every Ape had to obey:

Ape Shall Not Kill Ape

We can establish a

Universal Citizens Task Force

and start writing a universal constitution for the Humanity as a whole that holds all those who are trying to maintain and who are benefiting from the status quo of things accountable for their crimes against Humanity and the Environment.


Again not everyone has the same beliefs, ideas, culture, values, morals, motivations, etc.

Even if that was the case let's say someone then broke the agreement, what's the solution? You are going to have to force them to follow it, which means more violence.

This is just not reality based.

We can do better, but there is no utopia because people don't believe in the same stuff...Hell, people would have completely different definitions of what utopia even is.

Greed is in human nature. Many people only think about "how does this effect me?".
I doubt getting people who live a life of privilege to sacrifice for others is going to be a real winner.

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Again not everyone has the same beliefs, ideas, culture, values, morals, motivations, etc.

Even if that was the case let's say someone then broke the agreement, what's the solution? You are going to have to force them to follow it, which means more violence.

This is just not reality based.

We can do better, but there is no utopia because people don't believe in the same stuff...Hell, people would have completely different definitions of what utopia even is.

You are right Brad, let them all kill one another, but then stop giving each other all those noble prizes and the medals for being outstanding members of the Human Race.

You can't be a civilized person one day and act like a vicious animal the next.

You are right Brad, let them all kill one another, but then stop giving each other all those noble prizes and the medals for being outstanding members of the Human Race.

You can't be a civilized person one day and act like a vicious animal the next.

I agree. This type of thing requires incremental steps to fix in any meaningful way.

There is always going to be some violence, as many people just have no hope. What is the solution to the massive disparity in wealth and resources around the globe? There is no easy one.

Until that issue is brought more into equilibrium, there will never be peace.

I agree. This type of thing requires incremental steps to fix in any meaningful way.

There is always going to be some violence, as many people just have no hope. What is the solution to the massive disparity in wealth and resources around the globe? There is no easy one.

Until that issue is brought more into equilibrium, there will never be peace.

So where and what do we start with,

We have to envision and discuss the makings of a better World if we are going to get there someday.

So where and what do we start with,

We have to envision and discuss the makings of a better World if we are going to get there someday.

I have no idea. That is the problem.

It is a lot easier to solve things in small areas or regions, than globally. Every area has their own issues to deal with. I don't think there is any one size fits all solution.

One good start would be to rid the planet of potentially humanity destroying technology, like nuclear weapons.

Even there many countries will not agree. For instance it is the only leverage Russia has at the moment.

We are the only species that has the ability to wipe ourselves out, and if technology advances and conflicts continue, it is a matter of when, not if, it happens.

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I have no idea. That is the problem.

It is a lot easier to solve things in small areas or regions, than globally. Every area has their own issues to deal with. I don't think there is any one size fits all solution.

One good start would be to rid the planet of potentially humanity destroying technology, like nuclear weapons.

Even there many countries will not agree. For instance it is the only leverage Russia has at the moment.
Without it the NATO alliance could roll in and stop their war of aggression pretty easily.

We are the only species that has the ability to wipe ourselves out, and if technology advances and conflicts continue, it is a matter of when, not if, it happens.

Do you agree that the least we can do is to stop promoting so much greed, lust, hate, violence, jealousy, cruelty, and lack of empathy through the media which ultimately is going to result in aggressive behaviors in the younger generations who are going to be the future citizens and leaders of the World.

(By Media I mean the movie and music Industry, Internet and social media, video games, the print media, and even some school books).

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Do you agree that the least we can do is to stop promoting so much greed, lust, hate, violence, jealousy, cruelty, and lack of empathy through the media which ultimately is going to result in aggressive behavior in the younger generations.

(By Media I mean the movie Industry, Internet and social media, video games, the print media, and even some school books).

These are very broad questions. I would need more specifics.

You can say all that stuff is bad, but it comes down to subjectivity on what you mean.
Different people will have different definitions on each.

When you start to go down that path it can start to resemble fascism and censorship pretty quickly.

I am also not really sure the younger generations are the issue. The older generations are the ones in position to destroy the world pretty much. If anything it will be the younger generations who save us. Maybe the older people could learn a thing or two.

I will say in general though, I think the rise of social media has caused far more negatives for humanity than positives.

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These are very broad questions. I would need more specifics.

You can say all that stuff is bad, but it comes down to subjectivity on what you mean.
Different people will have different definitions on each.

When you start to go down that path it can start to resemble fascism and censorship pretty quickly.

I am also not really sure the younger generations are the issues. The older generations are the ones in position to destroy the world pretty much. If anything it will be the younger generations who save us. Maybe the older people could learn a think or two.

I will say in general though, I think the rise of social media has causes far more negatives for humanity than positives.

I mean if we had taught Peace instead of War to the younger generations ever since WWII perhaps we wouldn't be where we are now.

You know you can train a dog to behave very civilized or you can train it to be very vicious.

The media has been training us to become very vicious by encouraging and making money off of our bad human characteristics.

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I mean if we had taught Peace instead of War to the younger generations ever since WWII perhaps we wouldn't be where we are now.

You know you can train a dog to behave very civilized or you can train it to be very vicious.

The media has been training us to become very vicious by encouraging and making money off of our bad human characteristics.

How do you "teach" peace?

Yes, media can play into the worse parts of humanity because that is what sells, but there were more wars and conflicts before media even existed. It is not some recent development.

As long as humanity has existed there has been conflict.

How do you "teach" peace?

Yes, media can play into the worse parts of humanity because that is what sells, but there were more wars and conflicts before media even existed. It is not some recent development.

As long as humanity has existed there has been conflict.

So we both agree that certain things like greed, lust, and cruelty are part of human nature, but why should we encourage those bad characteristics which media has been doing to the extreme in the past few decades.

Why teach a dog to bite everyone when you can teach it to be a service dog that can be of some benefits to the World.

Even if you want to train a dog as a guard dog ( like a soldier) you still have to teach it discipline so it wouldn't just bite everyone indiscriminately and or with excessive cruelty.

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So we both agree that certain things like greed, lust, and cruelty are part of human nature, but why should we encourage those bad characteristics which media has been doing to the extreme in the past few decades.

Why teach a dog to bite everyone when you can teach it to be a service dog that can be of some benefits to the World.

Even if you want to train a dog as a guard dog ( like a soldier) you still have to teach it discipline so it wouldn't just bite everyone indiscriminately and or with excessive cruelty.

Terms like greed, lust, cruelty, have completely different definitions to every person.
For instance greed to one person could be free market to another.

There are some beliefs where there is simply no compromise with an opposing view.
It is a zero sum game.

Some group is always going to be unhappy no matter what action is taken.

I agree things could be better, but when you start getting into specifics vs. platitudes, it gets far harder.

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Terms like greed, lust, cruelty, have completely different definitions to every person.
For instance greed to one person could be free market to another.

There are some beliefs where there is simply no compromise with an opposing view.
It is a zero sum game.

Some group is always going to be unhappy no matter what action is taken.

I agree things could be better, but when you start getting into specifics vs. platitudes, it gets far harder.

Nevertheless I have seen dogs that are much more civilized than people, like the dogs that go visit cancer patients at the Hospital or the service dogs that help the disabled.

Only if people could be taught to be as civilized as those dogs.

More than 4.5 million Ukrainian refugees have fled their country looking for safety, & over 6 million have been internally displaced, in a country of 40 million+..

Europe is still buying Russian energy, & sending billions of Euros to Russia. It just looks bad & hypocritical. It does look like all their measures taken so far have been to keep the Russians from moving deeper into Europe, rather than stop what they're doing in Ukraine.

UK PM visits Kyiv and promises more military equipment for Ukraine in the form of armored vehicles.

Few days of hard battle ahead for Ukraine as Russia gets ready to start the assault on Donbas,

Civilians warned to evacuate that region While they still could.

Let's hope that Russia isn't going to bomb all the residential buildings in the Eastern Ukraine like it did with the rest of the Country.

Possibility of France becoming more pro Russia as Presidential elections are held today.

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Possibility of France becoming more pro Russia as Presidential elections are held today.
“Don’t forget about Ukraine,” President Volodymyr Zelensky said last Sunday at the end of an interview with CBS. “We have the same values, we have the same color of blood, and we are fighting for freedom and we will win.”

How We Can Be Worthy of Ukraine

In this country, Ukraine has done what nothing else—no election or insurrection, no pandemic, no environmental catastrophe—could do: shown the difference between right and wrong, heroism and barbarism, truth and lies, with such clarity that most Americans are in agreement. To be worthy of Ukraine, we’ll need to start to cure what ails our democracy - to rid ourselves of our own incipient Russification. Many of its elements are already here. read more
“Don’t forget about Ukraine,” President Volodymyr Zelensky said last Sunday at the end of an interview with CBS. “We have the same values, we have the same color of blood, and we are fighting for freedom and we will win.”

How We Can Be Worthy of Ukraine

In this country, Ukraine has done what nothing else—no election or insurrection, no pandemic, no environmental catastrophe—could do: shown the difference between right and wrong, heroism and barbarism, truth and lies, with such clarity that most Americans are in agreement. To be worthy of Ukraine, we’ll need to start to cure what ails our democracy - to rid ourselves of our own incipient Russification. Many of its elements are already here. read more

I'm not going to be posting in this thread as much anymore, talking about war is not why I'm on NamePros.

But that article is grim reading, namely:- "In the U.S., a Russian victory will free Donald Trump, his clan, his followers in the Republican Party, and the right-wing media of any need to pretend that they ever objected to Putin’s war. Trump will strengthen his grip on the party, compelling other Republicans to go along or be tagged as accomplices of woke Democrats, weak Europeans, and corrupt Ukrainians."

It's as if the world isn't fragile enough already with covid/climate change/Putin, the returning Donald Trump would go into full blown 'don't give a fuck' mode and 'revenge' as he would know he would only have 4 years, he would just do what he wants, he would go after social media/free press and every person and country who was glad to see the back of him, he would go back to kissing Putin's arse, sanctions would no doubt be lifted, America more divided, NATO more divided, not reducing America's greenhouse emissions, dangerous/grim times.
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Don't be surprised if UKR goes on the offensive. I'm not saying Zelenskyy will be eating borscht in Red Square, but expect insurgencies deep into Russian territory that Putin won't have the men, nor firepower to repel. In which case, he will likely resort to using chemical weapons or nukes making parts of Russia uninhabitable (while blaming all on Ukraine). IMO

LOL, you didn't mention the Conservatives or NDP :-P
I've said several times, there are no conservatives / liberals. Only people who tell the truth and those who don't.
I'm not going to be posting in this thread as much anymore, talking about war is not why I'm on NamePros.

But that article is grim reading, namely:- "In the U.S., a Russian victory will free Donald Trump, his clan, his followers in the Republican Party, and the right-wing media of any need to pretend that they ever objected to Putin’s war. Trump will strengthen his grip on the party, compelling other Republicans to go along or be tagged as accomplices of woke Democrats, weak Europeans, and corrupt Ukrainians."

It's as if the world isn't fragile enough already with covid/climate change/Putin, the returning Donald Trump would go into full blown 'don't give a fuck' mode and 'revenge' as he would know he would only have 4 years, he would just do what he wants, he would go after social media/free press and every person and country who was glad to see the back of him, he would go back to kissing Putin's arse, sanctions would no doubt be lifted, America more divided, NATO more divided, not reducing America's greenhouse emissions, dangerous/grim times.
Trump has a following , but it is very small now , Trump will be no factor in the 2024 election , Ron DeSantis will most likely be the nominee , but there is a good ways to go before 2024 , But Trump will be no factor
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