analysis World War III

Spaceship Spaceship

oldtimer Let's not leave anyone behindTop Member
I believe that President Biden was right when he said that Russia is going to Invade Ukraine.

Any intelligent person is going to come to the same conclusion knowing that Russia has already decided to pay any price imposed on it by the West through sanctions.

Short of full military confrontation by the West there is nothing that can make Russia to change its mind as they see this as a golden opportunity to resurrect the once powerful superpower that was equal to the USA.

But Russia’s ambitions are not going to stop with taking over Ukraine since it already has made plans to increase its sphere of influence to Asia, Middle East, and South America and perhaps the whole World knowing that the West is most likely not going to do anything beyond just imposing sanctions which ultimately will hurt the West itself by effecting the Global economy in an adverse way the longer that they go on.

I personally don’t like any of the old ideologies, philosophies, and doctrines of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Religious Fundamentalism and all the other “ism” that are derived from the bad human characteristics of Greed, Lust, Hate, Cruelty, Jealousy, Prejudice, and lack of Empathy and that have been infringing on our rights in one way or another throughout the history because they can only exist through supporting inequality, oppression, suppression, torture, killing, and War.

When it comes to saving the World the last thing that I want to see is the further expansion of these old systems that have all already proven to be a failure in dealing with the existential problems that are currently facing Humanity and the Environment.

We don’t want all these political, Religious, and Racial parties and groups to resurrect their past, we want something new that can propel the World into the next Era that is based on the Universal Principles and Values that have been derived through Logic and Compassion and not through Force and Violence.

By “We” I mean all the Intelligent, Righteous, and Peace loving people of the World.


Thread rules: everyone is invited to participate as long as things are kept on topic and are on the constructive, professional, and respectful side (personal attacks and demeaning of others will not be tolerated). Do not overwhelm this thread with memes and if you provide a link to an article you must give a brief explanation as to what it is about so that people know ahead of time what they are clicking on.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Politicians have long argued that defense spending is good for the economy. Of course, arms manufacturers' stock rises as do their profits, meanwhile the public pays for the war.

Nuclear weapons are bad. Giving religious fanatics who believe they are fighting for God the tools to create nuclear weapons is something only Joe Biden and Barack Obama would do.

To put a cherry on the shit sandwich, Joe Biden let his friend Vladimir Putin negotiate the terms that America would agree to let Iran have nuclear reactors, so don't be surprised Putin and Russia are guaranteed to hundreds of billions:

1) Building nuclear reactors

2) Selling nuclear fuel obtained from the USA under Obama with help from Hillary Clinton.

I hope the millions donated to her "foundation" were worth it.

3) Maintaining the nuclear reactors

A billion dollars spent on clean energy, education or health care would generate more jobs than a billion dollars spent on defense.

While everyone is crying and wringing their hands over the invasion of Ukraine, Please take a second and think about how bad it will be when the Mula's who think it is their destiny to rule the world have nuclear weapons.

Thank goodness it ain't windmills in Tehran :whistle:

I know it's hard to believe a democrat, especially a democrat who earned $60 million but only has $2.5 million in assets could be corrupt and not working for the best long term interest of the USA or the world.... but try.
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Nuclear weapons are bad. Giving religious fanatics who believe they are fighting for God the tools to create nuclear weapons is something only Joe Biden and Barack Obama would do.

To put a cherry on the shit sandwich, Joe Biden let his friend Vladimir Putin negotiate the terms that America would agree to let Iran have nuclear reactors, so don't be surprised Putin and Russia are guaranteed to hundreds of billions:

1) Building nuclear reactors

2) Selling nuclear fuel obtained from the USA under Obama with help from Hillary Clinton.

I hope the millions donated to her "foundation" were worth it.

3) Maintaining the nuclear reactors
No doubt, just like building nuclear reactors on earthquake fault lines. :oops:


While everyone is crying and wringing their hands over the invasion of Ukraine, Please take a second and think about how bad it will be when the Mula's who think it is their destiny to rule the world have nuclear weapons.
North Korea is popping the missiles out atm, but Putin will probably beat them to the punch.

North Korea claims test-fire of largest ICBM, may put US mainland within reach​

I know it's hard to believe a democrat, especially a democrat who earned $60 million but only has $2.5 million in assets could be corrupt and not working for the best long term interest of the USA or the world.... but try.
I have no idea who you are talking about? Do you believe all politicians are working for the best interest of the world? It seems to me we keep pushing real problems under the rug. Not to diminish the plight of Ukraine, but IMO we're all just biding time before the REAL sh*t hits the fan... so dig in. :beaver:
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Bombed over being borscht soup nazis:

Russia Claims Ukraine’s Refusal to Share Borscht Proves ‘Nazism’

Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson went on an incoherent rant this week in which she claimed Ukraine’s supposed refusal to share its legacy of borscht with Russia proves the country is governed by “xenophobia” and “Nazism.” At an official foreign ministry briefing on Thursday, Maria Zakharova, at times appearing to slur her words, said the borscht issue is “exactly what we are talking about” when explaining the need for Vladimir Putin’s “special operation” against Ukraine. “They even forbid culinary books. Why? Because they didn’t want to share borscht, it must belong to only one people, one nationality. And for it to be shared, for every housewife in every region and in every city to be able to make it their own way—no. They don’t want to compromise,” she said, calling this a sign of “xenophobia, Nazism, extremism in all forms.” Shortly after Zakharova whined about Ukraine getting all the glory for the traditional beet soup, Russia lobbed rockets at families fleeing the besieged Donetsk region, ultimately killing more than 50 people, some of them children. (But do go on about your soup grievances, Masha.)
On the subject of the United Nations,

We have to accept the fact that the recent events have brought a lot of the ugly side of Humanity to the forefront which up to now was somehow being hidden under a veneer of Civility.

In a World where everyone tortures and kills to protect their power, status, and interests we can no longer pretend that we all don’t have a hand in making the World what it is now.

The three major systems of Capitalism, Communism, and Religious Fundamentalism all operate pretty much the same way.

You have a different set of ideologies, philosophies, and doctrines that is being pushed by each one of these competing systems and there is an enforcement mechanism that is put in place to make sure that everyone complies and conforms to what each system considers to be right for its people.

Regardless of which system you live under you will be punished and your life will be decimated if you don’t submit to the forces of the status quo.

You might end up like Khashoggi who was chopped up and flushed down the toilet , or be poisoned by military grade radioactive isotopes like what happened to some other dissidents.

Human Rights, Freedom of Speech, and Fair and Equal treatment under the law somehow always fall short because none of these major systems has any tolerance for anyone who wants to expose the evils, lies, and betrayals that are going on behind the scenes in the World.

Back when WWII ended the research and experiments that were done by the SS on inner psyche of prisoners resulted in creating the secret organizations that are now being used by every government in the World to keep people under control.

How can we talk about Human Rights when these secret organizations set anyone they like up with false accusations and phony evidence or worse torture and kill them with total impunity and immunity.

What is happening in Ukraine is the direct result of the secret organizations that have shaped the mindsets and agendas of not only those who are in the position of leadership in Russia, but also those who have maintained the cold war mentality of the past in some of the European Countries which along with Russia’s goals and ambitions have now brought the World to the brink of self destruction.

If left unchecked these secret organizations that in a way are the liaisons between Humanity and the forces that control us from within can become the biggest obstacle in the way of human progress by keeping everyone locked within a zombie like state of mind and scared of thinking outside of the narrative that is being pushed on them by the system that they live under.

We have to make sure that all governments in the World respect and abide by the Human Rights at all levels and at all times and that they don’t look at it as just a nuisance in their way that they can ignore at their convenience.

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Statement by President von der Leyen with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy at the occasion of the President's visit to Kyiv

Dear Volodymyr,

My message today is clear: Ukraine belongs in the European family. We have heard your request, loud and clear. And today, we are here to give you a first, positive answer. In this envelope, dear Volodymyr, there is an important step towards EU membership. This questionnaire is the basis for our discussion in the coming months. This is where your path towards the European Union begins. We will be at your disposal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to work on this common basis. Ukraine is a friend, we know this very well. Ukraine shares our values. And due to our association agreement, Ukraine is already closely aligned with our Union. So we will accelerate this process as much as we can, while ensuring that all conditions are respected.

On the first day of your mandate, dear Volodymyr, you said: 'We have chosen Europe as our direction. But Europe', you said, 'Europe is not somewhere else. Europe is here in our mind. And when Europe is in our mind, then Europe will come to our country too.'

Today, more than ever, Europe is here. Europe is with you.

Slava Ukraini.
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neo nazi nightmare - majority of Ukrainians actually welcome their liberators:

Video: https://no_url_shorteners/kremlinprachka/18350

neo nazi nightmare - majority of Ukrainians actually welcome their liberators:

These 15 idiots hardly make up the majority of Ukraine's population - Maybe the food is even poisoned
No doubt, just like building nuclear reactors on earthquake fault lines. :oops:


Or storing the waste there.

North Korea is popping the missiles out atm, but Putin will probably beat them to the punch.

North Korea claims test-fire of largest ICBM, may put US mainland within reach​
South Korea and Japan have counter measures. The problem is, how do you tell if it is a test or the real thing. I'm sure the experts have an idea but it scares me.

I have no idea who you are talking about? Do you believe all politicians are working for the best interest of the world? It seems to me we keep pushing real problems under the rug. Not to diminish the plight of Ukraine, but IMO we're all just biding time before the REAL sh*t hits the fan... so dig in. :beaver:
I'm frustrated watching Joe Biden and Barack Obama divide and weaken our country while helping our enemies.

Joe Biden is in steep decline. He has never had any real integrity, he's a follower. He ran for President twice before 2019 and was forced to drop out for past lies and plagiarism.

Trump is crude and a poor judge of character but considering the total opposition to everything he did, he accomplished a lot of good for the USA and America.

Ukraine was invaded in part because Joe Biden is weak and Putin saw an opportunity to advance his goals. Joe Biden gave Putin leverage over American foreign policy and this is the result.

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” - anonymously attributed to Barack Obama.

“And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden.” - Barack Obama
Posting last night's NYT on Russia's insane misadventures in Chernobyl, because it's jaw-dropping. Some highlights:

  • Russia actually did bring their own nuclear experts from Rosatom (Russia's state nuclear company) to advise.
  • They coordinated with Ukrainian scientists, but the Russian military appears to have mostly just ignored their advice.
  • The most colorful example of Russia's disregard for safety is a soldier who picked up a nuclear waste container of Cobalt-60, a highly radioactive isotope only found in nuclear reactors, with his bare hands. He was emitting so much radiation shortly afterwards that it pegged a geiger counter to it's maximum.
  • This appears to match the description of a soldier reported to already have died from acute radiation poisoning back in March, though they could be unrelated and NYT could not establish what became of the Cobalt-60 enthusiast.
  • The Russians did indeed dig trenches in extremely dangerous areas, however the Ukrainians were primarily worried about keeping power to a water tank that cools old fuel rods. Experts estimated that a loss of power for 15 days could be sufficient to cause an explosion, showering a wide area with radioactive debris. The Russians initially kept the power running, but it required 19,000 gallons of diesel a day. Eventually, the Russians cut the power, insisting that they needed the fuel for the assault on Kyiv.
  • Ukraine viewed this essentially as extortion of Belarus to figure out how to hook up to their power grid, since Belarus would receive the brunt of the radioactive debris from an explosion. A solution along these lines was apparently found.
While it seems that there is no limit to the human pain and suffering in this War and that there are many people here that are genuinely concerned for all the innocent civilians that are being killed everyday right now,

But I believe that this is a good opportunity to go one step higher and ask how we can put an end to all the abuse, torture, and killings that is going on in the World at large right under our noses that perhaps a lot of us didn’t pay any attention to or weren’t aware of before we started seeing all these pictures that are coming out of Ukraine.

How can we as ordinary people around the World unite together to put an end to all the misery that has taken over our World.

Today with so much access to Internet and social media we as the people of the World have a lot of power to do some good for Humanity and our Home Planet and we need to learn how to exercise that power at the global stage.

Lets not wait for the politicians or the United Nations to do anything about all the problems that we and our Planet are facing because they Won’t.

We as the civilized and well wishing people of the World have to become more active and take control of the situation ourselves.

We can establish a

Universal Citizens Task Force

and start writing a universal constitution for the Humanity as a whole that holds all those who are trying to maintain and who are benefiting from the status quo of things accountable for their crimes against Humanity and the Environment.

"Ukraine is failing and therefore using the tactics of Syrian terrorists - attacking civilians and calling for external intervention," Brian Berletic, a geopolitical analyst and former US Marine Corps soldier, said of the incident in Kramatorsk.

“It is clear what is happening here. Ukraine is being defeated. And that is exactly what we saw during the Syrian conflict. When the terrorists sponsored by the US, Britain and the EU were defeated, they did something similar.

They attacked the civilian population. And they said that the Syrian government did it. And then they called for intervention. They called for new sanctions.

So they did throughout the conflict, until they completely lost. And this is what we see here in Ukraine."

Video(in English):

neo nazi nightmare - majority of Ukrainians actually welcome their liberators:

Video: https://no_url_shorteners/kremlinprachka/18350

Show attachment 213771

LMAO, why you are down voting, as if this helps to deny the fact that in some areas of UA russian soldiers are actually welcomed. Cancel culture at its best?
LMAO, why you are down voting, as if this helps to deny the fact that in some areas of UA russian soldiers are actually welcomed. Cancel culture at its best?

Could more be because of your bs comment "majority of Ukrainians actually welcome their liberators".
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