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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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But now that Trump is trying to do something about it, all the Democrats, all the Liberal Media, all of Hollywood, most of the Judges, virtually all of the Music industry and even some Republicans are blocking him!

What I can't understand is that there are many millions of highly qualified people around the world that apply to immigrate LEGALLY into the US, but have to wait years and years to get an answer and yet millions, mostly unqualified people enter ILLEGALLY, but Democrats seem to defend them more than Americans.

I'm sure the LEGAL applicants would have their applications approved much faster, if it weren't for the problem of so many millions of ILLEGALS, sucking up resources.

I have a friend who applied to immigrate to the US about 13 years ago. He is a highly qualified computer programmer with some courses from Microsoft. He got APPROVED 9 years later for US residency!

By then he was no longer interested. I'm sure there are thousands if not millions of similar stories like his!

In his case the US lost out on a highly qualified person, but during those 9 years gained some unqualified illegals, perhaps some gang members or other criminals, probably living the good life in a sanctuary city!

Democrats are crying over $5.6 billion, which represents only 0.1%, that's 1/10th of 1% of the budget and yet they secretly gave Iran $150 billion, to try to make them stop saying: "Death to America"

The US also spends $130 billion in feeding and supporting all those ILLEGALS. And yet the WALL is EXPENSIVE?

Go figure!

Correct, but , has their been a sweep in US to arrest illegals, absolutely not, why hadn’t their been??

Although controlling the border is very very very important, what about the millions upon millions of illegal immigrants that already reside in the US .

We could be taking care of that problem right now, we could have been taking care of that problem the last two years that President Trump has been in office, we could have avoided the illegal immigration problem altogether, had anyone of the Presidents gave a shit for the last five + decades
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Because business, politicians profit from illegal immigration.

1) GW Bush was close to giving amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants when 911 happened and security became an yuge issue.

2) Democrats and Republicans both want credit for granting amnesty to illegal immigrants but don't want the heat from middle / lower class working people who are hurt by unlimited, illegal immigration.

3) Chamber of Commerce has a lot of money / clout and likes illegal immigration because it lowers wages for entry level jobs and labor.

But who will pick our veggies and mow our lawns?? The same people but they will have work permits, workers compensation benefits and can travel by train / buss from their homes to their jobs. You're grapes and lettuce will cost more but if we are being humane, who cares.

Then why build a wall??? Why even make an effort to try and stop illegal immigration???

What can be rectified?
Live within your means, Become financially independent, become self employed, self educated, save money, take care of your health, eat right, support local small business, adapt to change, drive used cars, don’t waste money on expensive colleges, work close to home, let your wife stay at home to raise kids.

Versus these trapped Americans:

Have a huge expensive Wedding to start off in debt
Move to suburbs to a house they cannot afford
Both husband and wife work to afford the house
Not vote
Not complain
Hire illegals for cheap labor then complain about them
Use facebook all day long
Watch and emulate the Kardashians, Jersey Shore etc.
Take out student loans that can’t be repaid.
Work for a corporation or government
Education ends after full time work
Sit in traffic 2-4 hours per day
Buy a new car every 3 years
Don’t save any money
Expect the Govt to fix things
Gripe about not having the latest iPhone
Buy the latest iPhone on time
Move from CA to AZ, WA, OR, NM, TX
Don’t cook, eat out often at fast food.
Eat at corporate chain restaurants
Shop at Amazon daily
Buy a big screen tv for every room.
Get pay day loans
Continuously increase debt
Eat sugar free and processed foods
Gain weight
Expect “someone else” to fix their self inflicted problems.

What can be rectified is how the American people treat each other, we don’t have to agree, we don’t have to like, all we have to do is show respect to our fellow man and women.

There are so many more things that we can’t control, than we can control, the things we can control in neiborhoods, our cities and states, we should control.

Your neibor is not your enemy if you simply show respect to one another, what race, religion, sexual preference, has nothing to do with showing someone respect. You don’t have to agree on any of the above, you don’t even have to like them as a person, but respecting them will bring people far more than disrespecting them.

You don’t need to have dinner, get to know each other, all you have to do is show respect, say hello every once in a while, your house will be safer, all your surroundings will be safer, and in general, I think people would be living a much better life.
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Correct, but , has their been a sweep in US to arrest illegals, absolutely not, why hadn’t their been??

Although controlling the border is very very very important, what about the millions upon millions of illegal immigrants that already reside in the US .
Every time ICE officials arrest illegals who bring children with them, the Liberal Choir starts screaming "Blue Murder" and blocking everything Trump tries to do!

But they never screamed "Blue Murder" when Obama was doing the exact same thing!

How to solve the millions already in the US? I do't see anything other than Amnesty for those who are working, are good citizens, are totally integrated, are proud of the American flag and are NOT involved in crime or leaching from the government. The rest should be deported.

IMO this should happen only after a very secure border wall/fence along the whole border is built, to stop once and for all, the constant non-stop inflow of millions of illegals.

The other very important measure is to heavily fine or arrest anyone or any firm that hires illegals. This will have a tremendous dissuading effect on hiring illegals, resulting in a massive drop in illegals crossing the border or from Visa overstays.

There is another thing that should be done: stop giving any government money to Sanctuary States and Cities that are helping illegals, so many of which are criminals.

If these 3 measures are not implemented, the illegals will just keep on entering the US in massive numbers.

We could be taking care of that problem right now, we could have been taking care of that problem the last two years that President Trump has been in office, we could have avoided the illegal immigration problem altogether, had anyone of the Presidents gave a sh*t for the last five + decades
That's true, if there wasn't all this blocking from the Liberal Choir, Trump could have done quite a lot by now. I believe Reagan gave Amnesty to several million illegals, but apparently the Democrats stabbed him on his back, by not financing the building of a wall or something to that effect after having agreed to it, prior to the amnesty.

Nancy and Chuck are saying: Stop the shutdown first and then we talk about financing the wall. BS, they are lying... Democrats simply can't be trusted!
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You know I’m a fan of this, but everyone isn’t cut out to be self employed, and many jobs can’t be “self educated”

Aside from needing formal education to get past the hiring managers in most “white collar” jobs, I dont think I would want a self-educated doctor or dentist D-:!

And better schools are a competitive edge in the job market. I got through without loans - part scholarships, part family and I was living home and working part time while in school, but that was then and costs weren’t as crazy as they are now. I don’t pretend to know what the answer is, but tuition has gotten ridiculous. I’m not on the “free college for all” bandwagon, but I could see some merit-based free tuition at community colleges, possibly state. Merit based = to kids who show initiative and/or leadership, good grades, stay out of trouble. It would give a hand up the economic mobility ladder to those who deserve it and are most likely to run with it. Leverage promising talent - especially from low income families - instead of consigning them to flip burgers, work in retail and raise another low income generation.

Eat right, watch your weight, take care of your health... there’s still environmental and genetic “gotchas.” Even the relatively benign ones - two nearsighted parents are unlikely produce kids who don’t need glasses. And age, wear and tear catches up with all of us eventually...

And you are pragmatic about life. I read an article recently where corporations have been changing the degree requirement recently. Of course Dr.’s need basics, but from discussions with my Dr. friends they tell me the “intern” or residency OJT part working as an “apprentice” doing supervised surgeries under a qualified “Journeyman” experienced Dr.’s is where most training begins. Trade work should be opening up where citizens and legal residents should get into instead of college. Plumbers and electricians will never be extinct or replaced by robots.

Colleges have inflated way beyond their value. Too many administrators and overhead from what I read. I know a director in a major private univ who makes $1000 a day, doing nothing but tenured and publishing nonsense papers. He is in his 70’s, should have retired. It’s crazy.

You are the exception, not the rule you know. I admire anyone who is able to be self employed 100%, been there done that and the up’s and down’s of economic cycles. If your customers are in Gov, the shutdown effects you so I understand.

Scholarships absolutely, but the US Universities shouldn’t push out qualified Citizens to educate Chinese being imported into the states by tech companies only for them to return to China. Immigrants who commit to stay and become part of the economy should be given priority.

I am not sure about the consigning them to flip burgers, is a punishment. It builds character, creates team work experience, and work ethics. I never saw too many over 30 doing that work.

It is my belief that anyone who has internal drive, personable, self motivated, a self starter, requires little supervision and common sense can flip burgers then they will move on to the next job. Shitty jobs motivate people to take action. Most of us who grew up 40-50 years ago who always worked, we delivered papers, washing cars, mowing lawns, washing dishes, cleaning kitchens, doing greasy dirty work, etc. It sucks that those jobs are viewed negatively or people feel they are “too good” to be doing them like entitled, spoiled millennials or have become scarce, competitive with cheaper labor or less available for younger people being taken by illegals or others.

You are a moderate democrat on these issues, we need more of them. Glad the ACO pulling to the left isn’t happening to everyone in NYC.
What can be rectified is how the American people treat each other, we don’t have to agree, we don’t have to like, all we have to do is show respect to our fellow man and women.

There are so many more things that we can’t control, than we can control, the things we can control in neiborhoods, our cities and states, we should control.

Your neibor is not your enemy if you simply show respect to one another, what race, religion, sexual preference, has nothing to do with showing someone respect. You don’t have to agree on any of the above, you don’t even have to like them as a person, but respecting them will bring people far more than disrespecting them.

You don’t need to have dinner, get to know each other, all you have to do is show respect, say hello every once in a while, your house will be safer, all your surroundings will be safer, and in general, I think people would be living a much better life.

All of that is true. Agreed. Too much division politically.

One thing more, American people could learn Spanish. I did, starting at late 40’s.

Much of the discourse is caused by too much competition for the same resources.
Those people you mentioned before and spoke with at dinner, sounded like kinda like anti latino or bigots. Surprised they spoke to you as you are an interracial couple. I don’t know where they plan to run to. Lol.

I had a friend once tell me that he felt that overpopulation is the root cause of most social problems. Such basic things that are side effects of over population say traffic jams, add to all the life stress. Americans are conditioned to be consumers, and overconsuming. The 3rd world is changing towards that, at least I won’t see too much of it as I feel like its the 60’s where I travel.
What can be rectified is how the American people treat each other, we don’t have to agree, we don’t have to like, all we have to do is show respect to our fellow man and women.

There are so many more things that we can’t control, than we can control, the things we can control in neiborhoods, our cities and states, we should control.

Your neibor is not your enemy if you simply show respect to one another, what race, religion, sexual preference, has nothing to do with showing someone respect. You don’t have to agree on any of the above, you don’t even have to like them as a person, but respecting them will bring people far more than disrespecting them.

You don’t need to have dinner, get to know each other, all you have to do is show respect, say hello every once in a while, your house will be safer, all your surroundings will be safer, and in general, I think people would be living a much better life.
Nice to imagine that all what you are saying will come back someday... I hope so, but I doubt it, but its nice to Imagine it...

This was John Lennon's Last live performance, filmed at the "Salute to Lew Grade" on April 18, 1975...
One thing more, American people could learn Spanish.

Damn liberals. This is 'Merica, we speak 'Merican here. You want to speak Espanol, go back to Espain.

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Damn liberals. This is 'Merica, we speak 'Merican here. You want to speak Espanol, go back to Espain.

I knew that would get a response. Well plenty of ol’ rednecks in your state, I know first hand being there several times. It’s a practical thing really, if you invite in people that don’t speak your language, then you can bridge the gap by learning theirs. Btw your buddy Mike Pence speaks spanish. I bet Chuck and Nancy or Feinstein don’t.

Btw if you have achieved the right to vote, you should have to learn the language. I never agreed with ballots in spanish. Vice versa, Latin America doesnt print ballots anywhere I know in english. I don’t know what they do in Spain but doubt it.
Caleb Hull‏Verified account @CalebJHull 3 hours ago
THREAD: Dems are refusing to fund the border wall, so I thought I'd create a list of all the insane things government DOES FUND. Enjoy!!!

‣ $3,000,000 for World of Warcraft: tax $ funded UC Irvine researchers' screen time
‣ $800,000 on studying significance of genital-washing
‣ $2,500,000 on a Super Bowl commercial that was so terribly produced that it was banned after it aired
‣ $1,000,000 on Zoo Poetry: "increasing environmental awareness" by creating poetry in four different zoos
‣ $175,000,000 on buildings that have been vacant for years
‣ $765,828 on pancakes: tax dollars subsidized an IHOP in an "under-served" area of DC
‣ $442,340 studying behavior of male prostitutes in Vietnam
‣ $168,766 studying monkeys who throw their poop
‣ $914,000 studying romance novels: topics included "Team Edward or Jacob?"
‣ $5,000,000 studying the drinking habits of college students on game days
‣ $5,000,000 on hipster parties with the goal of ending smoking
‣ $2,000,000 for the Department of Agriculture to fund an internship program. The program hired ONE full-time intern.
‣ $120,000,000 paid to dead federal employees
‣ $2,600,000 to encourage Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly
‣ $505,000 to promote specialty hair and beauty products for cats and dogs
‣ $27,000,000 to teach Moroccans how to make pottery
‣ $300,000 to encourage Americans to consume caviar made in Idaho
‣ $200,000 on a "tattoo removal program" in CA
‣ $60,000 for the IRS to create a parody film of Star Trek and Gilligan’s Island
‣ $1M per year for NASA to create food menu for Mars mission that is decades away
‣ $202,000 to determine if Wikipedia is sexist
‣ $242,600 to study effects of cocaine on honey bees
‣ $4,900,000 to dress students up in fruit costumes and encourage them to eat healthy
‣ $495,000 on commercials to create jobs that never created any jobs
‣ $250M training 60 Syrian rebels to fight the Islamic State
‣ $10M on creating two video games aimed at fighting obesity (FOR REAL)
‣ $900,000 studying social interactions of guppies
‣ $6.3M for VA facility in California to buy artwork
‣ $10M to studying dog tail wagging
‣ $325,000 to build a robot squirrel
‣ $2.5M on coasters for bars that say "IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING"
‣ $31M on first class flights in 4 years for the Department of Health and Human Services alone
‣ $1.3M studying effectiveness of koozies keeping drinks cold
‣ $100M to clean up environmental mess that Environmental Protection Agency created
‣ $387,000 studying the effect of Swedish massages on rabbits
‣ $5M on tweeting responses to pro-ISIS rhetoric
‣ $3M researching why lesbians are more likely to be obese than straight people
‣ $516,000 on a video game about prom
‣ $706,800 to have shrimp fight each other with the goal of helping military and manufacturing engineers
‣ $26M building religious sites across the globe
I knew that would get a response. Well plenty of ol’ rednecks in your state, I know first hand being there several times. It’s a practical thing really, if you invite in people that don’t speak your language, then you can bridge the gap by learning theirs. Btw your buddy Mike Pence speaks spanish. I bet Chuck and Nancy or Feinstein don’t.

Btw if you have achieved the right to vote, you should have to learn the language. I never agreed with ballots in spanish. Vice versa, Latin America doesnt print ballots anywhere I know in english. I don’t know what they do in Spain but doubt it.
But illegals were never invited... so the exact opposite is true. They have to learn the language of the country!!!
$120,000,000 paid to dead federal employees

Thats corruption and incompetence combined.

I didnt see it list the wasted money on the $2 billion Obamacare website.
Thats corruption and incompetence combined.

I didnt see it list the wasted money on the $2 billion Obamacare website.
Or the secretive $150 Billion in cash, flown in by plane from Obama to Iran... That's just a tinny list!
But illegals were never invited... so the exact opposite is true. They have to learn the language of the country!!!

The democrats just invited them to CA and NY to have free medical care!

ACO says that people who show up at the border clawing their way illegally in are more American than I. Hilarious this millennial knucklehead.
Or the secretive $150 Billion in cash, flown in by plane from Obama to Iran... That's just a tinny list!

Obama was a pawn and did what his bosses in the globalist cabal said to do.
But I thought I read that was their $$$, frozen funds from the period of 79’ Ayatolla US embassy disaster incident years ago.
Anybody for a side humor post here?

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Quite a Dumpster Fireside Chat. Complete con job liar.
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Every time ICE officials arrest illegals who bring children with them, the Liberal Choir starts screaming "Blue Murder" and blocking everything Trump tries to do!

But they never screamed "Blue Murder" when Obama was doing the exact same thing!

How to solve the millions already in the US? I do't see anything other than Amnesty for those who are working, are good citizens, are totally integrated, are proud of the American flag and are NOT involved in crime or leaching from the government. The rest should be deported.

IMO this should happen only after a very secure border wall/fence along the whole border is built, to stop once and for all, the constant non-stop inflow of millions of illegals.

The other very important measure is to heavily fine or arrest anyone or any firm that hires illegals. This will have a tremendous dissuading effect on hiring illegals, resulting in a massive drop in illegals crossing the border or from Visa overstays.

There is another thing that should be done: stop giving any government money to Sanctuary States and Cities that are helping illegals, so many of which are criminals.

If these 3 measures are not implemented, the illegals will just keep on entering the US in massive numbers.

That's true, if there wasn't all this blocking from the Liberal Choir, Trump could have done quite a lot by now. I believe Reagan gave Amnesty to several million illegals, but apparently the Democrats stabbed him on his back, by not financing the building of a wall or something to that effect after having agreed to it, prior to the amnesty.

Nancy and Chuck are saying: Stop the shutdown first and then we talk about financing the wall. BS, they are lying... Democrats simply can't be trusted!

agreed about giving amnesty, I have always felt that people who have lived here for 15 years, Illegal or not, that have been a law-abiding good contributor to our country, should be given citizenship, we have so many that have worked very hard, their children have gone through our schools and are successful today, they should be granted citizenship.

we have many many many Mexicans here in Texas, that have been here over 20 +years, one I knew almost 40 years, that have not been granted citizenship yet, with grown kids who have served our military, have gone through college and have kids as well, making the actual illegal immigrants grand parents.
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What happens when the entire Gov shuts down

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Damn liberals. This is 'Merica, we speak 'Merican here. You want to speak Espanol, go back to Espain.

You watch some weird stuff.
I believe Reagan gave Amnesty to several million illegals, but apparently the Democrats stabbed him on his back, by not financing the building of a wall or something to that effect after having agreed to it, prior to the amnesty.

Why were the employer restrictions so ineffective? During the debate in Congress, the bill's sponsors ended up watering down the sanctions on employers to attract support from the business community, explains Wayne Cornelius of the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at U.C. San Diego. "The end result was that they essentially gutted the employer sanctions," he says.

Under the final law, all employers had to do to avoid sanctions was to make sure their workers had paperwork that "reasonably appears on its face to be genuine." If the documents were decent fakes, that wasn't the boss's problem. In fact, employers were actually penalized if they scrutinized a worker's nationality too aggressively.”

I posted before something on it earlier. So, the problem just continued. Frankly, the illegals arriving now imo are not the same calibre of simple job seekers as 40+ years ago. Back then, I truly feel they were not consuming or looking for less entitlements than now. No voter manipulation of eligibility by democrats, No major rock throwing or violence, no major smuggling, fewer gangster types. The ACO abolish ICE and latest free medical program drumbeat and sanctuary laws in both CA and NY will be a huge magnet and incentive to only increase the problem this year forward.

Even with or without the wall, democrats want more democrat voters so they will obstruct all immigration reform like the 9th circuit keeps blocking executive orders, They obstruct the catch and release prevention, fake cries of human rights abuse and all the propaganda calling racism, nazi, etc. So much nonsense. All of this bickering just increases my pessimism.

Why were the employer restrictions so ineffective? During the debate in Congress, the bill's sponsors ended up watering down the sanctions on employers to attract support from the business community, explains Wayne Cornelius of the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at U.C. San Diego. "The end result was that they essentially gutted the employer sanctions," he says.

Under the final law, all employers had to do to avoid sanctions was to make sure their workers had paperwork that "reasonably appears on its face to be genuine." If the documents were decent fakes, that wasn't the boss's problem. In fact, employers were actually penalized if they scrutinized a worker's nationality too aggressively.”

I posted before something on it earlier. So, the problem just continued. Frankly, the illegals arriving now imo are not the same calibre of simple job seekers as 40+ years ago. Back then, I truly feel they were not consuming or looking for less entitlements than now. No voter manipulation of eligibility by democrats, No major rock throwing or violence, no major smuggling, fewer gangster types. The ACO abolish ICE and latest free medical program drumbeat and sanctuary laws in both CA and NY will be a huge magnet and incentive to only increase the problem this year forward.

Even with or without the wall, democrats want more democrat voters so they will obstruct all immigration reform like the 9th circuit keeps blocking executive orders, They obstruct the catch and release prevention, fake cries of human rights abuse and all the propaganda calling racism, nazi, etc. So much nonsense. All of this bickering just increases my pessimism.
Thanks for explaining it so well. Pity Liberals don't see this and many of your other posts for what they are: pure, simple, easy to understand, unadulterated Common Sense... something the Liberal World is dramatically lacking in.

They want modern, smart, latest technology (which they never explain what it is) for border security, which is BS. The truth however, is they mostly want open borders, because that's were 80-90% of their future voters are coming from.

Anyone with some common sense knows that a wall or fence or barrier is still the most effective and proven way to prevent illegals coming in. It lasts a very long time and as @mr-x says, it's impossible to corrupt!! And if you add smart, modern technology to it, which I'm sure they will, then even better!
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Just left a meeting with Chuck and Nancy, a total waste of time. I asked what is going to happen in 30 days if I quickly open things up, are you going to approve Border Security which includes a Wall or Steel Barrier? Nancy said, NO.
I said bye-bye, nothing else works!
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