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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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What has he done to “trash”? He asked NATO to pay up, and they laugh at him instead.
You have a short memory. He called Trudeau dishonest, weak, which is highly undiplomatic. You don't disparage your closest allies in public like that. One of his aides said there is a special place in hell for the Canadian PM. Absolutely disgusting and uncalled for. Classless individual.

Then made a disastrous visit to the UK, showed how impolite he was, need I remind you the details ? Then criticized the British PM publicly over her handling of Brexit, which is internal affairs. (I don't like her handling of the situation either but that is not the point). Then delivered a full scale assault on the British PM but the took on the wrong Theresa May - what an amateur, no attention to details whatsoever, does not think for a second about what he writes. And never apologizes for anything. Zero humility. Never takes responsibility for anything, always blames others.
Then tweeted along the way to endorse a bunch of far right activist in the UK.
Refused to support the UK and condemn Russia in the wake of the Novichok attack (whatever happened to the special relationship).
On the other hand he always has nice words for Putin, he never holds him accountable for anything, he doesn't attack America's foes like he attacks allies. Aligns with Russia, against his own country (surrender summit in Finland).
It's also the same president who criticized Germany for being a captive of the Russians (due to dependence on energy supplies).
Coming from him, seriously.

But he always says one thing and then the exact opposite a few hours later, he just spins your head so that you are totally disoriented and confused. You know, he's confused too and it's scary.
Mike Dense:
I’ve got a message for all of Stacey Abrams’ Hollywood friends: This ain’t Hollywood. This is Georgia!

Notice how this dolt uses "Ain't" in a lame attempt to relate and fit in.

I’ve got a message for Mike Dense: Georgia is considered the Hollywood of the South, oh and your a pompous, fake conservative, fake Christian charlatan...go F yourself you disingenuous duplicitous D-bag :)
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No mainstream coverage on most anything but Trump hate. I wonder what Nelson Mandela would be saying? A supporter or opponent?
Oh this sort of thing has been going on since the Mandela days. Apartheid never ended, except that now it's reversed. White males go to the back of the queue for job applications and in many cases they're not even allowed in the queue. The MSM knows about this, but won't report it...
That's more of the right wing, conspiracy, racist nonsense. You guys are spreading it here, good job.

A "large-scale killing" of white farmers is taking place in South Africa.

See White genocide conspiracy theory

It seems there is an overall crime problem. Black farmers/workers getting killed too. Actually lower now than past years. But I know you guys hate having facts/reality getting in the way of a good conspiracy theory.

Looks like @offthehandle and @GILSAN are the ones spreading it here.
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Amazing how easily triggered right wing radicals are < robert widener cough>. Right wing radicalized white "men" (so called) are the biggest threat in America including those currently in the White House. Take a look at the stats, the facts, somehow we all know that you won't, because you don't actually care about the truth.
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You have a short memory. He called Trudeau dishonest, weak, which is highly undiplomatic. You don't disparage your closest allies in public like that. One of his aides said there is a special place in hell for the Canadian PM.

Kind of a weak argument for “bashing allies”. Maybe a lack of respect might be more in line. Name calling unless its within the US, I do actually agree is undiplomatic. I never paid attention to when or where that happened as Canada and their crazy milk tarrifs seemed enough B.S. I had Canadian customers years back, no issues myself Canadians were great, most Americans love Canadians. So were my decent Mexican customers, Brazilians, Argentina all paid cash and better than dealing with a multinational like the jerks at GE, that horrible company. I happen to believe now in 2018, the US should forget the ME and EU and let them deal with their local issues and concentrate on the Western Hemisphere instead of wealthy countries. Same with China. Expell all Chinese companies with one suitcase each and no computers as spies. That would would really wake them up.

Don’t disagree with you either if he stuck his nose on mixing comments on Brexit.
Brexit was voted and passed and now obstructed by a mess of people.
Trump probably never should have visited UK anyway since Sadiq Khan the genius Mayor of London, who operates the worldwide capital of acid attacks came to the US before that to SXSW sticking his nose in an internal matter about lecturing the US on US politics, he is a jerk too. Don’t you think he might have met with the President first? Nope. As far as Teresa May, also didnt see Trump blunders but he has an opinion about Brexit, and evidently expressed it. He is not a diplomat, thats why he was elected.

Like I said before, the EU mainly is a failure as a group. Each country has a wealth of separate cultures, values, work ethics, welfare systems, beliefs, religions, etc. They don’t all mix well. The EU should acknowledge separation would be better. Some really nice gold they stole from the Americas and in artwork now in Vienna, wow treasures everywhere stolen during the Austra Hungarian empire operated. I bet they stole and possess more Egyptian Antiques than exist today in Egypt.

Regarding Russian double spies, well stuff happens. Its the risk of that job. No proof afaik Putin had to do with it. Putin is a like Maduro, Ortega, Cuba, etc. But he does have nukes, so no reason to rile him up. The Crimea thing I went over before and we disagree. Trump believes in sanctions, I don’t and feel that provokes Russia to lash out alternatively. Like Putin is aiding Cuba and Venezuela, (China also) Trump should lift sanctions if Russia agrees to back out of the Americas. Then leave NATO, and that would leave the EU to fund 100% of Nato and a balance of power will change, maybe the EU might wake up?. Let Merkel get her Natural Gas pipeline from the ME. The Germans are captive to Russia unless they get another pipeline. Who is the alternative supplier of LPG?

The truth is some of these unpleasant, undiplomatic things get blurted out and are the truth. Certain allies can’t handle the truth and common sense. Most liberals get irrational, and that is his intent. Its kind of funny. Sure President Trump can be be mean, a jerk, a loudmouth, arrogant, brash and says it like it is. That is why you and everybody else that dislike him so much, it isn’t business as usual. I understand.
Oh this sort of thing has been going on since the Mandela days. Apartheid never ended, except that now it's reversed. White males go to the back of the queue for job applications and in many cases they're not even allowed in the queue. The MSM knows about this, but won't report it...

So they are TRUE Refugees. The US should allow them Asylum, at least they speak english on arrival and imagine skilled.
So they are TRUE Refugees. The US should allow them Asylum, at least they speak english on arrival and imagine skilled.
Yeah, but, they are WHITE and worse of all, there are White Males among them, which will make the Lefties go apesh*t and start protests & riots...
@GILSAN Another false but true by the infamous snoops.

South Africa begins seizing white-owned farms in land redistribution program

There has been a lot violence but because South Africa doesn't track crimes by race, snoops calls it false. They bury the actual facts behind "white nationalist" conspiracies.

As you can see at the end of the chart, the attacks on farmers are rising.


‘Bury them alive!’: White South Africans fear for their future as horrific farm attacks escalate

In any other country, such a crime would be almost unthinkable. But in South Africa, these kinds of farm attacks are happening nearly every day. This year so far, there have been more than 70 attacks and around 25 murders in similar attacks on white farmers.

South Africa had a murder rate of over 33 murders per 100,000. That's not genocide but it's not a "white nationalist" conspiracy either.

in 2016, USA murder rate per 100,000 was about 5

That's more of the right wing, conspiracy, racist nonsense. You guys are spreading it here, good job.

A "large-scale killing" of white farmers is taking place in South Africa.

See White genocide conspiracy theory

It seems there is an overall crime problem. Black farmers/workers getting killed too. Actually lower now than past years. But I know you guys hate having facts/reality getting in the way of a good conspiracy theory.

Looks like @offthehandle and @GILSAN are the ones spreading it here.

Actually, there is an attack about every five days. Torture is more common than murder.

White farmers would be better off selling to an international agriculture company and moving to AU or UK where they came from, imo.
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Yeah, but, they are WHITE and worse of all, there are White Males among them, which will make the Lefties go apesh*t and start protests & riots...

They can ask Megyn Kelly for a tutorial on how to apply Blackface, lol.
Was reading something else, somebody posted this article, pretty thorough, touching on some points I had brought before:

Candace Owens, con artist

Pretty thorough opinion. There you go. Posting Far Left extremist and racist nonsense and embarrassing yourself again. This is propaganda, not news. Labeling people and calling Candace names.
Right wing radicalized white "men" (so called) are the biggest threat in America including those currently in the White House.

Go watch “Falling Down”, all White People are stereotyped like that now in the fake media. Lol.

This sort of sums up what is happening. Michael Douglas character versus the Nazi wacko. The liberals are attempting to hijack and label caucasian people as all the same bigots, haters and racists. Sick. It isnt working.

Anger possesses according to the narrator who was in a high chair when these great movies were made. This typifies the CNN “News” talking heads, and their idiot guests who lose it.

Speaking of the Palo Alto pawn of Dianne Feinstein: here is a summary and an article from a “far right, incorrect hate site filled with untruths, half truths, opinions, racism, bigotry,”, since everything I post JB gets labeled that, I should warn first. Lol. Actually Simon is a very witty and smart guy who left the US years ago also. Ex military west point.

“Needless to say, times changed. Within a few hundred years, the Senate had become a corrupt joke, filled with venal criminals, weak sycophants, and mediocre minds.

I couldn’t help but think of this analogy yesterday watching the Inquisition of Brett Kavanaugh.

If you’re living under a rock (or reading this letter many years from now), Brett Kavanaugh has been nominated to serve as a Justice of the United States Supreme Court. This requires that he be confirmed by the Senate.

Recently a woman emerged who accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were all teenagers, several decades ago.

This is tantamount to accusing the man of a crime.

But rather than treat this as any other criminal matter in which the authorities would investigate the evidence to determine if charges are warranted… or the case is put to a court and jury to decide… the once-hallowed halls of the US Senate have been turned into an embarrassing circus that shines a giant spotlight on the deep social divides in the Land of the Free.

The whole charade is a horrible offense to the basic principles of justice in which a person is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty.

When it comes to claims of sexual assault, however, the man is automatically deemed guilty … and the accuser praised for her courage and bravery before the veracity of the assertion is ever deliberated.

Senator Maize Hirono of Hawaii recently stated, “Not only do women like [Kavanaugh’s accuser], who bravely come forward, need to be heard, but they need to be believed.”

By definition this is neither fair nor impartial, and turns the entire process into a Kangaroo Court… which is what the Senate has become.

At a certain point yesterday, one Senator introduced multiple pieces of evidence on behalf of the accuser, including ‘expert reports’ that justify her inability to remember details from the assault.

This is truly bizarre.

These Senators are playing the role of judge in this matter. It seems impossible to do this while simultaneously acting as advocate for the accuser.

Another Senator sat smugly and sanctimoniously, leering down at Brett Kavanaugh and demanding explanations about code words for beer and flatulence that date back to Kavanaugh’s high school days.

The fact that a United States Senator would actually consider this important evidence is an utter embarrassment.

Another disgusting perversion of justice is that the United States Senate actually felt compelled to negotiate with the accuser about when/how she would testify.

For example, the accuser wanted to prohibit certain questions, control who could/could not ask questions, determine the order of witness testimony, etc.

This is simply NOT how the justice system is supposed to work.

Accusers must face the accused in a court of law and submit to cross-examination, following the same rules that everyone else has to follow.

No one is supposed to get special treatment. That’s the point. And it is through this process that the truth is eventually discovered.

It’s not that I don’t believe the accuser. It’s entirely possible that she’s telling the truth.

But as this case has not been deliberated objectively through the normal due process that is guaranteed by the Constitution, no one can reach a valid conclusion.

Yet there are countless legions of people, including United States Senators, who have already made up their minds, like the Inquisition demanding, “Do you confess?”

And that’s the saddest part– this manner of Inquisition… trial by social media… has now been condoned and advanced by the United States Senate, an institution whose members have ALL taken a solemn oath to support and defend the Constitution which they are now violating in the worst way.

Clearly the Senate is no longer an assembly of kings… but a brood of bickering, immature weaklings.

(The only resilience displayed has been from the accused and accuser, both of whom have had to endure insane public scrutiny.)

There’s obviously an agenda here.

Perhaps some Senators are trying to win points with the #metoo movement for the upcoming elections.

Or they’re intentionally blocking Kavanaugh simply because he is a Trump nominee.

Whatever their reasons, they may be victorious in achieving their desired outcome.

But it will be a Pyrrhic victory… for it will come at the expense of establishing a dangerous new standard that destroys the most important principles of Justice.”
Pretty thorough opinion. There you go. Posting Far Left extremist and racist nonsense and embarrassing yourself again. This is propaganda, not news. Labeling people and calling Candace names.

A lot of facts, with links to 25 sources, backing it up. Many times, I can't get you guys link to 1 source. I understand those on the fringe not used to seeing sourced articles like this. I think the only one embarrassed is you, knowing you got fooled by a fraud like this. At least Kanye finally figured it out.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters was called the most Corrupt Member of Congress! @FoxNews If Dems win, she would be put in charge of our Country’s finances. The beginning of the end!

Called by Fox News Report

14th amendment - "crazy, lunatic policy"

Monday tweets should be good, full meltdown mode.

Still time to donate to her new vacation home on the beach.

For security from the violent right, continuing making threats.
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According to the GoFundMe you didn't read. You guys really hate facts/fact check sites. It's like you're proud of being misinformed or something.
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