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Don't say Huh? too much; pretend you understand.Top Member
As you have heard by now, Namepros has been sold by its esteemed creator RJ, to the new owner Matt of
The suggestions, arguments and debates are already beginning, and I thought it was important to highlight a thread specifically for this discussion, inviting all NP members to add their two cents in the way of which areas they think could use improvement, changes, or getting the axe.

We don't know all the plans Matt has for Namepros, but a forum is all the stronger when the owner/leader can see first-hand suggestions from its many experienced members.

I'll start:
1 - Just a personal dislike: I really, really miss having the discussion forums at the top of the home page. I know it may be a business decision to see the marketplace first upon coming to Namepros... but it hasn't led to me using the marketplace any more than usual, and it's a minor annoyance to have to scroll quite a ways down in order to get to the most interesting stuff, the discussions, news, appraisals, etc. Again, I get it if it's a biz decision; but if it hasn't strongly increased your traffic/business in some palpable way, my vote is for the discussion forums back on top.

2 - This is a very minor point, but still worthy of mention: in the appraisals section, when submitting a new thread for an appraisal, quite awhile ago the 'subject' line became automated, so they all now have to start with 'Please appraise' and then limited fields for up to 4 domains. That totally bored me when it happened. It used to be very entertaining to create your own subject line. Even if I was scanning the rest of the forum, I'd often run straight to the appraisals section simply because there was a funny/interesting/whack subject line. Now all it says on the home page under the appraisals section is 'please appraise' for every thread. I often just skip it.
As I said, it's a minor thing and I can see your reasons for automating things... yet IMO the value of automating it is not worth the loss of 'fun'.
Remember: Fun, Interesting, Odd, Exciting, these are the things that entice new members to join, and keep term members wanting to come back.

3 - In the spirit of that last comment, I'll make a very vague, generalized, but I think very important mention: a lot of the pure fun of this forum has somehow left, over the last couple years. It used to be quite entertaining, practically daily there was a thread or three that were so entertaining, interesting, potentially volatile (?), that it was hard to not come back often to see how things were playing out.
Somehow it seems much more sterile here now.

It's important to mention that I am still here because IMO this is the classiest, most informative, best-run domaining forum around. I signed up at the other best-known ones, but would keep returning here because it had that certain balance of all elements that I found was stronger than any other forum.

I don't know what the answer is as far as making things less sterile, and that is the main reason I opened this discussion. Perhaps with a lot of input we can figure that one out. It has something to do with rules and how they are modded... but that's not to say there is anything wrong with the rules and the modding, I feel no complaints about them myself. It may also have something to do with the layout of the forum categories... or not.

Perhaps it is also a consequence of the 'balancing out' of domaining. A few years ago there was this larger-than-life, delusional grandiosity still hanging on to domaining, people were still flocking to it in droves, regging any kind of name and thinking they had a million dollars worth. Now domaining seems to be entering a 'maturity', steadiness, professionalism, where a lot of the 'unknown' and 'growth' excitement is gone, values seem to be mostly predictable and sober.

Perhaps the steadiness or decline of traffic to domaining forums is simply the levelling-off of something that has now passed beyond its initial (decade-long) infatuation phase, and has entered a more sober, less exciting, more steady professional phase.

It seems the business-model of domaining forums has to somehow now change with the times... yet I don't quite know what those changes will be... where the trend is going next. Maybe if we get our heads together and throw the right suggestions against the wall, the right one will stick, NP can use that and get right to the cutting edge of where domaining is headed next. Where??????

Anyway, I will have other comments/suggestions, but that's enough to get this thread started I think. Welcome to anyone who wants to contribute their dos centavos.


Oh, a comment: this thread probably belongs way way down at the bottom of the forum in the Namepros comments & suggestions area... however, no one visits that, and since I'm starting this thread specifically to address the switch-over period and possible changes/improvements that may happen during this transition, hopefully mods will keep this thread in the discussion area. Even stickie it for a week or two...
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.

first off, welcome to the forum and thanks for jumping right in with your candid, and well formulated, input on how to make NP an even better place.

Second, I must say that I agree with most everything you have said. I appreciate your analogies and your tough love, brutally honest perspective on NP, and how it may be perceived by others in the industry. I can only give "my" perspective on the forum, but it does seem that you are pretty well acquainted with the industry, other forums and what it takes for a forum to not only survive but thrive so I myself welcome your hard comments and suggestions.

The only point of yours thus far that I am not in agreement with is the singling out of a moderator and questioning the credibility of the forum because of how he looks (or whatever one might chose to focus on in the picture). How we look, as moderators, should not be the "deciding factor" on whether the forum is worth someones time or not in my opinion.... we are here to keep the forum running smoothly and HELPING people, NOT to "define" or embody the forum. Should we be a reflection of the forum based on WHAT we do? Absolutely. And I take the feedback regarding over-moderation very seriously. But I really do not feel that how we look/how much we earn should be the deciding factor on whether we should be allowed to VOLUNTEER our time to a forum that we care about. I did not offer to be a moderator because I feel I am a better domainer than someone else, or am an expert that everyone should listen to. Sure, I think that a suitable level of interest and knowledge regarding the topics in a forum that a moderator takes on should be there, but I don't think a moderator should have to be the pinnacle of the particular niche per se to volunteer and keep the forum clean and on track.

One thing I am curious about though is what brings YOU here now? You seem to already be connected with "other" forums that perhaps meet your expectations better. so why waste your time here when it looks like you, at your level, probably have little to gain by being here? Don't get me wrong, I am glad that you are here and really do believe that your perspective could really help make some beneficial changes but I guess I am not clear on "why" you would bother.... you seem to be precisely this "non-newbie"/experienced type of domainer that you quite accurately pointed out have wandered away from (or have avoided) NP and knowing what your motivation is for joining now, despite the "state of things" here currently in your opinion, might help us identify how to pull in more members like you.
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The discussions on top is done.

IMO, I just greatly improved Namepros with a click of a button. Feels so much better now.

BLESS you MB!!!

Is anyone else seeing this? Larger lettering, no avatars, and other stuff? It's like the css file has been messed with and corrupting the output. Links to threads showing in the body of threads which don't appear in the actual content of that thread? It's making it impossible to use NamePros. I tried logging out, clearing my cache, all to no avail.

stub -

Have been experiencing the same thing the last few weeks and thought I had a firewall, host file, browser, or ??? issue BUT it seems to be just on one ISP. When I use my laptop at other locations (other than where I've been recently) I don't have any issues and NP looks just fine.

Will find out who the ISP is this weekend when I return to SoCal, I'm guessing it's either Charter or Time-Warner.

Rather than post what I find and take this thread any more off-topic than I/we already have, I'll PM you what I find out.
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There's something familiar about your style, Fonzie. From a while back, maybe?
we are here to keep the forum running smoothly and HELPING people, NOT to "define" or embody the forum. Should we be a reflection of the forum based on WHAT we do? Absolutely. And I take the feedback regarding over-moderation very seriously.

I started my first forum in 1999. It took off like gangbusters, then over the course of the next couple years, it failed. I learned a lot from that. In subsequent years, I've admined a few others but keenly observed them all. Watched as competitors slogged it out, as kings were made, as the winners were separated from the losers but more importantly, what winners did that caused them to win, what losers did that caused then to lose. Every major topical niche has a standard-bearer forum. It will also have a secondary and perhaps even tertiary forum that was founded about the same time as the 'big dog', but failed to achieve the same level of relevance and user participation. There's always a reason for that.

Forums are incredibly dynamic and fascinating places. Someday, someone will write a book addressing forums as a broader cultural phenomenon. Managing one is walking a very fine line between allowing the right level of expression so as to not stifle the dialog, but now allow the bullies and alpha personality types to stomp all over people.

Namepros swung VERY heavily towards moderating out valid (if passionate) criticism, chiefly because most of the people doing the moderating were themselves playing the game at the same bush-league level as those being rightly criticized- the ".tel investors", the "future trend domainers" or whoever it was that week.

The 'conversational shepherds' were subject to that painful criticism so they did what humans naturally do. They made it go away and in turn, drove away the very people who were giving the only advice that may have been worth following.

Had there been a broader base of accomplished people moderating this forum, it would've been very different.

One thing I am curious about though is what brings YOU here now?

Nothing. I'm just poking in. Soon enough I'll vanish again, go back to my regular routine (none of which involves 'domainer forums') and you'll only see me on occasion.

I will say this- second chances aren't a guarantee, but Namepros got one here with the ownership change. Don't blow it. Use this momentum wisely, as an opportunity to raise the game. If not, the site will be right back to a half-dead forum filled with clueless newbies (and learning-disabled long timers) lighting money on fire.
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Welcome, nice to have you here as I think you have brought a little fresh air and plain speaking to the mix.

NP is definitely a lot different than what is was 7 years ago when I joined. Overall I understand and agree with much of what you have to say. I look forward to hearing more from you on specific areas that you think could to be targeted and associated ideas for their improvement.

With this said, I still find the posters on NP to be far less ego driven than some other dn forums and as such find it a far more comfortable place to stay informed on what's going on in the world of dn's - without having to wade through as much BS (just a lot of rehashed topics instead :laugh:).

But to return to the glory days of yore, I definitely think we need a bit more ego in the mix as long as there is useful information and/or productive discussion brought along with it.

It's like what they say about playing sports, you need to play with others better than you in order to learn and improve your game.
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Wow 5 posts and you are here to tell us all, where has the question how do i make more money from namepros been posted , dude you are trying to be rude and make your inflated ego even bigger

evirtual, fonzie was a member WAY before you even knew about domains!!!!......

Welcome back fonzie, i missed your input and knowledge for a while....where have you been...partying with shilling or schwartz on their islands?? lol

besides that, why do you appear as "new member".....



p.s: please, don't vanish again, i think NP needs your input !!!!!! :)
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evirtual, fonzie was a member WAY before you even knew about domains!!!!......

Welcome back fonzie, i missed your input and knowledge for a while....where have you been...partying with shilling or schwartz on their islands?? lol

besides that, why do you appear as "new member".....



p.s: please, don't vanish again, i think NP needs your input !!!!!! :)

Well why back as someone else and whether a member sooner or later ...... i just don't like the rudness. People will happily read non arrogant posts as well. As stated previously i am happy to read constructive information from this member in other categories but if it is a hit and run mission ..... that's just disappointing

As for posting photos of people that's not too nice ..... or do you condone that ?
The truth exists independently of whatever ego I do or don't have, when I registered this account or how many posts I've made with it.

Hi Jaco. :great:
Well why back as someone else and whether a member sooner or later ...... i just don't like the rudness. People will happily read non arrogant posts as well. As stated previously i am happy to read constructive information from this member in other categories but if it is a hit and run mission ..... that's just disappointing

As for posting photos of people that's not too nice ..... or do you condone that ?

well, you lost me there.....but now....i am with you evirtual, sorry and i apologize....(i haven't read a couple posts prior to yours, i just happen to see the pic he posted of randy and i have to say now)....

fonzie, what is the reasoning behind????

Randy is just an (awesome)mod and he took care of a lot of issues, helped out A LOT and you posted a pic photo shopped of him with some rude comment???

I retract my earlier pledge to you about not to vanish and ask you to explain(hmmm, maybe there was a reason that your old account is gone?), nobody needs your cocky behavior....unfortunately, the cockiness comes with the territory i guess :(

this is uncalled for....if you can explain your childish bully behavior i am up for a debate but until well


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This is what made me think Jaco/dongman plus the use of the f word, oh well

Yes we need the big domaining dogs to be involved. The carrot on the string to lead them is the question. Perhaps special clickable image siggys only for them.
...i just don't like the rudness. People will happily read non arrogant posts as well. As stated previously i am happy to read constructive information from this member in other categories but if it is a hit and run mission ..... that's just disappointing

As for posting photos of people that's not too nice ..... or do you condone that ?

...Rude? Arrogant? that may be because der Fonz, like every one else, is human and as such may have certain contradictions that we may or may not appreciate or understand.

I like the balanced opinions that he presents and I most certainly can filter out the "talking from above" he appears to enjoy projecting to those willing to listen...

Thanx, Fonzie, I'll have my ears up and listen to constructive and reconstructive critiques that you have to offer...
Anyway i will leave it at my suggestion is to include more webiste sales and development which is something we should at least try if we do not want a world dictated by facebook ........cheers big ears ...sorry that was rude LOL
...cheers big ears...sorry that was rude LOL

...nothin' rude with reality-based harmless levity said in good spirits...
Better to laugh with someone than at someone...
cheers big ears ...sorry that was rude LOL

now if i would be a chick that would have been rude lol

but yes, i have to change my avatar hehehehe(i promised that a while ago).....

cheers and peace and soul....

Newbies, spammers, etc are nothing new. Can't blame that alone.

The more fundamental issue is many of the gung-ho domainers have departed forums due to various reasons ... ie. left the business, dialed it back, focused on development, etc.

The free-flowing days when anyone with a few dollars could do quick flips are long gone - it's far more challenging these days. The premium domains have mostly migrated to the hands of the few with the most of the other domains being marginalized, lucky to even fetch renewal fee. And consequently so have the users - people with top shelf premiums have departed / stay on the down-low.

And on top of that, forums in general, have been marginalized by social networking sites, in particular, Facebook and Twitter. Can't blame that alone, but it's another challenge forums face in retaining / growing their userbase.

As for what NamePros can do ...

* Reduce the number of topic areas. There are far too many.

* Hash out what needs NamePros can serve better than the various alternatives and run with that ... RJ and the new owner already appear to be honing in on the domain market place, which appears to be a good move.

* Add depth. Being only a forum is a losing proposition. Move the forums over to their own sub-domain, and put up a website on the main domain...

Consider on the main site featuring domain market activity, general domaining info, development info, links / pages to related services, such as registrars, hosting, etc.

And very importantly, by adding depth and being more than just a forum, namepros can the leverage the numerous advantages of social networking while mitigating its drawbacks.

To digress a bit, social networking, in particular Facebook, is superior to VBulletin forums in so many ways. Even VBulletin itself recognizes this ... they've been sending out many promotional mailings in recent months touting how VBulletin software can be integrated into Facebook, Twitter, etc...

That's nice, but in the end, relying on such forum software changes alone is likely to lead to an unceremonious end, similar of newsgroups ... Remember those? Once the place to discuss stuff, but not anymore despite their popularity due to being replaced by the web - similar seems to be happening with social networking...

Rambling on, point is fighting the social networking trend with a forum is futile - think depth and build out NamePros beyond being only a forum.

Hope this helps.

Eliminate these sub forums:

Parking & Traffic Monetization
"Short" Domain Discussion
Industry News
Legal Issues & Disputes
Dot TV
Expired Domains
Local Domaining Groups
Featured Articles
Available Domain Names
IDN Discussion

The available domains area is a textbook example of sub forum overload. It would suffice in its own dedicated thread in the main forum.

I don't know if there was political string pulling in the creation of the .tv, .info and .mobi forums (such as past mods being heavily invested), but it's an embarrassment to NamePros for those failure extensions (from a domaining perspective) to have their own forum.

I know it makes things seem more orderly to have all these sub forums, but I'm not the only one who can't be bothered to click on all of them. Eliminating most would increase the flow in the main forum, but the cream would rise to the top through reply bumps.
To some of you I would suggest you offer your expertise to the DBR where egos stand side by side to share knowledge or something... (apparently losing sight of what "share" means in a bigger context [I am nor would want to be a member which shows my pitiful desire to remain an industry pleb]).

Then Think about This (probably want to skip the first step).

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Eliminate these sub forums:

Parking & Traffic Monetization
"Short" Domain Discussion
Industry News
Legal Issues & Disputes
Dot TV
Expired Domains
Local Domaining Groups
Featured Articles
Available Domain Names
IDN Discussion

The available domains area is a textbook example of sub forum overload. It would suffice in its own dedicated thread in the main forum.

I don't know if there was political string pulling in the creation of the .tv, .info and .mobi forums (such as past mods being heavily invested), but it's an embarrassment to NamePros for those failure extensions (from a domaining perspective) to have their own forum.

I know it makes things seem more orderly to have all these sub forums, but I'm not the only one who can't be bothered to click on all of them. Eliminating most would increase the flow in the main forum, but the cream would rise to the top through reply bumps.

...I see a limited amount of intelligent thought put into your list. Were you just typing to be typing or do you have an agenda of your own?

The industry news, dot tv forum, dot info forum and some others harm no one and actually bring people of like interests to share their views and experiences. I suppose that would offend you.

Next time, you may want to look at things a tad more analytically and quit yer bellyaching about "political strings". It doesn't become you at all...
...I see a limited amount of intelligent thought put into your list. Were you just typing to be typing or do you have an agenda of your own?

The industry news, dot tv forum, dot info forum and some others harm no one and actually bring people of like interests to share their views and experiences. I suppose that would offend you.

Next time, you may want to look at things a tad more analytically and quit yer bellyaching about "political strings". It doesn't become you at all...
I was a little surprised by this post.... until I got to the end and saw your sig. Typical. This is the kind of thing "Fonzie" so bluntly talked about. Even if my list was a tad far reaching, did it warrant being labeled "limited amount of intelligent thought"? No, but the fanboys will aggressively attack anyone that gets in the way of their right to flush money down the toilet and keep the dream alive.

I have no problem with discussions about .tv, .info and .mobi. But given what a huge failure they have become in domaining they should be limited to "The official..." threads that get one or two posts added a week. There is just nothing to say about these extensions anymore. The .mobi forum has had ONE post in all of 2012. The .tv and .info forums are on life support and void of anything at all worthwhile to domainers.

As for the industry news section, there doesn't seem to be much worth reporting. Currently, 11 of the first 25 posts are largely irrelevant to domaining. When there is decent news it can support a thread here in the main section.
I was a little surprised by this post.... until I got to the end and saw your sig. Typical. This is the kind of thing "Fonzie" so bluntly talked about. Even if my list was a tad far reaching, did it warrant being labeled "limited amount of intelligent thought"? No, but the fanboys will aggressively attack anyone that gets in the way of their right to flush money down the toilet and keep the dream alive.

I have no problem with discussions about .tv, .info and .mobi. But given what a huge failure they have become in domaining they should be limited to "The official..." threads that get one or two posts added a week. There is just nothing to say about these extensions anymore. The .mobi forum has had ONE post in all of 2012. The .tv and .info forums are on life support and void of anything at all worthwhile to domainers.

As for the industry news section, there doesn't seem to be much worth reporting. Currently, 11 of the first 25 posts are largely irrelevant to domaining. When there is decent news it can support a thread here in the main section.

...invoking the name of "fonzie" fails to impress me, sorry...he or she has an opinion as we all do and I respect that.

...and my sig is fine, I have a diverse collection of domain names in a multitude of extensions. You don't need to know that but there it is.

.Tv just had a jolly good week and you want to shut the forum THAT is typical to your agenda, I would assume.

Thanx for your input, though. It is not half bad.

uh, yeah, "limited amount of intelligent thought" kinda nails it...
I would love to see one change to the new NamePros. The sales threads have the following rule which I think needs to be fixed:


1. No Comments in Sales threads. Clarifications can be done via pm.

I made a couple posts showing that a high traffic domain was getting it's traffic from servers that had been hacked. I even got a few messages thanking me for the post as it showed buyers what they would really get... comments removed by a mod.

Then I posted about another domain that violated a TM, which may not have been that obvious for some... again my comments were removed.

I understand that we don't want to have people killing sales threads for no reason, but there are cases where people are selling domains that give us all a bad name. So I think that one simple change would benefit the whole community:

Allow posting comments in a sales thread if the domain obviously violates a TM or has a bad history (hacking, spam, scam, etc). We don't want our members to buy domains on NP that they will regret, do we?
Irieman said:
Allow posting comments in a sales thread if the domain obviously violates a TM or has a bad history (hacking, spam, scam, etc).
Agree with this totally; yes, keep out the 'this is crappy' or 'this is great' kind of comments, but any helpful comments about the history of a domain-for-sale I think is what separates a forum from a sales platform like Sedo.

At Sedo and others it's 'buyers beware' but at a forum we can do some research and help inform both buyers and sellers.


I've followed along this thread and after each page or so I collated a point-form, easy to read summation of (I think) all the constructive suggestions so far. I didn't judge them, just included each point even if one seemed to oppose the other.

Thank you all for your continued input; some great stuff from you, as you'll see in this summary! I've organized the comments into categories, so here we go:

Categories, Topics and Threads
- Place discussion forum at top of page. - Done!
- Leave the marketplace at top of page.
- Change or remove automation in the appraisal thread subject lines, to allow for more eye-catching sentences to draw visitors in.
- Place a time limit on thread 'bumps' in the marketplace, so a domain for sale isn't bumped for months and years.
- Bring back the high-priced domains (over $1K) for sale area, in the marketplace.
- Delete the 'all domains for sale' compilation thread.
- In 'domains wanted' area, allow comments again, but rule/mod out useless posts like 'pm sent'.
- Make 'views' of threads visible again to members.
- Have daily and consecutive bump limits on threads.
- Allow posts to be edited only for 15 mins after posting.
- Have a button selection for new threads, where the TS can select something like 'fun', or 'controversial' or 'free for all' or 'no mods' so mods can allow varying degrees of latitude on the rules for that thread only.
- Open a 'Resources' section, where things like registrar reviews, registrar coupons, dictionaries, registrar and host comparison lists of prices, how-to threads, links to other helpful websites and resources, can be placed in one collected area.
- Create a forum specifically for auction houses and dropcatchers information, for discussion, tips, leads, and latest news on auctions.
- Create a forum for Wordpress, since so many of use it. Tips, plug ins, reviews, etc etc.
- Put a Trademark info/violation thread in the main discussion area, since this is an increasingly hot area of danger/contention these days.
- Reduce the number of topic areas, and reorganize them into a clearer order/form.
- Eliminate the less-visited subforums like Dot TV, Dot INFO, Dot MOBI, Expired Domains, Local Domaining Groups, Featured Articles, Available Domain Names, IDN Discussion
- Keep the above subforums and give them a little more attention.


- Clearer standardizing of mod rules.
- Allow more volatile/heated comments, in order to keep the threads more interesting, entertaining, exciting, rather than sterilizing all posts. But don't let it get to the point of blatant insults or pissing on people.
- Allow a little more leeway for off-topic posts, to keep things interesting/exciting. *Note that this thread has shown that, with the arrival of Fonzie's comments things began straying off topic... but then ended up meshing back in-topic but with some interesting new twists added. So not 'anything goes', but still more leeway as long as it's not on another planet.
- Maybe start a thread on Namepros ethics, to create some kind of manual that we can all input suggestions for. A wiki-style of creating rules, guidelines, suggestions, etiquette...
- Automatically close threads that sell TM names. (maybe post a final comment saying why it is being closed).
- Issue a warning within TM threads that this is a TM name and think twice about selling/buying.
- In appraisal threads, allow relevant comments/questions by thread starter, but limit the 'obvious' bumps.
- Allow more 'ask and respond' comments in marketplace, but limit the obvious bumps.
- In the marketplace, allow an image / screenshot of the domains the seller has via a link or attachment feature.
- in the marketplace, allow comments that help show the history/stats/dangers of a domain for sale, but keep the other comments out.
- Payment of $NP to mods for some actions, or numbers of actions, or something.


Other Business Models for NP to consider
- Sell and/or give away Namepros merchandise. Tshirts? Thongs? Baseball hats? :)
- Market this website, and create new services, that cater to non-domainers. Make it easy for the huge demographic of people who are out of the loop about domains but still need to buy domains for their personal or business use. This is a massive demographic, much larger than domainers, and to successfully market and tap into it could be a huge business success.
- Create a Namepros Escrow service. It could be voluntary so members can still do transactions without it, or choose to use it, according to their discretion. A valuable service, and extra income for NP, that many people would use, in the marketplace and the design contests, etc. You'd have to make it a good escrow, do the whole bonded thing, etc, but there are tons of members here and many might use NP escrow over Sedo and others, if you do it right.
- More publicity and attention given to contests, particularly design contests.
- More publicity and attention given to the business development area, for websites, ideas, domaining, tips, leads, success stories, everything.

---------- Post added at 08:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 AM ----------

- Open up the domain buyer's group forum, create several levels of investment so domainers with smaller pockets can get involved.
- Somehow integrate more social media style to this forum.
- Develop the main NP site out into other stronger areas to compete with growing trend of social sites, and relegate the forum to a sub-area.
- Reach out to more credible (famous/successful?) domainers. Somehow entice them to contribute to this forum. Maybe even guest essays once in awhile?
- Approach the big registrars and share in a coupon affiliation with them, for coupons/regs that are only for NP members. NP members get a good coupon deal once in awhile from each registrar, NP admin gets a small cut % of each coupon sale, etc.

---------- Post added at 08:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 AM ----------


Website Miscellanea
- Rebuild the search index; right now many old terms/threads do not appear and it's often more productive to search google for something old that you want to find on Namepros.
- Bannen must stop thinking so much. - Done!!
- A Namepros RV (best suggestion in this thread; thanks defaultUser). - I get first dibs on the NP shaggin' wagon.
- More site promotion, such as seeing more Namepros ads on other sites/blogs/forums.

Reasons for Declining Traffic here (and in domaining?)
- Millions of domains used to be regged only because they'd make their reg fee or more in traffic each year. With the last gasp of parking now here, less of these kinds of names are regged and that area of domaining has died down or off.

Okay, I think I got everything. Sorry if I missed any of your points. Keep them coming, we're chipping away at a new world, ha.
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So, ^THAT^ is what you think it's going to take to get this site out of the muck?

So, ^THAT^ is what you think it's going to take to get this site out of the muck?


Why are you even here?
We're simply throwing in our collective suggestions because we care, and maybe some of the suggestions are worthwhile.

Are you just here to take a piss?

Because you're certainly not doing anything constructive. You answered another member's question when he asked what you're here for, and you said 'nothing'. Which seems very true. So why not go somewhere else to take your piss?

Spare me the egoistic, arrogant brats who come here under guise of being 'the truth'. To the rest of the people here who are humbly contributing out of concern, thank you.

Still... glad you're here. If only to exemplify the kind of member people don't really want around. Wonder when you're going to 21-up and start exemplifying a decent and constructive person.
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