
discuss Too Many Wasting Time Threads - Time to clean it up

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WeSellName.comTop Member
Too many newbies are lazy to read. They just post here the questions and ask the members here do the legwork for them. Answering these threads are not helping them but make them more lazier.
- How to sell domain fast
- How to send outbound email
- How transfer names
- How to take payment
- Can I quit my job

Totally wasting time in the names wanted section:
- One word dictionary - Budget $1-$1,000 - Good luck - You will get crap names because everything is dictionary word
- I don't see anyone here sell any name from this section in the $xxx range.
- Reseller pricing - What's that?

Nonsense Threads - Not in the break section:
- How many names do you have
- How much money do you have
- How many names do you sell per month
- was sold for $2,000 - Is it cheap?
Why do you care? Spend the time to learn rather posting these stupid threads which will waste your time and others.

- How do you make money if you keep spending time to bump 200 times on a $2 name?
- What the hell is 600 hours after the last bid?

- Why keep begging in the appraisal section? "Anyone?" "Anymore Appraisal?" No one here know how much the name is worth.
- If someone appraises your name for $0 then you are dead in the water. Your name and price will be indexed on all the search engines.

Working Smarter not Working Harder and Stop Wasting other people time.

I am back to work!
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Agree to your point. It's not everytime newbies are lazy and find short cut to questions. It may be possible that they could not find answer out of such a large forum. And members advocating reading here may should also understand that too much of reading also leads to confusion when you are new player. Experienced member may find questions very stupid or basic but it might be a big query for the newbies.
After reading this I will definately hesitate to post anything which might sound stupid or basic to others but could be a genuine question for me. Sad😔
Re the auctions and marketplace listings, they are pretty regulated for good reason but they seem to not be a very effective way to sell in many cases. I personally would see value in a moderated weekly list of domains in auction rather than so many individual threads (I guess they would still exist but be linked from the moderated one). Maybe a weekly premium list and a bargain list and a few others.

Good idea.
Agree to your point. It's not everytime newbies are lazy and find short cut to questions. It may be possible that they could not find answer out of such a large forum. And members advocating reading here may should also understand that too much of reading also leads to confusion when you are new player. Experienced member may find questions very stupid or basic but it might be a big query for the newbies.
After reading this I will definately hesitate to post anything which might sound stupid or basic to others but could be a genuine question for me. Sad😔

"could not find answer out of such a large forum"

Use the search button, it does not matter how large the forum is when you can search by keywords.

"too much of reading also leads to confusion when you are new player."

Seriously? I mean if you can't read, digest and form your own opinions this might not be the right industry for you

Sums up the I want it all for nothing mentality that effects so many people nowadays.....
••• $10k
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While it is important to usually listen to diverse voices, if you find that one particular frequent poster is wasting your time and cluttering otherwise valuable threads, I would point out that NPs has a feature called "Ignore". To implement it click on the person's name and to right of list is Ignore. Once implemented (and after you sign out and in) all posts by that person magically disappear for you. I am not encouraging widespread use of Ignore but it is a means to help us resist the urge to respond when the best path would be to ignore them. I don't think I ever used the Ignore button, at least not in over a year, but finally did it yesterday. It feels like a fresh start. Have a great day everyone, and may it bring an unexpected sale, a great acquisition, or a new insight.

PS Just to be clear the person I ignored is no one from this interesting thread. I posted here because I see Ignore as a way to be more efficient and save time, the goal of this thread.
Too many newbies are lazy to read. They just post here the questions and ask the members here do the legwork for them. Answering these threads are not helping them but make them more lazier.
- How to sell domain fast
- How to send outbound email
- How transfer names
- How to take payment
- Can I quit my job

Newbies are one thing but then there are threads with 200 views and 50 answers that just turn out to be 50 bumps.

The software could easily be programmed to eliminate previous duplicate entries... enabling a bump without affecting the reply count and filling the thread with junk. A lot of these problems like duplicate threads can also be automated away with some simple string handling.

I feel like the closed off sections don't really give much value as far as appraisals are concerned either because 'the experienced' domainers are just tired and bored with everybody.

There are about 20 people in here that I personally think have any real value for me as a domainer. They are lolwarrior, Silentptnr, Bob Hawkes (best really), MapleDots , createaweb, wwwweb and some others.

We understand your points. Please consider ours:

You're at a level in investing that many aspire to reach. For the members who haven't reached it yet, it's quite helpful to them to be able to read the newest and most up-to-date answers and opinions on those questions that are asked repeatedly. Sometimes, new opinions and developments are shared that hadn't been available previously. However, if the thread is a duplicate topic, please report it, and we'll move the new replies to the previous thread to keep things organized into a single thread on the same topic.

Please also understand that NamePros provides the platform, tools, organization, etc. for members to discuss, but we don't curate the quality or quantity of the content. We leave that up to the community to decide what they want to post, read, and engage with by replying, liking, thanking, ignoring, etc.

Interestingly, we do have the Insiders Club, which is intended for the purpose that you seek: less noise, but as it turns out, when members are presented with the option of "exclusivity" vs. "more visibility (more replies, likes, thanks, etc.)," members almost always choose the public (more noisy) areas of the site for their content/discussions. The same applies to the marketplace: most members are willing to deal with any potential downsides (e.g., lots of bumps) for the extra visibility of the public marketplace.

We hope you understand.
The request sections are primarily a joke (but not always).
I was told this month by one of our most prominent members that they purchased a domain for 5 figures ($10,000+) from Domain Buyer Requests and that they're in the process of purchasing a domain for 6 figures ($100,000+) from it.

It may not always work, but it won't work if you don't try. ;)
well its basically about various people at various levels of experience.

its that simple.

as long as you have a mix of those then you will have one type disliking the others posts etc.

there is no solution to it..

aside from namepros splitting into two lol:


which of course won't happen.

so all you can do is click ignore if you never wanna see his posts again...
while of course remembering that once upon a time you too were asking whether is a good domain

••• $10k
makes me sad because i started 2 good threads (in my opinion) to open up some discussion. They got no responses. Meanwhile really dumb threads get a ton of bumps and answers.

maybe they just weren't that good...
My Take

Namepros should redesign the home page to add a semi wide search bar, like how a question and answer site has. I don't make excuses for newbies etc... But that small little search thing to the right does not promote research or makes it exciting to search for anything. Every time there is an issue, we must always look to ourselves first for the problem or solution.

Right where that, "NAMESILO" ad is, there should be a nice big search bar that promotes searching for a topic..that may have an answer already. Otherwise it's alot to take in for a newbie and to scroll through all these topics. And sometimes that little search to the right doesn't work perfectly. I think there should be a seperate search for messages within our personal messages area, like how facebook has it.

Then a main search on the homepage that's clear to see. Type your question here?
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The short answer: if you start too many threads, performance will tank, both for your application and the rest of the system.
there is no solution to it..

There is an actual solution to it. One that many members have suggested. Just like you have the ability to Ignore/block members, you can do that with threads. I think it was a plugin or something for the forum last time we talked about it. Other forums use it. Don't know if it's a big tech undertaking to get it going or what.
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Just like you have the ability to Ignore/block members, you can do that with threads
That's a feature we will be adding once we finish a few other things.

I think it was a plugin or something for the forum last time we talked about it.
We have to optimize the feature to handle the amount of activity on NamePros, so unfortunately, it's not a quick fix for us to add.

Here's the thread:
Found the more recent thread from 2018 -

This was the add-on -

That's a feature we will be adding once we finish a few other things.

We have to optimize the feature to handle the amount of activity on NamePros, so unfortunately, it's not a quick fix for us to add.

Yeah, that would handle a lot. Seems to be one of the most requested things.
As the owner/operator of a big DJ / Club Music forum before the dawn of Facebook, I can tell you that forums do tend to have ebbs and flows for reasons sometimes totally random. There are quiet times and busy times. Some of it is seasonal or based on day/time Some of it has to do with the rate of new member participation (which can spark discussions .. or .. equally stir up boredom and frustration of old members seeing what they consider to be the same old thing over and over again). Or sometimes coincidentally a couple of key conversation stimulators leave or take breaks or have something come up in their personal lives which means less time for forum participation .. the loss a couple key people can actually make a big difference even in a 1 million member forum.

Plus I think that sort of thing is amplified because of the nature of NamePros being that it isn't all just recreational like a music forum would be.

That being said .. just yesterday I started a discussion and poll that I thought would make for an interesting industry focused conversation and debate (.. AND maybe help us get a bit more time in the day to maybe get enough sleep for once .. lol). But not a single participant .. and only one other person even bothered answering the poll ..

With that lack of reaction to an on-topic industry related discussion on a fresh topic, it certainly does not inspire anyone to bother creating more content.

At the end of the day I think everyone can always engage a bit more ... stop with the one word or even one sentence replies. Expand and explore your thoughts and ideas. Don't just say what you did .. but also give insight and the reasons why you did it as well as the reasons for why you chose to do it the certain way you did. If you create content this way .. and equally importantly engage in other people's content this way, then a forum can turn around and become more engaging.

What I find ironic is that I see lots of people complaining about newcomers not searching and reading .. but if you take a look at the meet and greet section, I think there are only about 3-4 of us who actually take the time to READ their post and put in an ounce of effort to write a customised and personal welcome message to the newcomer .. most simply post "Welcome to NamePros" or something generically similar .. which I guess is better than nothing .. but ultimately does absolutely nothing to help convert the member from shy lurker .. into active participant.

This really should be one of the main goals of NamePros and all of us as domainers .. as the more domainers there are in the industry .. the more demand there is on domains .. and in turn the more the value of domains in general goes up!

In fact .. it often feels like the meet and greet section is more of a place people go to boost their likes counts more than anything else .. I laugh sometimes because some people will give their buddies a like just for posting "welcome" .. then they'll pass over giving a like to someone who genuinely interacted or made an effort to genuinely communicate with the new member.

I like getting likes .. lol .. but the way it's applied here at NamePros isn't consistent and does not always encourage quality content. In the domain buys threads for example .. people give likes based on the quality if the domains instead of the quality of the actual information shared, or the informative details and reasoning behind the purchases.

Heck .. the daily lists I make that take massive amounts of personal time only get a couple of likes per post when there are almost 100 people who view them daily. I probably get more likes on silly and fun joke comments I make in more off topic conversations (which is totally fine .. as fun and humour are also very important aspects of a community that I would never want to see discouraged in any way).

Likes should be given based on if you found something informative, helpful, interesting, and yes, even simply entertaining etc .. but not simply because you like someone's car (or domain in our case). (Although hopefully most posts there will be quality informative posts where you like both the content and the domain .. lol).

Might be time to consider limiting likes to posts with at least 50 or even 100 characters. I know there can most certainly be shorter quality posts .. but I think placing that minimum will be much more beneficial than harmful.

Just To give you all an idea of how easy it is, this entire sentence is actually 101 characters long!

Anyhow .. that's my 2+10000 cents worth .. lol

Yeah, that would handle a lot. Seems to be one of the most requested things.
After my "Bump" button you mean? lol
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I read it!

”Life is tough wear a helmet” comes to mind.

In swedish we say ”Ger man sig in i leken får man leken tåla”.

If you get in the game then you have to respect the game.
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That's a feature we will be adding once we finish a few other things.

We have to optimize the feature to handle the amount of activity on NamePros, so unfortunately, it's not a quick fix for us to add.
As the owner/operator of a big DJ / Club Music forum before the dawn of Facebook, I can tell you that forums do tend to have ebbs and flows for reasons sometimes totally random. There are quiet times and busy times. Some of it is seasonal or based on day/time Some of it has to do with the rate of new member participation (which can spark discussions .. or .. equally stir up boredom and frustration of old members seeing what they consider to be the same old thing over and over again). Or sometimes coincidentally a couple of key conversation stimulators leave or take breaks or have something come up in their personal lives which means less time for forum participation .. the loss a couple key people can actually make a big difference even in a 1 million member forum.

Plus I think that sort of thing is amplified because of the nature of NamePros being that it isn't all just recreational like a music forum would be.

That being said .. just yesterday I started a discussion and poll that I thought would make for an interesting industry focused conversation and debate (.. AND maybe help us get a bit more time in the day to maybe get enough sleep for once .. lol). But not a single participant .. and only one other person even bothered answering the poll ..

With that lack of reaction to an on-topic industry related discussion on a fresh topic, it certainly does not inspire anyone to bother creating more content.

At the end of the day I think everyone can always engage a bit more ... stop with the one word or even one sentence replies. Expand and explore your thoughts and ideas. Don't just say what you did .. but also give insight and the reasons why you did it as well as the reasons for why you chose to do it the certain way you did. If you create content this way .. and equally importantly engage in other people's content this way, then a forum can turn around and become more engaging.

What I find ironic is that I see lots of people complaining about newcomers not searching and reading .. but if you take a look at the meet and greet section, I think there are only about 3-4 of us who actually take the time to READ their post and put in an ounce of effort to write a customised and personal welcome message to the newcomer .. most simply post "Welcome to NamePros" or something generically similar .. which I guess is better than nothing .. but ultimately does absolutely nothing to help convert the member from shy lurker .. into active participant.

This really should be one of the main goals of NamePros and all of us as domainers .. as the more domainers there are in the industry .. the more demand there is on domains .. and in turn the more the value of domains in general goes up!

In fact .. it often feels like the meet and greet section is more of a place people go to boost their likes counts more than anything else .. I laugh sometimes because some people will give their buddies a like just for posting "welcome" .. then they'll pass over giving a like to someone who genuinely interacted or made an effort to genuinely communicate with the new member.

I like getting likes .. lol .. but the way it's applied here at NamePros isn't consistent and does not always encourage quality content. In the domain buys threads for example .. people give likes based on the quality if the domains instead of the quality of the actual information shared, or the informative details and reasoning behind the purchases.

Heck .. the daily lists I make that take massive amounts of personal time only get a couple of likes per post when there are almost 100 people who view them daily. I probably get more likes on silly and fun joke comments I make in more off topic conversations (which is totally fine .. as fun and humour are also very important aspects of a community that I would never want to see discouraged in any way).

Likes should be given based on if you found something informative, helpful, interesting, and yes, even simply entertaining etc .. but not simply because you like someone's car (or domain in our case). (Although hopefully most posts there will be quality informative posts where you like both the content and the domain .. lol).

Might be time to consider limiting likes to posts with at least 50 or even 100 characters. I know there can most certainly be shorter quality posts .. but I think placing that minimum will be much more beneficial than harmful.

Just To give you all an idea of how easy it is, this entire sentence is actually 101 characters long!

Anyhow .. that's my 2+10000 cents worth .. lol

After my "Bump" button you mean? lol

I saw that thread you started, I think it's just because I remember discussions on that before. And I imagine all those places have done testing to best optimize their autions, A/B testing etc. They want to make the most money possible. The only one that stands out for me, that was talked about before, is Flippa extending auctions by an hour, while every other place it's around 5 minutes, give or take. But I don't use them anymore, so lost interest in the subject.

Some other stuff, short version. People are going to be interested in whatever they're interested in. If a thread gets no replies, likes etc, it is what it is.

The likes are not something I care about at all, people shouldn't be making posts with that in mind. You've mentioned that before with the lists you make. Your last 5 paragraphs are talking about Likes.

It does seem like some want to run that up for some reason, the Likes. Sometimes to get to some trusted status or something* One of the options mentioned before is just to discount the Likes from Break Room posts. *I think 1 guy that ended up scamming some people here, ran it up for that reason, the baseballworld dude.
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That being said .. just yesterday I started a discussion and poll that I thought would make for an interesting industry focused conversation and debate (.. AND maybe help us get a bit more time in the day to maybe get enough sleep for once .. lol). But not a single participant .. and only one other person even bothered answering the poll ..

With that lack of reaction to an on-topic industry related discussion on a fresh topic, it certainly does not inspire anyone to bother creating more content.
Unfortunately, initial replies are less likely when the first post is long, presumably because less members take the time to read the entire thread and move on to the next (shorter) thread. That is unfortunate because longer threads tend to be of higher quality, but it's something to keep in mind if you want to spark a lot of discussion: try to save some of the content for posting in the thread later after other members have replied to it. This strategy has proven to be quite effective, but as @JB Lions said, sometimes there just isn't much interest in the topic no matter what we do.

Might be time to consider limiting likes to posts with at least 50 or even 100 characters. I know there can most certainly be shorter quality posts .. but I think placing that minimum will be much more beneficial than harmful.
This is a very interesting idea. Thanks for sharing it.

One of the options mentioned before is just to discount the Likes from Break Room posts
This is another idea that is definitely worth considering. Thanks for mentioning it again.
The likes are not something I care about at all, people shouldn't be making posts with that in mind.

Agreed, this isn’t facebook. I have noticed fewer interesting “general informational” domain discussions this past 6 months than the previous couple years. Imho. The hand reg contest that @Want2learn seems to be the newest thing, applaud those who want to start new ideas and participate in those things.
I like when @equity78 and @EJS posts their blog posts that apply here.

When I see something on circleid or techcrunch, I have posted. One article recently Techcrunch writes annually, but nobody seemed interested for some reason, explaining how naming trends have changed. 148 views I see. Its kinda key info I would think beginners and intermediate domainers would read, instead of focusing on the latest 3 word Canna or Weed name, lol. Lots of dumb Crypto names dropping recently, think I will post a thread on those to poke fun.

I do wish more end user sales were reported, and followup’s a year or two later, like @James Iles posts. It would be nice to know who sold the startups or upgrades, and their traffic, usage, success in business, etc. As an example, there are brandables sold by those market places, and brand sellers but I don’t recall seeing any follow up threads from sellers saying that the end user developed a successful business on the name.
The likes are not something I care about at all, people shouldn't be making posts with that in mind. You've mentioned that before with the lists you make.

That's actually kinda my point .. particularly if you look at the meet and greet section. However .. when it comes to actual content, likes actually do show that people want more of what you're posting (although admittedly people actually engaging in the conversation would be significantly more telling and I'd take that far more than "likes" .. lol.

Look at this thread for example (which originally I was hoping to split off from this one .. no engagement .. very rare likes .. but the moment I say i'm going to stop someone says to continue .. and I'm asking myself .. well if you liked it so much why have you never liked or more importantly .. engaged in the conversation?

You might not see it since you don't have a lists thread .. but the same thing happens ALL THE TIME. There are times when I genuinely ask myself sometimes if people actually use them or if the bulk of the "View Count" are just search engine spiders? Then all of a sudden I get 3 people in 3 days messaging me personally thanking me and I'm like .. how am I supposed to know you actually find the lists and specific domains useful?

If I really wanted to up my like count I'd simply post all my domains one by one instead of in batches in the purchase/snap thread .. lol .. it really isn't about "getting more likes" as it's more .. "how many of you actually find this useful and should I even bother continuing?". It's actually more important for daily lists because it's one of the few places where I don't want tons of chit-chat as I only want to bother people with notifications when I actually post more names.

I certainly understand and agree with NamePros' policy of not "asking for likes" .. but I really feel strongly that all lists posts end with "If you actually found this list useful, please click 'like' or 'thanks'." .. I wouldn't even care if they made a separate system that didn't count as part of my personal "likes" .. like a "did you like the domains in this post, where the result would be localised to the just the post (and not my personal count total). I just want to know if people find my lists helpful or not .. and I'm not getting a clear answer either way the way it is now.

... And I imagine all those places have done testing to best optimize their autions, A/B testing etc. ...
lol .. you could have written that in the thread! ;) .. I don't mind if what you post goes against what I say .. as long as it's constructive (which you have no problem doing). That being said .. you can't A/B test auction times since everyone needs to participate at the same time. Anyhow .. really not the end of the world .. but just an example of how an on-topic industry centric thread sailed away down the thread list ...

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