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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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Pretty sad to watch actually. That guy was the presidents campaign guru. Seeing him drunk, tackled to the hard pavement was not pleasant.
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I agree, it was pretty hasty, but they ordered him to get down on the ground 4 times, lucky he didn't get tazered or worse. It otta be an eye opener for America when this happens to the majority.

Now being on the other side... i resisted arrest once.... i got whaled on... but i did resist arrest ... i understood that one... a couple of times ... i wasn't doing anything and got put down pretty hard... that i didn't understand
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Pretty sad to watch actually. That guy was the presidents campaign guru. Seeing him drunk, tackled to the hard pavement was not pleasant.

He wasn't drunk.
Pretty sad to watch actually. That guy was the presidents campaign guru. Seeing him drunk, tackled to the hard pavement was not pleasant.

I didn't enjoy seeing that either. :xf.frown: While it doesn't even the score, maybe, just maybe BLM will loosen up a bit when they see that this sh*t happens to the privileged too.

Project Veritas isn't wrong. Story you posted twice today was written before second video was released.

P.V. doesn't publish fake news. They have a wall of apology letters and correction in their lobby. Just started a new wall with a check for 150K paid by a union thug for slander.

"Project Veritas has a history of dubious claims and doctored videos. O'Keefe first came to prominence in 2009 with videos about ACORN, a community group that lost federal funding and had to shut down as a result."

LOL. "dubious" video that got acron shut down. Newsweek is for loosers.
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shots fired:) I feel like the topic of capitalism and socialism drifted, I was trying to get an honest point across not rustle feathers. I don't mind a little honest emotional reaction but everything just gets sidetracked. Anyways, I don't need to continue this argument as it might not be useful for both of us:)

The first interview of Russel Means I heard was when Obama was running for president and while I don't know if he identified as a conservative he sure was not for Obama. He said his supporters were so difficult to reason with that they felt sorry for him and did not care to listen to facts or information and that is why he referred to them as sheeple and obamatized. One message I remember from the interview was the point that in some sense we all are already living on a type of restrictive reservation even if not aware of it yet

I think voting left will bring this type of orwellian situation. Just like the Black community experienced when they voted for the new deal and social welfare even when historically they voted mostly republican till then. And the results of welfare programs are pretty clear in democrat controlled cities.

I didn't get any of the gov cheques, didn't think I qualified and this shutdown didn't affect me but don't get me wrong I would have taken it, you got to believe you can manage money better than the government just never had an opportunity.

I don't know about role models, one has to purse what is right and makes sense and learn from others, we all don't have to agree on everything anyways, but we have to answer to ourselves which is tough enough:)

memes will continue until morale improves:)

I agree on the Owellian situation.... that is something i just wont risk .... if there is even a chance of that happening... even only a 10% chance... i wont risk it
That's not drunk.

Why not take a pause and actually read the report.

"speech was slurred as tho he was under the influence of an alcoholic beverage"

"based on his..........alcohol consumption"

Maybe that's why he had trouble listening to commands.

Even in the first 10 seconds of the video, a firearm is mentioned. You posted a tweet saying their were no weapons.

Stop doing this to yourself.

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He was under the influence. It's literally on video and in the police report.

that's why the feller couldn't think fast when they said get on the ground... but then you have to wonder why they wanted him to get on the ground in the first place.... they know the restraint holds to subdue him standing ...hand cuff him and be done with it..
Mike Pompeo Needs to Understand: Iraq Is Not Lebanon
Closing the U.S. Embassy in Iraq would be a clear win for only one nation: Iran.

".....Rather than unilaterally withdrawing from Iraq, Trump and Pompeo might consider other strategies to hold to account those most responsible for betraying Iraq and threatening American lives. They might push forward on ensuring new elections take place in the coming year under a reformed election law. They might help Kadhimi make good on some of his promises in order to convince Iraq’s younger generation that changes are afoot which will promise them a better future.

Alas, the reality is the opposite. In Syria, Afghanistan, and now Iraq, Trump and Pompeo are showing that terror works and that no one should trust the United States. Already, Russia is taking that lesson to Saudi Arabia and Egypt as it tries to peel away allies and end decades-long alliances. Trump may rail against “endless wars” but he should consider what the world would look like if the United States has neither alliances nor the trust necessary to build them."
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that's why the feller couldn't think fast when they said get on the ground... but then you have to wonder why they wanted him to get on the ground in the first place.... they know the restraint holds to subdue him standing ...hand cuff him and be done with it..

Sometimes people whip out guns and shoot police. And if the report is you have guns and under the influence, more likely for these type of situations.
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Mike Pompeo Needs to Understand: Iraq Is Not Lebanon
Closing the U.S. Embassy in Iraq would be a clear win for only one nation: Iran.

".....Rather than unilaterally withdrawing from Iraq, Trump and Pompeo might consider other strategies to hold to account those most responsible for betraying Iraq and threatening American lives. They might push forward on ensuring new elections take place in the coming year under a reformed election law. They might help Kadhimi make good on some of his promises in order to convince Iraq’s younger generation that changes are afoot which will promise them a better future.

Alas, the reality is the opposite. In Syria, Afghanistan, and now Iraq, Trump and Pompeo are showing that terror works and that no one should trust the United States. Already, Russia is taking that lesson to Saudi Arabia and Egypt as it tries to peel away allies and end decades-long alliances. Trump may rail against “endless wars” but he should consider what the world would look like if the United States has neither alliances nor the trust necessary to build them."

Man... the Iraq people have been through it.... their infrastructure is shit now... we need to pull troops out completely ... put in construction crews... fix what we fucked up and leave
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Man... the Iraq people have been through it.... their infrastructure is shit now... we need to pull troops out completely ... put in construction crews... fix what we fucked up and leave
LOL....But the message that sends is that we are not there. So then Russia comes in there are where does that leave us?
Its simply bad faith .. that because they don't like Republicans period... that is all its about
The Republicans think it's okay to put her through because they gained senate seats in 2018. They say that was the American people speaking. They say that because Republicans have both the presidency and the senate, they should be able to put her through. They say that it didn't work for Obama because he only had the presidency while Republicans held the senate.

Problem is, that's bending the truth. The deal was that during an election year, no seat should be filled.
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LOL....But the message that sends is that we are not there. So then Russia comes in there are where does that leave us?

We should have never occupied Iraq... never should have happened.... Seeking out terrorist .... ok... but occupying Iraq ... absolutely not IMO

I am guessing make a treaty with Russia that they will not go into Iraq and occupy ??? I dunno
:xf.laugh::xf.laugh::xf.laugh: this is funny on so many levels. Hannity say he suspects all the studying Biden has been doing will be effective. Already trying to make excuses if Trump does bad. Biden doing all that studying. Maybe the Trump method is better. Do Super Spreader events, don't study the issues, hang out all night on Twitter retweeting stuff. Basically saying if Trump does bad, it's because Biden was better prepared. Yes dummies, that's what you're supposed to do, be prepared.

Hannity going to have a rough night as well tomorrow.

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The Republicans think it's okay to put her through because they gained senate seats in 2018. They say that was the American people speaking. They say that because Republicans have both the presidency and the senate, they should be able to put her through. They say that it didn't work for Obama because he only had the presidency while Republicans held the senate.

Problem is, that's bending the truth. The deal was that during an election year, no seat should be filled.

well.... they could have blocked Obama pick in the senate .... the Democrats can't block Trumps pick because unless some Republicans jump ship and vote against Amy... she is in
shots fired:) I feel like the topic of capitalism and socialism drifted, I was trying to get an honest point across not rustle feathers. I don't mind a little honest emotional reaction but everything just gets sidetracked. Anyways, I don't need to continue this argument as it might not be useful for both of us:)

What do mean by shots fired? I suppose I can't blame your ignorance. The meme about eating buffalo wings was a low blow IMO. It's a known fact that in Canada, jails and murder are disproportionate to First Nations. I handed you an olive branch, even apologized, then when I tried to explain why I felt that way, you posted a video about some Right wing reporter promoting stereotypes. Perhaps a little sensitivity training is in order in the North as well.

...memes will continue until morale improves:)

Some memes are okay, but don't go overboard, it's not helping Canadians, or doing our neighbours to the south any favours. If you would like to take this conversation in private, I'm all ears. :)
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Seems like killing baby seals and babies is a popular sport in North America... (n):xf.frown:

Gilsan I got a joke for you. Baby seal walks into a club....:)

I think it is the only time they have fur and they might be quite plentiful but I would not have anything against if it is done for practical purpose and or by people that need it to sustain themselves.

Never had flipper pie but if you are interested in trying I will search the webs:)
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