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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Top Member
Here you can spout your USA political views.

1. Keep it clean
2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.

This is so outdated :xf.laugh:
Dont mention the new trade deal (USMCA)
“Fire NFL players?” You even watch sports?
Only tune in for National Antham kneel got it

“Boycott Megyn Kelly” is my favorite one.
You delusional fishing many pre-Presidency

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"This pic of kids in cages was from the Obama/Biden Dem/'liberal' admin, 2014.
What was different back then?

Media covered for Obama and/or didn't care, for years before and years later.
After Trump took over [they] disingenuously screamed about the same thing, not because they cared.

What also changed besides media 'perspective'/propaganda?
Trump provided beds and better conditions, made sure the children were actually related to the adults bringing them across the border illegally, and found a partner with a 'progressive' Mexican leader in Pres Obrador, who is willing to stop the flow of human trafficking, esp ecially children and women, at Mexico's southern border."

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So what you’ saying is you’re NOT American,

Got it!! I expect no less from the Party of

“open borders” This isnt the age of nomad;
“national security is border security.”
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Quite a dramatic arrest. Pulled off a yacht in handcuffs like a Colombian drug lord. The justice department is abusing its powers to influence the election. And the left cheers it on.

5 or 10 years later, when those same tactics are used against people you support, you will howl at the injustice - oblivious to the fact that it came about because you liked it.


Yes, Muhammad Ali was. Didnt he jailed for it?
Actually believe he got out of it. What a hero!

More Dble Standards. Tell where can buy hat. Vietnam War was biggest US foreign failure.
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Oh, Gilsan lying again with the dislikes/disagrees. The problem with lying about stuff like that, is it's something you can easily check. I don't recall even disliking a post of his because I either simply don't pay attention to it or I hit the reply button and say why I disagree. I challenge anybody here to find a post of his where I dislike/disagree, it was a rare thing when I did. So busted lying............again.

Now, with Samer, he uses it to retaliate, steer the conversation. As Epik's #1 fan boy, you can see that with any post. I think 90% of my Dislikes/Disagrees are from him alone. As far as politics, I probably disagree with most of his posts so I could hit that button and they would all be legit. I do it now more of a basic taste of your own medicine type of deal and he's now cried about it a couple of times. You don't like it but you do it. Even very sneaky. One time apologizing for a Disagree, went back to UnDisgaree, then went back to Disagree again.

I go to workout, and come back and there are like 5 new pages at least. Seems Trumpers are triggered today. Next week will be worse. The Clown Show that will be the RNC, won't be a good look for Trump.

Fredo in action:

Donald Trump Jr. praised We Build The Wall and Brian Kolfage at a 2018 event: "This is private enterprise at its finest. Doing it better, faster, cheaper than anything else. What you guys are doing is amazing.”

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Trump can't stop crying. Change your diapers.

"They are sending out 51,000,000 Ballots to people who haven’t even requested a Ballot. Many of those people don’t even exist. They are trying to STEAL this election. This should not be allowed!"

Meanwhile, in Oregon, another great leader....

Tucker Sums up the Democrat Convention Perfectly.

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QAnon, domestic terror threat according to the FBI. I think somebody in this thread said they weren't real or something like that. Even tho they are real and show up at Trump events.

You already had one murder somebody, in case you forgot:

Accused of Killing a Gambino Mob Boss, He’s Presenting a Novel Defense
Anthony Comello is obsessed with conspiracy theories. His paranoia is being litigated in a Staten Island court.
At one court appearance, Mr. Comello scrawled on his hand a symbol and phrases associated with the far-right conspiracy theory, “QAnon.”
QAnon, domestic terror threat according to the FBI. I think somebody in this thread said they weren't real or something like that. Even tho they are real and show up at Trump events.

You already had one murder somebody, in case you forgot:

Accused of Killing a Gambino Mob Boss, He’s Presenting a Novel Defense
Anthony Comello is obsessed with conspiracy theories. His paranoia is being litigated in a Staten Island court.
At one court appearance, Mr. Comello scrawled on his hand a symbol and phrases associated with the far-right conspiracy theory, “QAnon.”

i said they arent real..

arent real credible

Sounds like Comey can still pull strings;
He’s probably source all anon FBI “leaks”
QAnon is BS; wake up and focus on Policy.
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Lou off the deep end for awhile now.

"Lou Dobbs accuses "the Deep State" of "launching agents of the U.S. Postal Service to arrest" Steve Bannon"


Nice mashup of Trump's criminal/corrupt friends, administration. I think it's the most criminal/corrupt ever.

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YESSS meidas midas (sp?) Touch :ROFL:

Come on, JB. You’re better than this.

Those aren't make believe videos. Those aren't make believe arrests and people going to prison. This is your typical response. Are you better than that? So far, haven't seen it.

aye. She birthed the Universe. The creator reincarnates, this is the latest version.

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Those aren't make believe videos. This is your typical response. Are you better than that? So far, haven't seen it.

And these are your typical (leftist) sources (y)
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And these are your typical (leftist) sources (y)

That doesn't even make sense. Are those leftist arrests and prison sentences? Will put you back on block. One day I hope to see you make posts that actually make sense.

Jeez, Samer edit machine, how many times did you edit the post below? I actually have 0 people on block, more of a not responding, paying attention, not wasting time kind of block. You have a lot of empty, all over the place kind of posting.
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That doesn't even make sense. Are those leftist arrests and prison sentences? Will put you back on block. One day I hope to see you make posts that actually make sense.

I had my suspicions.
Keep blocking yet find a way to “disagree” JB
Judgin @lennco ”likes” “agree” he prob did too. Liberalism in its rawest form when confronted ideals conflict own bias.

Keep posting Russian hoax meme, boys 🤣

You’re betfer than this 🤣 No regrets, unblock when you finally (if) you get yourself together have defense doesnt involve **** chess board claiming you won, man! And blocking people without telling them (other than pathetic) is a shadow ban form; hope u recover; triggered!
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