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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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She's already lying again like the previous 2:

AP Exclusive: Top White House officials buried CDC report

White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany said Friday that the documents had not been approved by CDC Director Robert Redfield. The new emails, however, show that Redfield cleared the guidance.


Trump is ok with sacrificing the health and lives of Americans to win reelection. Remember near the beginning when he didn't want to offload the people from the ship, because they would count towards the numbers. It's why testing has been an issue.
Liberals would rather let the country go bankrupt, see people's lives ruined, suicides, drug addiction than lift the quarantine.

Before I go read this, how many anonymous sources were used?


She's already lying again like the previous 2:

AP Exclusive: Top White House officials buried CDC report

White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany said Friday that the documents had not been approved by CDC Director Robert Redfield. The new emails, however, show that Redfield cleared the guidance.


Trump is ok with sacrificing the health and lives of Americans to win reelection. Remember near the beginning when he didn't want to offload the people from the ship, because they would count towards the numbers. It's why testing has been an issue.
Liberals would rather let the country go bankrupt, see people's lives ruined, suicides, drug addiction than lift the quarantine.

As Deaths In U.S. Continue, A Look At Trump's Words On Virus

Anyone who fallows this Narcissistic self serving idiot really needs to step back and think about what kind of person he really is. Trump does not care about you or anyone else in this world but himself.
As Deaths In U.S. Continue, A Look At Trump's Words On Virus

Anyone who fallows this Narcissistic self serving idiot really needs to step back and think about what kind of person he really is. Trump does not care about you or anyone else in this world but himself.

You eat shit sandwiches. When I wan't your advice, I'll tell you.
You eat shit sandwiches. When I wan't your advice, I'll tell you.
I do get under your skin don't I? :-P

All those comments of Trump's in that video are all nails in his political coffin :xf.grin:
I do get under your skin don't I? :-P

All those comments of Trump's in that video are all nails in his political coffin :xf.grin:

You got him this time ™

You're just another liberal I enjoy beating on.

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Obligatory mashup of media democrats lying about General Flynn.

This women is fire. Totally owns the media.

Media has been playing gotcha instead of reporting since this shutdown started.
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50/50 Biden makes it out of the democrat convention as their nominee.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't American's typically rally around their president during times of trouble rather than continuing to divide the country along partisan lines? In terms of response, most responsible leaders try to do everything possible to protect their citizenry vs re-election priorities. Leaving it up to each state governor to call the shots shows he is just passing the buck (which is prob better for states anyway).

No, that's mostly a myth - though it has been true a few times. So far as passing the buck to the states, that's exactly what should be done. The whole nation was established on the basis of state's rights.
President Trump announces a cure for Murder Hornets

Praying mantises are pretty evenly matched with the hornets. And we get some huge mantises as well. They are pretty cool, because for some reason they have little fear of humans, and will sit on your shoulder without biting, which I have been told can hurt.
You got him this time ™

You're just another liberal I enjoy beating on.

Trump really Fucked himself this time ™

^ That's a better TM :xf.grin:

Lincoln project ad labeled as false by FB.

P.S. 90% of the money Lincoln Project raises goes into their own pockets. Grifters fleecing TDS inflicted democrats.

What a maroon.
Enjoy your shit sandwich come Nov 3rd mr-x

The leader you are about to get,

Enjoy your new President for the next 4 years come Jan 20th 2021
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New Summer Collection for those conscious beach goers...
Strange, all of the sudden I had an urge to smell my mask :xf.confused:
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New Rule: Sex Monster | Real Time with Bill Maher

This is a joke.

"They don't want American voters to see this ad. Pitch in now to fight back and make sure it airs in every single swing state possible."

You're claiming FB is censoring LP on order from Pres. Trump's campaign Lincoln Project is even asking for MORE money in their tweet.

I hope you donate. Enjoy the sandwich.
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New Rule: Sex Monster | Real Time with Bill Maher

Turns out Tara Reade was telling everyone who would listen that Joe Biden assaulted when it happened. Nobody cared.

Now democrats are saying I don't care if Biden raped her, I'll vote for him anyway. You've discovered your virtuous indignation was just political opportunism. You're no better than Trump voters.

Enjoy the sandwich.
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Strange, all of the sudden I had an urge to smell my mask :xf.confused:
LOL... You're gonna have to smell the one on your post... while it lasts, because my post was removed.

The Moderator either has no sense of humor or doesn't appreciate a lovely chick protecting herself from Covid... while at the beach.
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