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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Top Member
Here you can spout your USA political views.

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2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

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In most of the civilized world but not in NY. Hillary advocated abortion until birth for any reason. That is the democrat platform.

The NY law removes the "unborn" from the criminal code. It's not illegal to abort a child up to the moment of birth.

38-24 vote

- Add abortion to the NY Constitution

- Allow non-physicians to commit abortions

- Allow abortion through third trimester

- Repeal protections for surviving babies << INFANTACIDE <<

This is what NARAL and the radical left want for all of America. Pure evil.

Allows abortion for no stated reason through 24 weeks of pregnancy and throughout all nine months when the baby in the womb has been determined to be non-viable or for the life or health of the mother (at the discretion of the abortionist)

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Anyone supporting the NY abortion law can no longer say they are pro-choice. They are pro abortion.
AG Hearing Rep Collins Accuses Democrats of Political Theater Feb 9 2019
House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Doug Collins (R-GA) recounts the events and correspondence of the last 24 hours between the committee and Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker regarding today's testimony, calling it "all political theater" and a "hide and seek game."
He also says the hearing today would be "a dog and pony show," and suggests that the committee set up a popcorn machine in the back of the hearing room.
I didn't say it wasn't trending. I said the trend was manipulated, always to help liberals view point.

It's based on an algorithm. Let me give you an example of you guys not thinking long term. You guys keep talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, you give more views, likes, followers etc. So when something comes up, she'll show up more often.

The amount of negative drama about President Trump from the corrupt media is overwhelming. Try picking a policy and debating it without the hyperbole and win at all cost bs.

Under Trump, EPA inspections fall to a 10-year low


We have a great economy DESPITE the Obama Administration and all of its job killing Regulations and Roadblocks. If that thinking prevailed in the 2016 Election, the U.S. would be in a Depression right now! We were heading down, and don’t let the Democrats sound bites fool you!
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Most people would see that line going up, not down.


Uh-Oh: Trump Voters Realizing They Didn't Get Tax Cuts

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Nick Sandmann: The Truth in 15 minutes

Nikki Haley‏ Verified account @NikkiHaley
Nikki Haley Retweeted Nancy Pelosi
Does God’s creation not include protecting babies as well Madame Speaker? A committee on that issue would be welcome.
Nancy Pelosi Verified account @SpeakerPelosi
We have a moral responsibility to protect God’s creation for generations to come. That is why today, we named members to the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. #ActOnClimate

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Here you go. This is a thread on Politics. It's not a Muslim hate thread. I sure you and Gilsan know where to go for that.

And that makes no sense, since the majority of Americans blamed him for that.

And so you reported it or somebody else. You are simply being an ignoramus. You can't handle the truth- and like the rest of liberals- label people as racists, haters, idiots, etc- I don't call you the names you deserve, maybe once.

Nothing else to say. But... I will keep this on topic and post political ties.
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Nick Sandmann: The Truth in 15 minutes
This video was shown here a few days back by mr-x, but... it's the kind of video that should be shown every time the lying Fake News Liberal Media invents and twists another anti-white story.

Thanks for sharing!!!
Political Ties obviously

JB Bonehead.

• The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) was founded by Hassan al-Banna in 1928 in opposition to Ataturk’s abolition of the Ottoman Empire (Caliphate) in 1924 with secular Turkey in the aftermath of World War I. The Brotherhood’s stated goal is to instill the Qur’an and Sunnah as the:

“sole reference point for ... ordering the life of the Muslim family, individual, community ... and state”.

• Concerning MB connections to terrorist groups, in testimony before the Senate Banking Committee in 2003, Richard Clarke, chief counter-terrorism adviser on the National Security Council under Clinton and Bush 2, said:

"...the issue of terrorist financing in the United States is a fundamental example of the shared infrastructure levered by Hamas, Islamic Jihad and al Qaeda, all of which enjoy a significant degree of cooperation... within our borders. The common link here is... all these organizations are descendants of the membership and ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood."

Even Egypt bans them. Yet in the USA they spread their scum and hate in Washington DC.

What Fake news CNN didnt show.

The political pressure and malfeasance of the transgender movement. A group doctors, gay women and former transgender people pushing back against the progressive political machine promoting transgenderism, to protect our children.

They couldn't get any coverage by liberal media without censorship so asked the Heritage Foundation to cover their meeting.

Planned Parenthood's new business is gender transition. Liberals will have to answer for these crimes in a few years.
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Anyone supporting the NY abortion law can no longer say they are pro-choice. They are pro abortion.
ProChoice was always a misnomer. Sounds better than pro-abortion, and the euphemism is a tacit admission that abortion is not such a wonderful thing after all. It also completely avoids addressing the humanity of the unborn, who has no choice in the matter of "pro choice."
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ProChoice was always a misnomer. Sounds better than pro-abortion, and the euphemism is a tacit admission that abortion is not such a wonderful thing after all. It also completely avoids addressing the humanity of the unborn, who has no choice in the matter.

Exactly. A lie to comfort the willing and shield the guilty
Parents at Birmingham (UK) primary school want to ban lessons on LGBT rights
An openly Gay teacher at a primary school in England's second-biggest city says he's been receiving threats for teaching pupils about same-sex relationships. His initiative, which has led some parents to pull their children out of school in protest, has triggered a broader debate in the UK about challenging homophobia.

This is nothing more than social engineering by arrogant teachers, who ignore parental concerns, and endorsed by a government obsessed with damaging and altering the social fabric and culture of the UK. Since it is highly likely most parents do want their children to be tolerant of "the other", but do not want them to believe that heterosexual relationships are no more valuable or important (or necessary) than same sex ones, who the hell are the government and their agents serving in such merciless engineering of even the youngest children?

Primary schools should stick to teaching math, science, reading, history, geography, etc.
Primary schools should stick to teaching math, science, reading, history, geography, etc.

Public schools abandoned that long ago, in favor of teaching obedience and social and political indoctrination. After looking more closely at the issue with my own kids, I am am inclined to think that most public education is a form of child abuse.

I have lost count of the highly successful people I have met who, for one reason or another, pretty much avoided the whole public school system. They often seem to know far more than those who faithfully attended all 12 years of formal indoctrination. After looking closely, it seems that any actually useful knowledge picked up in those 12 years could be done in one year of devoted reading and study. Maybe even less.

But those 12 years are very effective at promoting passivity, group-think and worse.
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Public schools abandoned that long ago, in favor of teaching obedience and social and political indoctrination. After looking more closely at the issue with my own kids, I am am inclined to think that most public education is a form of child abuse.

I have lost count of the highly successful people I have met who, for one reason or another, pretty much avoided the whole public school system. They often seem to know far more than those who faithfully attended all 12 years of formal indoctrination. After looking closely, it seems that any actually useful knowledge picked up in those 12 years could be done in one year of devoted reading and study. Maybe even less.

But those 12 years are very effective at promoting passivity, group-think and worse.
Is this happening in Japan where you live?
I don't see that amount of indoctrination in Madeiran public schools, which are generally considered very good and sought out by most parents and kids.
Yes. Sadly. Different kind of indoctrination, not so destructive as the US. Worse here is the sheer number of hours and rote memorization required. As though they want to create robots.Increasing numbers of kids are refusing to go to school, and alternative schools are disliked by the old farts who still run the country. But the options are increasing, and a lot of more thinking people want alternatives.
LOL... and the

goes to...

This drops tomorrow JB. So go register it.

The Border Patrol should escort the next caravan to Pelosi's plantation to harvest the grapes and set up an encampment...


Lovely "Casa" Gavin
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INSANE: Woman Arrested and Locked Up For Calling A Transgender Person A Man

Paul Joseph Watson‏ Verified account @PrisonPlanet
The absolute state of Britain. - violent crime soaring - pedo gangs everywhere - police say won’t respond to burglaries - only 9% of crimes end with suspect being charged.



"London A mother was arrested in front of her children and locked up for seven hours after referring to a transgender woman as a man online.

Three officers detained Kate Scottow at her home before quizzing her at a police station about an argument with an activist on Twitter over so-called ‘deadnaming’.

The 38-year-old, from Hitchin, Hertfordshire, had her photograph, DNA and fingerprints taken and remains under investigation.

More than two months after her arrest on December 1, she has had neither her mobile phone or laptop returned, which she says is hampering her studies for a Masters in forensic psychology."

If you have a penis, you’re a man. Even if you dress up like a giraffe and call yourself a pony, you’re still a male pony. It takes more to be a woman than a simple declaration. Locking people in jail won’t change that.


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