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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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They got sister's taxes, Fred's will, Trump companies, partnerships, trusts etc....

Whats funny is you think this matters, like Trump was filling out his own tax forms.

Kanye West Deletes Twitter and Instagram Accounts After Trump Rant and Album Delay

Off his meds.

Call the Thinkpol.
TL;DR "those people" are crazy & It's tRumps fault.

Carlson just has the ability to talk loudly and assertively. Some people interpret that as smart or knowledgeable.

People in this country have lost their collective minds. Taking an example from our fearless leader (“the fish rots from the head down”), everything has turned into a zero sum “winning at all costs” game with principles, values and our constitution tossed by the wayside. I don’t single out the GOP in that statement, but it seems in particular that the more the trumpists “win” the more they hate. We have a president who is the most divisive in history - who is working straight from the “authoritarianism for dummies” playbook and who deliberately stokes that hate by telling lies and playing on his followers fears. Yet they keep gleefully chugging the kool aid.

Someone needs to pour a bucket of ice water over the entire country.
Carlson just has the ability to talk loudly and assertively. Some people interpret that as smart or knowledgeable.

People in this country have lost their collective minds. Taking an example from our fearless leader (“the fish rots from the head down”), everything has turned into a zero sum “winning at all costs” game with principles, values and our constitution tossed by the wayside. I don’t single out the GOP in that statement, but it seems in particular that the more the trumpists “win” the more they hate. We have a president who is the most divisive in history - who is working straight from the “authoritarianism for dummies” playbook and who deliberately stokes that hate by telling lies and playing on his followers fears. Yet they keep gleefully chugging the kool aid.

Someone needs to pour a bucket of ice water over the entire country.

I agree. I can not understand how he became president.
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I agree. I can not understand how he became president.

The liberal media gave him a billion dollars of free advertising, while mocking and suppressing the message of his primary opponents.

Then Hillary didn't bother to campaign in three swing states because she's an arrogant, entitled aristocrat.

She and Bill were good friends with Donald Trump. Trump didn't suddenly become a boorish jerk when he switched from democrat to republican.
Carlson just has the ability to talk loudly and assertively. Some people interpret that as smart or knowledgeable.

Carlson can be annoying but he debates. He often invites people with extreme views and predictably destroys their argument, which gets boring.

People in this country have lost their collective minds. Taking an example from our fearless leader (“the fish rots from the head down”), everything has turned into a zero sum “winning at all costs” game with principles, values and our constitution tossed by the wayside.

You think this started with Trump? Are you also condemning the attempt to destroy a good man and his family because he doesn't support abortion on demand?

A few days ago you were claiming Kavanaugh was a monster despite a 20+ year history of supporting women and universal respect from his friends and peers.

I don’t single out the GOP in that statement, but it seems in particular that the more the trumpists “win” the more they hate. We have a president who is the most divisive in history - who is working straight from the “authoritarianism for dummies” playbook and who deliberately stokes that hate by telling lies and playing on his followers fears. Yet they keep gleefully chugging the kool aid.

Trump is a reaction to the identity politics and intolerance for contrary opinions perfected by Barack Obama. Most votes for Trump were a rejection of the democrats policies.

We've watched liberals turn college campuses in marxist preschools. Try wearing a #maga or NRA hat on any university in the USA.

Someone needs to pour a bucket of ice water over the entire country.

Maybe you could start by actually admitting your own democrat leadership are as horrible as Trump.
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1. nothing to do with the topic at hand
2. Gilsan should be happy, murders against foreigners skyrocket in Italy since the changer of power. Not a coincidence. Haven't heard from Salvini on the issue (couldn't care less, as he is in favor of mass expulsions).
That is pure LIES and BS. In fact the exact opposite is what's true. Murders, rapes, assaults, violence, acid attacks, terrorism and leaching off the great free social benefits in the EU, have skyrocketed since Muslims and Africans started arriving illegally "en masse" into the EU.

You named 1 black guy that was murdered, but I can name you many hundreds if not thousands of Europeans that have been murdered by these illegal invaders. I can also name you thousands of women and underage girls that have been raped and some murdered by mostly Pakistani Muslim gangs in your country, the UK, something that you obviously don't care much about, thus your silence on it.

I can also name you many thousands of women and girls in the rest of the EU countries that, just like in the UK have been raped and some murdered by Muslims and Africans illegals.

Do you want me to flood this thread with links and videos of all the atrocities perpetrated by your beloved Muslims and African invaders?

I could easily fill 500 pages of links and videos if you want... you ignorant woman!
3. as always, Gilsan is lecturing us on refugees while his own country is a net exporter of economic migrants. He wants freedom of movement only for the White.
Portuguese migrants did not invade the UK or the EU illegally. They are there LEGALLY, just like there are over 2 million Brits living in Europe, many of which in Portugal LEGALLY.

You don't seem to know the difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL. Educate yourself. Oh wait... you'll NEVER understand... you're a bloody Liberal.

And since you have a problem with Portuguese migrants, just show me how many terrorist attacks were perpetrated by Portuguese in the UK and elsewhere around the world?

How about Portuguese rape gangs... name me some. Or Portuguese ramming their cars into crowds of innocent people? How about Portuguese gangs burning cars for fun, like they do so often in Sweden and France?

Go to hell Kate with your lies and biased BS

Fostering hatred is dangerous. One day you could be on the receiving end and it won't be pretty.
I'm already on the receiving end of it every time I travel by plane or boat or go into a stadium etc. with all those strict security measures, thanks to the violent actions of your Muslim friends, which forced all these restrictions on us.

Pity your country is governed by a weakling called Theresa May. Millions of Brits would love to to have someone like Salvini or Trump instead.

Viva Tommy Robinson

BTW, you do know that if you Dislike my posts you'll get one back...
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Why plane fare? It would be cheaper and pretty easy to stuff them into one of those big ferry boats, give them all $1000 spending money too to get back started in northern africa, still cheaper.
Great idea. I'm GILSAN and I approve this message...
Someone needs to pour a bucket of ice water over the entire country.
I agree... especially California, New York and the rest of the Blue States! Not just ice cold water, but hail storms...
Justice Kavanaugh continues advocating for women.

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History
"Brett Kavanaugh made history on Sunday with his first actions as a newly sworn-in Supreme Court justice: He appointed an all-female law clerk staff."

WOW... Was that a wise thing to do? Now the DemonRATS are gonna say he's gonna rape them someday, after having a beer or two!
I believe in free speech, just not his [ Ben Shapiro } speech.
I believe in free speech, just not his [ Ben Shapiro } speech.
I had already shown this video on page 1042, Post #26035, but hey... no problem whatsoever as it's worth while watching it several times, just to show the world the intolerance and stupidity of the left!
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I had already shown this video on page 1042, Post #26035, but hey... no problem whatsoever as it's worth while watching it several times, just to show the world the intolerance and stupidity of the left!

Kate & Enlytened like to pretend Trump is a dictator and cons are drinking his kool-aid. It's good to provide proof the left are turning fascist.

Just a few hours ago JB was gloating Kanye was driven off social media by the though police.

Liberals argue social media, google are not biased, despite 90% of conservatives believe they are. No-one on the right is trying to stop anyone from speaking. Conservatives are not attacking liberals for having unpopular opinions.
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Speaking of con, you have a big one in office and it's not because of me or Enlytend.
While productive (?) people like you pay taxes, others evade them, it's natural for somebody who has been cheating on everybody, including every law-abiding American. You are enjoying it, aren't you. Being used and abused like a gullible fool.
Just carry on, you will be rewarded.
Speaking of con, you have a big one in office and it's not because of me or Enlytend.
While productive (?) people like you pay taxes, others evade them, it's natural for somebody who has been cheating on everybody, including every law-abiding American. You are enjoying it, aren't you. Being used and abused like a gullible fool.
Just carry on, you will be rewarded.

Rich people, including every politician in D.C. have been using the tax code to avoid paying taxes since forever. Federal tax code is voluminous, as in rooms of books.

Trump isn't a dictator or corrupt because he has enough money to hire CPA's and tax lawyers who can exploit loopholes in the tax code.

Al Gore has a mansion on the beach in FL., and a private jet. You think he doesn't use CPA's and lawyers to keep as much of his money as possible?
Rich people, including every politician in D.C. have been using the tax code to avoid paying taxes since forever. Federal tax code is voluminous, as in rooms of books.

Trump isn't a dictator or corrupt because he has enough money to hire CPA's and tax lawyers who can exploit loopholes in the tax code.

Al Gore has a mansion on the beach in FL., and a private jet. You think he doesn't use CPA's and lawyers to keep as much of his money as possible?
Yea... but Kate only sees one side of the coin...
... Being used and abused like a gullible fool.
Just carry on, you will be rewarded.

As I've said many times. I'm pragmatic about President Trump. His polices are better than the previous President, who was actually intolerant and used propaganda to hide his failures.

Remember when a radical Muslim Air Force officer killed and wounded over three dozen people, while shouting "Allahu akbar" and Pres. Obama called it work place violence?

The victims were denied benefits because Pres. Obama wanted to hide the Air Force new the Nidal Hasan was nuts but kept promoting him.
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Whats funny is you think this matters, like Trump was filling out his own tax forms.

They are HIS tax forms. It matters because it's like the old saying, 2 sure things in life, death and taxes. Most people understand why we have taxes but still don't like paying them. This doesn't go over well for most people that do pay their taxes.

Are you ok with tax fraud, tax cheats?

Just a few hours ago JB was gloating Kanye was driven off social media by the though police.

Actually, I was pointing out how you guys were stupid and using Kanye for advertising, when he has mental issues.
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This woman and this man were stabbed to death Murdered by Palestinian terrorists. Palestinians publicly celebrated and passed out candy.

On Sunday, a Palestinian terrorist murdered two Israeli Jews in cold blood, one a 28-year-old mother of a one-year-old son, and another who was a 35-year old father of three. Ashraf Walid Suleiman Na’alowa entered the offices of the Alon Group with a Carlo-style submachine gun, according to the Israel Defense Force, handcuffed Kim Levengrond-Yehezkel, the mother of a one-year-old boy, then murdered her by shooting her at close range. He shot another woman, Sara Vaturi, 54, in the stomach, wounding her, then shot and murdered Ziv Hagbi, the father of three children. Then Na'alowa fled the scene.


Actual pic's of Palestinians celebrating the murders.
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This woman and this man were stabbed to death by Palestinian terrorists. Palestinians publicly celebrated and passed out candy.


You have to learn to link to your sources, so people know what you're talking about. I know sometimes you're embarrassed to do so.

Watch. Your people, your alt right white Nationalist people, celebrated when Heather Heyer was murdered:

So that type of stuff is never good. Duh.

Jerry Saltz @jerrysaltz

Time to get ruthless. ALL Republicans must go; every one; none should be allowed to appear in polite society again; must be shunned; relegated to the dustbin of history. White-nationalism dying a hard, mean, mean-hearted death of resentment & rage, trying to kill the country.

Republicans are obviously the problem.


Jerry Saltz @jerrysaltz

Time to get ruthless. ALL Republicans must go; every one; none should be allowed to appear in polite society again; must be shunned; relegated to the dustbin of history. White-nationalism dying a hard, mean, mean-hearted death of resentment & rage, trying to kill the country.

Republicans are obviously the problem.

Well yeah. You literally have the President amping things up, instead of being a leader, have you watched his rallies? And you have a problem with voting now?

You don’t hand matches to an arsonist, and you don’t give power to an angry left-wing mob. Democrats have become too EXTREME and TOO DANGEROUS to govern. Republicans believe in the rule of law - not the rule of the mob. VOTE REPUBLICAN!
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The article / source was accurate. It was my mistake, they were shot not stabbed. I transposed from another story I was reading.

You have to learn to link to your sources, so people know what you're talking about. I know sometimes you're embarrassed to do so.

Watch. Your people, your alt right white Nationalist people, celebrated when Heather Heyer was murdered:

Big shocker your playing about them. No one is supporting / justifying violence except you. But that's that's the game you play until you either have to admit the truth or eat another shit sandwich.
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