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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

1. Keep it clean
2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

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@offthehandle try doing a google search for american inventors and see what you get on your side of the pond... Over here, I get well over 90% of the American inventors are blacks like...

Now try white american inventors. I still get mostly black inventors like...


GOOGLE... trying their hardest to wipe out white history...
@offthehandle Gilsan trying to recruit you to be anti-black as well. Post some anti-black stuff to impress him.
Again, exposing herself about the 5 minute mark. An anti-Muslim Canadian telling somebody who actually lives there what British values are supposed to be.

Anything I've ever said, backed up by reasons, very general of you.

Hate is not reason.
Hate is not reason.

Pointing out how your and the NRA views are against the majority of Americans isn't hate, it's facts. From bumpstocks, background checks, age to buy etc. Or pointing out how Trump's decisions go against the majority of Americans, from climate change, ObamaCare, Net Neutrality, no action on Russia etc. Long list. Sorry.

And the american inventor stuff from the other post, already gone over, enlytend explained a lot of it:
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Telford Abuse: 'I Was Sold Twice A Night'
Another massive stain (to add to dozens others) on British Authorities, who allowed grooming, raping, selling as sex slaves and even murdering several young underage girls to allow this barbarity to carry on for 40 years, because it would be politically incorrect to say it was perpetrated by mostly Pakistani Muslim gangs, in fear of being called "racists"

Even the British MSM were complicit by refering to them as "Asian Gangs" and they still continue to do it...
Pointing out how your and the NRA views are against the majority of Americans isn't hate,

Ahh.. the fake 97% of all Americans talking point. You don't just disagree, you demonize and slander, blood on our (NRA) hands, bought and paid for, etc..

it's facts. From bumpstocks, background checks, age to buy etc. Or pointing out how Trump's decisions go against the majority of Americans, from climate change, ObamaCare, Net Neutrality, no action on Russia etc. Long list. Sorry.

How many people have died needless from tax cuts and net neutrality? The horror.

Obama care may have been OK for poor people but was a disaster for middle class families. Marxist polices trampled #1A rights for what?? So 65 year old nuns could get birth control?

You're not even aware of how far-left, out touch your liberal bullshit is.

And the american inventor stuff from the other post, already gone over, enlytend explained a lot of it:

I'm not following that thread. @GILSAN post all kinds of crazy sometimes racist bullshit. You're the person pretending to better than him.

Your not.
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If gender confuses you.. you're probably crazy.

I'm not following that thread. @GILSAN post all kinds of crazy sometimes racist bullsh*t. You're the person pretending to better than him.

Your not.
Hmmm... What thread are you talking about? So... I post all kinds of crazy sometimes racist bullsh*t? Telling the truth is crazy bullsh*t?

As for the racist part. May I remind you that I don't obsess with that word. Because I'm not American or Swedish or English, or German. That word doesn't have the impact that it has on you. I don't tremble if someone calls me that, because quite frankly I don't give a damn if I'm called one. Liberals in this thread have called me that on several occasions, but they've called me even worse. I'm still here, fighting all the Liberal BS!

So now you can carry on calling me racist. It'll go in one ear and out the other at the speed of light.
How many people have died needless from tax cuts and net neutrality? The horror.

Obama care may have been OK for poor people but was a disaster for middle class families. Marxist polices trampled #1A rights for what?? So 65 year old nuns could get birth control?

You're not even aware of how far-left, out touch your liberal bullsh*t is.

Again, with you responding to stuff and talking about something different. I factually pointed out that you and the NRA views on some things are against the majority, I posted 3 different examples. Then pointed out Trump goes against the majority many times, again, posting specific examples. Each example I posted is fact. Pick 1 that isn't.

I'm not following that thread. @GILSAN post all kinds of crazy sometimes racist bullsh*t. You're the person pretending to better than him.

Your not.

I am better than him, most people are. I'm not some lowlife racist, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic, bitter, old man. I'm not even the first person in this thread to point that out.
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The British Thought Police are terrified that a right winger night criticize Islam...
Hmmm... What thread are you talking about? So... I post all kinds of crazy sometimes racist bullsh*t? Telling the truth is crazy bullsh*t?

As for the racist part. May I remind you that I don't obsess with that word. Because I'm not American or Swedish or English, or German. That word doesn't have the impact that it has on you. I don't tremble if someone calls me that, because quite frankly I don't give a damn if I'm called one. Liberals in this thread have called me that on several occasions, but they've called me even worse. I'm still here, fighting all the Liberal BS!

So now you can carry on calling me racist. It'll go in one ear and out the other at the speed of light.

Of course, it's like calling a KKK member racist, they don't care.

Sometimes, I don't even need to post, I can just let you guys prove my point for me. So the Canadian anti-Muslim goes to the UK and distributes Allah is Gay leaflets because? She's a nice person that wants to have nice discussions?

"The leaflets, which consisted of an LGBT rainbow flag and the text, “Allah is gay. Allah is trans*. Allah is lesbian. Allah is intersex. Allah is feminist. Allah is queer. Allah is all of us… LGBT for Islam UK,” were handed out by Southern, and conservative commentators Brittany Pettibone and Caolan Robertson in Luton."

Take a good look at Gilsan's posts. What percentage don't have an anti-Muslim, anti-Black angle to them? He's turned a political thread into his own personal hate thread. I'll be right back and just count today's posts. 8 for 10. The other 2, 1 being a reply, 1 being his usual crying about the media.

And another one below, many more coming.
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Angela Merkel elected to fourth term as German Chancellor

Bad news for German women. Great news for migrant rapists.
Angela Merkel elected to fourth term as German Chancellor

Bad news for German women. Great news for migrant rapists.

I don’t know much about german political systems, but I never thought German voters would have an ex socialist as their rep. I see She only had a real job as a Research chemist fir 3 years, then entered politics as soon as the wall came down, yet was born in West Germay. I guess, Could not get another job and was used to the socialist system makes sense. Anybody that creates jobs or creates products or services rarely enter Govt until they are wealthy to serve. She is a career EU swamp creature it seems like so much of Washington Swamp rats.

I am beginning to think the smart money and investors has left the UK and Germany, hence their decisions on who they elect.

Mark Stein and Steve Hilton on Fox are smart UK escapes from the EU mess. But unless the US ends the trump hate of BLM, the antifa, the resist movement, far left globalists continue and the dem obstructions and so forth happen, they might be better off in Andalucia.
@offthehandle Gilsan trying to recruit you to be anti-black as well. Post some anti-black stuff to impress him.

@GILSAN knows the news and the EU. I don’t. Stop this nonsense. I have more experience with Black people than you, you are a Ivy leaguer. Few people from Florida were born there, so I suspect you are a transplant. Just like CA, most are from somewhere else. If you review all of what I wrote before you might recall I rode my bike in Compton. Many times along the LA River. It was a nogo zone in 72’. You never had a best friend who was Black and a roommate in the 70’s like me. If so, show me a photo, I will even send you our photos. I have spent months in the Dominican Republic because I like it there and like Haitians unlike so many in this world. I also have 100’s of photos there. Dominicans in the DR, They don’t have the Farrakhan- Maxine Waters racist bullshit attitude. I posted Haitian artwork you never have seen before too on this thread.
@offthehandle try doing a google search for american inventors and see what you get on your side of the pond... Over here, I get well over 90% of the American inventors are blacks like...

Now try white american inventors. I still get mostly black inventors like...

GOOGLE... trying their hardest to wipe out white history...

Wtf is this post prove or disprove? I never claimed anything about black inventors. I have no use for Jay Z. Kanye no-talent West either. Chris Rock is funny as hell, I admire Arthur Ash, Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell, Diamond and silk, most all intelligent Fox guests who are African American. Don Lemon is a POS. Maxine Waters is nuclear waste compared to Don Lemon, should never get air time. She as about as intelligent as Rodney King.

I live in the Western Hemisphere most of the time btw. Places you never dare enter or go. Ever hear of barrios like Leon XIII, Carpio, Mezcala, Itagui, Callao, probably not on your Thomas Cook handheld Vacations. You can google though. Worst parts of various countries. I’ve seen stabbings as recently as 3 months ago across the street. Had an ex pat friends son attempted assaination by narcos. Meanwhile you live next to the safety of Disneyworld.
There is no Sharia law in America. You can wear head scarves if you want. All stuff we've gone over.

Don’t worry, give it 20-30 more years.

You ignored my mention of showing videos of right wing activists
A: wearing masks
B: lighting fires (berkeley antifa)
C: throwing bottles and objects at police
D: yelling and not debating civily
E: non peaceful protests

You can educate me as to how wrong my opinion is.
Hmmm... What thread are you talking about? So... I post all kinds of crazy sometimes racist bullsh*t? Telling the truth is crazy bullsh*t?

As for the racist part. May I remind you that I don't obsess with that word. Because I'm not American or Swedish or English, or German. That word doesn't have the impact that it has on you. I don't tremble if someone calls me that, because quite frankly I don't give a damn if I'm called one. Liberals in this thread have called me that on several occasions, but they've called me even worse. I'm still here, fighting all the Liberal BS!

So now you can carry on calling me racist. It'll go in one ear and out the other at the speed of light.

Sometimes you are a little over the top and focus too much on the negative. While I try hard not to be bigoted, sometimes I think like one. We're all human.

I could keep my mouth shut more often but I"m not going to stop speaking the truth or owning my mistakes.
Don’t worry, give it 20-30 more years.

You ignored my mention of showing videos of right wing activists
A: wearing masks
B: lighting fires (berkeley antifa)
C: throwing bottles and objects at police
D: yelling and not debating civily
E: non peaceful protests

You can educate me as to how wrong my opinion is.

As far as sharia law goes, US law is pretty clear, it means nothing. Civil disagreements settled by religious mediators are voluntary and not legally binding. Even arbitration can be revered by a court.

There was a lot of ass-hattery in the last 16 years when leaders of the executive branch bent over backwards to preach respect for Islam as they were invading Islamic countries. That's over.
Again, with you responding to stuff and talking about something different. I factually pointed out that you and the NRA views on some things are against the majority, I posted 3 different examples. Then pointed out Trump goes against the majority many times, again, posting specific examples. Each example I posted is fact. Pick 1 that isn't.

I am better than him, most people are. I'm not some lowlife racist, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic, bitter, old man. I'm not even the first person in this thread to point that out.

I'm responding to your post. You brought up net neutrality, other policy changes. You attack the NRA like they are out killing people.

You're really not better.
The British Thought Police are terrified that a right winger night criticize Islam...

Not surprising they cannot contain their own anti western value terrorist migrants and population from mowing down tourists on very visible sales sights in London. Probably direct Orders from Mayor Khan to silence him. This is in his political territory Hyde Park. Meanwhile Khan is in the USA spewing his anti free speech lectures, not his country, not his constituients, not his freedom as an outsider to do so.
As far as sharia law goes, US law is pretty clear, it means nothing. Civil disagreements settled by religious mediators are voluntary and not legally binding. Even arbitration can be revered by a court.

There was a lot of ass-hattery in the last 16 years when leaders of the executive branch bent over backwards to preach respect for Islam as they were invading Islamic countries. That's over.

If the FBI and local police can’t figure out that Cruz guy ahead of time, they have zero access inside hate preaching mosques in the US, which I am sure one of these days a real attack of sleeper cells will pull of a huge mess. Ontario CA, Pulse, Boston all were religious attacks at the west. I would like the stats published in detail about the real, the honest and good work some employees in the CIA and FBI have done to stop internal disasters in the US, instead of the medias lack of coverage. I am sure they have stopped quite a bit.
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