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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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Once the porn stars hit the strip club circuit, it means their porn star days are numbered!
He's not strong, he's incompetent and ignorant, and pretends he knows everything. Past presidents, in spite of their weaknesses were more humble. He is a big macho man with a big mouth but he has bad manners..

Come on Kate, instead all this hate where are the suggestions and solutions to these problems? All I read are complaints.

Take the President out of the picture, what would you suggest his adminstration and cabinet do about NK? And who should be paying for it?

I am fed up with seeing the continuous wars year after year, adminstration after administration. ISIS was probably caused by the mishandling of the liberation of Iraq as suggested by various things I have read. Not only that but a region of religious fanatics that are factions that all hate each other now for centuries.

Who should be in charge in the EU? Why doesn’t your countries leader (who is that btw?) do something, and if not what would you suggest?
This fing guy.

So if this guy was a world class first class athlete, why did "it" decide to become a second class citizen?
Trump, porn stars. Let the country down.

Huh? Let the country down? How? He gave a porn star $130k (thats an expensive poa btw). Did she declare it on her taxes last year? I hope the IRS comes after next, haha. Oh, I see you left out Billy Clintons mess from the list.
So if this guy was a world class first class athlete, why did "it" decide to become a second class citizen?

Maybe wrote off the surgery expenses on taxes. Now can apply for Govt grants as a disadvantaged, woman owned business?
Take the President out of the picture, what would you suggest his adminstration and cabinet do about NK? And who should be paying for it?
Look, I never said it would be easy. And as I said earlier, there is not much you can do really. It is a regime that you have to contain but you can't really negotiate with.
The only country that has some leverage on NK is China but even China is frustrated and has limited power.

45 has no foreign achievements (other than pulling out from international agreements) so he obviously needed something.
Now he thinks he got something, but he's being played. Look, I forced Rocket Man to come to the negotiation table ! Just by talking loud ! But NK has always sought that kind of exchange at the highest level. All past presidents have refused to bestow the Kim dynasty with that kind of honor. And Kim is not negotiating, he is just talking and making fun of you.
You gave him what he wanted, unilateral recognition. A one-sided concession.

To sum up, there is not a lot that you can do right here. But there is a lot that you can do wrong. I am not blaming the US administration for trying to do something, the previous administrations have had to cope with NK too. But what we are having here is a publicity stunt and a win for Kim.

You know the worst ? The rest of the world thinks that 45 with a finger on the red button is a bigger threat than Kim (or Putin).
I don't think that is fair but this is the translation of erratic leadership into global opinion.
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but he's being played. Look, I forced Rocket Man to come to the negotiation table ! Just by talking loud !

So Kim is playing the US, JP, CN and SK?

You leave out one thing, Trump is the first president to get China to put pressure on NK. Amazing how much more you know about things than the combined leadership of US, JP and SK.

Global opinion.
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Look, I never said it would be easy.

No you did not answer the question. Nor provide any alternative solutions as I was asking. If you had the position of being president, what would you do and what should be done?

And as I said earlier, there is not much you can do really.

Again, I asked what solution you proposed. So the solution is just to sit on your hands and wait it out? Do nothing? Meanwhile the guy is shooting off missles over Japanese airspace? I hope Japan is paying for their own defense and would like to see the statistics on that.

So Trump should be another Jimmy Carter who did nothing to pump up the economy, interest rates were 12-15% and his only foreign aid accomplishment was he gave away the Panama Canal. Now the Chinese run it.

45 has no foreign achievements (other than pulling out from international agreements) so he obviously needed something.

And he has been in office for how long? The democrats have been holding up nominations so his entire gov't selection is still being formed. The swamp creatures on both parties are slowly being exposed, hopefully some more firings and quitters like Flake. The Transpacific and Paris accords were subsidies for other nations, he exited them for the US taxpayer benefit. It's not the US taxpayer that should clean up pollution or shithole countries, it's the entire world's responsibility.

The EU is being protected by the nation you are bashing. I am tired of seeing tax dollars spent outside of the USA. I believe the US should stop making payments to subsidize the rest of the world, exit NATO, exit the United Nations, evict the building and sell it to pay off the debt- and then see what happens!

How about if we let Putin march on in?, right now the America Tax payer is keeping the EU safe paying billions to protect it. Yet, you believe Bush, Obama and now Trump are to blame for all the worlds problems? Please, history in the USA is a short success story economically. Go back to Rome, Ottoman Empire, Austra-Hungarian empire, French occupation of Africa, English in India and US, etc....

Will the EU wake up? But since Merkel was re-elected and wants open borders for economic refugees and people to arrive without any skills or assimilation to enter to increase the birth rates, they are lost anyway unless populist movements rise up. Sharia law might be coming in 20-30 years.

I don't think that is fair but this is the translation of erratic leadership into global opinion.

What does the US taxpayer care about? their hard earned money. I really do not give a rip about what the rest of the world thinks honestly for or against President Trump. It's all about the money.

Reagan ended the cold war, and the EU and any other nations that are "allies" should remember that.

Putin is not as strong as the media wants to make him out to be. They have an oil based economy and the EU spends money supporting him by buying his oil !

I bet that LA could quickly be as nice and renovated as beautiful Dubai if the USA cut off all foreign aid!
No you did not answer the question. Nor provide any alternative solutions as I was asking. If you had the position of being president, what would you do and what should be done?
For a start I would make sure I get surrounded with experts, rather than pretend I know it all. Talk less, act more. Do real diplomacy, behind the scenes.
You know I think it is a Chinese proverb that says while the dog barks it doesn't bite. That describes the current US president. Tough on words, soft on actions.

Again, I asked what solution you proposed. So the solution is just to sit on your hands and wait it out? Do nothing? Meanwhile the guy is shooting off missles over Japanese airspace? I hope Japan is paying for their own defense and would like to see the statistics on that.
You care about Japan ? I thought you wanted to cut ties with the rest of the world ? Why do you even care with NK ? Maybe it's the fact that the Pacific coast is within reach of their missiles ?
You see, ignoring the rest of the world is not always an option. We are affected by stuff that happens far away.

It's not the US taxpayer that should clean up pollution or sh*thole countries, it's the entire world's responsibility.
What are you talking about...
The US is the biggest polluter per capita. So the US certainly has a responsibility here... It's not like we are expecting unfairly high commitments from you.

The EU is being protected by the nation you are bashing. I am tired of seeing tax dollars spent outside of the USA. I believe the US should stop making payments to subsidize the rest of the world, exit NATO, exit the United Nations, evict the building and sell it to pay off the debt- and then see what happens!
It is the rest of the world that is subsidizing America. Remember that your country is broke. And Washington is sending the deficit through the roof.
The deficit is what is driving the economic growth right now. But it is nothing else than government-subsidized growth and it is unsustainable in the long term. So the reality is that the economy is actually not doing well because it is simply mortgaging the future.

The debt will be your downfall, it will put an end to the US empire just like it did the USSR. Just like the USSR, the USSA will have to rollback on its imperial overstretch, withdraw from the countless countries where it has a military presence, and become a more ordinary nation.
And the world will not be a safer place. I think this will happen in our lifetime. This is my prediction anyway (didn't say wish). But when it happens remember you read it here first.
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@GILSAN look who joined the Trump train.. :xf.laugh:
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The debt will be your downfall, it will put an end to the US empire just like it did the USSR. Just like the USSR, the USSA will have to rollback on its imperial overstretch, withdraw from the countless countries where it has a military presence, and become a more ordinary nation.
And the world will not be a safer place. I think this will happen in our lifetime. This is my prediction anyway (didn't say wish). But when it happens remember you read it here first.

Certainly not the first time we've heard this doomsday rhetoric.

i agree our debt is a huge problem but we are not a third world shit-hole like the USSR. 5% / 6% growth in the US is equivalent to 18% growth in CN.
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Nixon’s great decision on China, 40 years later

Great presidential decisions are often ones that escape the boundaries of what a leader may have said in the past, or what his political advisers recommend, or what the conventional wisdom of the day seems to supports. That was true of Nixon in China, Kennedy in the Cuban missile crisis, Roosevelt in the Great Depression, Lincoln in the Civil War.

The leader who can deal with America’s problems today may be the one who’s ready to respond to complaints that his policies go against past positions with a simple statement: So what? I’m doing what’s right for the country.
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Huh? Let the country down? How? He gave a porn star $130k (thats an expensive poa btw). Did she declare it on her taxes last year? I hope the IRS comes after next, haha. Oh, I see you left out Billy Clintons mess from the list.

Ugh, obvious joke. From Marilyn Monroe down to some porn star.

I am watching Dirty Money on Netflix, documentary series:
Episode 1 - Volkswagen's "clean diesel"
Episode 2 - Payday loans/Scott Tucker
Episode 3 - Valeant, drug prices
Episode 4 - HSBC laundering drug money
Episode 5 - Maple Syrup heist - haha
Episode 6, last episode -The Confidence Man on..........Donald Trump, watching this now
Show attachment 82607

@GILSAN look who joined the Trump train.. :xf.laugh:
If you can't beat 'em... it's best to join 'em.

Some people are talking here as if Trump is gonna let little Rocket Man walk all over him. How wrong they are. Firstly Trump put tremendous pressure on China to tighten sanctions on NK, something other US presidents never did.

Next he started taunting KJU on Twitter and elsewhere, promissing to blow NK to Kingdom come and back, something other US presidents never did.

Next he sent in aircraft carriers, war planes and other impressive war machines next to their territorial waters to really rub it in Rocket Man's face.

When US satelites showed Chinese boats offloading goods, thus breaching the sanctions, Trump put more pressure on the Chinese to move their asses.

All of this thanks to totally unconventional Trump style tactics.

It may not conform to traditional diplomacy, but it sure as hell has worked so far. As for meeting with the enemy, all great leaders have had to do it, weather they liked or not. Israel and Palestine did it, At the end of WW2 the major countries involved did it, Russia and the USA have done it, India and Pakistan, when Japan surrendered to the USA, the list is endless...

Not every leader has the gift of the gab as Winston Churchill had and who once said:
“Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.”

Or... “If you've got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.”
Theodore Roosevelt. This is the advantage Trump has right now. Got him by the balls...

Trump will win this NK crisis, much to the disgust and opposition of Lefties, Democrats and the Liberal Media... and some of us here on the Political thead will have a good :xf.laugh:
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Time for a few laughs...
A Brief History Of Maxine Waters Being Maxine "Very Low IQ" Waters

Great quotes from Maxine Waters:
“M’peech fo’ty fah, m’peech fo’ty fah.”
“No jussus, no peace.”

You may need Google Translate for the above quotes
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Katie Hopkins @KTHopkins
Detained at airport on the basis their speech at Speakers Corner, London, MIGHT upset the Muslim population. And boy oh boy, we can’t allow that to happen in Londonistan now can we?

The U.K. government will detain innocent visitors but will allow (at least) 2000 Islamist terrorists free entry to roam as they like?

Speakers Corner is located in Hyde Park, and has historically been an area where public speaking and debate is allowed and encouraged.

When I lived in London in the early 70's I went to Speakers Corner countless times to hear people speak on top of a wooden box on all sorts of subjects. Loved it!

Looks like those days are over, at least for Conservative views only. Everyone else can speak their mind. So much for the Liberal version of Freedom of Speech...
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Pink Raider @ThePinkRaider

So Brittany Pettibone & Martin Sellner have been arrested and banned from the UK. Desperately sad that we really are witnessing the end of free speech in this country, and the likes of @BBCWorld @Channel4News @SkyNews say nothing. #freebrittany

Islamic Radicals now matter more to the British government than free speech and people standing up to government oppression

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No, I don't think the real reason is that the UK is caving in to leftists or other people. They simply don't want trouble in the streets. This guy is a known trouble maker. Just another brainless idiot and cannon fodder for the far right.

It is ironic that people who would support a blanket ban on a whole range of innocent people now take outrage at a targeted ban against one single person who is prone to violence. He is treated no different than football hooligans who can also be denied entry due to their unsavory profiles.

Some people are funny, they cry about 'free speech' but their 'martyrs' always come from the far right. I don't think freedom of speech is their real concern, rather their concern is the freedom to spread lies and hate.
Brittany Pettibone & Martin Sellner GULAGED in the UK for Planning to Interview Tommy Robinson
No, I don't think the real reason is that the UK is caving in to leftists or other people. They simply don't want trouble in the streets. This guy is a known trouble maker. Just another brainless idiot and cannon fodder for the far right.
But the police permitted this in the UK... as long it's against the infidels, then it's OK...

and so are these schools, that teach hatred against the kaffirs...

Video Recorded Inside a Muslim Faith School in the UK
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Winston Churchil was spot on when he said:
Sharia Law has now hit the shores of once beautiful Sweden...
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