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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.

What a bunch of CYA state officials. Its more than 15 states. I get not publishing the drivers license or ssa number, and birthdate publishing exclusion, but felon? Huh? Convicted felons probably voted too! What are states actually checking for voter eligibility? Their Costco membership card? This is my first time I read anything about this, people are whining about Russian hackers, Wikileaks and That Porn Star, yet the states cannot provide evidence or cooperate? Defund all the states that are non compliant! Same sanctions as Venezuela, lol.

Individuals convicted of a felony are ineligible to vote while incarcerated, on parole, or on probation. Voting rights are automatically restored two years after the completion of all supervised release (except if convicted of treason). Ex-offenders should re-register to vote.

I got to Missouri before I saw a hassle free comment:

“In Missouri, Republican Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft said he is happy to "offer our support in the collective effort to enhance the American people's confidence in the integrity of the system”

And meanwhile the Obama / US meddles in the EU, and whenever an election occurs in a supposedly “corrupt” country, the US sends out all these droves of election monitors, meanwhile right at home the US has its own voter fraud cover up? Another scandal. Lo que sea.

Thanks for posting that, I am more shocked about the lack of state cooperation than just about any other subject in this thread recently. I thought the states would be more compliant. Seems like lots of states that have illegals, know it, condone it and refuse to cooperate, just like the sanctuary city, b.s. very politicized responses it appears too.

The Feds could really get back at certain states. Funny states AK, NV, OR, RI, WA and CO who have legalized recreational marijuana which is still illegal federally, are complying. Lol. The Feds if they really wanted to could step in and raise real havoc with CA, MA, VT.

I hope Sessions charges that jerk mayor in Oakland tipping off illegals with ICE raids with obstruction of justice, they need to set an example. CA is really getting out of hand in so many areas. Wow.
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The porn star has no honor.
She cashed the check, and is greedy and wants to be on TV now. She’s a has-been, greedy and looking for more money now her career is over except whatever table scraps and her 15 minutes she is getting now. Some things in life are based on “your word is your bond” just require a hand shake in person or on the phone. Right? All the free publicity and attention and fuel for the haters will disappear soon enough, she goes back and disappears into obsurity.

She’s hardly “obscure” and her career is far from over. She’s an award winning director in her industry. How you feel about that industry is irrelevant.

But blame the woman.
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We should just keep doing everything the same.

You don’t even begin to get this, do you?
  • When government officials make conflicting statements, it looks like the country doesn’t have its act together. Which is probably true.
  • The pro baseball teams star hitter cant play so they send in little Johnny - a 10 yr old fan - who hits a home run and wins the game.... Nice fairy tale, but in real life expertise, experience and knowledge matter. When it comes to NK, 45 has none. Think he’ll listen to people who do, or read briefings?
  • By agreeing to meet, he just legitimized the regime and put them on equal footing and status with the US. WTG.
Here is what a freshly minted Trump Pardon looks like.

Show attachment 82552

Interesting. Someone who campaigned heavily on the premise that mishandling of classified info was virtually a capital offense, pardons someone convicted of it.
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You're wrong on so much, so often, I really don't care what you think of President Trump's foreign policy or how it's implemented.

You don’t even begin to get this, do you?
  • When government officials make conflicting statements, it looks like the country doesn’t have its act together. Which is probably true.
  • The pro baseball teams star hitter cant play so they send in little Johnny - a 10 yr old fan - who hits a home run and wins the game.... Nice fairy tale, but in real life expertise, experience and knowledge matter. When it comes to NK, 45 has none. Think he’ll listen to people who do, or read briefings?
  • By agreeing to meet, he just legitimized the regime and put them on equal footing and status with the US. WTG.
Interesting. Someone who campaigned heavily on the premise that mishandling of classified info was virtually a capital offense, pardons someone convicted of it.

@johname, young man took a picture of a submarine he lived in and was sent to federal prison.

22 years old, completed his entire sentence in federal prison.


Hillary Clinton sent top secret information through email, her aid copied it to her pervert husband's laptop. The FBI and DOJ agreed not to prosecute any of her team before they were interviewed.

You people are getting your panties in a wad about the wrong thing. Hate makes you stupid.
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Honest question, how many of you agree aborting a baby b/c he or she has Down syndrome is courageous?

Dislike if you think she was wrong.

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She’s hardly “obscure” and her career is far from over. She’s an award winning director in her industry. How you feel about that industry is irrelevant.

But blame the woman.

Blame a women who's being funded by democrats for blackmail trying to exploit an embarrassing situation for money

Old and busted: "consenting adults"

New democrat hotness: OMG OMG OMG! Man had sex with a porn star.

Let it go.. he was a democrat when the affair happened.
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In Trump's case... by Tweeting...
Did she get an award for directing a porn film?. It so much cooler and acceptable for the industry to give those awards women then horny nerdy dudes, so I hope its something else like directing an HBO special.

Going from memory Trumps position was what Hilary did was massively worst than what the submarine dude did, yet he went to prison. To him not fair so let the guy out.

If Trump mention something in his campaign, he is going to try and do it.
By agreeing to meet, he just legitimized the regime and put them on equal footing and status with the US. WTG.

And if he just continued to ignore North Korea and they kept shooting rockets over Japan you'd be crying he's not doing anything and we are on the brink of nuclear armageddon. How could he let this happen, you'd say. Give us a break with your non-sense please, or go to work at CNN!
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And if he just continued to ignore North Korea and they kept shooting rockets over Japan you'd be crying he's not doing anything and we are on the brink of nuclear armageddon. How could he let this happen, you'd say. Give us a break with your non-sense please, or go to work at CNN!

We could send them money for a pinky promise they'll stop detonating nuclear bombs and turning the earth into radioactive waist.
Kim won't give up on his nukes ever. 45 just legitimized his regime by agreeing to meet with him, something that past presidents have refused to do. Even though they have sent high-level representatives like Albright or retired presidents.

45 will just show up to boost his ego but will not achieve anything.
You don't negotiate with Kim, you try to contain him.
And by the way who is going to 'negotiate' with NK ?

Plenty of experienced diplomats and bureaucrats have left the State Dept which is now on autopilot.
Kim won't give up on his nukes ever. 45 just legitimized his regime by agreeing to meet with him, something that past presidents have refused to do. Even though they have sent high-level representatives like Albright or retired presidents.

None of the so called high level negotiations worked. How is being forced into a negotiation through sanctions and the threat of annihilation legitimizing?

I think you hate President Trump so much, there is nothing he could do that you wouldn't criticize.

45 will just show up to boost his ego but will not achieve anything.
You don't negotiate with Kim, you try to contain him.
And by the way who is going to 'negotiate' with NK ?

Plenty of experienced diplomats and bureaucrats have left the State Dept which is now on autopilot.

State department was a bloated bureaucracy.

1) USA has already stopped NK from exploding more nuclear weapons.

2) Even if President Trump and the State Department achieve nothing more, we've lost nothing.

3) Kim was forced to negotiate.
Liberals complaining about the lack of personnel in the State Dept. should call their Senators and ask them to stop delaying President Trumps nominations.
45 just legitimized his regime by agreeing to meet with him, something that past presidents have refused to do. Even though they have sent high-level representatives like Albright or retired presidents.

North Korea is a country run by a brutal dictator who is on the brink of developing a long range nuclear missle and has shown no propensity to stop testing them over the airspace of our allies. Turning our back on our allies and not protecting our own homeland is not in the best interests of the US. Talking about legitimizing his regime is even more foolish. What does that even mean? Pretending North Korea does not exist is from the liberal playbook and just kicks the can down the road once again, while putting our country and our allies at major risk. Trump has handled this perfectly so far, as diplomacy is THE only option, so why not, at least give it a try. Trump is a deal maker, let him try to make a deal, there is nothing to lose at this point, but the fake media and it's liberal cheerleaders will be rooting for Kim to pull out of negotiations. Let that sink in!
I think you hate President Trump so much, there is nothing he could do that you wouldn't criticize.
I would have criticized another president for doing the same thing. Meeting with Kim could possibly make sense when there is a roadmap and clear objectives, within the framework of a clear foreign policy. But the US administration has no foreign policy.
The only policy of 45 is singing praise for people like Duterte, appeasing the despots like Putin, turning a blind eye on his undermining of USA and allies.
45 is weak and a pussy, and doesn't have the right attitude nor the inclination to defend the national interest where it matters.
On the other hand, he is good at burning bridges with allies.

You know, even a powerful country like yours needs allies.

State department was a bloated bureaucracy.
Bureaucrats are numerous, but talent is in short supply.
And dozens of ambassadorships are still to be fulfilled in key countries. Apparently you agree that diplomacy is important but it's all about people.

1) USA has already stopped NK from exploding more nuclear weapons.
Not at all.

2) Even if President Trump and the State Department achieve nothing more, we've lost nothing.
Yes you have already lost leverage. 45 has given Kim unprecedented recognition, thus legitimizing his regime. In exchange for what ? That he's not going to play with his nukes in the meantime, that is for a short period. There is no indication that another launch was imminent anyway. It's not a even a concession.
We know how the NK regime works, we have seen it before.
They will meet, talk and then business as usual.

3) Kim was forced to negotiate.
He's not negotiating. He's just playing your president, who is totally inexperienced, and - more worrying - is not surrounded by competent people.
In short, there is no strategy, just a daily show.
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45 is weak and a pussy,

You are usually very wise and helpful to most of the readers here regarding domain names @Kate but you couldn't be more wrong on this. Strongest President the U.S has seen in decades! You are what we call, "TrumpBlind", which is blinded by so much hate for the President that nothing he does would ever be "legitimized" in your eyes. Sadly, there is many like you on this thread.

P.S. What is your hangup with Duterte by the way?
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Clinton paid NK.

Bush paid NK

Obama paid NK, Iran, Cuba. Bragged about the dictators he'd talk with during his primary campaign.

USA, Japan, SK, China are pressuring NK to stop blowing up nukes.

But Trump is the problem.

Kate's response is a complete rehashing / repeat of every CNN show for the next two week (in between riveting Stormy Daniel bio-pics )

I would have criticized another president for doing the same thing. Meeting with Kim could possibly make sense when there is a roadmap and clear objectives, within the framework of a clear foreign policy. But the US administration has no foreign policy.
The only policy of 45 is singing praise for people like Duterte, appeasing the despots like Putin, turning a blind eye on his undermining of USA and allies.
45 is weak and a pussy, and doesn't have the right attitude nor the inclination to defend the national interest where it matters.
On the other hand, he is good at burning bridges with allies.

You know, even a powerful country like yours needs allies.

Bureaucrats are numerous, but talent is in short supply.
And dozens of ambassadorships are still to be fulfilled in key countries. Apparently you agree that diplomacy is important but it's all about people.

Not at all.

Yes you have already lost leverage. 45 has given Kim unprecedented recognition, thus legitimizing his regime. In exchange for what ? That he's not going to play with his nukes in the meantime, that is for a short period. There is no indication that another launch was imminent anyway. It's not a even a concession.
We know how the NK regime works, we have seen it before.
They will meet, talk and then business as usual.

He's not negotiating. He's just playing your president, who is totally inexperienced, and - more worrying - is not surrounded by competent people.
In short, there is no strategy, just a daily show.
She’s hardly “obscure” and her career is far from over. She’s an award winning director in her industry. How you feel about that industry is irrelevant.

You mean the AVN award show? Ever been to it? It’s a joke really. Just like the Oscars. I never heard of her, maybe she is a somebody but to whi? And who cares? This is a Trump hater campaign once again. There are thousands of porn producers these days anybody with a camcorder can be one and I have been to the AVN trade shows years ago. Age 18-25 at most, and you are a has been. They attempt to extend their careers at strip clubs, most fade away or become escorts. I actually know quite a bit about that industry and have no issue with it. There are honorable people in that industry, and more than average are scumbags mostly are the Men who run it.

That really makes it even worse, this is a publicity stunt. So she wants to smear our President to fund her enterprise by a lawsuit, publicity, etc. he paid her with an agreement she breached to keep her silence. So You admire her dishonesty?

You are a smart woman, and business owner, I find strange defending her unethical behavior like this out of character for you! If someone made a verbal agreement with you to say write software and you went ahead and wrote it and asked to get paid after delivering it, and then they refused to pay you, you would be angry right? Well, this is no different. Its a transaction that was breached. Like a deadbeat renter.

Prove me wrong, I am all ears.
Strongest President the U.S has seen in decades! You are what we call, "TrumpBlind", which is blinded by so much hate for the President that nothing he does would ever be "legitimized" in your eyes. Sadly, there is many like you on this thread.
He's not strong, he's incompetent and ignorant, and pretends he knows everything. Past presidents, in spite of their weaknesses were more humble. He is a big macho man with a big mouth but he has bad manners.
It is horrifying that women would even vote for him. He's the GOP version of Weinstein, and he is your creature, not mine.
Just to be clear, there have been presidents that were not very competent, but had a
competent administration to make up for their weaknesses. 45 is nuts and doesn't have enough people of the right caliber. There are people who could fit the job, but 45 is a put-off anyway. Reasonable people don't want to enforce his program.

For the record I have abundantly criticized GWB too, another human failure. BO is also a criminal in my book but for different reasons.

The problem with 45 is that he undermines his own administration, his own authority, attacks the free press and all who don't agree with him, the institutions, the Constitution he is supposed to protect. He contradicts his own administration by making careless tweets on a daily basis.
There is one thing he doesn't understand, being POTUS is not a one-man show, it is team play. Now where is the team ?

P.S. What is your hangup with Duterte by the way?
I don't like despots in general. I am pro-freedom, pro-democracy, pro-privacy, pro-human rights. I am upholding values that are supposed to be yours as Americans (disclaimer: I am not a US national). I don't know why you guys turned your back on freedom and democracy. You like strong personalities who despise people and liberties but it's not my thing.
IMHO it is worrying to see the most powerful country on Earth (but for how long) backsliding on freedoms, praising despots and undermining human rights on a global scale.
A country that repudiates its own values doesn't have a bright future.
Kennedy set the bar for cheating. Trump, porn stars. Let the country down. I guess when you have small hands, you can't be choosy.

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